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杨光虎 《信息技术》2006,30(11):41-43
介绍了空时分组编码,正交频分复用原理以及STBC—OFDM的一般系统模型。阐述了STBC—OFDM系统的性能和当前对STBC—OFDM技术研究取得的进展,最后时STBC—OFDM技术在未来移动通信中的研究方向做了前景展望。  相似文献   

The achievable performance of channel coded space-time trellis (STT) codes and space-time block (STB) codes transmitted over wideband channels is studied in the context of schemes having an effective throughput of 2 bits/symbol (BPS) and 3 BPS. At high implementational complexities, the best performance was typically provided by Alamouti's unity-rate G/sub 2/ code in both the 2-BPS and 3-BPS scenarios. However, if a low complexity implementation is sought, the 3-BPS 8PSK space-time trellis code outperforms the G/sub 2/ code. The G/sub 2/ space-time block code is also combined with symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (AOFDM) modems and turbo convolutional channel codecs for enhancing the system's performance. It was concluded that upon exploiting the diversity effect of the G/sub 2/ space-time block code, the channel-induced fading effects are mitigated, and therefore, the benefits of adaptive modulation erode. In other words, once the time- and frequency-domain fades of the wideband channel have been counteracted by the diversity-aided G/sub 2/ code, the benefits of adaptive modulation erode, and hence, it is sufficient to employ fixed-mode modems. Therefore, the low-complexity approach of mitigating the effects of fading can be viewed as employing a single-transmitter, single-receiver-based AOFDM modem. By contrast, it is sufficient to employ fixed-mode OFDM modems when the added complexity of a two-transmitter G/sub 2/ scheme is affordable.  相似文献   

Distributed space-time block coding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, a new class of distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) is introduced. These DSTBCs are designed for wireless networks which have a large set of single-antenna relay nodes /spl Nscr/, but at any given time only a small, a priori unknown subset of nodes S/spl sube//spl Nscr/ can be active. In the proposed scheme, the signal transmitted by an active relay node is the product of an information-carrying code matrix and a unique node signature vector of length N/sub c/. It is shown that existing STBCs designed for N/sub c/2 co-located antennas are favorable choices for the code matrix, guaranteeing a diversity order of d=min{N/sub S/,N/sub c/} if N/sub S/ nodes are active. For the most interesting case, N/sub S//spl ges/N/sub c/, the performance loss entailed by the distributed implementation is analytically characterized. Furthermore, efficient methods for the optimization of the set of signature vectors are provided. Depending on the chosen design, the proposed DSTBCs allow for low-complexity coherent, differential, and noncoherent detection, respectively. Possible applications include ad hoc and sensor networks employing decode-and-forward relaying.  相似文献   

Most existing space-time coding schemes assume time-invariant fading channels and offer antenna diversity gains relying on accurate channel estimates at the receiver. Other single differential space-time block coding schemes forego channel estimation but are less effective in rapidly fading environments. Based on a diagonal unitary matrix group, a novel double differential space-time block coding approach is derived in this paper for time-selective fading channels. Without estimating the channels at the receiver, information symbols are recovered with antenna diversity gains regardless of frequency offsets. The resulting transceiver has very low complexity and is applicable to an arbitrary number of transmit and receive antennas. Approximately optimal space-time codes are also designed to minimize bit error rate. System performance is evaluated both analytically and with simulations  相似文献   

Diversity techniques are very effective tools to increase signal reception quality in Rayleigh fading channels. A well-known method to increase diversity in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication is transmit antenna selection (TAS). However, TAS is very sensitive to feedback errors. One of the alternative techniques to TAS is balanced space-time block coding (BSTBC) which guarantees full diversity for any number of transmit antennas, provided that few bits of feedback from the destination to the source are available. The main drawback of the BSTBC is limited coding gain since few numbers of code matrices can be generated in the originally proposed scheme. In this work, the authors extend the balanced space-time block code family to improve its coding performance. In our proposed scheme, larger number of codes can be generated for improved coding gain. The performance of the proposed scheme is investigated for both multi-input singleoutput (MISO) and cooperative communication cases. Relay selection (RS) algorithm - the TAS equivalent in the cooperative communications - is also considered. Simulation results show that near optimal (infinite feedback) performance can be achieved with four bit extension of the BSTBC and better signal-to-noise ratio can be obtained compared to TAS or RS schemes. The difference in performance becomes more prevalent in the presence of feedback errors.  相似文献   

In this letter, we propose a transmit antenna shuffling scheme for quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes (QO-STBCs). We show that by adaptively mapping the space-time sequences of the QO-STBC to the appropriate transmit antennas depending on the channel condition, the proposed scheme can improve its transmit diversity with limited feedback information. The performance of the scheme with various numbers of shuffling patterns is analyzed. The bit error probability of the schemes is evaluated by simulations. It is demonstrated that with the linear zero-forcing (ZF) and the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) receivers, the closed-loop QO-STBC using two feedback bits can achieve almost the same performance as the ideal 4-path diversity and it is about 4-5 dB better than the open loop schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two ad-hoc, yet efficient, power allocation strategies for a decentralized distributed space-time block coding (Dis-STBC) system where knowledge about the channel state information (CSI) is not available at the transmitter(s). The first is an open-loop strategy which requires no control signaling; the second is a feedback-assisted strategy which requires some control signaling, but which can achieve better power-efficiency. Focusing on a particular decentralized Dis-STBC scheme (m-group), the asymptotic outage probability is derived and the power-efficiency advantages of the proposed strategies over a uniform-power strategy are illustrated by evaluating the outage and link failure probabilities.  相似文献   

We present a new differential space-time block code (DSTBC). The scheme can be represented by a trellis and decoded using the Viterbi algorithm. It provides a differential coding gain of 1 dB due to redundancy introduced in the differential encoding and it is only 2 dB away from the corresponding coherent space-time block code (STBC).  相似文献   

In this letter, we investigate the effect of imperfect channel estimation on the performance of distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) with amplify-and-forward relaying. Exploiting the orthogonality of the underlying code, we derive a maximum likelihood metric conditioned on the channel estimate acquired through the insertion of pilot symbols. For a large number of pilot symbols, we demonstrate that the proposed decoding rule coincides with the so-called mismatched receiver. On the other hand, as the number of pilot symbols decreases, the proposed decoder converges to a non-coherent detector. Through Monte-Carlo simulations, we further demonstrate that the performance of the proposed scheme lies within 0.8dB of the genie receiver performance bound.  相似文献   

Combining beamforming and orthogonal space-time block coding   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Multiple transmit and receive antennas can be used in wireless systems to achieve high data rate communication. Efficient space-time codes have been developed that utilize a large portion of the available capacity. These codes are designed under the assumption that the transmitter has no knowledge about the channel. In this work, on the other hand, we consider the case when the transmitter has partial, but not perfect, knowledge about the channel and how to improve a predetermined code so that this fact is taken into account. A performance criterion is derived for a frequency-nonselective fading channel and then utilized to optimize a linear transformation of the predetermined code. The resulting optimization problem turns out to be convex and can thus be efficiently solved using standard methods. In addition, a particularly efficient solution method is developed for the special case of independently fading channel coefficients. The proposed transmission scheme combines the benefits of conventional beamforming with those given by orthogonal space-time block coding. Simulation results for a narrow-band system with multiple transmit antennas and one or more receive antennas demonstrate significant gains over conventional methods in a scenario with nonperfect channel knowledge  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) converts a frequency-selective fading channel into parallel flat-fading subchannels, thereby simplifying channel equalization and symbol decoding. However, OFDM's performance suffers from the loss of multipath diversity, and the inability to guarantee symbol detectability when channel s occur. We introduce a linear constellation precoded OFDM for wireless transmissions over frequency-selective fading channels. Exploiting the correlation structure of subchannels and choosing system parameters properly, we first perform an optimal subcarrier grouping to divide the set of subchannels into subsets. Within each subset, a linear constellation-specific precoder is then designed to maximize both diversity and coding gains. While greatly reducing the decoding complexity and simplifying the precoder design, subcarrier grouping enables the maximum possible diversity and coding gains. In addition to reduced complexity, the proposed system guarantees symbol detectability regardless of channel s, and does not reduce the transmission rate. Analytic evaluation and corroborating simulations reveal its performance merits.  相似文献   

Blind and semi-blind equalization for generalized space-time block codes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper presents a general framework for space-time codes (STCs) that encompasses a number of previously proposed STC schemes as special cases. The STCs considered are block codes that employ arbitrary redundant linear precoding of a given data sequence together with embedded training symbols, if any. The redundancy introduced by the linear precoding imposes structure on the received data that under certain conditions can be exploited for blind or semi-blind estimation of the transmitted sequence, a linear receiver that recovers the sequence, or both simultaneously. Algorithms based on this observation are developed for the single-user flat-fading case and then extended to handle multiple users, frequency-selective fading, as well as situations where the channel is rank deficient, or there are fewer receive than transmit antennas.  相似文献   

应忍冬  徐国治 《通信学报》2007,28(11):76-80
提出了空时块编码(STBC)系统中基于相关函数的信道估计的方法。当输入符号向量的各个元素互不相关时,接收信号的相关函数有特定的结构,信道矩阵可以从接收信号的相关矩阵的特征向量中得到,信道估计结果和真实值仅相差一个常数。研究还发现当发送信号的相关函数满足特定的条件时,可以直接从接收信号的协方差得到信道参数,而不需要矩阵分解或者求逆运算。  相似文献   

In this paper,a frequency domain decision feedback equalizer is proposed for single carrier transmission with time-reversal space-time block coding (TR-STBC).It is shown that the diagonal decision feed...  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of a bit-interleaved space-time trellis coding (BISTTC) scheme is investigated for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems utilizing multiple antennas. The BISTTC scheme considered here concatenates the outer code with the well-known spacetime trellis code (STTC) through a bit interleaver. Compared to existing concatenation of BICM with space-time block code (STBC), BISTTC has significant performance advantage in applications with low spectral efficiency and simple outer code, due to its ability to exploit available diversity resources more efficiently.  相似文献   

Significant performance gain can potentially be achieved by employing distributed space-time block coding (DSTBC) in ad hoc or mesh networks. So far, however, most research on D-STBC has assumed that cooperative relay nodes are perfectly synchronized. Considering the difficulty in meeting such an assumption in many practical systems, this paper proposes a simple and near-optimum detection scheme for the case of two relay nodes, which proves to be able to handle far greater timing misalignment than the conventional STBC detector.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Recently space–time coding (STC) techniques [1] are designed to combat fading in wireless links by utilizing multiple antenna systems, in which transmit diversity and coding gains can be exploited without sacrificing additional power and b…  相似文献   

A parallel interference cancellation (PIC) detection scheme is proposed to suppress the impact of imperfect synchronisation. By treating as interference the extra components in the received signal caused by timing misalignment, the PIC detector not only offers much improved performance but also retains a low structural and computational complexity  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of space-time (ST) coding for high-speed data transmission, as well as studies the effect of time delay spread on such scheme over unequalized fading channels. Using a random variable decomposition technique, we present an analytical model and obtain an approximate bound of the pairwise-error probability for ST coded systems over multipath and time-dispersive fading channels. It is shown that the presence of multipath does not reduce the diversity gain provided by the original design criteria, which is adopted to construct specific ST codes in quasi-static flat fading, but the coding gain diminishes due to the effect of multipath fading.  相似文献   

A real-time testbed based on the technology of software radio is adopted to efficiently evaluate cutting-edge technologies in wireless communications, and thus becomes a valuable tool for both academic research and system prototyping. In this article we describe a software radio testbed, established in the software radio laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology, used to implement a physical layer similar to IEEE 802.11a space-time coded orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. The testbed consists of a 2 x 2 multiple-input multiple-output configuration with powerful digital signal processor chains, high-speed data exchange interfaces, and many advanced subsystem modules, such as high-speed high-resolution analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, digital up/downconverters, and wideband RF transmit and receive front-ends with synchronous channels and programmable settings. The design methodology and implementation for key algorithms, such as time, sampling, and frequency synchronization, and channel estimation and compensation are discussed. The experimental data obtained from a typical indoor environment demonstrates that the prototype is capable of providing 30 Mb/s peak data rate, operating at the central frequency of 2.435 GHz with a spectral occupancy of 6.25 MHz. Spatial-temporal diversity gain associated with space-time coding is verified by the experimental results.  相似文献   

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