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儿童时期行唇腭裂修复手术,因手术的创伤和术后出现的瘢痕挛缩往往造成后期不可避免的颌骨发育障碍,形成特有的牙颌面畸形,常表现为面中部的二维甚至三维方向的发育不足,上颌严重后缩,上牙弓狭窄,牙列拥挤,咬合关系紊乱,前牙或全牙列反,下颌真性或假性前突,严重影响患者的口腔功能及容貌美[1-3]。此畸形较一般牙颌面发育畸形更为严重和复杂,迄今尚无有效的预防措施,  相似文献   

根管冲洗是根管预备中的重要环节。根管冲洗的主要目的是去除根管内容物、溶解病理组织、清除病原微生物、去除玷污层,避免根管预备过程中将感染物质推向深部或推出根尖孔。根管冲洗能否达到目的有赖于冲洗剂及冲洗技术的选择。本文主要介绍临床常用的根管冲洗剂及冲洗技术,旨在为,临床操作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

手术治疗是重度牙周炎治疗的重要方法,探诊出血、牙周探诊深度和牙周附着水平是评估疗效的主要临床目标。菌斑控制是决定疗效最重要的因素。  相似文献   

牙颌面畸形正颌外科治疗需要根据畸形的情况、治疗的要求以及术前患者的生理、心理状态评估综合制定治疗方案.在术前必须对治疗方案、(牙合)关系的调整、骨切开的部位、骨段移动的方向和距离经过精确的设计.正颌外科的术前设计包括头影描迹设计、预测,计算机辅助设计以及模型外科等.本文结合笔者的临床经验和国内外文献对牙颌面畸形正颌外科治疗的术前设计进行述评,强调了牙颌面畸形正颌外科手术方案的设计原则,提出了计算机辅助外科在正颌外科领域具有显著的优势和广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

常见正颌手术后咬合关系的维护和调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探讨临床常见的正颌手术后,如何很好的维护和调整上下牙列的咬合关系,为临床提供有益的参考.方法 选择骨性Ⅰ类双颌前突行根尖下截骨后徙术、Ⅱ类下颌后缩行下颌升支矢状劈开前徙术、Ⅲ类骨性反骀行下颌升支骨切开后退及合并上颌前徙术各6例患者,共18例患者.正颌手术后依据分类分别行3种不同的牵引模式进行咬合调整.结果 18例...  相似文献   

The use of implants has become a routine part of restorative dental treatment. The placement of implants requires a sufficient quantity of bone in which to place implant fixtures. Where such bone does not exist, a number of methods have been used to augment the affected area of the alveolar ridge. This case report describes the use of the relatively new distraction osteogenesis procedure to increase bone volume in a patient who required post-traumatic restoration of several missing teeth, as well as comprehensive orthodontic and orthognathic surgical treatment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨牵引成骨技术联合正颌正畸治疗重度小下颌伴偏颌畸形患者下颌骨严重发育不足及咬合关系紊乱的疗效。方法:对2例继发于儿童时期颞下颌关节损伤的小下颌伴偏颌畸形患者采用牵张成骨技术进行治疗。手术行双侧下颌角处截骨,安置牵引器,延长下颌升支及下颌体。第二期在拆除牵引器后进行正畸治疗,继而采用正颌外科方法进一步矫正颌面畸形及咬合关系,术后正畸治疗矫正咬合关系,排齐牙列。结果:2例患者均顺利完成治疗。下颌骨最小牵引距离25 mm,最大牵引距离30 mm,牵引区成骨良好,SNB角由术前平均67°增加到术后80°,小下颌及偏颌畸形得以矫治。联合正颌外科及正畸治疗后,面形及咬合功能均获得满意效果。术后经过2年6个月随访,未见复发。结论:联合应用牵张成骨和正颌外科技术并配合正畸治疗是矫治成人重度小下颌不对称性牙颌面畸形的有效治疗方案。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the treatment outcome in terms of the malocclusion features and the changes in the occlusion of patients undergoing orthodontic/orthognathic treatment using the Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) and the Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON) and to test the application of the Index of Orthognathic Functional Treatment Need (IOFTN) on this sample as a measure of orthognathic pre-treatment need.

Design: Retrospective longitudinal cohort study.

Setting: The orthodontic department at the Eastman Dental Hospital.

Material and methods: The study models of a sample of 100 orthodontic/orthognathic patients who were treated at the Eastman Dental Hospital were measured using the PAR index and ICON at three stages: pre-treatment, pre-surgery and at debond. Treatment need was assessed by measuring IOTN and IOFTN using start study models.

Results: 99% of the sample showed an improvement in PAR score, with 82% of the sample being greatly improved. ICON showed that 95% of the sample had an improvement of different degrees with 5% being not improved or worse. The IOFTN qualified 97% of the patients for orthognathic treatment when used retrospectively on the sample while the DHC of IOTN qualified the whole sample for orthodontic treatment.

Conclusions: Orthodontic/orthognathic treatment showed improved and acceptable overall results. The PAR index and ICON were valid measures to investigate the outcome of orthognathic treatment. IOFTN proved to be a useful tool in determining and prioritizing orthognathic treatment based purely on functional need.  相似文献   

目的:采用正颌-正畸联合治疗30例成人骨性Ⅲ类错[牙合]患者,评价其治疗效果。方法:成人骨性Ⅲ类错[牙合]患者30例.年龄19~26岁.平均年龄22.5岁。所有患者均经术前正畸-正颌手术,术后正畸。术前正畸旨在排齐牙列,去代偿,协调上下牙弓,平整[牙合]曲线,建立术后良好的咬合关系。术后正畸进一步排齐牙列,精细调整[牙合]关系。治疗前、后摄取头颅定位侧位片,采用SPSS11.0软件包对数据进行独立样本t检验。结果:30例患者术后面形改善,上、下牙弓协调。咬合关系良好。测量数据治疗前、后均有显著差异(P〈0.01)。结论:成人骨性Ⅲ类错[牙合]患者采用正畸-正颌联合治疗,能获得功能和美观的满意效果。  相似文献   

After orthognathic surgery for class II dentofacial deformity, remodelling of the mandibular condyle will take place. In a number of cases, this may evolve towards a phenomenon of condylar resorption. Yet, studies on the occurrence of this complication after the correction of a class III deformity are scarce. A systematic review of the literature was performed with the aim of identifying reports on condylar resorption or remodelling after orthognathic surgery for class III dentofacial deformity. A search of the international databases yielded 12 eligible studies. Eight studies reported some degree of postoperative condylar remodelling, while symptoms of condylar resorption were only described in a limited group of patients. Thus, the literature may show evidence of condylar remodelling after orthognathic treatment of class III patients, and anecdotal reports of condylar resorption exist. The small sample sizes, heterogeneity in methods and outcomes, and use of two-dimensional radiographs indicate the need for updated long-term research. In the future, the use of cone beam computed tomography data for volumetric and morphological condylar analysis in combination with three-dimensional cephalometry may provide the opportunity to further elucidate this phenomenon and better characterize its aetiology.  相似文献   

在正畸治疗中,我们常遇到一些在选择拔牙不拔牙或手术不手术治疗方案时模棱两可的病例,称为临界病例。临界病例矫治方案的制定困扰着很多正畸医生。本文从原则、实质出发,探讨影响拔牙决策的诸多因素以及正畸正颌联合治疗的定性、定量指征,并对一些两难病例及其治疗中的挑战、陷阱等进行了分析,以期为正畸临床治疗方案的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

提要:骨性错牙合畸形需要正畸矫治或者正颌外科联合治疗是毋庸置疑的。某种程度上,颌面外科医生往往认为正颌外科手段是不可或缺的。但是,许多骨性错牙合畸形患者仅凭正畸治疗就获得了可以接受的咬合关系。何种选择是最佳的诊疗方式?其评价标准、优先路径和风险控制是什么呢?特别是边缘性骨性畸形病例,这些均值得深入探讨。本文将在以下几个方面进行简要探讨:正畸与正颌医生的诊疗观念分歧,术前三维诊疗计划的拟定,联合治疗的优先路径遴选,联合治疗中相应合作环节,牵张成骨术(DO)等新进展与早期介入,术后复发认识和术前疗效预测等。事实上,正畸-正颌联合诊疗的范畴相当广泛,无论是否接受正颌手术,知情同意和相关风险告知是必要的,双方紧密合作、支持对于骨性错牙合畸形矫治成功至关重要。  相似文献   

This original case report describes the morphologic changes caused by a mandibular condylar osteochondroma (OC) on a female patient and its treatment. The changes were identified by comparing her final records from a previous orthodontic treatment, without the presence of OC, to records taken before a second treatment, with a developed OC. The diagnostics and treatment for the OC and its consequences were described and discussed in this paper. Treatment included orthodontics with a lingual appliance, low condylectomy on the affected side, high condylectomy on the contralateral side, bilateral disc repositioning and orthognathic surgery. It was concluded that the OC caused a Class III subdivision malocclusion, midline deviation and an edge-to-edge bite on the left side, a cant of the occlusal plane on the Z-axis and a deviation of the pogonion to the left. Treatment was successful and stable long term (36 months) with good occlusal, aesthetical and functional results.  相似文献   

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