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The interactions of partially unfolded proteins provide insight into protein folding and protein aggregation. In this work, we studied partially unfolded hen egg lysozyme interactions in solutions containing up to 7 M guanidinium chloride (GdnHCl). The osmotic second virial coefficient (B(22)) of lysozyme was measured using static light scattering in GdnHCl aqueous solutions at 20 degrees C and pH 4.5. B(22) is positive in all solutions, indicating repulsive protein-protein interactions. At low GdnHCl concentrations, B(22) decreases with rising ionic strength: in the absence of GdnHCl, B(22) is 1.1 x 10(-3) mLmol/g(2), decreasing to 3.0 x 10(-5) mLmol/g(2) in the presence of 1 M GdnHCl. Lysozyme unfolds in solutions at GdnHCl concentrations higher than 3 M. Under such conditions, B(22) increases with ionic strength, reaching 8.0 x 10(-4) mLmol/g(2) at 6.5 M GdnHCl. Protein-protein hydrodynamic interactions were evaluated from concentration-dependent diffusivity measurements, obtained from dynamic light scattering. At moderate GdnHCl concentrations, lysozyme interparticle interactions are least repulsive and hydrodynamic interactions are least attractive. The lysozyme hydrodynamic radius was calculated from infinite-dilution diffusivity and did not change significantly during protein unfolding. Our results contribute toward better understanding of protein interactions of partially unfolded states in the presence of a denaturant; they may be helpful for the design of protein refolding processes that avoid protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Understanding aqueous protein-protein interactions is crucial for the development of a molecular-thermodynamic model for salt-induced protein precipitation. In addition, protein interactions are important in many disease states, including cataract formation and alpha-amyloid diseases. Fluorescence anisotropy provides a means to measure intermolecular interactions. In this work, monomer-dimer equilibrium of the peptide T4 LYS(11-36) was studied by fluorescence anisotropy over the pH range 4-7 and the NaCl concentration range 0.0-1.0 M, in a 25 mM sodium phosphate buffer. This 26 amino-acid peptide is derived from the beta-sheet region of the T4 lysozyme molecule and has the potential to form amyloid fibrils. The association constant for dimerization increases with rising pH and ionic strength. The potential of mean force for peptide-peptide interactions was calculated from these association constants. Circular-dichroism measurements show that the peptide becomes more structured as the pH rises, possibly contributing to increased association.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions were measured for ovalbumin and for lysozyme in aqueous salt solutions. Protein-protein interactions are correlated with a proposed potential of mean force equal to the free energy to desolvate the protein surface that is made inaccessible to the solvent due to the protein-protein interaction. This energy is calculated from the surface free energy of the protein that is determined from protein-salt preferential-interaction parameter measurements. In classical salting-out behavior, the protein-salt preferential interaction is unfavorable. Because addition of salt raises the surface free energy of the protein according to the surface-tension increment of the salt, protein-protein attraction increases, leading to a reduction in solubility. When the surface chemistry of proteins is altered by binding of a specific ion, salting-in is observed when the interactions between (kosmotrope) ion-protein complexes are more repulsive than those between the uncomplexed proteins. However, salting-out is observed when interactions between (chaotrope) ion-protein complexes are more attractive than those of the uncomplexed proteins.  相似文献   

Transport properties of concentrated electrolytes have been analysed using classical molecular dynamics simulations with the algorithms and parameters typical of simulations describing complex electrokinetic phenomena. The electrical conductivity and transport numbers of electrolytes containing monovalent (KCl), divalent (MgCl2), a mixture of both (KCl+MgCl2) and trivalent (LaCl3) cations have been obtained from simulations of the electrolytes in electric fields of different magnitude. The results obtained for different simulation parameters have been discussed and compared with experimental measurements of our own and from the literature. The electroosmotic flow of water molecules induced by the ionic current in different cases has been calculated and interpreted with the help of the hydration properties extracted from the simulations.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid phase-separation data are obtained for aqueous solutions of lysozyme. Thermooptical analysis (TOA) technique overcomes many defects of the light scattering method, which is most commonly used for this purpose, and provides a simple, rapid and reliable experimental method to determine cloud-point temperatures (CPTs) of aqueous protein solution systems. The TOA apparatus described here needs very small amount of samples (0.02 ml), and CPT can easily be determined in a very short time. The CPTs are measured as a function of salt type and concentration at pH 4.0 and 7.0. Salts used include those from mono and divalent cations and anions, and the modified Perturbed-Hard-Sphere-Chain (PHSC) model that takes into account the shape of protein is used to interpret the effect of salts.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions have been measured for a mutant (D101F) lysozyme and for native lysozyme in concentrated solutions of ammonium sulfate at pH 7 and sodium chloride at pH 4.5. In the mutant lysozyme, a surface aspartate residue has been replaced with a hydrophobic phenylalanine residue. The protein-protein interactions of D101F lysozyme are more attractive than those of native lysozyme for all conditions studied. The salt-induced attraction is correlated with a solvation potential of mean force given by the work required to desolvate the part of the protein surfaces that is buried by the protein-protein interaction. This work is proportional to the aqueous surface-tension increment of the salt and the fractional non-polar surface coverage of the protein. Experimental measurements of osmotic second virial coefficients validate a proposed potential of mean force that ascribes the salt-induced attraction between protein molecules to an enhancement of the hydrophobic attraction. This model provides a first approximation for predicting the protein-protein potential of mean force in concentrated aqueous electrolyte solutions; this potential is useful for determining solution conditions favorable for protein crystallization.  相似文献   

The molecular weights of different aggregational states of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase purified from the leaves of Zea mays have been determined by measurement of the molecular diameter using a Malvern dynamic light scattering spectrometer. Using these data to identify the monomer, dimer, tetramer, and larger aggregate(s) the effect of pH and various ligands on the aggregational equilibria of this enzyme have been determined. At neutral pH the enzyme favored the tetrameric form. At both low and high pH the tetramer dissociated, followed by aggregation to a "large" inactive form. The order of dissociation at least at low pH appeared to be two-step: from tetramer to dimers followed by dimer to monomers. The monomers then aggregate to a large aggregate, which is inactive. The presence of EDTA at pH 8 protected the enzyme against both inactivation and large aggregate formation. Dilution of the enzyme at pH 7 at room temperature results in driving the equilibrium from tetramer to dimer. The presence of malate with EDTA stabilizes the dimer as the predominant form at low protein concentrations. The presence of the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate alone and with magnesium and bicarbonate induced formation of the tetramer, and decreased the dissociation constant (Kd) of the tetrameric form. The inhibitor malate, however, induced dissociation of the tetramer as evidenced by an increase in the Kd of the tetramer.  相似文献   

The kinetics and thermodynamics of lysozyme precipitation in ammonium sulfate solutions at pH 4 and 8 and room temperature were studied. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) was used to characterize the structure of lysozyme precipitates. It was found that, if sufficient time was allowed, microcrystals developed following an induction period after initial lysozyme precipitation, even up to ionic strengths of 8 m and at acidic pH, where lysozyme is refractory to crystallization in ammonium sulfate. The full set of precipitation and crystallization data allowed construction of a phase diagram of lysozyme, showing the ammonium sulfate dependence. It suggests that precipitation may reflect a frustrated metastable liquid-liquid phase separation, which would allow this process to be understood within the framework of the generic phase diagram for proteins. The results also demonstrate that XRD, more frequently used for characterizing inorganic and organic polycrystalline materials, is useful both in characterizing the presence of crystals in the dense phase and in verifying the crystal form of proteins.  相似文献   

Titration experiments have been carried out in order to measure the net proton charge of beta- and kappa-casein in NaCl solutions at 0.1 M and 1 M salt concentrations, at 4 degrees C, in the pH range between 5.5 and 10.5. Experimental data are compared with model values calculated through pK(a)'s of titrable groups neglecting the electrostatic perturbation term (deltapK(a)) in order to evaluate the magnitude of the error caused by this approximation and to delimit its effectiveness. At both ionic strengths, the agreement is good for kappa-casein in the pH range [5.5, 9.5], while errors of up to 2 charges are observed for beta-casein in the same range. These deviations are likely to be caused by strong electrostatic effects induced by the high density of negative charges of beta-casein 1-21 peptide. In order to account for these electrostatic effects, the net proton charge on this peptide is evaluated through a model based on the counterion condensation theory developed for the titration of polyelectrolytes with different types of ionizable groups.  相似文献   

Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) method was used to study lysozyme solutions, with particular interest in an understanding of the crystallization process at the initial stage. It is found that (1) in the unsaturated solution, the protein molecules aggregate with a continuous increase in size when NaCl concentration is increased, and (2) in the supersaturated solution, an irreversible change, superimposed on the former process, occurs when the supersaturation is realized. These facts indicate the usefulness of SANS in detecting changes of protein molecules in solution on the nanometer scale. The reliability of the SANS results are indicated by (1) comparing them with those of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and (2) comparing the effect of D(2)O and H(2)O as solvent. Since the interparticle interaction is essential in the crystallization process and a simple Guinier plot analysis is not allowed, a more rigorous framework of analyzing data with interference function is developed, through which both average interparticle distance and particle size are estimated.  相似文献   

The time dependence of aggregation in supersaturated lysozyme solutions was studied using pulsed-gradient spin-echo NMR diffusion measurements as a function of lysozyme concentration at pH 6.0 and 298 K in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl. The measurements provide estimates of the weight-averaged diffusion coefficient of the monomeric to intermediate molecular weight lysozyme species present in the solution (very large aggregates and crystals are excluded from the average due to the NMR relaxation-weighting effects inherent in the method). The results show that the average molecular weight of the various lysozyme aggregates changed with sigmoidal kinetics and that these kinetics were strongly influenced by the initial lysozyme concentration. The visualization of the time dependence of the protein aggregation afforded by this method provides a deeper understanding of how the crystallizing conditions (especially the initial protein concentration) are related to the resulting crystals.  相似文献   

Transitions between isotropic and liquid crystalline phases of concentrated solutions of DNA with an average contour length (500 A) near the persistence length were examined in 0.01 M supporting 1:1 electrolyte (predominantly NaCl). A quantitative phase diagram describing the transitions occurring over a DNA concentration range from 100 to 290 mg/mL and temperatures from 20 to 60 degrees C was constructed from solid-state 31P-nmr data and examination of the morphologies of the mesophases by polarized light microscopy. Three anisotropic phases were observed in solutions with DNA concentrations of 160-290 mg/mL: an unidentified, weakly birefringent phase termed "precholesteric," a true cholesteric phase with pitch approximately 2 microns, and a third, presumably more highly ordered phase. Comparison with previous studies showed that the critical concentration for anisotropic phase formation and the nature of the phases formed by these DNA molecules are not strongly affected by decreasing the supporting electrolyte concentration from approximately 0.2 M to 10 mM. There are, however, profound effects of decreasing the supporting electrolyte concentration on the width of the transition from isotropic to totally anisotropic solutions, and the nature of the transitions between phases. Decreasing the supporting electrolyte concentration significantly increases the concentration range of persistence of the isotrophic phase, and results in the formation of triphasic solutions (isotropic and two liquid crystalline phases). Values of the critical DNA concentrations for anisotropic phase formation from the theory of A. Stroobants et al. [(1986) Macromolecules 19, 2232 to 2238] were found to be significantly lower than the observed values for any reasonable estimate of the effective radius, probably because of the relatively short lengths of DNA fragments examined in the present study. Comparison of the experimentally determined DNA concentrations required for anisotropic phase formation with the values predicted from Flory's lattice statistics theory, which explicitly considers the rod length, permitted estimation of the effective DNA radius. The estimated radius was inconsistent with effective radii calculated from Poisson-Boltzmann (P-B) theory based on a supporting electrolyte concentration of 10 mM, but was in fair agreement with P-B theory assuming that Na+ DNA contributes approximately 0.24 Na+ counterions/nucleotide to the effective free sodium ion concentration.  相似文献   

T E Strzelecka  R L Rill 《Biopolymers》1990,30(7-8):803-814
Aqueous solutions of DNA fragments with a contour length (500 A) near the persistence length at DNA concentrations ranging from 10 to 290 mg/mL solvent and a constant supporting electrolyte concentration of 0.01 M (predominantly NaCl) were examined by 23Na-nmr spectroscopy at temperatures of 20, 40, and 60 degrees C. Over the higher portion of this concentration range (greater than 100 mg/ml) the DNA solutions undergo a complex series of transitions between different anisotropic, liquid crystalline phases (T. E. Strzelecka and R. L. Rill, Biopolymers, in press). Counterions in solutions of strong polyelectrolytes are usually described in terms of a two-state model as free or "bound" (influenced by the electrostatic field of the polyanion). The longitudinal relaxation rate (R1 = 1/T1) at all DNA concentrations decreased with increasing temperature, demonstrating fast exchange between free and bound counterions. R1 increased nearly linearly with increasing DNA phosphate/sodium ratio in the isotropic domain until the onset of anisotropic phase formation, in agreement with similar nmr studies conducted at low DNA concentrations. The value of R1,b = 194 +/- 7 Hz obtained for the isotropic phase from 10 to 100 mg DNA/mL at 20 degrees C was in agreement with values reported previously. A nonlinear increase in R1 with DNA concentration was observed upon onset of anisotropic phase formation, indicating an increase in the product of the fraction of bond ions times their relaxation rate (r.R1,b). The spectral lineshape of all isotropic samples was Lorentzian. Spectra of anisotropic samples exhibited low magnitude quadrupole splitting of less than or equal to 400 Hz correlated with appearance of a cholesteric phase with pitch approximately 2 microns. The magnitude of the quadrupole splitting decreased with increasing DNA concentration at low temperatures and increased with concentration at high temperatures. At all concentrations the quadrupole splitting decreased then increased with temperature. These temperature- and concentration-dependent changes in quadrupole splitting are consistent with an angle between the DNA helix axis and the principal component (VZZ) of the local electric field gradient tensor near the "magic angle" of 54.7 degrees.  相似文献   

Alcohols have been widely used as protein denaturants, precipitants and crystallization reagents. We have studied the effect of alcohols on aqueous hen-egg lysozyme self-interactions by measuring the osmotic second virial coefficient (B22) using static light scattering. Addition of alcohols increases B22, indicating stronger protein-protein repulsion or weaker attraction. For the monohydric alcohols used in this study (methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, n-butanol, iso-butanol and trifluoroethanol), B22 for lysozyme reaches a common plateau at approximately 5% (v/v) alcohol, while glycerol increases B22 more than monohydric alcohols. For a 0.05 M NaCl hen-egg lysozyme solution at pH 7, B22 increases from 2.4 x 10(-4) to 4.7 x 10(-4) ml mol/g2 upon addition of monohydric alcohols and to 5.8 x 10(-4) ml mol/g2 upon addition of glycerol. We describe the alcohol effect using a simple model that supplements the DLVO theory with an additional alcohol-dependent term representing orientation-averaged hydrophobic interactions. In this model, the increased lysozyme repulsive forces in the presence of monohydric alcohols are interpreted in terms of adsorption of alcohol molecules on hydrophobic sites on the protein surface. This adsorption reduces attractive hydrophobic protein-protein interactions. A thicker lysozyme hydration layer in aqueous glycerol solution can explain the glycerol-increased lysozyme-lysozyme repulsion.  相似文献   

J Marra  J Israelachvili 《Biochemistry》1985,24(17):4608-4618
We report direct measurements of the full interbilayer force laws (force vs. distance) between bilayers of various phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamine in aqueous solutions. Bilayers were first deposited on molecularly smooth (mica) surfaces and the interbilayer forces then measured at a resolution of 1 A. Three types of forces were identified: attractive van der Waals forces, repulsive electrostatic (double-layer) forces, and (at short range) repulsive steric hydration forces. Double-layer forces, which arise from ion binding, were insignificant in monovalent salt solutions, e.g., NaCl up to 1 M, but were already present in solutions containing millimolar levels of CaCl2 and MgCl2, giving rise to forces in excellent agreement with theory. Ca2+ binds more strongly than Mg2+, and both bind less to lecithin bilayers in the fluid state (T greater than Tc). The plane of charge coincides with the location of the negative phosphate groups, while the effective plane of origin of the van der Waals force is 4-5 A farther out. In water, the adhesion energies are in the range 0.10-0.15 erg/cm2 for lecithins and approximately 0.8 erg/cm2 for phosphatidylethanolamine. The adhesion energies vary on addition of salt due to changes in the repulsive double-layer and hydration forces rather than to a change in the attractive van der Waals force. The short-range repulsive forces which balance the van der Waals force at separations of 10-30 A are due to a combination of hydration and steric repulsions, the latter arising from thermal motions of head groups and thickness fluctuations of fluid bilayers (above Tc). It is also concluded that bilayer fusion is not simply related to the interbilayer force law.  相似文献   

Distance measurements in spin-labeled lysozyme   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P G Schmidt  I D Kuntz 《Biochemistry》1984,23(18):4261-4266
The single His-15 of hen egg lysozyme reacts with 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-(bromoacetamido)piperidinyl-1-oxy or 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-(bromoacetamido)pyrrolidinyl-1-oxy to give a spin-labeled enzyme [Wien, R. W., Morrisett, J. D., & McConnell, H. M. (1972) Biochemistry 11, 3707-3716]. High-field 1H NMR spectra (300 and 500 MHz) of these species in 2H2O contain protein peaks selectively broadened by dipolar coupling to the unpaired electron spin. While usually difficult to discern in the spectrum itself, broadened resonances are revealed in difference spectra obtained by subtracting the original spectrum from one taken after reduction of the nitroxide radical with ascorbate. The heights of difference spectra peaks are related in a simple way to r-6, where r is the label to proton distance. These distances were used to solve for the location of the electron spin by using algorithms from distance geometry. The spin was found to lie in a hydrophobic groove between Phe-3 and Asp-87. These results demonstrate the feasibility of spin-labeling for accurate distance measurements in proteins through the use of distance geometry.  相似文献   

We propose a new method to measure the viscosity of concentrated protein solutions in a high-throughput format. This method measures the apparent hydrodynamic radius of polystyrene beads with known sizes using a dynamic light scattering (DLS) system with a microplate reader. Glycerol solution viscosities obtained by the DLS method were in good agreement with those reported in the literature. Viscosity of the solutions of two monoclonal antibody molecules was acquired using both DLS and cone-and-plate techniques, and the results were comparable. The DLS method described here has the potential to be used in many aspects of protein characterization.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid phase-separation data were obtained for aqueous saline solutions of hen egg-white lysozyme at a fixed protein concentration (87 g/l). The cloud-point temperature (CPT) was measured as a function of salt type and salt concentration to 3 M, at pH 4.0 and 7.0. Salts used included those from mono and divalent cations and anions. For the monovalent cations studied, as salt concentration increases, the CPT increases. For divalent cations, as salt concentration rises, a maximum in the CPT is observed and attributed to ion binding to the protein surface and subsequent water structuring. Trends for sulfate salts were dramatically different from those for other salts because sulfate ion is strongly hydrated and excluded from the lysozyme surface. For anions at fixed salt concentration, the CPT decreases with rising anion kosmotropic character. Comparison of CPTs for pH 4.0 and 7.0 revealed two trends. At low ionic strength for a given salt, differences in CPT can be explained in terms of repulsive electrostatic interactions between protein molecules, while at higher ionic strength, differences can be attributed to hydration forces. A model is proposed for the correlation and prediction of the CPT as a function of salt type and salt concentration. NaCl was chosen as a reference salt, and CPT deviations from that of NaCl were attributed to hydration forces. The Random Phase Approximation, in conjunction with a square-well potential, was used to calculate the strength of protein-protein interactions as a function of solution conditions for all salts studied.  相似文献   

Sonicated calf-thymus DNA (200 ± 30 base pairs) spontaneously forms viscoelastic gels over a wide range of concentration, temperature, and buffer conditions. Quasielastic light scattering (QLS) can be used to monitor this process, because the ratio of dynamic-to-static scattering intensity decreases dramatically as gelation occurs. Using QLS, we have explored the effects of DNA concentration and mono- and divalent cations on the thermal stability of DNA gels. We found that the gel–sol transition temperature (Tgel) varies linearly with [DNA] from 7.5 to 17 mg/mL. Both Na+ and Mg2+ strongly stabilize the gel state. The sharpness of the transition increases with increasing ionic and DNA concentrations. Analysis of the Na+-dependent gelation indicates that the process requires the association of one Na+ per 118 base pairs. Mg2+ effectively stabilizes the gel at concentrations 10-fold below those required for Na+. The unexpectedly large effect of Mg2+ suggests that ion-specific interactions may play an important role in determining gel stability.  相似文献   

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