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The Mondego estuary is a well-described system located on the North Atlantic Ocean, where cultural eutrophication progressed over the last decades of the 20th century. Consequently, and due to a large productivity of Ulva spp., Zostera noltii meadows were severely reduced with a concomitant decrease in environmental quality. In 1998, experimental mitigation measures were implemented, via changes in hydrology to increase circulation and diversion of nutrient-rich freshwater inflow, to reverse the process in the most affected area of the estuary – its South arm.The objective of this study was to assess the differences in response of primary producer assemblages to the implemented measures to reduce eutrophication.Results show that the mean concentrations of DIN suffered a notorious decrease due to a significant reduction in the ammonium concentration in the water column, while DIP increased significantly. Primary producer assemblages showed different responses to these changes: phytoplankton, measured as concentration of chlorophyll a, did not show any significant changes; green macroalgae, mostly Ulva spp., suffered a large reduction in biomass, whereas Gracilaria gracilis and the macrophyte Zostera noltii biomasses increased greatly. Results show that phytoplankton biomass has remained constant and suggest that the reduction in ammonium could have been responsible for the changes in the green macroalgal biomass. Light was the most likely factor in the response of seagrass whereas red macroalgal reaction seemed to be dependent on both light and ammonium.  相似文献   

日本鳗草(Zostera japonica)原是中国沿海潮间带较为常见的海草种类,近些年来随着生境的破坏其分布面积急遽下降,较大面积连续分布的海草床已经非常少见。2015年5月和8月,在山东黄河河口区发现了超过1000 ha几乎连续分布的日本鳗草海草床,与互花米草生境相邻,形成独特的生态景观。对日本鳗草生物量和种群补充等基本生物学指标也进行了调查。该发现极大丰富了中国海草数据库,并为日本鳗草的深入研究及保护提供了得天独厚的实验基地。  相似文献   

Coastal eutrophication, manifested as hypoxia and anoxia, is a global problem. Only a few empirical models, however, exist to predict bottom oxygen concentration and percentage saturation from nutrient load or morphometry in coastal waters, which are successfully used to predict phytoplankton biomass both in lakes and in estuaries. Furthermore, hardly any empirical models exist to predict bottom oxygen from land-use. A data set was compiled for 19 estuaries in the northern Baltic Sea, which included oxygen concentration and percentage saturation, water chemistry, estuary morphometry, and land-use characteristics. In regression analyses, bottom oxygen was predicted both as a function of the percentage of watershed under agriculture and of mean depth. These models accounted for ca. 55% of the variation in oxygen. Additionally, oxygen was linked to fetch (diameter of the area in the direction of the prevailing wind), which accounted for 30% of the variation in oxygen. This suggests that shallow Finnish estuaries are wind-sensitive. In ‘pits’ (sub-thermocline waters of deep basins), near-bottom total nitrogen strongly correlated with oxygen percentage saturation (R2=0.81). Neither chlorophyll a, total phosphorus nor nutrient loading explained oxygen variation in entire estuaries or in ‘pits’, probably mainly due to annual sedimentation/sediment–water flux dynamics. On the basis of the results of cross-validation, the models have general applicability among Finnish estuaries.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved phosphate, dissolved silica and chlorophyll a were measured seasonally at eight stations in the Ria de Aveiro. Between December 2000 and September 2001, the seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages, inferred after the spatial and seasonal variation of silica and of chlorophyll a concentrations, showed that diatoms (μmol Si L−1) dominated from late autumn until early spring, while chlorophytes (μg Chl a L−1) bloomed during late spring and summer. The Si:N:P ratios and Si concentrations indicated no seasonal depletion in dissolved silica, as in other temperate systems, possibly because of abnormal precipitation and flood events prolonging the supply of dissolved Si to the system. The Si:N:P ratios suggested P limitation at the system level. Despite the relative proportions of available nutrients, the mean phosphorus concentration (5.3 μmol L−1) was above the reported half-saturation constants for P uptake by phytoplankton. Thus, in Ria de Aveiro, the seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages may also be dependent on the grazing capacity of the pelagic community through top-down regulation.  相似文献   

西太平洋海区浮游植物的分布受气候变化影响,在不同时空尺度上呈现不同的变化。本研究旨在通过对历史文献及数据资料分析,建立气候变化响应概念模型来探讨Chl-a、海水表面温度(SST)及营养盐如何响应长期气候变化。分析了西太平洋不同区域Chl-a与气候变化相关因子SST及海水营养盐(硝酸盐)的相关性,对模型参数进行选择及验证,来探讨该海区Chl-a是如何响应长期气候变化。结果表明,K2站位Chl-a浓度与SST、硝酸盐浓度呈显著正相关关系,与该海区存在上升流有关;而S1、XT站位均呈现负相关关系,可能与海水水温升高导致层化加剧、营养输入减少有关。本研究为进一步完善和优化西太平洋海区的浮游植物的气候变化响应模型奠定基础。  相似文献   

The relationships between the seasonal fluctuations of the copepod Eurytemora affinis and the mysid Neomysis integer were studied from observed data and experimental results, using a predator–prey model in the oligo-mesohaline area of the Gironde estuary. Mean seasonal fluctuations of abundances were derived from long term data series collected from 1978 to 2003 for both species. In situ predator–prey experiments over a seasonal cycle were used to estimate the seasonal variation of the consumption rate of N. integer on E. affinis and to verify the order of magnitude of the biological parameters given by the model.Predator–prey experiments revealed a high seasonal variation in maximum consumption rates with a mean of 56 ± 9 ind. pred−1 d−1. Maximum consumption rates were always higher for adults than for juveniles of Neomysis integer. Recorded selectivities were higher on nauplii than on copepodids + adults of Eurytemora affinis, both for the juveniles and the adults of N. integer. Neomysis integer mainly fed on meroplanktonic larvae, when they were available in higher abundances, than E. affinis in their environment.Spring increases of abundance for Eurytemora affinis copepodids + adults seemed to be mainly controlled by temperature whereas its decreasing abundance in summer was more related to Neomysis integer predation, suggesting that summer fluctuations of E. affinis abundance are probably controlled by mysid predation at summer times. Using a Lotka–Volterra predator–prey model, the seasonal peak of abundance of the mysid N. integer was well reproduced considering a predation on copepodids + adults of E. affinis, and suggested a dependence between mysid and copepod seasonal variations. However, the seasonal peak amplitude could not be explained solely by a predation on copepodids + adults or on nauplii of the copepod. Thus, N. integer is probably dependent on the seasonal fluctuations of the copepod's abundance, complementing its diet with macrophytal detritus during periods of scarce food.  相似文献   

The sedimentary features of the inner-middle shelf of the strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean) were analyzed to evaluate the relationship between the production and transport of biogenic carbonate sediments and the basin morphology and hydrodynamics. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling was performed in order to simulate the influence of waves and currents at seabed level. Superficial sediments were collected at depths ranging from 5 to 80 m and were analyzed for grain size, mineralogical composition and skeletal carbonate composition. Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows border the coasts in a narrow strip on both sides of the strait down to a depth of 40 m. At greater depths, the seabed is characterized by the presence of plateaus and ridges which are controlled by outcropping bedrock morphology.  相似文献   

This study examined whether buried organic matter in the form of seagrass influenced colonization by the corophiid amphipod Paracorophium excavatum in an intertidal sandflat. Laboratory manipulations were compared to results from field studies to determine the role of hydrodynamics in mediating the effects of the organic matter. At levels of organic loading greater than 1% of sediment dry weight, size frequency effects and decreases in numbers of colonizers occurred in still water conditions. In the field, however, at levels of organics up to 2% of sediment dry weight, only size-frequency effects were observed. A change in hydrodynamic conditions and the influence of this on sediment geochemistry is suggested as the most reasonable explanation for the disparity in colonization both between sites in the field and between laboratory and field manipulations. Two effects of organics upon corophiid amphipod colonization are proposed: a lower level of organic loading that can lead to a greater proportion of juveniles in the colonizing population and a higher level of organics that can lead to a decrease in the numbers of amphipods colonizing. The threshold at which these effects take place is modulated by the hydrodynamics of the environment. The same organic addition can therefore have different effects upon colonization across a tidal flat, which is dependent upon the variation in hydrodynamics  相似文献   

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