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中扬子地区下寒武统烃源岩横向分布及主控因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于前人研究资料和野外露头剖面详细观测及样品实测数据,讨论了中扬子地区下寒武统烃源岩的横向分布特征,探讨了烃源岩横向分布的主控因素.研究认为:中扬子地区下寒武统烃源岩围绕中扬子碳酸盐台地呈环状分布;台地内没有烃源岩发育,向洋一侧烃源岩逐渐加厚.研究区下寒武统烃源岩的分布受控于早寒武世早期盆地原型的分布,烃源岩的发育受沉积相控制.烃源岩所发育的相带均为陆棚边缘盆地相,早寒武世沧浪浦期—龙王庙期的浅海陆棚相、滨浅海相、台缘滩相、台缘斜坡相、局限台地相等沉积相带的碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩有机质含量均较低,烃源岩发育极差.  相似文献   

渤海湾下古生界碳酸盐烃源岩有机岩石学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在系统研究渤海湾盆地各主要油气区下古生界源岩有机岩石学特征的基础上,提出了其显微组分分类体系。同时,从生源分析的角度全面论述了研究区主要显微组分在全岩及干酪根中的循环及热演化规律。  相似文献   

在野外实测地层剖面、钻井资料和二维地震资料解释的基础上,结合野外露头和钻井取心岩样的地球化学资料,总结分析了六盘山盆地白垩系的烃源岩发育特征,研究认为:K1l组暗色泥岩发育程度低,单层厚度薄,有机质丰度低但已达成熟阶段;K1n,K1m沉积厚度较K1l薄,暗色泥岩发育程度高,单层厚度厚,有机质丰度高,处于低成熟阶段。利用生物标志化合物对C1,C2井原油、露头沥青与白垩系烃源岩进行了油源对比分析,认为K1m与K1l烃源岩都发生过油气生成和运移,而K1l烃源岩为目前最现实的烃源岩;结合探井钻探效果分析,认为六盘山盆地油气勘探应以寻找靠近生烃中心的断裂发育区和构造圈闭为主。  相似文献   

吐哈侏罗纪原型盆地演化主要表现为早、中侏罗世断陷盆地向晚侏罗世挤压再生前陆盆地转变。原型盆地演化控制了这一时期的大地构造格局,古地理环境发生改变,古气候条件相应调整,在这样特殊的古地貌背景下沉积了该时期重要的烃源岩层。早、中侏罗世,吐哈盆地沉积了温暖、潮湿气候条件下的河湖、沼泽相层系,其中广阔湖相沉积的暗色泥岩、炭质泥岩及煤层成为该时期最重要的烃源岩;晚侏罗世,盆地接受干旱气候条件下的山麓河流相沉积,很少有烃源岩。中、下侏罗统八道湾组和西山窑组含煤岩系是盆地内的主力烃源岩,中侏罗统七克台组湖相至半深湖相沉积,是盆地内的次要烃源岩。  相似文献   

黄河口凹陷湖相烃源岩发育机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 渤海海域黄河口凹陷为典型的富生烃断陷盆地,发育有沙河街三段(E2s3)、沙河街一段(E3s1)和东营组下段(E3dL)3套湖相烃源岩。E2s3和E3s1源岩有机质丰度高,有机质类型以IIA为主,个别为III型,姥植比均小于2.0;E3dL烃源岩有机质丰度中等,有机质为混合II型偏向IIB型,姥植比大于2.0。针对不同层系烃源岩的差异,通过对凹陷构造-沉积演化和古气候分析以及古盐度计算,探讨凹陷充填样式,建立与源岩发育的关系。E2s3为平衡充填型湖盆,发育的源岩有机质丰度最高,是优质湖相源岩发育的最有利湖泊类型。E3s1为欠充填型湖盆,水质略咸化,发育的源岩有机质丰度略低于E2s3。E3dL由平衡充填型湖盆过渡到过充填型湖盆,有机质丰度变化大,生烃潜力明显低于欠充填型湖盆和平衡充填型湖盆。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地上寒武统地震相及沉积相分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木盆地范围广泛,单依靠钻井揭示和露头是无法对全盆埋藏较深的上寒武统地层的沉积特征进行定性分析和描述。针对盆地上寒武统地层地震相研究较少的现状,笔者通过覆盖全盆的600多条二维地震测线对地层的地震反射特征进行描述和总结,确定地震相和沉积相转换的关系。利用反射波的反射外形,内部构型,振幅,连续性和频率等地震反射特征,在上寒武统下丘里塔格组的反射中识别出了7种地震相,并将地震相转化为5种沉积相,确定了碳酸盐岩台地模式。本次研究显示塔里木西南地区和东部地区应该能发育良好的烃源岩,下一步的勘探重点应该在麦盖提地区。  相似文献   

辽西金羊盆地北票组烃源岩分布及有机质丰度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了更好地评价金羊盆地石油地质条件,采取综合分析的方法,通过资料收集、野外实测剖面以及具有代表性岩样的采集和分析。得出如下结论。金羊盆地北票组分布广泛,是盆地主要烃源岩,为盆地油气生成提供了物质基础;北票组烃源岩属差—中等烃源岩,其有机质丰度虽然不高,但具有一定的生烃能力:金羊盆地发育的凹陷中,章吉营于—巴图营子凹陷面积最大,北票组沉积厚度大,保存条件相对较好,是找油气的最有利地带。  相似文献   

 本文通过运用IES盆地模拟的方法,采用Easy%Ro模型,以单井的热史和生烃史为基础,从剖面和平面两方面研究了莱州湾凹陷两套主力烃源岩沙三段和沙四段在不同时期不同区域生烃状态。研究表明,在明化镇组下段沉积末期(5.1Ma)北洼沙三段烃源岩已广泛进入生烃门限,沙四段烃源岩大范围生排烃;现今北洼沙三段烃源岩大量排烃,沙四段烃源岩排烃范围进一步扩大,北洼中心处已进入生烃高峰。  相似文献   

目的研究焉耆盆地煤系烃源岩有机显微组分组成特点及其生烃机理。方法运用有机岩石学研究方法,分析盆地侏罗系烃源岩显微组分及其与生烃潜力的关系,探讨烃源岩显微组分中主要生烃贡献者。结果盆地煤岩中显微组分表现出富镜质组-惰性组、贫壳质组 腐泥组的特点;泥岩的显微组成表现出贫惰性组、富镜质组-壳质组 腐泥组的特点,富氢的显微组分是成烃的物质基础。结论盆地的主要生烃组分为基质镜质体B、角质体、小孢子体和矿物沥青基质。  相似文献   

利用热压物理模拟实验结果并结合排烃门限理论 ,对柴达木盆地各类烃源岩的生、排烃特征进行了模拟实验研究 ,在此基础上绘制了烃源岩排烃门限判别图。研究结果表明 :①地质条件下水介质的存在有利于烃源岩生、排油气 ;②烃源岩在地史过程中存在一个向外大量排油气的门限 ,烃源岩只有进入这一门限后才能大量排油 ,在这之前生成的油均残留于烃源岩中 ;③煤、泥岩、碳质泥岩的生、排烃过程均可分为 3个不同的阶段 ,即 :生、排气态烃阶段 ,生、排液态烃和重烃气阶段 ,生、排高温裂解气阶段 ;④研究区各类烃源岩的原始有机碳生油率为 10~ 5 0 0kg/t,残留油率为 5~2 80kg/t,排油率为 0~ 2 5kg/t,生、排气率为 10 0~ 80 0m3 /t。柴达木盆地第三系下干柴沟组烃源岩在埋深为 2 2 5 0m左右进入排烃门限。  相似文献   

Due to the importance of the Gloeocapsomorpha Prisca (G. prisca)-enriched source rocks, which belong to Kukersite-type source rocks in the Lower Paleozoic Ordovician strata, it has received great attentions during the petroleum exploration as to whether there are the Kukersite-type source rocks developed in the major hydrocarbon source strata of the Upper and Middle Ordovician in the Tarim Basin. Using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrography to analyse kerogens from source rocks in the lime- mud mound with moderate maturity, study reveals that there are the Kukersite-type source rocks in the Ordovician strata of the Tarim Basin. The pyrolysis products showed a low content of 〉n-C19 normal alkanes with a significant odd-even predominance between n-C13 and n-Cl7, long-chain alky substituted alkylbenzene and alkylthiophene isomers and distinctive distribution of 5-N- alkyl-1, 3-Benzenediol and its homologous. Based on the geographic environment characteristics of G. Prisca, the molecular dis- tributions of crude oil from the Lower Paleozoic petroleum systems in the Tarim Basin and characteristics of kerogen pyrolysis products from the Middle and Upper Ordovician source rocks, the results suggested that it is less possible to develop the G. Pris- ca-enriched Kukersite-type source rocks in the major hydrocarbon source rocks in the Middle and Upper Ordovician strata in the Tarim Basin. However, the benthic macroalga and planktonic algae-enriched source rocks are the main contributors.  相似文献   

There are great differences in biomarks between Cambrian oil and Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. In this stuty, the authors analyzed 40 oils found in Lunnan area by GC-MS and calculated the content of Cambrian oil in the 40 oils according to the steroid indexes of typical oil mixture and match experiment. The results show that it is a general phenomenon in Ordovician reservoir that the oil derived from Cambrian source rock mixed with the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock in Lunnan area, the mixture degree of the two oils is lower in Carboniferous reservoir than in Ordovician reservoir, and the oils kept in Triassic reservoir have single source, Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock. The mixture oils mainly composed of Cambrian oil (>50%) distributed in Sangtamu fault zone, and the oils found in Lunnan fault zone are Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. This distribution of oils in Lunnan area is owing to that Lunnan fault zone is located in anticline axis part, Lunnan fault zone underwent serious erosion, and the oils from Cambrian source rock accumulated in Lunnan fault zone were degraded completely during Caledonian-Hercynian movement. But the Cambrian oil accumulated in Sangtamu fault zone was not degraded completely and some of them were left for the location of Sangtamu fault zone is lower than Lunnan fault zone. Later, the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock mixed with the remained Cambrian oil, and the mixture oil formed in Sangtamu fault zone.  相似文献   

There are great differences in biomarks between Cambrian oil and Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. In this stuty, the authors analyzed 40 oils found in Lunnan area by GC-MS and calculated the content of Cambrian oil in the 40 oils according to the steroid indexes of typical oil mixture and match experiment. The results show that it is a general phenomenon in Ordovician reservoir that the oil derived from Cambrian source rock mixed with the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock in Lunnan area, the mixture degree of the two oils is lower in Carboniferous reservoir than in Ordovician reservoir, and the oils kept in Triassic reservoir have single source, Middle-Upper Ordoviclan source rock. The mixture oils mainly composed of Cambrian oil (〉50%) distributed in Sangtamu fault zone, and the oils found in Lunnan fault zone are Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. This distribution of oils in Lunnan area is owing to that Lunnan fault zone is located in anticline axis part, Lunnan fault zone underwent serious erosion, and the oils from Cambrian source rock accumulated in Lunnan fault zone were degraded completely during Caledonian-Hercynian movement. But the Cambrian oil accumulated in Sangtamu fault zone was not degraded completely and some of them were left for the location of Sangtamu fault zone is lower than Lunnan fault zone. Later, the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock mixed with the remained Cambrian oil, and the mixture oil formed in Sangtamu fault zone.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南部烃源岩沉积环境研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
目的探讨鄂尔多斯盆地南部烃源岩沉积环境与地球化学特征的关系。方法以井下剖面烃源岩的地球化学分析资料为主,依据有机碳含量分布、有机质类型及饱和烃气相色谱等特征对烃源岩的沉积环境进行了研究,分析了沉积环境对有机质丰度和类型的影响因素,探讨了鄂尔多斯盆地南部烃源岩沉积水体的主量元素、古气候及古盐度条件。结果鄂尔多斯盆地南部烃源岩层系沉积时气候潮湿,沉积水体的古盐度较淡;半深湖-深湖相带沉积的还原程度强、有机质能被及时埋藏的灰黑色泥岩,大多有机质丰度高、有机质类型好;河流-沼泽相带沉积的灰色-绿灰色泥岩类烃源岩有机质丰度较低、有机质类型偏差。结论还原程度强、具一定深度水体的沉积相带是原始有机质沉积的良好场所,有机质能及时沉积、保存下来,烃源岩有机质丰度大多高;气候条件相对干燥、大气降水少、陆源碎屑物补充不足或较长时间处于氧化程度较高条件下沉积的碳酸盐岩类岩石.有机质丰度明显偏低。  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility (χ) of surface soils on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) has strong positive correlation with mean annual precipitation.It is widely accepted that ultrafine magnetite/maghemite grains produced during pedogenesis are responsible for the enhancement of χ,and loess χ on the CLP has been widely used as a proxy for the intensity of the East Asian summer monsoon.However,few works have investigated mechanisms for the enhancement of χ in the case of surface aeolian sediments in westerly-dominated inland China,north of the Tibetan Plateau.Here detailed rock magnetism and grain size studies of 49 surface samples taken across the southern Tarim Basin for different rainfall/temperature/altitude conditions are presented.The results show that samples taken from desert have the lowest χ values and that χ of loessic sand and loess samples decreases with increasing altitude.In addition,the rock magnetism studies suggest that the magnetic properties of surface soils across the southern Tarim Basin are mainly controlled by the concentration of coarse aeolian ferrimagnetic minerals.The contribution of ultrafine pedogenically produced magnetic grains to χ is very limited.  相似文献   

优质烃源岩对鄂尔多斯盆地延长组石油聚集的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三叠系延长组是鄂尔多斯盆地最主要的含油层系,主力烃源岩为长7段中下部的"张家滩页岩",累计厚度大,分布面积约5×104km2.烃源岩地化指标分析结果表明,张家滩页岩残余有机碳质量分数一般为6%~14%,有机质类型主要为腐殖-腐泥型,分布范围内烃源岩均已达到成熟,为一套优质烃源岩.勘探实践证实,烃源岩的分布和质量对石油富集具有重要的控制作用,这主要与延长组构造背景、储层致密性及后期保存条件有关.延长组长6段及其以上油藏与分布在陕北斜坡西部已发现的长8油藏平面上大面积准连续分布,且均分布在长7优质烃源岩展布范围内,因此,张家滩页岩分布范围控制了延长组长6及其以上地层油藏和西北、西南部长8油藏分布.  相似文献   

Abundances and isotopic compositions of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr) with various existence states in carbonate rocks from the Tacan1 Well have been investigated by means of the stepwise heating technique. The elemental abundance patterns of noble gases in the samples show the enrichment of heavy noble gases and depletion of 20Ne relative to the atmosphere, which are designated as type-Ⅰand are similar to that observed in water, natural gases and sedimentary rocks. The 3He/4He ratios of deep carbonate samples at lower and medium temperature (300—700℃) and a majority of samples at higher temperature (1100—1500℃) steps are very similar to those of natural gases in the same strata in this area, this feature of radiogenic crustal helium shows that the Tazhong Uplift is relatively stable. However, significant helium and argon isotopic anomalies are found at the 1100℃ step in the Middle-Upper Ordovician carbonate rock, suggesting the incorporation of mantle-derived volatiles, this may be due to minor igneous minerals contained in sedimentary carbonate rocks. The 40Ar/ 36Ar ratios in the Cambrian carbonate rock are slightly higher than those in Ordovician carbonate rocks, which may reflect the influence of the chronologic accumulation effect of crust radiogenic 40Ar. Argon isotopes of various existence states in source rocks are much more different, both 38Ar/ 36Ar and 40Ar/ 36Ar ratios at the higher temperature steps are higher than those at the lower temperature steps.  相似文献   

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