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C C Chen  Y Zhu  J A King  L B Evans 《Biopolymers》1992,32(10):1375-1392
Under physiological conditions, many polypeptide chains spontaneously fold into discrete and tightly packed three-dimensional structures. The folded polypeptide chain conformation is believed to represent a minimum Gibbs energy of the system, governed by the weak interactions that operate between the amino acid residues and between the residues and the solvent. A semiempirical molecular thermodynamic model is proposed to represent the Gibbs energy of folding of aqueous homopolypeptide systems. The model takes into consideration both the entropy contribution and the enthalpy contribution of folding homopolypeptide chains in aqueous solutions. The entropy contribution is derived from the Flory-Huggins expression for the entropy of mixing. It accounts for the entropy loss in folding a random-coiled polypeptide chain into a specific polypeptide conformation. The enthalpy contribution is derived from a molecular segment-based Non-Random Two Liquid (NRTL) local composition model [H. Renon and J. M. Prausnitz (1968) AIChE J., Vol. 14, pp. 135-142; C.-C. Chen and L. B. Evans (1986) AIChE J., Vol. 32, pp. 444-454], which takes into consideration of the residue-residue, residue-solvent, and solvent-solvent binary physical interactions along with the local compositions of amino acid residues in aqueous homopolypeptides. The UNIFAC group contribution method [A. Fredenslund, R. L. Jones, and J. M. Prausnitz (1975) AIChE J., 21, 1086-1099; A. Fredenslund, J. Gmehling, and P. Rasmussen (1977) Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Using UNIFAC, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam], developed originally to estimate the excess Gibbs energy of solutions of small molecules, was used to estimate the NRTL binary interaction parameters. The model yields a hydrophobicity scale for the 20 amino acid side chains, which compares favorably with established scales [Y. Nozaki and C. Tanford (1971) Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 46, pp. 2211-2217; E. B. Leodidis and T. A. Hatton (1990) Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 94, pp. 6411-6420]. In addition, the model generates qualitatively correct thermodynamic constants and it accurately predicts thermodynamically favorable folding of a number of aqueous homopolypeptides from random-coiled states into alpha-helices. The model further facilitates estimation of the Zimm-Bragg helix growth parameter s and the nucleation parameter sigma for amino acid residues [B. H. Zimm and J. K. Bragg (1959) Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 31, pp. 526-535]. The calculated values of the two parameters fall into the ranges suggested by Zimm and Bragg.  相似文献   

For all the 20 natural amino acid residues the conformations, permitted by taking into account steric interactions (a small variation of valent angles was admitted) and interactions with the solvent (water) were singled out.  相似文献   

The relationship between alpha-helical secondary structure and the fluorescence properties of an intrinsic tryptophan residue were investigated. A monomeric alpha-helix forming peptide and a dimeric coiled-coil forming peptide containing a central tryptophan residue were synthesized. The fluorescence parameters of the tryptophan residue were determined for these model systems at a range of fractional alpha-helical contents. The steady-state emission maximum was independent of the fractional alpha-helical content. A minimum of three exponential decay times was required to fully describe the time-resolved fluorescence data. Changes were observed in the decay times and more significantly, in their relative contributions that could be correlated with alpha-helix content. The results were also shown to be consistent with a model in which the decay times were independent of both alpha-helix content and emission wavelength. In this model the relative contributions of the decay time components were directly proportional to the alpha-helix content. Data were also analyzed according to a continuous distribution of exponential decay time model, employing global analysis techniques. The recovered distributions had "widths" that were both poorly defined and independent of peptide conformation. We propose that the three decay times are associated with the three ground-state chi 1 rotamers of the tryptophan residue and that the changes in the relative contributions of the decay times are the result of conformational constraints, imposed by the alpha-helical main-chain, on the chi 1 rotamer populations.  相似文献   

Sterically permissible hydrogen bonds between side chains and the backbone, which fix a small number of angles of internal rotation have been identified. The hydrogen bonds on the ends and within the secondary structures, as well as the most important bonds in the alpha helix and in irregular structures, have been considered.  相似文献   

The stability of a 15-residue peptide has been investigated using CD spectroscopy and molecular simulation techniques. The sequence of the peptide was designed to include key features that are known to stabilize alpha-helices, including ion pairs, helix dipole capping, peptide bond capping, and aromatic interactions. The degree of helicity has been determined experimentally by CD in three solvents (aqueous buffer, methanol, and trifluoroethanol) and at two temperatures. Simulations of the peptide in the aqueous system have been performed over 500 ps at the same two temperatures using a fully explicit solvent model. Consistent with the CD data, the degree of helicity is decreased at the higher temperature. Our analysis of the simulation results has focused on competition between different side-chain/side-chain and side-chain/main-chain interactions, which can, in principle, stabilize the helix. The unfolding in aqueous solution occurs at the amino terminus because the side-chain interactions are insufficient to stabilize both the helix dipole and the peptide hydrogen bonds. Loss of capping of the peptide backbone leads to water insertion within the first peptide hydrogen bond and hence unfolding. In contrast, the carboxy terminus of the alpha-helix is stable in both simulations because the C-terminal lysine residue stabilizes the helix dipole, but at the expense of an ion pair.  相似文献   

Carboxyhemoglobin from the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, separates on isoelectric focusing into a major component A, and a minor component B, which comprises 4–9% of the total. The molecular weights of all the polypeptide chains from either component have been estimated to be near 15,000–16,000 by chromatography on Sephacryl S-200 in 6 m guanidine-HCl after oxidation with performic acid. Species of higher molecular weight were not detected under these conditions. The chains remain partially aggregated, however, in 8 m urea. Electrophoresis in 8 m urea at pH 3.5 on disc gels results in the separation of four protein bands. Analysis of chromatography of either globin A or B on carboxymethylcellulose in 8 m urea indicates that three of these bands are unique polypeptides chains. The fourth, most anodic, band appears to be a product of aggregation and not a unique polypeptide chain. The amino acid composition has been determined for the three chains isolated from each component. The NH2-terminal residues for the three isolated chains of globin A have been determined to be aspartic acid, alanine, and lysine. The unfractionated globin and that from components A and B have the same NH2 termini.  相似文献   

S J Landry  L M Gierasch 《Biochemistry》1991,30(30):7359-7362
Chaperones facilitate folding and assembly of nascent polypeptides in vivo and prevent aggregation in refolding assays in vitro. A given chaperone acts on a number of different proteins. Thus, chaperones must recognize features present in incompletely folded polypeptide chains and not strictly dependent on primary structural information. We have used transferred nuclear Overhauser effects to demonstrate that the Escherichia coli chaperonin GroEL binds to a peptide corresponding to the N-terminal alpha-helix in rhodanese, a mitochondrial protein whose in vitro refolding is facilitated by addition of GroEL, GroES, and ATP. Furthermore, the peptide, which is unstructured when free in aqueous solution, adopts an alpha-helical conformation upon binding to GroEL. Modification of the peptide to reduce its intrinsic propensity to take up alpha-helical structure lowered its affinity for GroEL, but, nonetheless, it could be bound and took up a helical conformation when bound. We propose that GroEL interacts with sequences in an incompletely folded chain that have the potential to adopt an amphipathic alpha-helix and that the chaperonin binding site promotes formation of a helix.  相似文献   

By implementing a simple reduced dimensionality model to describe the interactions in finite systems composed of two seven-amino-acid peptides, the thermodynamic properties of ordered and disordered aggregates were computed. Within this model, the hydrophobicity of each amino acid was varied, and the stability of the systems computed. Accurate averages in the canonical ensemble were obtained using various replica exchange Monte Carlo algorithms. Low and high temperature regions were encountered where the ordered and disordered aggregates were stabilized. It was observed that as the degree of hydrophobicity increased, the stability of the aggregates increased, with a significant energetic stabilization obtained for the ordered aggregates. Upon decreasing the concentration of the solution, the stability of the amorphous aggregates increased when compared to the ordered systems.  相似文献   

K Nagano  H Takagi  M Harel 《Biochimie》1991,73(7-8):947-960
Lim and Spirin [25] proposed a preferable conformation of the nascent peptide during the ribosomal transpeptidation. Spirin and Lim [26] excluded the possibilities of the side-by-side model proposed by Johnson et al [13] and the three-tRNA binding model (A, P and E sites) of Rheinberger and Nierhaus [3]. However, a slight conformational change at the 3' end regions of both A and P site tRNA molecules can enable the three different tRNA binding models to converge. With a modification of the angles of the ribose rings of both anticodon and mRNA this model can also be related to the model of Sundaralingam et al [19]. In this model of E coli rRNA the 3' end sequence ACCA76 or GCCA76 of P site tRNA is base-paired to UGGU810 of 23S rRNA, while the ACC75 or GCC75 of A site tRNA are base-paired to GGU1621 23S rRNA. The conformation of the A76 of A site tRNA is necessarily different from that of P site tRNA, at least during the course of the transpeptidation. The A76 of A site tRNA overlaps the binding region of puromycin. The C1400 of 16S rRNA in this model is located at a distance of 4 A from the 5' end of the anticodon of P site tRNA [14] and 17 A from the 5' end of the anticodon of A site tRNA [15]. It is also shown that a considerable but reasonable modification in the conformation of the anticodon loops could lead to accommodation of three deacylated tRNA(Phe) molecules at a time on 70S ribosome in the presence of poly(U) as observed experimentally [6]. A sterochemical explanation for the negatively-linked allosteric interactions between the A and E sites is also shown in the present model.  相似文献   

Equations are presented for determination of elongation rate in vivo for a heterogenous population of polypeptide chain molecular weights. The distribution of pulse-labeled polypeptide chains in rat liver deoxycholate-soluble protein has been obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and used to compute a theoretical curve for determination of synthesis time of a 50000 mol. wt. polypeptide chain (tc50). Values of tc50 for normal and thyro-parathyroidectomized Long-Evans male rats were 1.2 and 1.75 min, respectively, representing protein synthetic rates of about 7.5 and 5.1 mg protein/g liver/h. No difference in the molecular weight profile of liver polypeptide chains on the basis of labeling or Amido-black staining was observed between the two groups. The distributions of radioactivity before and after secretion of labeled plasma protein are compared. The role of protein-synthetic rate in the changing enzyme levels associated with thyroid hormone is discussed.  相似文献   

Gurmarin is a 35-residue polypeptide from the Asclepiad vine Gymnema sylvestre. It has been utilised as a pharmacological tool in the study of sweet-taste transduction because of its ability to selectively inhibit the neural response to sweet tastants in rats. We have chemically synthesised and folded gurmarin and determined its three-dimensional solution structure to high resolution using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Structure calculations utilised 612 interproton-distance, 19 dihedral-angle, and 18 hydrogen-bond restraints. The structure is well defined for residues 3-34, with backbone and heavy atom rms differences of 0.27 +/- 0.09 A and 0.73 +/- 0.09 A, respectively. Gurmarin adopts a compact structure containing an antiparallel beta-hairpin (residues 22-34), several well-defined beta-turns, and a cystine-knot motif commonly observed in toxic and inhibitory polypeptides. Despite striking structural homology with delta-atracotoxin, a spider neurotoxin known to slow the inactivation of voltage-gated Na+ channels, we show that gurmarin has no effect on a variety of voltage-sensitive channels.  相似文献   

A novel open-source biomechanical model of the index finger with an electromyography (EMG)-constrained static optimization solution method are developed with the goal of improving co-contraction estimates and providing means to assess tendon tension distribution through the finger. The Intrinsic model has four degrees of freedom and seven muscles (with a 14 component extensor mechanism). A novel plugin developed for the OpenSim modelling software applied the EMG-constrained static optimization solution method. Ten participants performed static pressing in three finger postures and five dynamic free motion tasks. Index finger 3D kinematics, force (5, 15, 30 N), and EMG (4 extrinsic muscles and first dorsal interosseous) were used in the analysis. The Intrinsic model predicted co-contraction increased by 29% during static pressing over the existing model. Further, tendon tension distribution patterns and forces, known to be essential to produce finger action, were determined by the model across all postures. The Intrinsic model and custom solution method improved co-contraction estimates to facilitate force propagation through the finger. These tools improve our interpretation of loads in the finger to develop better rehabilitation and workplace injury risk reduction strategies.  相似文献   

A replica approach analogous to that used in spin glass systems is implemented to study the configurational space of a heteropolymeric model of protein with a quenched, disordered sequence of links in the limit of a large number of link types. It is shown that there exists a threshold value of chain heterogeneity which separates two qualitatively different types of behavior. For a low degree of heterogeneity the protein globule is like a homopolymer in a collapsed state without definite chain folds: an exponentially large number of folds make a significant contribution to the partition function in this regime. After the threshold heterogeneity has been overcome, the chain freezes drastically but without latent heat; few (approx. 1) frozen states with definite chain folds are thermodynamically dominant in this state. The relation of these results to thermodynamic aspects of protein folding is discussed.  相似文献   

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