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在Newton迭代方法的基础上,对高阶精度间断Galerkin有限元方法(DGM)的时间隐式格式进行了研究. Newton迭代 法的优势在于收敛效率高效,并且定常和非定常问题能够统一处理,对于非定常问题无需引入双时间步策略. 为了避免大型矩阵的求逆,采用一步Gauss-Seidel迭代和Matrix-free技术消去残值Jacobi矩阵的上、下三角矩阵,从而只需计算和存储对角(块)矩阵. 对角(块)矩阵采用数值方法计算. 空间离散采用Taylor基,其优势在于对于任意形状的网格,基函数的形式是一致的,有利于在混合网格上推广. 利用该方法,数值模拟了Bump绕流和NACA0012翼型绕流. 计算结果表明,与显式的Runge-Kutta时间格式相比,隐式格式所需的迭代步数和CPU时间均在很大程度上得到减少,计算效率能够提高1~ 2个量级.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种任意曲线坐标系下的Navier-Stokes方程组的隐式矢通量分裂格式的构造方法.该方法避开了近似因子分解、无矩阵运算,具有精度高、稳定性好、计算量少等优点.在扩压器进气道跨音流场的计算中,准确地捕获了激波,与实验比较,结果令人满意.  相似文献   

佟莹  夏健  陈龙  薛浩天 《力学学报》2022,54(1):94-105
采用浸没边界格子Boltzmann (immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann, IB-LB)模型执行动边界绕流数值模拟时,信息交互界面和边界力计算格式直接影响流动求解器的数值精度和计算效率.基于隐式扩散界面,一种改进的直接力格式IB-LB模型被提出.边界力表达式基于欧拉/拉格朗日变量同一性准则推导,转换矩阵描述的信息交互界面耦合了拉格朗日节点间的非同步运动.采用Richardson迭代数值求解关联边界力与无滑移速度约束的线性方程组,不仅克服了传统速度修正格式中矩阵求逆引起的计算效率问题,而且摆脱了算法稳定性对拉格朗日点分布的依赖.根据解析解已知的Taylor-Green涡流评估本文模型的数值模拟精度,结果表明改进的IB模型能够完整保留背景LB模型的二阶数值精度.静止圆柱和振荡圆柱绕流数值实验结果表明,当前模型在涉及复杂外形和运动界面的流动模拟中能够提供可靠的数值预测,满足力同一性的IB-LB模型能够有效抑制非定常流体力的伪物理震荡.波动翼型绕流模拟验证了当前模型的实用性,可在大变形柔性体流固耦合动力学问题中进一步推广.  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的分块隐式数值方法,在贴体坐标和交错网格下以逆变速度分量和压力U,V,W,p为基本求解变量,由此克服了原分块隐式数值方法求解复杂边界流动时的困难.90°弯管流动数值计算初步表明,本文提出的方法合理、可行  相似文献   

基于玻尔兹曼模型方程的气体运动论统一算法(gas kinetic unified algorithm,GKUA) 给出了一种能模拟从连续流到自由分子流跨流域空气动力学问题的途径. 该算法采用传统计算流体力学技术将分子运动和碰撞解耦处理,若采用显式格式将受格式稳定条件限制,在模拟超声速流动尤其是近连续流和连续流区的流动时计算效率较低. 为了提高计算效率,扩展其工程实用性,采用上下对称高斯-赛德尔(LU-SGS) 方法和有限体积法构造了求解玻尔兹曼模型方程的隐式方法,同时在物理空间采用能处理任意连接关系的多块对接网格技术. 通过模拟近连续过渡区并排圆柱绕流问题,计算结果与直接模拟蒙特卡洛方法模拟值吻合较好,验证了该方法用于跨流域空气动力计算的可靠性与可行性.   相似文献   

松弛格式是Jin和Xin提出的无振荡有限差分方法,其主要思想是将守恒律转化为松弛方程组进行求解.本文用逐维五阶WENO重构和显隐式Runge-Kutta方法对松弛方程组的空间和时间进行离散,得到了一种求解二维双曲型守恒律五阶松弛格式.所得格式保持了松弛格式简单的优点,不用求解Riemann问题和计算通量函数的雅可比矩阵.通过二维Burgers方程和二维浅水方程的数值算例验证了格式的有效性.  相似文献   

对非稳态粘性不可压流动问题提出了一种隐式最小二乘等几何计算方法。该方法先用隐式的向后多步差分格式对Navier-Stokes方程进行时间离散,再用Newton法线性化对流项,最后在每个时间步上用最小二乘等几何方法进行求解。根据该算法编制了计算程序,通过构造解析解的方法验证了程序的正确性,用该程序求解了雷诺数为5000时的非稳态二维顶盖驱动流问题,计算结果捕捉到了流动过程中涡的演化过程,表明本文方法可用于非稳态流动的求解。  相似文献   

基于混合网格Navier-Stokes方程的并行隐式计算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对结构网格很难处理复杂外形和非结构网格无法计算具有边界层的粘性流动的缺点,发展了基于混合网格格点的隐式算法,成功地解决了在工程应用中难于处理的复杂外形粘性流场计算和效率问题。同时针对大规模的工程问题,发展了基于MPI通信技术的染色分层通讯并行计算方法。其中空间离散采用基于Roe格式发展的三阶迎风HLLEW(Harten-Lax-Van Leer-Einfeldt-Wada)或AUSM格式,湍流模型采用k??两方程湍流模型,时间推进考虑到LU-SGS并行等效较困难则采用基于DP-LUR(Data-Parallel Lower-Upper Relaxation)格式的隐式算法,计算CFL数可取到105量级,从2个到128个CPU的并行加速效率都保持在90%以上,大大提高了计算效率。算例对标模M6机翼模型流场进行计算,验证了方法的可靠性;然后对标模DLR-F6翼身组合体进行混合网格粘性与无粘计算结果进行比较,进一步验证混合网格方法;最后计算了DLR-WBNP外挂发动机翼身组合体模型,准确模拟了外挂和超临界机翼的相互干扰流动问题,采用4 CPU 16 CORE到24 CPU 96 CORE,2000步计算时间都不超...  相似文献   

陈兵  徐旭  蔡国飙 《力学学报》2008,40(2):162-170
讨论了抛物化NS方程(parabolized Navier-Stokesequations, PNS)的数学性质,对比分析多种处理流向压力梯度的方法的优缺点. 以此为基础,成功地将LU-SGS隐式时间积分方法推广到PNS方程的流向空间积分上,发展了基于PNS方程的有限体积单次扫描空间推进算法(single-sweep parabolized Navier-Stokesalgorithm, SSPNS). 在该算法中,横向无黏数值通量和黏性通量分别采用混合型迎风格式和中心格式求解. 用SSPNS算法计算了4个典型流场,包括超声速平板流、15$^\circ$楔板压缩高超声速流、带攻角的高超声速锥形流和侧压式高超声速进气道流动. SSPNS计算结果与NASA UPS程序数值结果、文献提供的实验数据及理论分析结果符合得很好.对比研究表明,SSPNS 法与传统时间迭代法相比,二者计算精度相当,而SSPNS计算速度快1~2个量级,存储量至少低1个量级.关键词 抛物化NS方程;空间推进算法;LU-SGS隐式积分方法;超声速/高超声速流动   相似文献   

A method capable of solving very fast and robust complex non-linear systems of equations is presented. The block adaptive multigrid (BAM) method combines mesh adaptive techniques with multigrid and domain decomposition methods. The overall method is based on the FAS multigrid, but instead of using global grids, locally enriched subgrids are also employed in regions where excessive solution errors are encountered. The final mesh is a composite grid with uniform rectangular subgrids of various mesh densities. The regions where finer grid resolution is necessary are detected using an estimation of the solution error by comparing solutions between grid levels. Furthermore, an alternative domain decomposition strategy has been developed to take advantage of parallel computing machines. The proposed method has been applied to an implicit upwind Euler code (EuFlex) for the solution of complex transonic flows around aerofoils. The efficiency and robustness of the BAM method are demonstrated for two popular inviscid test cases. Up to 19-fold acceleration with respect to the single-grid solution has been achieved, but a further twofold speed-up is possible on four-processor parallel computers.  相似文献   

沈冯强 《力学学报》2010,42(2):319-324
针对有限单元法结构分析中的对称方阵广义特征值问题,提出广义Jacobi方法的一种优化算法. 在该算法中,对非对角元素的阈值判断和扫描圈迭代的收敛准则采用了与以往文献中不同的新颖措施,使得该算法不仅适用于对称正定方阵,而且还可应用于全部特征值均为实数时任意对称方阵的广义特征值问题. 并对这一算法给出了证明.   相似文献   

利用NND有限差分格式,发展了一种新的完全隐式的有限体积数值方法,以求解与时间相关的N-S方程.对通过单元体界面的无粘流和粘性流通量均作隐式处理.对绕流钝锥体和不同攻角的气动辅助实验飞行器的高超声速粘性流和化学反应流获得了定常数值解.对流加热率和流场电子密度的计算值与实验数据进行了比较,符合较好,证实了本方法的精确性.  相似文献   

An unfactored implicit time-marching method for the solution of the unsteady two-dimensional Reynolds-averaged thin layer Navier–Stokes equations is presented. The linear system arising from each implicit step is solved by the conjugate gradient squared (CGS) method with preconditioning based on an ADI factorization. The time-marching procedure has been used with a fast transfinite interpolation method to regenerate the mesh at each time step in response to the motion of the aerofoil. The main test cases examined are from the AGARD aeroelastic configurations and involve aerofoils oscillating rigidly in pitch. These test cases have been used to investigate the effect of various parameters, such as CGS tolerance and laminar/turbulent transition location, on the accuracy and efficiency of the method. Comparisons with available experimental data have been made for these cases. In order to illustrate the application of the mesh generator and flow solver to more general flows where the aerofoil deforms, results for an NACA 0012 aerofoil with an oscillating trailing edge flap are also shown.  相似文献   

In this paper an implicit projection method for the solution of the two-dimensional, time-dependent, incompressible Navier– Stokes equations is presented. The basic principle of this method is that the evaluation of the time evolution is split into intermediate steps. The computational method is based on the approximate factorization technique. The coupled approach is used to link the equations of motion and the turbulence model equations. The standard k-ϵ turbulence model is used. The current methodology, which has been tested extensively for steady problems, is now applied for the numerical simulation of unsteady flows. Several cases were tested, such as plane or axisymmetric channels, a backward-facing step, a square cavity and an axisymmetric stenosis.  相似文献   

Nonlinear dynamic equations can be solved accurately using a precise integration method. Some algorithms exist, but the inversion of a matrix must be calculated for these algorithms. If the inversion of the matrix doesn‘t exist or isn‘t stable, the precision and stability of the algorithms will be affected. An explicit series solution of the state equation has been presented. The solution avoids calculating the inversion of a matrix and its precision can be easily controlled. In this paper, an implicit series solution of nonlinear dynamic equations is presented.The algorithm is more precise and stable than the explicit series solution and isn‘t sensitive to the time-step. Finally, a numerical example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

非线性动力方程直接积分法的基础是构造$t$时刻与t+\Delta t时刻状态量间的关系, 由此形成基本量的非线性方程组, 再在每个时间步内采用 Newton-Raphson或BFGS等迭代方法求解. 该文基于Bathe复合积分法(composite implicit time integration), 提出了非线性阻尼系统基于速度变量的复合时间 积分迭代格式. 以非线性黏滞阻尼Sdof系统为例, 按上述方法以及基于BFGS迭代 的Newmark-\beta法编制Fortran程序, 结果与Adina软件对比, 验证了该文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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