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多普勒激光雷达在台风等强天气背景下的探测能力亟待研究,为此将多普勒激光雷达与70 m测风塔超声风温仪在同址同高度探测台风"利奇马"影响期间的边界层风场数据进行对比,并分析多普勒激光雷达的误差分布以及变化情况。结果显示:在高度70 m上,两者的水平风速、风向相关系数分别为0.97和0.99,垂直风速的相关系数为0.36。以超声风温仪为参考值,激光雷达水平风速、垂直风速和风向均方根误差分别为1.06 m/s、0.46 m/s和17.10°。深入研究表明:降水对多普勒激光雷达测量水平风速和垂直风速误差均有一定影响。当激光雷达信噪比大于2 000时,各参量的误差与信噪比呈负相关关系。研究表明多普勒激光雷达至少可以较好地刻画台风环流内的水平风场结构及演变,可应用于台风外围环流影响下(即较弱降雨条件下)边界层风场的高分辨率探测和研究。  相似文献   

2007年12月11~14日,中国科学院大气物理研究所与法国Leosphere公司在该研究所位于北京市北三环和北四环之间的325 m气象塔试验场内联合开展了一次测风激光雷达Windcube的外场演示试验.Windcube观测数据随后与325 m气象塔上的风杯风速仪测得的风速资料进行了对比,结果是:由两种手段获得的所有6...  相似文献   

利用2019年11月5日至12月13日厦门国家高空气象观测站的无线电探空仪数据和同期布设的多普勒测风激光雷达资料,对比分析二者的风速风向和通过梯度法反演的边界层高度.结果表明:(1)风速和风向的决定系数R2分别达到0.91和0.98,一致性良好,450~1300 m高度范围内,对比效果最佳;(2)利用探空数据的温度廓线...  相似文献   

在张家口市张北县国家风光储输试验场,采用Windcube激光雷达测风系统与测风塔测风设备同步观测试验数据,计算了各种统计量,对风速、风向、标准偏差和湍流强度进行了对比分析.结果表明:Windcube测量数据有效率在140 m以下达到97%以上,测量结果基本不受降水影响;Windcube与测风塔测得的风速、风向相关系数均达到了0.99以上,100 m高度风速偏差为-0.197 m/s,相对偏差为-2.3%,平均风向偏差为-6.2°,平均湍流强度偏差0.0093,与其他文献的对比分析结果一致,能够满足风能资源评估的要求.  相似文献   

2019年3月,利用相干多普勒测风激光雷达首次在辽东湾西部绥中地区进行了风廓线测量试验。根据研究区域海岸线走向采用风向的十六分位法定义局地海风和陆风,分析和提取海陆风特征验证了多普勒测风激光雷达在春季季风间断期间观测海陆风的可行性,并计算和分析了大气边界层湍流能量的变化以及回流水平变化等特性。结果表明:1)绥中地区春季存在明显的海陆风环流特征,测风激光雷达观测海陆风出现的时间与地面自动气象站观测的数据较为一致,符合海陆风日的定义。2)海陆风日发生时,水平局地回流指数(RF)较小,1.2 km以下的RF值小于0.5,使得污染物循环累积,较易形成雾霾天气;但是海风时大气边界层的高度可达1 km以上,有利于低层大气污染物向高层扩散,减轻低层大气污染。研究结果为该地边界层参数化方案的设计和污染的防治提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

为了获取大气湍流和空间三维风场结构,利用3台同型号的测风激光雷达开展协同观测试验。(1)利用虚拟铁塔协同观测技术开展大气湍流探测,与香河102 m铁塔安装的三维超声风速仪观测结果做对比,32 m处高频(10 Hz)风速的相关系数高达0.92,平均误差为0.77 m/s,均方根误差为0.41 m/s;大气湍流强度(TKE)的相关系数高达0.99,平均误差为-0.02 m2/s2,均方根误差为0.08 m2/s2,并且协同观测的高频风速与三维超声风速仪的观测结果具有相同的频谱结构。(2)利用扫描协同观测技术开展三维风场探测,与铁塔上的常规测风设备相比,其90 m高度处的水平风速和风向的相关系数分别为0.92和0.93,平均误差为-0.41 m/s和0°,均方根误差为0.73 m/s和34°。相比于单台测风激光雷达,基于3台测风激光雷达协同观测技术具有一定的优势:不需要风场水平均匀的假设、探测精度更高等。但其对观测环境的要求较高:观测路径上不能有遮挡、观测必须协同等。在科研业务应用中,需要根据实际的观测需...  相似文献   

基于相干多普勒测风激光雷达于2018年8月在山东德州获取的为期一个月的风廓线观测数据,进行了低空急流的判定、识别与统计分析。参考BONNER对低空急流的判定标准,对1 500 m高度以下的每10 min平均风廓线数据进行低空急流识别与统计,急流发生频率仅为3.6%。参考张世丰对低空急流的判定标准,统计了350 m高度以下10 min平均风廓线的低空急流风速、高度、风向及风切变等结构特征。急流发生频率为24.9%,急流速度主要介于6~10 m·s-1之间,急流高度出现3个峰值,分别位于110 m、160 m和220 m左右,急流风向主要为偏东风和偏南风。结果表明,多普勒激光雷达可以获取高时空分辨率的风廓线数据,进而可以有效检测低空急流结构的存在及其特征。  相似文献   

为了更好的了解WindView 10多普勒风廓线激光雷达的准确性,2017年7月在深圳石岩气象综合观测基地进行了一次成功的风速风向观测对比试验(时间为2017年7月20—30日),利用356 m气象梯度塔与测风激光雷达测得的风数据进行了不同时次和不同高度(40、80、100和150 m)的对比,结果表明:梯度塔和雷达在300 m以下高度范围内风速风向的观测结果比较一致,各层风速风向结果的标准差、最小最大值、均值、中位数都非常接近。风速的均值偏差最小为-0.000 09 m/s,标准差偏差最小为0.002 63 m/s,风向均值偏差最小为0.169 83°,标准差偏差最小为-1.304 83°。4层高度风速风向的相关系数都很高,风速的相关系数普遍在0.95以上,风向由于360°的过零问题导致相关系数较低,但也普遍大于0.75。同时,激光雷达测得的风速均值普遍小于梯度塔,风向均值在低层小于梯度塔,在高层则偏大。验证结果表明,该型多普勒测风激光雷达是一款观测结果可靠的低层大气风廓线测量仪器。  相似文献   

机载多普勒激光测风雷达风场反演研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所研制出机载全固态多普勒激光测风雷达,并成功进行了试验飞行。本文介绍了机载多普勒激光测风雷达的基本参数和探测三维风场的工作原理,并对利用激光回波信号和机载辅助数据反演三维风场的详细算法进行了研究,获得了3 000 m以下高度具有较高精度的三维风场,同时用经纬仪气球测风法进行了对比验证实验,验证了机载多普勒激光测风雷达测量数据的准确性。  相似文献   

基于斐索干涉仪的直接探测多普勒测风激光雷达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出结合多光束斐索(Fizeau)干涉仪和CCD探测器的条纹图像技术,测量地球边界层下的三维风场的直接探测多普勒激光雷达技术.在分析Fizeau干涉仪的物理特性和光谱特性以及影响测量多普勒频移的因数和改进方法的基础上,提出一套切合实际的直接探测多普勒激光雷达系统参数.并利用该参数进行性能评估分析,模拟不同干涉仪参数对风速精度的影响,得出一个优化的干涉仪物理参数.模拟结果显示,系统可以获得小于1 m s-1的水平风速精度.这些分析,为建立实际的激光雷达系统提供设计依据.  相似文献   

Although coherent Doppler wind lidar (CDWL) is promising in detecting boundary layer height (BLH), differences between BLH results are observed when different CDWL measurements are used as tracers. Here, a robust solution for BLH detections with CDWL is proposed and demonstrated: mixed layer height (MLH) is retrieved best from turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (TKEDR), while stable boundary layer height (SBLH) and residual layer height (RLH) can be retrieved from carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR). To study the cause of the BLH differences, an intercomparison experiment is designed with two identical CDWLs, where only one is equipped with a stability control subsystem. During the experiment, it is found that the CNR could be distorted by instrument instability because the coupling efficiency from free-space to the polarization-maintaining fiber of the telescope is sensitive to the surrounding environment. In the ML, a bias up to 2.13 km of the MLH from CNR is found, which is caused by the CNR deviation. In contrast, the MLH from TKEDR is robust as long as the accuracy of wind is guaranteed. In the SBL (RL), the CNR is found capable to retrieve SBLH and RLH simultaneously and robustly. This solution is tested during an observation period over one month. Statistical analysis shows that the root-mean-square errors (RMSE) in the MLH, SBLH, and RLH are 0.28 km, 0.23 km, and 0.24 km, respectively.  相似文献   

多普勒激光雷达风场反演方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用三维变分同化反演(3DVAR)、 四维变分同化反演(4DVAR) 对多普勒激光雷达资料反演风场的方法进行了研究, 利用车载多普勒激光雷达在2008年残奥会测试赛期间外场试验取得的数据, 反演了海面10 m高度处的风场, 并将风场反演结果与浮标资料进行了对比分析, 结果表明: 3DVAR、4DVAR风场反演方法均能实现近海面风的精细化风场反演, 并能反映出风向的变化, 反演风场与浮标数据基本一致, 在风速较大的天气情况, 3DVAR与4DVAR反演风场的一致性要好于风速较小的天气情况; 4DVAR反演方法中以浮标资料作为背景场, 使得其与浮标的符合程度要好于3DVAR方法反演风场; 反演风场的风向与浮标风向具有很好的相关关系, 反演风场的风速与浮标风速具有一定的相关关系, 反演风场的风向、风速与浮标的风向、风速之间平均均方根误差和平均绝对误差表明, 这两序列之间具有一定差别, 在风速较小的天气情况下使用时需要注意。  相似文献   

The mobile incoherent Doppler lidar(MIDL),which was jointly developed by State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather(LaSW) of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(CAMS) and Ocean University of China,provided meteorological services during the Olympic sailing events in Qingdao in 2008.In this study,two experiments were performed based on these measurements.First,the capabilities of MIDL detection of sea-surface winds were investigated by comparing its radial velocities with those from a sea buoy.MIDL radial velocity was almost consistent with sea-buoy data;both reflected the changes in wind with time.However,the MIDL data was 0.5 m s 1 lower on average than the sea-buoy data due to differences in detection principle,sample volume,sample interval,spatial and temporal resolution.Second,the wind fields during the Olympic sailing events were calculated using a four-dimensional variation data assimilation(4DVAR) algorithm and were evaluated by comparing them with data from a sea buoy.The results show that the calculations made with the 4DVAR wind retrieval method are able to simulate the fine retrieval of sea-surface wind data-the retrieved wind fields were consistent with those of sea-buoy data.Overall,the correlation coefficient of wind direction was 0.93,and the correlation coefficient of wind speed was 0.70.The distribution of retrieval wind fields was consistent with that of MIDL radial velocity;the root-mean-square error between them had an average of only 1.52 m s 1.  相似文献   

We utilized a Doppler lidar to measure spectra of vertical velocity w from 390m above the surface to the top of the daytime convective boundary layer (CBL). The high resolution 2μm wavelength Doppler lidar developed by the NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory was used to detect the mean radial velocity of aerosol particles. It operated continuously during the daytime in the zenith-pointing mode for several days in summer 1996 during the Lidars-in-Flat-Terrain experiment over level farmland in central Illinois, U.S.A. The temporal resolution of the lidar was about 1 s, and the range-gate resolution was about 30m. The vertical cross-sections were used to calculate spectra as a function of height with unprecedented vertical resolution throughout much of the CBL, and, in general, we find continuity of the spectral peaks throughout the depth of the CBL. We compare the observed spectra with previous formulations based on both measurements and numerical simulations, and discuss the considerable differences, both on an averaged and a case-by-case basis. We fit the observed spectra to a model that takes into account the wavelength of the spectral peak and the curvature of the spectra across the transition from low wavenumbers to the inertial subrange. The curvature generally is as large or larger than the von Kármán spectra. There is large case-to-case variability, some of which can be linked to the mean structure of the CBL, especially the mean wind and the convective instability. We also find a large case-to-case variability in our estimates of normalized turbulent kinetic energy dissipation deduced from the spectra, likely due for the most part to a varying ratio of entrainment flux to surface flux. Finally, we find a relatively larger contribution to the low wavenumber region of the spectra in cases with smaller shear across the capping inversion, and suggest that this may be due partly to gravity waves in the inversion and overlying free atmosphere.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis was applied to lidar observations to retrieve the planetary boundary layer height(PBLH)over Guangzhou from September 2013 to November 2014 over Guangzhou. Impact of the boundary effect and the wavelet scale factor on the accuracy of the retrieved PBLH has been explored thoroughly. In addition, the PBLH diurnal variations and the relationship between PM_(2.5) concentration and PBLH during polluted and clean episodes were studied. Results indicate that the most steady retrieved PBLH can be obtained when scale factor is chosen between 300-390 m. The retrieved maximum and minimum PBLH in the annual mean diurnal cycle were ~1100 m and ~650 m, respectively. The PBLH was significantly lower in the dry season than in the wet season, with the average highest PBLH in the dry season and the wet season being ~1050 m and ~1200 m respectively. Compared to the wet season, the development of PBLH in the dry season was delayed by at least one hour due to the seasonal cycle of solar radiation. Episode analysis indicated that the PBLH was ~50% higher during clean episodes than during haze episodes. The average highest PBLH in the haze episodes and clean episodes were ~800 m and ~1300 m,respectively. A significant negative correlation between PBLH and PM_(2.5) concentration(r =-0.55**) is discovered.According to China"Ambient Air Quality Standard", the PBLH values in good and slightly polluted conditions were 1/6-1/3 lower than that in excellent conditions, while the corresponding PM_(2.5) concentration were ~2-2.5 times higher.  相似文献   

测风激光雷达和风廓线雷达作为L波段探空测风的有效补充,均可以提供高时空分辨率的大气风场信息,然而由于工作原理和适用条件存在明显差异,在探测性能上各有优缺点,单一设备的探测数据已不能满足精细化预报的要求。本研究使用2020年1—5月北京南郊观象台的L波段探空资料对同址观测的测风激光雷达和风廓线雷达进行了数据质量评估,结果表明测风激光雷达与探空的一致性较高,U、V分量的相关系数分别为0.97和0.98,均方根误差分别为1.1和0.95 m·s-1,然而在2 km以上数据获取率较低且偏差较大;风廓线雷达与探空相比,U、V分量的相关系数分别为0.94和0.93,均方根误差分别为2.94和2.91 m·s-1,风廓线雷达的探测距离虽然更远,但在0.5 km以下和6 km以上的测量偏差较大。考虑到两种测风雷达在不同探测高度上的性能优缺点,提出分段曲面拟合法对两者的水平风资料进行融合处理,并选取个例对融合效果进行验证,结果表明,融合后的风廓线与融合前相比,风向和风速的一致性均得到明显提升。  相似文献   

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