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An avirulent, field-derived isolate of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), designated MA-1, was molecularly cloned, and the complete nucleotide sequence was determined for the 3' half of the viral genome. Comparisons between MA-1 and the prototype Wyoming strain of EIAV identified a 66-nucleotide stretch between CAAT (-91) and TATAA (-25) in the U3 region of the long terminal repeat, where sequence divergence was as high as 39.3%. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify and clone long terminal repeat sequences from Th-1, the in vivo parental stock of MA-1. Results indicated that the nucleotide sequences of MA-1 and Th-1 clones were less variable than was observed between MA-1 and Wyoming. However, MA-1 and Th-1 markedly differed in the types of enhancer sequences located in the hypervariable region. These results suggest that variation in lentivirus regulatory sequences may be important in EIAV host cell tropism and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Characterization of RNA from equine infectious anemia virus.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The genome of equine infectious anemia virus, a nononcogenic retrovirus, has been characterized by velocity sedimentation, electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels, buoyant density in CS2SO4, and susceptibility to nuclease digestion. The nucleic acid of purified virus was resolved by sedimentation analysis into a fast-sedimenting genome component, which comprises about two-thirds of the virion RNA, and a slow-sedimenting RNA, which is probably comprised of host-derived tRNA and a trace amount of 5S RNA. The fast-sedimenting RNA had a sedimentation coefficient of 62S and a molecular weight of 5.4 X 10(6) to 5.6 X 10(6), as determined by sedimentation velocity and electrophoretic mobility. Upon heat denaturation, [3H]uridine-labeled 62S RNA dissociated into material comprised of 90 to 95% single-stranded species, sedimenting predominantly at 34S, with a molecular weight of 2.7 X 10(6) to 2.9 X 10(6) and 5 to 10% 4S RNA. The 62S RNA was predominantly single-stranded but contained double-stranded regions, as indicated by partial resistance to RNase IA and SI nuclease and by a lower buoyant density in CS2SO4 than that of the single-stranded 34S RNA derived by heat denaturation. These data indicated that the viral genome consisted of two 34S subunits of single-stranded RNA held in a high-molecular-weight complex with 4S RNA by a mechanism involving a small degree of base pairing. Thus, the structure of equine infectious anemia virus RNA is similar to that of other retroviruses.  相似文献   

A novel strain of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) called vMA-1c that rapidly and specifically killed infected equine fibroblasts (ED cells) but not other infectible cell lines was established. This strain was generated from an avirulent, noncytopathic strain of EIAV, MA-1. Studies with this new cytolytic strain of virus have permitted us to define viral parameters associated with EIAV-induced cell killing and begin to explore the mechanism. vMA-1c infection resulted in induction of rapid cell death, enhanced fusogenic activity, and increased rates of spread in equine fibroblasts compared to other strains of EIAV. The highly cytolytic nature of vMA-1c suggested that this strain might be superinfecting equine fibroblasts. Receptor interference studies demonstrated that prior infection of equine fibroblasts with EIAV did not alter the ability of vMA-1c to infect and kill these cells. In similar studies in a canine fibroblast cell line, receptor interference did occur. vMA-1c infection of equine fibroblasts was also associated with large quantities of unintegrated viral DNA, a well-established hallmark of retroviral superinfection. Cloning of the vMA-1c genome identified nucleotide changes that would result in at least one amino acid change in all viral proteins. A chimeric infectious molecular clone containing the vMA-1c tat, S2, and env open reading frames recapitulated most of the characteristics of vMA-1c, including superinfection, fibroblast killing, and fusogenic activity. In summary, in vitro selection for a strain of EIAV that rapidly killed cells resulted in the generation of a virus that was able to superinfect these cells, presumably by the use of a novel mechanism of cell entry. This phenotype mapped to the 3' half of the genome.  相似文献   

Structural proteins of equine infectious anemia virus.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Equine infectious anemia virus was found to be comprised of fourteen polypeptides of molecular weight ranging from 10,000 to 79,000. Eighty percent of the virion protein was accounted for by five polypeptides, including two non-glycosylated components (p29 and p13) comprising one-half of the virion protein and three glycoproteins (gp77/79, gp64, and gp40).  相似文献   

Regulation of equine infectious anemia virus expression   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is an ungulate lentivirus that is related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Much of the understanding of lentiviral gene regulation comes from studies using HIV. HIV studies have provided insights into molecular regulation of EIAV expression; however, much of the regulation of EIAV expression stands in stark contrast to that of HIV. This review provides an overview of the current state of knowledge of EIAV regulation by comparing and contrasting EIAV gene regulation to HIV. The role of EIAV gene regulation is discussed in relation to EIAV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Equine infectious anemia (EIAV) is shown to have an associated RNA-instructed DNA polymerase similar in its cofactor requirements and reaction conditions to the RNA tumor virus DNA polymerases. Demonstrating this DNA polymerase activity requires a critical concentration of a nonionic detergent, all four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, and a divalent metal ion. The reaction is sensitive to RNase, and a substantial fraction of the FNA synthesized is complementary to viral RNA. The detection of a complex of tritium-labeled polymerase product DNA-template RNA, which sedimented at 60S to 70S, provided evidence that EIAV contains high-molecular-weight RNA. These results, obtained with both virus propagated in cell culture and virus from the serum of an experimentally infected horse, indicate that EIAV may properly be considered a member of the family Retroviridae. They may also be pertinent to the mechanism(s) of viral persistence and periodic recrudescence of disease in chronically infected horses.  相似文献   

An infectious NZB xenotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) provirus (NZB was molecularly cloned from the Hirt supernatant of NZB-IU-6-infected mink cells, and the nucleotide sequence of its env gene and long terminal repeat (LTR) was determined. The partial nucleotide sequence previously reported for the env gene of NFS-Th-1 xenotropic proviral DNA (Repaske, et al., J. Virol. 46:204-211, 1983) is identical to that of the infectious NZB xenotropic MuLV DNA reported here. Alignment of nucleotide or deduced amino acid sequences, or both, of xenotropic, mink cell focus-forming, and ecotropic MuLV proviral DNAs in the env region identified sequence differences among the three host range classes of C-type MuLVs. Major differences were confined to the 5' half of env; a high degree of homology was found among the three classes of MuLVs in the 3' half of env. Alignment of the nucleotide sequence of the LTR of NZB xenotropic MuLV with those of the LTRs of NFS-Th-1 xenotropic, mink cell focus-forming, and ecotropic MuLVs revealed extensive homology between the LTRs of xenotropic and MCF247 MuLVs. An inserted 6-base-pair repeat 5' to the TATA box was a unique feature of both NZB and NFS-Th-1 xenotropic LTRs.  相似文献   

Viral DNA in horses infected with equine infectious anemia virus.   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The amount and distribution of viral DNA were established in a horse acutely infected with the Wyoming strain of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). The highest concentration of viral DNA were found in the liver, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen. The kidney, choroid plexus, and peripheral blood leukocytes also contained viral DNA, but at a lower level. It is estimated that at day 16 postinoculation, almost all of the viral DNA was located in the tissues, with the liver alone containing about 90 times more EIAV DNA than the peripheral blood leukocytes did. Assuming a monocyte-macrophage target, each infected cell contained multiple copies of viral DNA (between 6 and 60 copies in liver Kupffer cells). At day 16 postinoculation, most of the EIAV DNA was not integrated into host DNA, but existed in both linear and circular unintegrated forms. In contrast to acute infection, viral DNA was not detectable in tissues from asymptomatic horses with circulating antibody to EIAV.  相似文献   

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