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High-beta plasma blobs in the morningside plasma sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Equator-S frequently encountered, i.e. on 30%0of the orbits between 1 March and 17 April 1998, strong variations of the magnetic field strength of typically 5–15-min duration outside about 9RE during the late-night/early-morning hours. Very high-plasma beta values were found, varying between 1 and 10 or more. Close conjunctions between Equator-S and Geotail revealed the spatial structure of these “plasma blobs” and their lifetime. They are typically 5–10° wide in longitude and have an antisymmetric plasma or magnetic pressure distribution with respect to the equator, while being altogether low-latitude phenomena (<15°). They drift slowly sunward, exchange plasma across the equator and have a lifetime of at least 15–30 min. While their spatial structure may be due to some sort of mirror instability, little is known about the origin of the high-beta plasma. It is speculated that the morningside boundary layer somewhat further tailward may be the source of this plasma. This would be consistent with the preference of the plasma blobs to occur during quiet conditions, although they are also found during substorm periods. The relation to auroral phenomena in the morningside oval is uncertain. The energy deposition may be mostly too weak to generate a visible signature. However, patchy aurora remains a candidate for more disturbed periods.  相似文献   

月球内部构造研究综述   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了月震观测的历史,归纳出月震的特点,并将月震分成热震、浅震和深震三种类型加以.分析总结出一个比较完整的月球内部构造模型.在此基础上,详细介绍了如何根据月震观测资料确定月壳和月幔.本文还对月核存在的可能性加以阐述,指出由于月球1100 km以下数据的缺乏,到目前为止没有确切的证明月核存在的证据.最后,紧密关注月球构造研究的最新进展,给出了月核可能存在的形式:半径为352 km(成分为纯Fe)或者374 km(成分为Fe-FeS晶体).  相似文献   

A guided propagation of magnetoacoustic wave in the plasma sheet located between two lobes of the magnetotail is investigated. The dispersion equation for the wave and equation connecting a disturbance of plasma pressure inside the plasma sheet and amplitude of the plasma sheet boundary oscillations are obtained. For some value of plasma pressure disturbance, the displacement of the plasma sheet boundaries becomes of order of the half-thickness of the plasma sheet. In the case of symmetrical oscillations of the boundaries (“sausage-like” mode), it creates the favorable conditions for reconnection of the magnetic field lines in the magnetotail and may lead to triggering of a substorm. The magnetoacoustic wave may be generated by sudden impulse of the solar wind plasma pressure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the perturbations induced by the nearly-diurnal luni-solar tidal potential on the surface gravity changes and on the spatial nutations. The effects of the magnetic friction at the inner core boundary (ICB) and on the inner core viscosity at this time scale are studied. We show that very precise very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the in-phase and out-of-phase components of some nutations can give information on the Earth’s deep interior, especially on the effective viscosity of the inner core and on the amplitude of the radial component of the magnetic field at the ICB.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of the quantitative characterization of the structure of the calibration model (phantom) for b-matrix spatial distribution diffusion tensor imaging (BSD-DTI) scanners. The aim of this study was to verify manufacturing assumptions of the structure of materials, since phantoms are used for BSD-DTI calibration directly after manufacturing. Visualization of the phantoms’ structure was achieved through optical microscopy and high-resolution computed microtomography (µCT). Using µCT images, a numerical model of the materials structure was developed for further quantitative analysis. 3D image characterization was performed to determine crucial structural parameters of the phantom: porosity, uniformity and distribution of equivalent diameter of capillary bundles. Additionally calculations of hypothetical flow streamlines were also performed based on the numerical model that was developed. The results obtained in this study can be used in the calibration of DTI-BST measurements. However, it was found that the structure of the phantom exhibits flaws and discrepancies from the assumed geometry which might affect BSD-DTI calibration.  相似文献   

等离子体片离子分界线的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
等离子体片离子向内磁层的渗透在亚暴和磁暴过程中都起到了重要作用.以往对于等离子体片离子向内磁层的渗透都是通过固定磁矩的磁层离子漂移轨道理论来进行的.本文将过去的(U,B)空间中固定磁矩的磁层离子漂移轨道理论扩展为固定能量的磁层离子漂移轨道理论,讨论了等离子体片质子在向地球输运过程中,不同能量的质子开放轨道和封闭轨道的分界线的特性,及其随Kp指数的变化.在高能端,随着能量的升高,等离子体片质子分界线地心距离逐渐增大,且分界线的晨侧地心距离远远大于昏侧的地心距离.在低能端,随着质子能量的降低,质子分界线地心距离逐渐增大,且其分界线的昏侧地心距离要大于晨侧的地心距离.模拟结果还显示随着Kp指数的增强,等离子体片中不同能量的质子分界线都向地球移动.但在低能端和高能端,质子分界线的行为是不一样的.在低能端,随着Kp指数的增大,质子内边界形状基本保持不变.但在高能端,随着Kp指数的增大,质子内边界形状也将发生变化.在E=20 keV,Kp=6和E=10 keV,Kp=3两种情况,质子分界线甚至出现了两个分离的区域,一个是环绕地球的封闭轨道区域,一个是晨侧孤立的锥型区域.等离子体片能量为E的质子的内边界就是具有不同磁矩的Alfven层上能量为E的点的连线.TC-1热离子谱仪对等离子体片离子内边界的观测显示模拟结果与观测结果符合得很好.  相似文献   

中近磁尾等离子体片统计特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文使用Cluster-C1卫星的CIS仪器和FGM仪器测量得到的质子通量数据和计算的β数据,判断Cluster卫星在地球磁尾不同位置位于等离子体片内的概率.使用2001-2004年7-11月的Cluster-C1数据,分别在行星际磁场南向和北向时,得出XRE区域内卫星位于等离子体片的概率在Y-Dz平面的分布图(Dz是卫星到中性片的距离).通过对比行星际磁场南向和北向时的卫星位于等离子体片的概率的分布图,我们发现等离子体片在行星际磁场南向时比在行星际磁场北向时要薄,并且这个效应在磁尾晨昏两侧比在午夜附近明显,同时我们还发现等离子体片在晨侧比在昏侧厚.  相似文献   

石振  戎昭金  魏勇 《地球物理学报》2023,66(6):2236-2251

水星是太阳系中离主星最近的和最小的类地行星, 它具有独特的空间环境.水手10号(Mariner 10)确认水星拥有全球性内禀偶极磁场和磁层.但是由于早期观测有限, 人们通常将水星磁层简单地视作地球磁层的缩小版来研究.不过, 在信使号(MESSENGER)访问水星之后, 人们认识到水星和地球的空间环境有巨大差异.通过更深入的分析研究, 人们发现在水星内磁层中, 夜侧磁赤道面附近有带状的等离子体分布, 并且该等离子体带可能与多种磁层电流体系(分叉环电流、亚暴电流楔和东向电流等)密切相关.在贝彼哥伦布(BepiColombo)计划揭开水星研究的新篇章之际, 本文回顾近些年来与水星内磁层等离子体带及相关电流体系有关的研究, 并指出相关研究将是未来水星空间环境的前沿热点.


Low-altitude satellites make latitudinal cuts through the entire plasma sheet within a few minutes. We show that by combining several such satellites it is possible to form an image of a large portion of the plasma sheet within a relatively short time. Strictly speaking such a technique images the field-aligned portion of the plasma sheet, however, theoretical work as well as extensive in situ observations have demonstrated that the plasma sheet is highly isotropic. In practice the most significant limitation is that electron acceleration events (including the auroral bulge) require discarding the associated ion data. An instance when five DMSP satellites (F10–F14) went through the southern hemisphere nightside oval within a 19 min period is used to construct the first partial magnetotail image. The possibilities of combining data from other missions to construct more complete composite images is considered. This technique is also highly useful in statistical studies of the plasma sheet. Because a low-altitude spacecraft cuts through the plasma sheet about 25 times as often as a mid-altitude spacecraft, and hundreds of times more often than high-altitude spacecraft, statistically meaningful surveys of the plasma sheet as a whole are hundreds of times easier using a collection of DMSP satellites. We demonstrate herein that the dawn LLBL flank is an apparent source of cold magnetosheath plasma supplied to the central plasma sheet.  相似文献   


Some approaches of one-dimensional time-dependent magneto-hydrodynamic modeling of the structure of the inner coma of comet Halley are considered. The influence of the magnetic field diffusion on this structure is studied. The solution of Cravens (1989) approach containing classic magnetic diffusion is compared with an approach containing a specific diffusion, caused by non-instantaneous mass-loading of new ions. A case with no magnetic field is also considered. Common features of all the solutions are obtained. Special attention is paid to the sharp velocity jump, synchronized with a local density pick. Some differences between two types of magnetic field diffusion are discussed. A possible connection is supposed between this consideration and the large-scale shock fitting modeling of the solar plasma-comet interaction.  相似文献   

Shear flow instability arising from the velocity shear between the inner and the outer central plasma sheet regions is studied by treating the plasma as compressible. Based on the linearized MHD equations, dispersion relations for the surface wave modes occurring at the boundary of the inner central plasma sheet (ICPS) and the outer central plasma sheet (OCPS) are derived. The growth rates and the eigenmode frequencies are obtained numerically. Three data sets consisting of parameters relevant to the earth’s magnetotail are considered. The plasma sheet region is found to be stable for constant plasma flows unless MA>9.6, where MA is the Alfvén Mach number in the ICPS. However, for a continuously varying flow velocity profile in the ICPS, the instability is excited for MA\geq1.4. The excited modes have oscillation periods of 2–10 min and 1.5–6 s, and typical transverse wavelengths of 30–100 RE and 0.5–6 RE for data sets 1 and 2 (i.e., case of no neutral sheet) respectively. For the data set 3, which corresponds to a neutral sheet at the center of the plasma sheet, the excited oscillations have periods of 2 s-1 min with transverse wavelengths of 0.02–1 RE.  相似文献   

The possibility to estimate plasma sheet parameters from low-altitude measurements looks quite attractive, but it critically depends on how isotropic the plasma pressure is in the flux tube. To evaluate the ion pressure anisotropy we compare the values of pressure in the ionospheric and equatorial parts of the field line. Ionospheric values were computed from proton measurements at NOAA low-altitude satellites, they were compared with pressure estimates computed from empirical magnetic field models as well as with average values known from direct plasma sheet measurements. Three different methods of mapping the plasma pressure from plasma sheet to low altitude have been tried; each uses the particle isotropic boundaries observed at low altitudes and/or computed from magnetospheric models. Excluding observations obtained during substorm expansion, from these comparisons we conclude that in the plasma sheet, at geocentric distances 9–20RE, the pressure estimates in the ionospheric and equatorial parts of the plasma sheet flux tube agree very well, suggesting a good pressure isotropy and thus justifying a possibility to monitor the plasma sheet parameters based on low-altitude measurements. The results also illustrate the usefulness of isotropic boundaries as a label of tail current intensity and as reliable tool for establishing mapping between magnetosphere and ionosphere.  相似文献   

We investigate the magnetospheric domain responsible for the generation of ionospheric travelling convection vortices (TCV) by comparing the location of the TCV to the locations of the low-altitude particle-precipitation boundaries deduced from the DMSP satellite measurements. For three very well documented TCV events we are able to identify suitable satellite passes, in the sense that for each event we can identify two to three passes occurring close to the TCV observation in both time and space. In all three cases the comparisons place the TCV centres at or equatorward of the central plasma sheet/boundary plasma sheet precipitation boundary. Thus our results indicate that the field-aligned currents related to the TCV originate in the plasma sheet rather than at the magnetopause or in the low-latitude boundary layer, as previous studies suggest.Permanent address: Polar Geophysical Institute, Apatity, Murmansk region, 184200, Russia  相似文献   

This paper studies the effective polytropic index in the central plasma sheet(CPS) by using the method of Kartalev et al.(2006), which adopts the denoising technique of Haar wavelet to identify the homogeneous MHD Bernoulli integral(MBI) and has been frequently used to study the polytropic relation in the solar wind. We chose the quiet CPS crossing by Cluster C1 during the interval 08:51:00–09:19:00 UT on 03 August 2001. In the central plasma sheet, thermal pressure energy per unit mass is the most important part in MBI, and kinetic energy of fluid motion and electromagnetic energy per unit mass are less important. In the MBI, there are many peaks, which correspond to isothermal or near isothermal processes. The interval lengths of homogenous MBI regions are generally less than 1 min. The polytropic indexes are calculated by linearly fitting the data of lnp and lnn within a 16 s window, which is shifted forward by 8 s step length. Those polytropic indexes with |R|≥0.8(R is the correlation coefficient between lnp and lnn) and p-value≤0.1 in the homogeneous regions are almost all in the range of [0, 1]. The mean and median effective polytropic indexes with high R and low p-value in homogeneous regions are 0.34 and 0.32 respectively, which are much different from the polytropic index obtained by traditional method(?trad=?0.15). This result indicates that the CPS is not uniform even during quiet time and the blanket applications of polytropic law to plasma sheet may return misleading value of polytropic index. The polytropic indexes in homogeneous regions with a high correlation coefficient basically have good regression significance and are thus credible. These results are very important to understand the energy transport in magnetotail in the MHD frame.  相似文献   

We have studied the turbulent processes in the central plasma sheet using the tailward alignments of THEMIS satellites. Fluctuations of the plasma bulk velocity and corresponding eddy-diffusion coefficients were calculated using the simultaneous data obtained by THEMIS satellites situated inside the central plasma sheet between approximately 5 and 30 Earth's radii. The instantaneous profiles of eddy-diffusion coefficients show an increase with distance from the Earth in the tailward direction. This result agrees with previous statistical studies, and it is relevant for the understanding of the dynamics of the turbulent plasma sheet.  相似文献   

Using data from THEMIS spacecraft we investigated transverse to the magnetic field mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic components of ballooning type perturbations with periods 60–240 s, which are observed in the magnetospheric plasma sheet during the period preceding substorm onset. With applying Hilbert transform, we analyzed the phase relations between them. It is shown that the perturbations are dominated by radial electric and azimuthal magnetic (that is, toroidal) components which are usually in phase or out-of-phase. Along with them, approximately 2.5 times less intense azimuthal electric and radial magnetic components are present, which are more often phase-shifted by π/2. It is concluded that the observed perturbations are not a simple consequence of the development of plasma sheet ballooning instability, leading to the growth of strongly elongated along the magnetotail ballooning structures. It is pointed out that this conclusion is confirmed by simultaneous ground-based observations of magnetically conjugate auroral structures.  相似文献   

利用THEMIS THC卫星观测数据统计分析近地等离子体片中磁场扰动和等离子体整体流的速度扰动的关系,研究Alfven波动的活动性.研究结果表明:1)等离子体整体流的速度扰动幅度依赖于平均速度的大小,速度扰动幅度随平均速度的增加而增加;2)速度扰动幅度与磁场扰动幅度存在较强的正相关性;3)磁场扰动幅度与AE指数密切相关,磁场扰动幅度随着AE指数增加而增加,而速度扰动幅度与AE指数之间没有明显的相关性;4)Alfven比与AE指数的相关系数较小,但能够看出Alfven比随着AE指数增加而减小的趋势;5)速度扰动幅度和磁场扰动幅度与尾向距离及距中性片距离的关系不明显.  相似文献   

Compressional waves with periods greater than 2 min (about 10–30 min) at low geomagnetic latitudes, namely compressional Pc5 waves, are studied. The data set obtained with magnetometer MIF-M and plasma analyzer instrument CORALL on board the Interball-1 are analyzed. Measurements performed in October 1995 and October 1996 in the dawn plasma sheet at −30 RE ≤ XGSM and |ZGSM| ≤ 10 RE are considered. Anti-phase variations of magnetic field and ion plasma pressures are analyzed by searching for morphological similarities in the two time series. It is found that longitudinal and transverse magnetic field variations with respect to the background magnetic field are of the same order of magnitude. Plasma velocities are processed for each time period of the local dissimilarity in the pressure time series. VeloCity disturbances occur mainly transversely to the local field line. The data reveal the rotation of the veloCity vector. Because of the field line curvature, there is no fixed position of the rotational plane in the space. These vortices are localized in the regions of anti-phase variations of the magnetic field and plasma pressures, and the vortical flows are associated with the compressional Pc5 wave process. A theoretical model is proposed to explain the main features of the nonlinear wave processes. Our main goal is to study coupling of drift Alfven wave and magnetosonic wave in a warm inhomogeneous plasma. A vortex is the partial solution of the set of the equations when the compression is neglected. A compression effect gives rise to a nonlinear soliton-like solution.  相似文献   

Auroras have been extensively studied using images obtained by space-borne experiments. We use global UVI images obtained from Polar and simultaneous plasma data obtained by the 3D instrument on Wind from the near-earth plasma sheet to study the dynamics of auroras with different size and intensity. Unstable phase space ion distributions are detected in the plasma sheet under diverse geomagnetic and solar wind IMF conditions (positive and negative Bz) and at all phases of a substorm. These results indicate that plasma instability processes with different disturbance levels operate in the plasma sheet and produce a continuum of auroral size and intensity. The criteria for triggering an instability are dependent on the local properties of the plasma distributions. These observations suggest a new framework to integrate previous and current results and a new way to examine the causal relationships of auroral and plasma sheet dynamics.  相似文献   

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