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To distribute video and audio data in real-time streaming mode, two different technologies – Content Distribution Network (CDN) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) – have been proposed. However, both technologies have their own limitations: CDN servers are expensive to deploy and maintain, and consequently incur a cost for media providers and/or clients for server capacity reservation. On the other hand, a P2P-based architecture requires sufficient number of seed supplying peers to jumpstart the distribution process. Compared with a CDN server, a peer usually offers much lower out-bound streaming rate and hence multiple peers must jointly stream a media data to a requesting peer. Furthermore, it is not clear how to determine how much a peer should contribute back to the system after receiving the media data, in order to sustain the overall media distribution capacity.In this paper, we propose and analyze a novel hybrid architecture that integrates both CDN- and P2P-based streaming media distribution. The architecture is highly cost-effective: it significantly lowers the cost of CDN capacity reservation, without compromising the media quality delivered. In particular, we propose and compare different limited contribution policies for peers that request a media data, so that the streaming capacity of each peer can be exploited on a fair and limited basis. We present: (1) in-depth analysis of the proposed architecture under different contribution policies, and (2) extensive simulation results which validate the analysis. Our analytical and simulation results form a rigorous basis for the planning and dimensioning of the hybrid architecture.  相似文献   

Streaming media from the Internet is a successful application for end-users. With the upcoming success of mobile devices and home networking environments, cooperation among users will become more important in the future. To achieve such cooperation, explicit middleware standards have been defined. On the other hand, Internet conferencing applications do not handle collaborative streaming sessions with individual control for each user. We propose a new concept for cooperation exemplary for collaborative media streaming using IETF multimedia session control protocols together with a proxy architecture. This concept enables both synchronization among clients and flexible control to individual users.  相似文献   

数据驱动型覆盖网络中的数据调度算法是影响P2P流媒体系统性能的重要因素,为了解决当前算法未能有效利用数据块和节点的特性导致流媒体服务质量差的问题,提出了一种基于数据块优先级和节点能力度的数据调度算法。该算法能够根据数据块的稀缺性、紧迫性得到块的优先级大小,根据节点的上行带宽、在线时间、相对距离得到节点能力度的大小,使优先级高的数据块和能力度大的节点优先被请求,减少了数据块的播放等待时间。在OPNET网络仿真实验表明该算法能够有效降低流媒体播放系统的启动延时和服务器的负载。  相似文献   

During recent years, the Internet has witnessed rapid advancement in peer-to-peer (P2P) media streaming. In these applications, an important issue has been the block scheduling problem, which deals with how each node requests the media data blocks from its neighbors. In most streaming systems, peers are likely to have heterogeneous upload/download bandwidths, leading to the fact that different peers probably perceive different streaming quality. Layered (or scalable) streaming in P2P networks has recently been proposed to address the heterogeneity of the network environment. In this paper, we propose a novel block scheduling scheme that is aimed to address the P2P layered video streaming. We define a soft priority function for each block to be requested by a node in accordance with the block’s significance for video playback. The priority function is unique in that it strikes good balance between different factors, which makes the priority of a block well represent the relative importance of the block over a wide variation of block size between different layers. The block scheduling problem is then transformed to an optimization problem that maximizes the priority sum of the delivered video blocks. We develop both centralized and distributed scheduling algorithms for the problem. Simulation of two popular scalability types has been conducted to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is effective in terms of bandwidth utilization and video quality.  相似文献   

In this work, a directional streaming hardware architecture for Deblocking Filter (DBF) of High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) decoder is presented. The architecture uses adaptive parallel and pipeline processing strategies for low power and high-performance applications including broadcasting and Virtual reality etc. In order to remove the dependency from neighboring blocks, a restructured block size have been used. Since, the developed architecture is scalable, 68 × 68 Coding Unit (CU) block processing supports splitting into 36 × 36, 20 × 20 and 12 × 12. The proposed architecture uses 3-stage pipeline to complete the 68 × 68 CU block processing of DBF. The stage-1 micro-pipeline stages of 8, 4, 2 and 1 varied in accordance with CU sizes 68 × 68, 36 × 36, 20 × 20 and 12 × 12 respectively. In stage-2 of main pipeline, the blocks are further processed into single cycle parallel edge-filter. Each 8 × 8 block is processed for DBF Horizontal Filtering (HF) and Vertical Filtering (VF) simultaneously. During the stage-3 process of write-back operations, 4 × 8 blocks are stored into the memory to reconstruct the frame. The design has been implemented in both Field Programmable Gate array (FPGA) Virtex-6 and Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) using 180 nm technology. The results show that 68 × 68, 36 × 36 and 20 × 20 CU blocks have higher processing speed with reduced resources of 254K, 31K and 14.7K as compared with the previous works. The proposed architecture supports low power and high processing speed applications because of variable throughput.  相似文献   

The number of live multimedia streaming applications is increasing, explaining the use of many overlay network topologies. Application-layer multicast (ALM) that it is a feasible alternative to multimedia stream has attracted considerable attention. However, a serious problem of ALM is that the multicast tree may be fragile, and peer failure causes tree partitions. This work presents a novel Hierarchical Ring Tree (HRT) architecture for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live multimedia streaming. The proposed architecture combines ring-based and tree-based structures in a robust, scalable, reliable and resilient structure that can be used practically as an ALM topology. When peers enter or leave the system, the topology can be recovered rapidly such that live multimedia stream can be delivered smoothly with a low latency. The proposed HRT topology is maintained efficiently without splitting or merging trees. The performance of the proposed architecture and algorithms is evaluated experimentally. Experimental results indicate that the proposed topology can be used in a high-churn P2P network with a small delay. Simulation and experiment results reveal that the proposed architecture has a lower overhead than the ZIGZAG approach when handling peers’ joining or leaving, exhibits faster recovery, better quality-of-service during streaming, and a more robust topology, even with an extremely high number of peers joining/leaving.  相似文献   

一种分层分簇的P2P流媒体覆盖网络模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出一种新型的分层分簇结构的P2P覆盖网络模型HCPON。该模型根据能力对节点分层处理,分簇聚合,分别应用不同方案优化覆盖网络结构,兼顾了节点的能力差异性和位置特性。仿真实验表明,该模型具有很好的可扩展性和鲁棒性,能够满足大规模流媒体服务需求。  相似文献   

P2P流媒体数据调度研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘亚杰  王晖  郭波 《计算机应用》2008,28(4):829-831
P2P流媒体通过利用网络上普通主机节点的资源来提供流媒体数据服务,是一种扩展性好、性价比高的流媒体服务体系。数据调度是P2P流媒体研究中的核心问题,流媒体中严格的服务质量要求、Peer节点状态的不稳定性以及其带宽资源的有限性是其面临的主要挑战。介绍了近几年来该领域基于单播树、多组播树和随机拓扑三类典型的数据调度策略的原理特点和Peer节点搜索定位技术的研究进展,指出了未来的几种研究方向。  相似文献   

鲍荣真  蔡明 《计算机应用》2011,31(1):190-193
为了提高P2P流媒体的传输性能,提出一种基于图着色的数据调度算法。算法规定加入系统的每个节点和数据块都被分配某种颜色,请求节点优先获取相同颜色的数据块。根据数据稀有性、紧急性、新鲜性定义数据块优先级别,同时评估伙伴节点数据提供能力,以选择恰当的数据提供者。该算法能有效平衡节点负载,合理利用系统带宽,使数据分布更均匀,提高了系统传输性能。仿真实验表明,算法在数据填充率、启动延迟、数据到达率等重要指标上都优于传统数据调度算法。  相似文献   

针对视频节目受欢迎程度不同的特性,提出一种P2P流媒体系统中的缓存替换算法,通过将系统中的全部视频片段分类,为其赋予不同的优先级,并周期性地更新该值,同时考虑视频片段被访问次数和最近被访问的情况,使得被替换出存储空间的片段更加合理。实验表明,该算法能提高缓存命中率及系统的启动延时,性能较优。  相似文献   

一种自适应的P2P流媒体数据调度算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对现有算法在有限带宽情况下数据块易丢失的问题,提出了一种新颖的数据调度算法——最少优先调度算法(LFSA)。该算法易于实现,并且可以根据网络的异构性,带宽抖动以及P2P网络节点的动态性进行自动调整。实验结果表明,LFSA能够有效缩短系统播放启动延迟,而且可以在不知道伙伴节点带宽和没有任何负载平衡机制的情况下取得比传统策略更好的性能。  相似文献   

针对目前DHT系统较高的维护开销、应用层网络与物理网络的拓扑失配等不足,提出一种基于分层DHT的拓扑感知流媒体体系TA-chord2。分层的设计使节点根据其服务能力对系统做出相应的贡献;PNS原则和Vivaldi坐标减少了节点的查询延迟和媒体数据的传播延迟;多个邻近的供应者同时给一个请求者提供流服务,提高了流媒体系统的传输效率和服务质量。实验仿真结果表明该体系有更低的维护开销、更好的路由性能和更高的服务效率。  相似文献   

Peer-Peer (P2P) technologies have recently been in the limelight for their disruptive power in particular they have emerged as a powerful multimedia content distribution mechanism. However, the widespread deployment of P2P networks are hindered by several issues, especially the ones that influence end-user satisfaction, including reliability. In this paper, we propose a solution for an efficient and user-oriented keyword lookup service on P2P networks. The proposed mechanism has been designed to achieve reliability via index load balancing and address the scalability issues of extremely popular keywords in the index. The system performance have been analytically derived as well implemented using the OpenDHT framework on PlanetLab.
Paola SalomoniEmail:

基于IP流媒体技术的嵌入式流媒体终端因其使用简单、便于携带而迅速发展,但传统的嵌入式流媒体终端在成本、性能和算法易升级性等方面存在诸多问题;以S3C6410微处理器为核心,综合考虑硬件的多媒体处理能力和软件的可升级性,提出一种层次化、模块化的设计方案;同时在终端引入P2P播放模式,使得近距离终端设备之间以P2P方式共享视频流,减轻服务器负载。详细讨论了流媒体终端缓存空间管理机制、流媒体数据下载速度调整策略和播放流程设计。通过实验验证了该方案的可行性。  相似文献   

介绍了典型的P2P流媒体系统模型,并指出基于多播树协议的服务模型与基于Gossip协议的服务模型的区别.分析了对P2P流媒体系统的节点的调度算法、数据存储、资源发现、内容分发等关键技术,在此基础上指出了P2P流媒体系统进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

P2P技术解决了传统流媒体应用中的不能支持大用户的问题.而数据调度算法一直是P2P研究中的热点问题.在给出了P2P视频直播系统中节点能力的定义和计算方法后,结合BT中的Rarest First策略,提出了一种基于节点能力的适用于P2P视频直播系统的数据调度算法.该算法既考虑了流媒体数据具有时间限制的特性,同时也考虑了如何能充分的利用节点的上传带宽,增进了系统的负载平衡.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new multicast tree framework to be used in peer-to-peer (P2P) live video streaming systems. The proposed system, adapts the tree links under high peer churn and runs in a totally distributed manner. In order to provide this dynamism and seamless streaming at the same time, we propose a cross layer design involving scalable video codec, backup parents and hierarchical clusters. The performance of the system is measured in real world environment PlanetLab that has nodes distributed all over the world. The experiments show that the proposed system provides high quality of experience (QoE) in terms of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), playback delay and duration of pauses. The proposed system also provides incentive mechanism to its users.  相似文献   

Over the last decade research has been pursued on all aspects of streaming media. While many theoretical results have been reported in the literature, few performance results of large‐scale systems have been published. In this report we specifically explore the scalability aspects of our Yima streaming media architecture in an end‐to‐end test environment. With Yima, it was our goal to design and implement an architecture that would scale in performance from small to large systems. Some of the design features include (1) a multi‐node cluster architecture based on commodity hardware and custom software, (2) media type independence (support ranges from 500 Kb s MPEG‐4 to 45 Mb s HDTV, at both variable and constant bitrates), (3) fine‐grained online scale up/down capabilities, and (4) a client‐controlled rate smoothing protocol. We briefly discuss the design and implementation of these capabilities of Yima and then thoroughly evaluate its scalability through several sets of experiments. Our results show that Yima scales linearly (within the range of our test parameters) as a function of the cluster size and also as a function of available resources such as network bandwidth and CPU performance. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于时间间隔的P2P流媒体直播系统缓存算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对基于分片传输机制的P2P流媒体直播系统客户端缓存问题,为提高节点间请求数据分片的命中率和避免数据分片大量冗余,提出一种依赖邻居节点请求量的节点缓存替换算法.该算法将分片在节点的缓存时间进行等间隔划分,利用马尔可夫链转移概率矩阵计算理论,预测分片在下一时刻的缓存价值.并将该算法和传统算法FIFO及LRU算法进行了对比实验,实验结果表明,在同等条件下,该算法相较于传统算法能更好地提高数据的命中率.  相似文献   

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