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基于月动力延伸预报最优信息的中国降水降尺度预测模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用国家气候中心月动力延伸预报结果、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国160个站观测资料,通过计算两次相关的方法,获取最优预报信息作为建立降尺度预测模型的预测因子,提取的最优预测因子同时满足既是观测环流要素场影响降水的关键区域,又是模式要素场预报的高技巧区域两个条件.结合挑选出的最优预测因子,利用最优子集回归建立月平均降水的降尺度预测模型.文中设计了消除预测因子和预测量的线性趋势值后建立预测模型(方案1)和直接利用原始资料建立预测模型(方案2)两种方案.经过独立样本检验,发现这两种方案建立的预测模型都能够提高月尺度降水预测,方案1对月尺度降水预测的距平相关系数平均可达0.35.利用该方案对超前时间分别为0、5、10 d的月动力延伸预报产品进行月降水的降尺度预测表明,模式初值信息不仅影响月动力延伸预报结果,也影响降尺度应用效果,利用超前时间为0和5 d的月动力延伸预报结果进行降水降尺度预测可在业务中参考.此外,降尺度预测模型中选取的预测因子不仪在统计上是显著的,同时也具有清楚的物理意义.  相似文献   

通过对山西省210余个年产量在90万吨以上的煤炭生产单位进行调查,确定西山煤电为重点调查对象。接受调查的人员主要为各单位总工、矿长、调度、技术人员、一线工人和财会人员,调查内容包括降水、雷电、高温、湿度、大风等对煤炭的影响。结果表明,2003年至2007年西山煤电的产量从2708.9万吨增加到3360万吨,产值由65亿增加到101亿,生产总值年年攀升,气象服务增加或节省的产值也在逐年增加。山西省煤炭行业对气象敏感度的综合评价为敏感,其中对气象雷电预警、降水灾害预警、连阴雨等尤其敏感。预警天气提前3h~6h通知即可做好防范。  相似文献   

利用新疆101个气象观测站点逐月降水实况资料和2001~2010年国家动力气候模式产品,进行月动力延伸预报产品的应用预测检验。采用PS评分和同号率对内插预测结果进行效果评估,并与业务评分进行对比。结果表明:月动力延伸预报产品对新疆地区月降水趋势预测Ps评分高于业务评分,而对各月降水距平百分率的同号率差异较大。夏、秋季Ps评分较高,冬、春季PS评分较低,季节转换时预测Ps评分变率较大。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和河南省106个站点夏季降水资料,建立了河南省夏季降水降尺度预测模型。该模型利用模式产品的500 h Pa高度场信息,通过统计降尺度方法,对河南省106个站点的夏季降水进行降尺度预测,实现了气候模式产品在河南省夏季降水预测中的降尺度解释应用,弥补了气候模式空间分辨率较低的缺陷。对该模型的历史回报检验表明,该降尺度模型对河南省夏季降水预测效果较好且较为稳定,尤其对北部、西部和豫南南部地区的效果最好。利用BCC-CGCM1和ECMWF-SYSTEM4模式资料,进行了独立样本的检验,结果表明,两种模式在5月起报的预测效果要优于3月起报的预测效果,BCC-CGCM1模式3月的预测效果要好于ECMWF-SYSTEM4的,两种模式在5月的预测效果相当。目前,此方法实现了可视化开发,并集成了检验方法,已应用于河南省气候预测业务中。  相似文献   

利用信噪方差比探讨了山东省月尺度降水可预报性,发现2~3月、9~10月不可预报,其它月份可预报性强。一般大气环流系统冬夏转换季节可预报性差。与13个代表站预报评分进行了比较,发现可预报性指数越高,则实际预报评分也相对较高,两者有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

基于DERF的SD方法预测月降水和极端降水日数   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对动力气候模式对区域或更小空间尺度内的日降水预测技巧偏低的问题,应用最优子集回归 (OSR) 方法对国家气候中心业务化的月动力气候模式 (DERF) 输出的高度场、风场和海平面气压场进行降尺度处理用于降水预测,旨在提高预测准确率。1982—2006年交叉检验结果表明:OSR方法能显著提高降水预测技巧,其中11~40 d改善效果最为显著。在此基础上,应用一步法和两步法两种统计降尺度方法预测极端降水日数,交叉检验结果表明:两种方法均优于随机预测,冬季两步法预测技巧略高于一步法,夏季一步法略优于两步法。综合认为OSR,OSR结合随机天气发生器 (WG) 两种统计降尺度方法对月尺度降水或极端降水日数的预测均具有较高的技巧,可作为短期气候预测的重要参考信息。  相似文献   

降尺度方法是目前弥补气候系统模式预测结果不足的重要手段,为获得具有较高预测技巧的山西盛夏降水客观化预测产品,本文选取1990—2017年6月起报的BCC_CSM气候系统模式输出盛夏结果和同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料同时与山西盛夏降水异常典型模态具有统计显著的因子,利用逐步回归方法建立了山西盛夏降水降尺度模型。进一步研究发现,降尺度模型的预测能力与BCC_CSM对影响山西盛夏降水关键区海温的预测技巧密切相关。检验回报与观测的时间和空间距平相关系数(TCC和ACC)、回报与观测的距平符号一致率(PC)以及趋势异常综合评分(PS),表明降尺度模型对山西盛夏降水的预测技巧较BCC_CSM输出有明显改进,BCC_CSM模拟降水TCC在山西全区没有通过95%信度检验,降尺度模型回报TCC在山西大部分地区通过95%信度检验,中南部通过99%信度检验;相应的ACC由-0.02提高到0.35,PC由53.3%提高到66.8%,PS由65.6%提高到78.9%。2018年盛夏业务试运行,ACC为0.42,PS为70.8%。  相似文献   

为了分析国家气候中心(NCC)月气候预测产品对陕西各气候区域和不同月份的预测能力,充分发挥其指导作用,利用现行评分方法和同号率统计方法,对2000—2010年NCC月气候预测产品对陕西月降水和气温预测情况进行分析,结果表明:月降水及其异常级评分多年平均值分别为57.9和63.4,同号率56.3%和57.7%。3月、5月、7—9月、11月和汉中、安康、商洛的评分及同号率较高。月气温及其异常级评分多年平均值分别为74.3和76.4,同号率70.8%和72.0%。3月、6—7月、11月和榆林、延安的评分和同号率较高。异常级预测的漏报率较高。  相似文献   

王莘  白彦芳 《青海气象》2000,(1):22-24,32
本文运用预报评分(P)、技巧评分(Ss0和距平相关系数(Acc)三各方法、对青海省近十几年业务上使用的20个代表站1988~1997年10年夏季(6~8月)降水距平百分率预报的准确程度进行了评估。结果表明:虽然青海省的地理环境特殊、各地气候差异较大,但青海省的预报质量仍较全国平均水平略高;用P方法比用以往评分方法(Ts)进行预测评定的质量高出近6个百分点;1998年夏季的预报质量远较前十年的平均质  相似文献   

Using climate models with high performance to predict the future climate changes can increase the reliability of results. In this paper, six kinds of global climate models that selected from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) under Representative Concentration Path (RCP) 4.5 scenarios were compared to the measured data during baseline period (1960–2000) and evaluate the simulation performance on precipitation. Since the results of single climate models are often biased and highly uncertain, we examine the back propagation (BP) neural network and arithmetic mean method in assembling the precipitation of multi models. The delta method was used to calibrate the result of single model and multimodel ensembles by arithmetic mean method (MME-AM) during the validation period (2001–2010) and the predicting period (2011–2100). We then use the single models and multimodel ensembles to predict the future precipitation process and spatial distribution. The result shows that BNU-ESM model has the highest simulation effect among all the single models. The multimodel assembled by BP neural network (MME-BP) has a good simulation performance on the annual average precipitation process and the deterministic coefficient during the validation period is 0.814. The simulation capability on spatial distribution of precipitation is: calibrated MME-AM > MME-BP > calibrated BNU-ESM. The future precipitation predicted by all models tends to increase as the time period increases. The order of average increase amplitude of each season is: winter > spring > summer > autumn. These findings can provide useful information for decision makers to make climate-related disaster mitigation plans.  相似文献   

基于1980—2016年长江流域站点观测降水,评估了CWRF区域气候模式对长江流域面雨量和极端降水气候事件的模拟能力.结果表明:CWRF模式能较好地再现1980—2016年长江流域及不同分区降水空间分布及月/季面雨量年际变率,且在冬、春季表现较好,夏、秋季次之.CWRF模式对长江流域面雨量存在系统性高估,对面雨量的模拟...  相似文献   

安庆地区ECMWF细网格降水预报的质量检验与释用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用安庆市逐日降水实况资料,针对2011—2016年ECMWF细网格降水预报产品对安庆地区的12 h、24 h分辨率晴雨和降水分级预报质量进行检验,基于检验结果对此降水预报产品进行解释应用。结果表明,ECMWF细网格数值降水预报在安庆地区晴雨预报正确率无明显区域差异,夏季晴雨预报正确率明显低于其他各季节,对夜间的预报能力明显优于白天。TS评分中,小雨最高,中雨次之,大雨及以上量级较低且无明显规律。若将冬、春两季0.2 mm以下、夏季1.0 mm以下和秋季0.8 mm以下的降水预报进行消空处理,则晴雨预报正确率会有所提升,且小雨预报的TS评分达最佳;若将≥40 mm的降水预报修正为暴雨,则暴雨预报TS评分提高接近1倍,且大雨和暴雨的预报偏差更接近1。  相似文献   

A simplified vegetation distribution prediction scheme is used in combination with the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) and coupled to a version of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM1) which includes a mixed-layer ocean. Employed in an off-line mode as a diagnostic tool, the scheme predicts a slightly darker and slightly rougher continental surface than when BATS' prescribed vegetation classes are used. The impact of tropical deforestation on regional climates, and hence on diagnosed vegetation, differs between South America and S.E. Asia. In the Amazon, the climatic effects of removing all the tropical forest are so marked that in only one of the 18 deforested grid elements could the new climate sustain tropical forest vegetation whereas in S.E. Asia in seven of the 9 deforested elements the climate could continue to support tropical forest. Following these off-line tests, the simple vegetation scheme has been coupled to the GCM as an interactive (or two-way) submodel for a test integration lasting 5.6 yr. It is found to be a stable component of the global climate system, producing only ~ 3% (absolute) interannual changes in the predicted percentages of continental vegetation, together with globally-averaged continental temperature increases of up to + 1.5 °C and evaporation increases of 0 to 5 W m–2 and no discernible trends over the 67 months of integration. On the other hand, this interactive land biosphere causes regional-scale temperature differences of ± 10 °C and commensurate disturbances in other climatic parameters. Tuning, similar to the q-flux schemes used for ocean models, could improve the simulation of the present-day surface climate but, in the longer term, it will be important to focus on predicting the characteristics of the continental surface rather than simple vegetation classes. The coupling scheme will also have to allow for vegetation responses occurring over longer timescales so that the coupled system is buffered from sudden shocks.  相似文献   

Liu  Xueyuan  Köhl  Armin  Stammer  Detlef  Masuda  Shuhei  Ishikawa  Yoichi  Mochizuki  Takashi 《Climate Dynamics》2017,49(3):1061-1075

We investigated the influence of dynamical in-consistency of initial conditions on the predictive skill of decadal climate predictions. The investigation builds on the fully coupled global model “Coupled GCM for Earth Simulator” (CFES). In two separate experiments, the ocean component of the coupled model is full-field initialized with two different initial fields from either the same coupled model CFES or the GECCO2 Ocean Synthesis while the atmosphere is initialized from CFES in both cases. Differences between both experiments show that higher SST forecast skill is obtained when initializing with coupled data assimilation initial conditions (CIH) instead of those from GECCO2 (GIH), with the most significant difference in skill obtained over the tropical Pacific at lead year one. High predictive skill of SST over the tropical Pacific seen in CIH reflects the good reproduction of El Niño events at lead year one. In contrast, GIH produces additional erroneous El Niño events. The tropical Pacific skill differences between both runs can be rationalized in terms of the zonal momentum balance between the wind stress and pressure gradient force, which characterizes the upper equatorial Pacific. In GIH, the differences between the oceanic and atmospheric state at initial time leads to imbalance between the zonal wind stress and pressure gradient force over the equatorial Pacific, which leads to the additional pseudo El Niño events and explains reduced predictive skill. The balance can be reestablished if anomaly initialization strategy is applied with GECCO2 initial conditions and improved predictive skill in the tropical Pacific is observed at lead year one. However, initializing the coupled model with self-consistent initial conditions leads to the highest skill of climate prediction in the tropical Pacific by preserving the momentum balance between zonal wind stress and pressure gradient force along the equatorial Pacific.


RegCM4.1对中国区域气候模拟能力评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用中国气象局提供的1985—2004年756个台站的逐日降水和气温观测数据评估了区域气候模式(RegCM4.1)对中国地区不同季节的降水和气温的模拟性能,并结合中国的区域气候特征和气候带分布进行分区讨论。结果表明RegCM4.1能够较好地再现中国地区四季降水占全年百分比、降水率的空间分布特点以及降水带南北摆动的季节变化特征。RegCM4.1对平均气温分布模拟较好,强度和高低中心与观测事实接近,但对青藏高原地区的气温分布模拟值一致偏低。同时发现RegCM4.1能够合理再现内陆地区气温日较差明显大于沿海地区的总体分布特征,不过模拟值在新疆和沿海地区比观测结果均偏低。  相似文献   

We analyze a set of nine regional climate model simulations for the period 1961–2000 performed at 25 and 50 km horizontal grid spacing over a European domain in order to determine the effects of horizontal resolution on the simulation of precipitation. All of the models represent the seasonal mean spatial patterns and amount of precipitation fairly well. Most models exhibit a tendency to over-predict precipitation, resulting in a domain-average total bias for the ensemble mean of about 20% in winter (DJF) and less than 10% in summer (JJA) at both resolutions, although this bias could be artificially enhanced by the lack of a gauge correction in the observations. A majority of the models show increased precipitation at 25 km relative to 50 km over the oceans and inland seas in DJF, JJA, and ANN (annual average), although the response is strongest during JJA. The ratio of convective precipitation to total precipitation decreases over land for most models at 25 km. In addition, there is an increase in interannual variability in many of the models at 25 km grid spacing. Comparison with gridded observations indicates that a majority of models show improved skill in simulating both the spatial pattern and temporal evolution of precipitation at 25 km compared to 50 km during the summer months, but not in winter or on an annual mean basis. Model skill at higher resolution in simulating the spatial and temporal character of seasonal precipitation is found especially for Great Britain. This geographic dependence of the increased skill suggests that observed data of sufficient density are necessary to capture fine-scale climate signals. As climate models increase their horizontal resolution, it is thus a key priority to produce high quality fine scale observations for model evaluation.  相似文献   

Physical scaling (SP) method downscales climate model data to local or regional scales taking into consideration physical characteristics of the area under analysis. In this study, multiple SP method based models are tested for their effectiveness towards downscaling North American regional reanalysis (NARR) daily precipitation data. Model performance is compared with two state-of-the-art downscaling methods: statistical downscaling model (SDSM) and generalized linear modeling (GLM). The downscaled precipitation is evaluated with reference to recorded precipitation at 57 gauging stations located within the study region. The spatial and temporal robustness of the downscaling methods is evaluated using seven precipitation based indices. Results indicate that SP method-based models perform best in downscaling precipitation followed by GLM, followed by the SDSM model. Best performing models are thereafter used to downscale future precipitations made by three global circulation models (GCMs) following two emission scenarios: representative concentration pathway (RCP) 2.6 and RCP 8.5 over the twenty-first century. The downscaled future precipitation projections indicate an increase in mean and maximum precipitation intensity as well as a decrease in the total number of dry days. Further an increase in the frequency of short (1-day), moderately long (2–4 day), and long (more than 5-day) precipitation events is projected.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - A tropical country like Malaysia is characterized by intense localized precipitation with temperatures remaining relatively constant throughout the year. A...  相似文献   

This work aims, as a first step, to analyze rainfall variability in Northern Algeria, in particular extreme events, during the period from 1940 to 2010. Analysis of annual rainfall shows that stations in the northwest record a significant decrease in rainfall since the 1970s. Frequencies of rainy days for each percentile (5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th, and 99th) and each rainfall interval class (1–5, 5–10, 10–20, 20–50, and ≥50 mm) do not show a significant change in the evolution of daily rainfall. The Tenes station is the only one to show a significant decrease in the frequency of rainy days up to the 75th percentile and for the 10–20-mm interval class. There is no significant change in the temporal evolution of extreme events in the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles. The relationships between rainfall variability and general atmospheric circulation indices for interannual and extreme event variability are moderately influenced by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Mediterranean Oscillation. Significant correlations are observed between the Southern Oscillation Index and annual rainfall in the northwestern part of the study area, which is likely linked with the decrease in rainfall in this region. Seasonal rainfall in Northern Algeria is affected by the Mediterranean Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation in the west. The ENSEMBLES regional climate models (RCMs) are assessed using the bias method to test their ability to reproduce rainfall variability at different time scales. The Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM), Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), and Forschungszentrum Geesthacht (GKSS) models yield the least biased results.  相似文献   

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