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以山西地堑系罗云山山前断裂的基岩断层面为例,用陆基Li DAR扫描获取了断层面形貌学数据,采用各向同性变差函数法计算了断层面形貌的分维值。结果显示,断层面形貌在高度上具有显著的分带性,每个分带的特征分维值随断层面高度的增加呈阶跃式变化。分析认为这种形貌特征可能反映了断层面与多次地震相关的间歇式出露方式。分带高度指示了约3m和1m的2组同震倾滑位移量,各分带之间的分维值过渡带是断层面缓慢剥露的结果。与片麻岩区的断层面形貌学研究结果相比,灰岩断层面形貌学分维值随着暴露时间的增加而减小,2种岩性区的断层面分维值D与断层面高度H呈现类似镜像的关系,在气候构造条件大致相同的情况下,考虑为岩性差异的影响。  相似文献   

大青山山前活动断裂带分段与潜在震源区划分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
潜在震源区的划分主要包括潜在震源区范围的划定以及震级上限的确定,目前遵循地震构造类比和地震活动重复等原则。而活断层的分段特性也是潜在震源区划分时必须考虑的一个重要因素。大青山山前断裂带至今有3种不同的分段方案,文中比较分析了前人对大青山山前断裂带的分段,并在此基础上对大青山及山前盆地的潜在震源区作了新的划分。鄂尔多斯块体周缘被拉张性断陷盆地围绕,这些断裂系地震构造相似,且除呼包盆地外均有历史8级以上地震记录。文中将大青山山前断裂带与鄂尔多斯块体周缘断裂系进行了构造对比,特别是与华山山前断裂进行了断裂活动性定量对比,得出雪海沟到土左旗段的震级上限为8级,断裂两端潜源震级上限均为7.5级  相似文献   

六棱山北麓断裂是山西地堑系北端张性构造区中的一条控制性断裂,总体走向北东东、倾向北北西,是一条至今仍在活动的倾滑正断裂,控制阳原盆地的形成和发展。在1993年和1994年的中日合作研究中,我们对断裂分段特征进行了研究,并用Auto-level仪器对这一条断裂晚第四纪不同时期的断错地貌面的位错量进行了测量,对这些地貌面的年龄进行了测定,得到该断裂带晚更新世晚期至全新世时期的平均垂直滑动速率为0.43~0.75mm/a。关键词  相似文献   

通过断错地貌调查和探槽开挖,获得了临汾盆地西界罗云山山前断裂带龙祠-峪口段的最新活动信息:该段山前洪积扇后缘断断续续存在高2.5m、5.2m、8m左右的地表地貌陡坎;附近冲沟的Ⅰ级阶地热释光测年为距今7500a左右;在NW向的席坊沟内存在拔沟3.5m、8m、18m左右的3级阶地,与地貌陡坎有对应关系;席坊沟探槽揭示罗云...  相似文献   

色尔腾山山前断裂得令山以东段属全新世活动断裂。距今约 30ka以来 ,断裂上升盘的平均抬升速率为 :大佘太段 0 19mm/a ,乌兰忽洞段 0 2 0mm/a。探槽揭露 ,大佘太段 ,约 32kaBP以来 ,发生过 4次古地震事件 ,事件发生时间依次为 (316 90± 1770 ) ,(2 30 0 0± 132 0 ) ,(15 42 0± 870 ) ,(74 40± 4 40 )aBP ,相应的位移量分别为 2 6 ,1 6 ,2 2 ,1 4m ;乌兰忽洞段 ,约 2 5kaBP以来 ,也发生过4次古地震事件 ,事件发生时间依次为 (2 5 130± 14 30 ) ,(14 5 70± 82 0 ) ,(116 6 0± 6 5 0 ) ,(72 2 0± 4 0 0 )aBP ,相应的位移量分别为 2 6 ,1 8,1 3,1 2m。根据位移量限定法 ,两个活动段落的古地震活动历史是完整的  相似文献   

内蒙古色尔腾山山前断裂带乌加河段古地震活动   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
通过对色尔腾山山前断裂带乌加河段断层地貌研究,并结合前人对断裂带断裂活动性的工作,分析得到乌加河活动断裂段晚更新世晚期(距今1.445~2.234万年)以来平均垂直位移速率是0.48~0.75 mm/a,全新世早中期以来(距今5 570~8 830年)平均垂直位移速率是0.56~ 0.88 mm/a.利用5个探槽中揭露的古地震现象,结合前人对该断裂带古地震的研究结果,分析确定出2.7万年以来,色尔腾山山前断裂乌加河段共揭露出5次古地震事件,重复间隔约为4 300~4 400年.距今8 000~9 000年之间可能为一个古地震丛,而距今1~2万年之间可能遗漏了两次古地震事件.对比断层陡坎的高度与探槽中揭示出古地震事件的位移和,以及由断层平均位移速率和一次事件的位移得到古地震的重复间隔,得到阿拉盖兔探槽中缺失了3次古地震事件,整个活动断裂段上可能缺失了两次古地震事件.   相似文献   

太白维山山前断裂活动特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文立足于大量的野外第一手资料,综合解剖了太白维山山前断裂的几何结构,并就其运动学特征进行了初步探讨。认为:太白维山山前断裂第四纪以来的活动表现为正断型,其几何结构和运动特征都有着相同的分段性。我们将其划分为三段,西段结构简单,晚更新世以来无明显活动;中段结构复杂,一直强烈活动;东段活动强度较低。晚更新世晚期以来断裂(中段)的平均滑动速率0.4mm/a,全新世以来达到0.67mm/a,而且这种速率  相似文献   

罗山东麓断裂最后一次错动事件的再研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对探槽剖面和陡崖地貌进行了综合分析.结果表明,罗山东麓山坡上发育的少量有自由面的年轻陡坎是重力滑坡的后缘面,与罗山东麓断裂错动无关.该断裂最后一次错动事件发生的时间是(2 105 ±175)a B. P..结合前人研究的古地震重复资料,估算了罗山东麓断裂未来50 年7 级左右强震的发震概率  相似文献   

秦岭北麓晚第四纪断层陡坎的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
根据航片解译和野外调查,发现在秦岭北麓第四纪松散沉积物中发育有断层陡坎,本文依据对这些陡坎的地质地貌分析、地形剖面测制、探槽揭露及测年数据,讨论了断层陡坎的空间分布和形态学特征、生成时代和断距,评估了秦岭北麓断裂在晚第四纪的活动强度。由断层陡坎高度经过校核获得断距变化范围在1.1至7.9米之间,由此求得秦岭北麓断裂中段全新世中晚期以来平均滑动速率接近1mm/a,西段在眉县一带为0.5mm/a左右。晚更新世以来,发生过3—4次古地震事件  相似文献   

内蒙大青山山前活动断裂带的地震破裂分段特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
沿内蒙大青山山前活动断裂进行野外调查及探槽开挖的研究结果表明 ,该断裂西部地段及东部地段的最新活动时期在全新世中期以后及全新世晚期以前 ;中部地段在全新世晚期强烈活动 ,公元 84 9年包头地震的地表破裂沿该段展布。大青山山前台地与断层陡坎分布、洪积扇类型及河流阶地断错等地貌特征、全新世晚期断裂活动范围、沿断裂带探槽开挖获得的古地震事件对比 ,以及现今中小地震震中分布表明 ,全新世晚期大青山山前断裂的活动以土左旗为界 ,该界以西全新世晚期断裂强烈活动 ,该界以东全新世晚期断裂活动不明显。全新世时期大青山山前断裂的活动显示了由东向西的迁移  相似文献   

The Huoshan piedmont fault is a small watershed region in Shanxi Province. We utilized the high-resolution DEM data and the stream-power incision model which describes the relationship between the tectonic uplift and fluvial incision to analyze the S-A double-log graph, concavity index (θ)and steepness index (logks) of the 64 channels across this fault and discuss their responses to the tectonic movement of the fault. The results show that (1)the S-A double-log graphs all exhibit an obvious convex form, which is the direct expression of the response to the situation that the bedrock uplift rate is higher than the fluvial incision rate. (2)All of the concavity index (θ)values of 64 channels are lower than 0.35 with an average value of 0.223, much lower than the empirical value (0.49)of the rivers in steady state. These low values are the quantitative reflections of the channels' slightly concave profiles. Meanwhile they imply that these channels across the fault are very young. There is no enough time for them to adjust the profiles through the fluvial incision to the steady state because of the fault's frequent and strong tectonic movements. (3)The steepness index values of the channels located in the Laoyeding Mt. are highest, while they are lower in the northern and southern mountains. Moreover, the steepness index values of the channels in the northern mountains, on average, are higher than those of the channels in the southern mountains. To a certain extent, this distribution of the steepness index corresponds to the difference in the uplift rates of the Huoshan piedmont fault. It means that the uplift rate of the middle fault segment in the Laoyeding Mt. is highest, and the uplift rate of the northern segment is higher than that of the southern segment.  相似文献   

余震精定位资料显示,芦山7.0级地震破裂面可能为弯曲程度较高的三维弯曲断层.相关研究显示,这种弯曲断层的位错方式和破裂面同震应力加卸载模式与普通平直断层有明显不同.文中采用无限半空间位错模型模拟显示,隐伏弯曲断层和平直逆断层引起的地表位移特征相似,但是弯曲断层引起的地表水平位移更接近区域整体的地壳缩短方向,缩短方向水平位移的量明显高于同等规模的平直逆断层,因此能更好地传递断层上盘大范围物质的水平运动.相对于平直断层,弯曲断层下盘水平位移随距离衰减十分明显.同等规模的弯曲断层导致的同震地表抬升小于平直逆断层或左旋逆断层引起的同震抬升,但能造成更明显的地表下降.由于地震规模较小,GPS等低密度空间分布的形变观测可能无法有效分辨芦山地震震源结构是否为弯曲断层.对震源结构的细节研究,还有待于利用高空间密度和高分辨率的形变观测资料.  相似文献   

The fault F5 is considered as the most active fault in the Tanlu fault zone(Yi-Shu fault zone), which is located from Weifang of Shandong Province to Jiashan of Anhui Province, with a length of 360km. It has always been a focus of concern to many geoscientists because of its complexity and importance. But, for a long period of time, there exists biggish indetermination in the accurate position and active ages of the fault F5 in Suqian section of Tanlu fault zone. Seismic reflection exploration is the main technique in present urban active faults detecting. In order to investigate the spatial distribution, characteristics and activities of the fault F5 in covered terrains, we carried out a systematic survey to the fault with shallow seismic prospecting method and obtained the accurate position and development characteristics of the fault. The results show that the fault F5 continues to develop toward south rather than ending at the Huancheng South Road of Suqian City. F5 is mainly composed of two main faults, which dip in opposite directions and almost vertically. Near the Sankeshu town, F5 is composed of three faults with right-stepping, forming a small pull-apart basin with length of 6km, width of 2.5km, controlling the deposition of Neogene and Quaternary strata. By combining the results of composite drilling section and trenching, we make a conclusion that the western branch of fault F5 is a Holocene active fault, and the eastern branch is a Pleistocene active fault. Our general view is that fault F5 is a Holocene active fault.  相似文献   

The Qilianshan north-edge thrust (QNT)is located at the boundary between the northern margin of the Qilianshan mountain and Hexi Corridor, with a length over 700km. The Minle-Damaying fault (MDF), trending NWW, is part of the eastern section of the QNT, cutting through the Minle and Wuwei Basins. Hexi Corridor is a region of intense seismic activities, where many large earthquakes have been documented in history, such as the M7.5 Gaotai earthquake in 180, M8.5 Haiyuan earthquake in 1920, M8.0 Gulang earthquake in 1927 and the M7.6 Changma earthquake in 1932. While, there is no seismic record on the MDF. The Dongda River flows across the MDF from south to north. One of the tributary of the Dongda River, Xie River, has very well preserved terraces (T6-T1)which were offset by the MDF. On these terraces, there is clear trace of scarps, of which the height increases from terraces T3 to T6, indicating an accumulation of offset with time. In order to acquire the cross-section of scarps, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)scanning was implemented. With a digital camera mounted on, the UAV scanned an area of 0.52km2 and digital elevation model (DEM)was generated with an accuracy of 0.2m vertically. The Thompson's method was utilized to conduct linear regressions on both the hanging wall and foot wall of the fault. The difference between the intercepts of the regression lines with the vertical line going through the intersection of the scarp surface on the fault surface is considered as the vertical offset. Terraces from T6 to T3 are very well preserved where MFD intercepts the Xie river, while T2 and T1 are badly eroded at the same location. Utilizing the cross-sections extracted from high resolution DEM, we estimate that the vertical offsets of T6-T3 are 13.26~15.67m, 9.74~10.13m, 5.86~7.35m and 5.03~5.60m, respectively, with 95%confidence interval. From the offsets of terraces, at least 4 paleo-seismic events are indentified. Terraces were dated by the AMS 14 C dating, yielding ages (cal BP)of T6-T2 as (16 405±210)a, (111 975±21)a, (5 697.5±210)a, (4 470.5±54.5)a and (3 137.5±77.5)a. Liner regression was performed for the relation between the ages and the offsets of terraces, resulting in the average vertical slip rate of MDF since the formation of T6 as 0.91 average v. As the dip of MDF is about 35°, the shortening rate is estimated to be (1.3±0.13)mm/a. This study provides important parameters for the analysis of seismic activity in heavily populated Minle and Yongchang areas.  相似文献   

隐伏活断层未来地表破裂带宽度与位错量初步研究   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
采用Okada(1992 )有关地震断层地表位移的计算方法和程序 ,依据《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 5 0 0 11- 2 0 0 1) ,推导了隐伏活断层突然错动产生地表破裂带的临界值 ,即在相隔 5m的水平上 ,位移差超过 0 1m。初步讨论了隐伏活断层地表破裂带随埋深、倾角、断裂力学性质和断面位错量的变化特点。结果表明 :对于隐伏正断层 ,地表破裂带宽度随覆盖层埋深的增加表现出非线性特点 ,具有从小到大 ,再变小的特点 ;地表破裂带位错量峰值随埋深线性递减。在其他参数不变的情况下 ,隐伏正断层倾角越小 ,地表破裂带越偏向下盘 ,并且 ,地表破裂带的宽度也变小。与隐伏正断层相比 ,隐伏走滑断层地表位移差随埋深衰减更快。随着隐伏活断层断面上位错量的增加 ,地表破裂带宽度会显著变宽 ,位错量也随之增大。这些认识和计算结果为城市规划、各种生命线工程和建 (构 )筑物的跨断层设防 ,提供了可以参考的依据  相似文献   

Stick-slip of fault in laboratory accompanies change of temperature. Temperature change is not only concerned with sliding friction, but also with the stress state of the sample. In this article, we use infra-red thermal imaging system as wide-range observation means to study the temperature variation of different stages during the deformation of sample. The rock sample for the experiment is made of granodiorite from Fangshan County with a size of 300mm×300mm×50mm. It is cut obliquely at an angle of 45°, forming a planar fault. Two-direction servo-control system was used to apply load on the sample. The load in both directions was forced to 5MPa and maintained constant (5MPa) in the X direction, then the load in the Y direction was applied by a displacement rate of 0.5μm/s, 0.1μm/s and 0.05μm/s successively. The left and below lateral of the sample were fixed, and the right and top lateral of the sample were slidable when loaded. The experiment results show not only the temperature change from increase to decrease caused by conversion of stress accumulation to relaxation before and after the peak stress, but also opposite variation of temperature increase on fault and temperature decrease in rock during instability stage. Most important of all, we have found the temperature precursor identifying the position of instability through the temperature variation with time along the fault. It shows that rate of temperature increase of instability position keeps relative high value since the stage of strongly off-linear stage, and accelerates in stage of meta-instability. After separating the effect of friction and stress, we found that temperature increase occurs in the rock near the fault instead of on the fault, which means the mechanism of temperature increase is stress accumulation. Temperature of fault at the instability position does not increase, which means the position is locked. We speculate that the position of locked area on fault with high stress accumulation near the fault may be the future instability position. It is of significance of studying temperature variation during stick-slip to the monitoring of earthquake precursors. Heat caused by friction of earthquake needs long time to transfer to the surface and could not be detected as a precursor. While the stress of surface rock near the fault would change as the stress of interior rock changes, which could cause detectable temperature variations. The research purpose of this article is to find special change positions before instability. As the temperature variations are caused by stress and slip of fault, the results are also meaningful to analysis of stress and displacement data related to earthquake precursors.  相似文献   

Although the kinematics and mechanics of the Yilan-Yitong fault zone (YYFZ) since the Mesozoic-early Cenozoic were studied very well in the past decades,few results about the average recurrence interval of great earthquakes in late Quaternary,which is the most important parameter for us to understand the active tectonics and potential seismic hazard of this crucial structure,were obtained because of its unfavorable work environments.Based on interpretations of high-resolution satellite images and detailed geologic and geomorphic mapping,we discovered that there exist linear fault scarp landforms and troughs in the Shangzhi part of YYFZ with a length of more than 25km.Synthesized results of trenches excavation and differential GPS measurements of terrace surfaces indicate two paleo-events EⅠ and EⅡ occurring in Shangzhi part during the late Holocene,which resulted in ca.(3.2±0.1) m accumulated vertical coseismic displacement with strike-slip motion accompanied by thrusting and shortening deformation.14C samples dating suggests that event EⅠ might occur at (440±30) and (180±30) a BP and event EⅡ might happen between (4 090±30) and (3 880±30) a BP,and the average recurrence interval of major earthquakes on the YYFZ is around (3 675±235) a.Historical written records discovered from Korea show that the event EⅠ may correspond to the earthquake occurring in AD 1810(Qing Dynasty in Chinese history) in Ningguta area with magnitude 7.0.  相似文献   

断层气测量用于银川地堑隐伏断裂活动性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统分析银川地堑活动构造、物探、地震及航卫片解译的基础上,对其内部两条主要隐伏活动断裂进行气氡、气汞测量和分析,结合地堑构造环境、地震活动性,对断层气测量结果用于隐伏断裂的活动性做出了分析。  相似文献   

The time-dependent probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the active faults based on the quantitative study of seismo-geology has the vital practical significance for the earthquake prevention and disaster management because it describes the seismic risk of active faults by the probability of an earthquake that increases with time and the predicted magnitude. The Poisson model used in the traditional probabilistic method contradicts with the activity characteristics of the fault, so it cannot be used directly to the potential earthquake risk evaluation of the active fault where the time elapsing from the last great earthquake is relatively short. That is to say, the present Poisson model might overestimate the potential earthquake risk of the Xiadian active fault zone in North China because the elapsed time after the historical M8 earthquake that occurred in 1679 is only 341a. Thus, based on paleoearthquake study and geomorphology survey in the field, as well as integrating the data provided by the previous scientists, this paper reveals two paleo-events occurring on the Xiadian active fault zone. The first event E1 occurred in 1679 with magnitude M8 and ruptured the surface from Sanhe City of Hebei Province to Pinggu District of Beijing at about 341a BP, and the other happened in (4.89±0.68)ka BP(E2). Our research also found that the average co-seismic displacement is ~(1.4±0.1)m, and the predicted maximum magnitude of the potential earthquake is 8.0. In addition, the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of great earthquakes for Xiadian active fault zone in the forthcoming 30a is performed based on Poisson model, Brownian time passage model(BPT), stochastic characteristic-slip model(SCS)and NB model to describe time-dependent features of the fault rupture source and its characteristic behavior. The research shows that the probability of strong earthquake in the forthcoming 30a along the Xiadian active fault zone is lower than previously thought, and the seismic hazard level estimated by Poisson model might be overestimated. This result is also helpful for the scientific earthquake potential estimation and earthquake disaster protection of the Xiadian active fault zone, and for the discussion on how to better apply the time-dependent probabilistic methods to the earthquake potential evaluation of active faults in eastern China.  相似文献   

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