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The exchange of services such as allo‐grooming, allo‐preening, food tolerance and agonistic support has been observed in a range of species. Two proximate mechanisms have been proposed to explain the exchanges of services in animals. First, an animal can give a service to a partner depending on how the partner behaved towards it in the recent past. This mechanism is usually tested by examining the within‐dyad temporal relation between events given and received over short time periods. Second, the partner choice mechanism assumes that animals give favours towards specific partners but not others, by comparing how each partner behaved towards them over longer time frames. As such, the partner choice mechanism does not make specific predictions on a temporal contingency between services received and given over short time frames. While there is evidence for a long‐term positive correlation between services exchanged in animals, results for short‐term contingencies between services given and received are mixed. Our study investigated the exchange of grooming for food tolerance in a partially provisioned group of Barbary macaques, by analysing the short‐term contingency between these events. Tolerance over food was compared immediately after grooming and in control condition, using food of different shareability. We found no evidence that grooming increases food tolerance or decrease aggression around food in the short term. Food tolerance was affected by the shareability of the food and the sex of the partners. The exchanges of grooming and food tolerance in non‐human primates may be little affected by recent single events. We suggest that long‐term exchanges between services given and received and social partner choice may play a more important role in explaining social interactions than short‐term contingent events.  相似文献   

Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus,L.) occur at varying densities in a number of different habitat types in Morocco and Algeria. Taub (1977) has argued that the abundance of the species in cedar forests of the Moyen Atlas, Morocco, is an indication of a habitat preference. A reexamination of available data on the distribution and abundance of Barbary macaques suggests that monkey numbers reflect the distribution of habitat size rather than habitat types. Differences between populations relative to habitat types can be seen only between forest and scrub localities. Human factors are considered more important in determining the present status of this eclectic feeder. The modern distribution of the Barbary macaque is inadequate evidence for a habitat preference.  相似文献   

The response of Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) females to vocalizations of their offspring was studied in a semi-free ranging population. The results of both facal observations and playback experiments demonstrated that mothers preferentially turned to their offspring's vocalizations over those of other young, providing evidence that mothers are able to recognize their offspring by acoustic signals alone. We assume that they may use this ability to monitor their infants' activities.  相似文献   

The distribution, form, and contexts of occurrence of social grooming were studied in two captive groups of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana), using interaction-dependent sampling. The social events surrounding grooming had little influence on its form, the participants' behavior being shaped mainly by physical constraints. Adult females were most often involved in grooming interactions. Grooming between adult females appeared more intimate than that between adult males and females. Kinship and dominance had no effect on the form or distribution of social grooming among adult females. It is concluded that social systems that are characterized by mild dominance relations allow individuals the freedom to interact in the way and with whom they wish.  相似文献   

Although semi-free-ranging Barbary macaque females are able to outrank older females from lower-ranking matrilines (matrilineal rank acquisition), they do not systematically outrank their older sisters, as is known to be the case for semi-free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We test the hypothesis that differences in the support received by younger sisters against their older sisters and against older lower-ranking females might account for this interspecific difference. Thirty-one sister dyads, members of a group of 109 Barbary macaques living at La Montagne des Singes, France, were observed during 16 months. The results indicate that (1) all females were dominant to their younger sisters, and the latter were never observed to challenge their older sisters; (2) younger sisters received as much kin support against their older sisters as against older lower-ranking females; (3) only very young females received support from their kin against their older sisters; (4) younger sisters received much more support from nonkin females against lower-ranking females than against their older sisters; and (5) Barbary macaque females appear to be supported against their older sisters less frequently than rhesus macaque females are. We conclude that the lack of nonkin support is the main factor accounting for the failure of younger sisters to outrank their older sisters in Barbary macaques. Initially this might result from kin support not being sufficient to induce younger sisters to challenge and to solicit support against their older sisters.  相似文献   

Recent assertions that the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) is a multiple-or serial-mounting species are incorrect. Data are presented from over 300 copulations observed among wild Moroccan Barbary macaques which establish empirically that males of this macaque species are single mounters. The average length of an ejaculatory copulation was 8.7 sec, with a range of 6 to 14 sec. Ejaculation occurred an average of 6.3 sec after mounting, with an average of nine pelvic thrusts per ejaculation. Males appeared capable of ejaculating twice within 16 min, and three consecutive times within 37 min. Characteristically, only one mount and ejaculation occurred during a sexual association between an estrous female and each of her consorting males. Schemes of macaque evolution which incorrectly classify Barbary macaques as a multiple-mounting species should be viewed cautiously.  相似文献   

Teeth chattering is seen in many primate species and has been proposed to have a range of social functions. This observational study tested specific hypotheses relating to the function of teeth chattering in a semi-free-ranging group of Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus. During focal watches of males, the outcome of male-male dyadic social interactions in which teeth chattering was present or absent was compared. Using these data, we tested the predictions of four hypotheses: teeth chattering functions as a signal of submission, appeasement, affiliation or reassurance. Support was found for all four hypotheses. In addition, in some contexts, an exchange of teeth chattering appeared to have a greater impact on the outcome of interactions than one male alone giving this signal. These findings suggest that teeth chattering serves an important role in coordinating the social interactions of male Barbary macaques.  相似文献   

During a 16-month study of semifree-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) the group under observation divided into two groups. Observations were carried out in 1987–1988, at «La Montagne des Singes,” Kintzheim, France. A subgroup of monkeys, which was already cohesive at the beginning of the study, became progressively autonomous in relation to the rest of the main group, during the mating season. Overt aggression between the males of the two groups during this period brought about the fission. Only low-ranking genealogies left their group of origin. Dominance relations between females remained identical in both groups except for one lineage. The alpha male and the alpha female of the subgroup had a close relationship before the fission occurred. The sequence of agonistic intergroup relations is described and analyzed in relation to male sexual competition and female alliance power. The results suggest that: (1) the males of the subgroup instigated the fission because it was the best strategy for them to counter sexual competition; and (2) the females followed the males in order to maintain their alliance network, necessary to insure their dominance status over subordinate females.  相似文献   

Although all macaques have a multimale multifemale mating system, the degree of promiscuity shown by the Barbary macaque is considered to be extreme in terms of both mating frequency and number of mating partners. How mating activity is distributed throughout the female menstrual cycle and whether or not copulations are concentrated around the fertile phase as in other members of the genus is, however, not known. To examine this, we collected data on rates of copulation throughout 29 ovarian cycles from 13 free-ranging females of the Gibraltar Barbary macaque population and related them to the time of ovulation and the female fertile phase as determined from fecal hormone analysis. In addition, patterns of male inspection of females and time spent in consortship, both indicators of female attractivity, were also analyzed. The results indicate that both mating behavior and female attractivity vary predictably with ovarian cycle stage. Rates of copulation were found to increase toward the time of ovulation, with a distinct peak of ejaculatory (but not non-ejaculatory) copulations occurring in the fertile phase. Additionally, we show that frequency of inspection of females by males and time spent in consortship were also highest during the fertile phase and that ejaculatory copulations and male pericopulatory behaviors were significantly correlated with levels of female sex hormones. Our findings indicate that the Barbary macaque shows a mating pattern during the cycle similar to that described for other members of the genus. More importantly, however, our study provides clear evidence that despite an extreme degree of promiscuity Barbary macaque males concentrate their reproductive effort to the fertile phase, implying that they are able to discern this period and that thus timing of ovulation is not concealed from them. Estrogen-related cues appear to be involved in the process of recognition of female reproductive status by males, but the exact nature of these cues and how male Barbary macaques use them remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The reproductive history of 207 female Barbary macaques, living in a large outdoor enclosure in Southwest Germany, was studied during an 11-year period. The results yielded a significant relationship between female age and fecundity, with fertility rates lower than expected among young and old females. Analysis of the reproductive history of individual females revealed a significant decline in fertility from prime age (7–12 years) to mid age (13–19 years), and from mid age to old age (20–25 years). The proportion of long interbirth intervals increased steadily among aging females. Infant survival was not significantly related to maternal age, but offspring of old females showed the highest survivorship. Behavioral observations revealed that old mothers weaned their offspring significantly later than younger mothers, suggesting that prolongation of interbirth intervals is due not only to deteriorating physical condition but also to increased maternal investment, as life history theory predicts. Reproduction ceased during the middle of the third decade of life. Final cessation of estrous cycling invariably occurred 3 or 4 years after the birth of the last offspring, but a postreproductive life span of 5 years appears to be common in this population. Available data suggest that reproductive senescence and menopause are more common among nonhuman primates than widely believed and that both traits are part of an adaptive life history strategy.  相似文献   

I analyzed the temporal organization of individual Japanese macaques’ (Macaca fuscata) grooming sequences in 14 mothers and 13 offspring of different age/sex classes and 4 nonkin females. I hypothesized that preceding grooming affects subsequent grooming by the same individual. Grooming bouts were likely to be terminated as the bouts became longer when females groomed nonrelatives. Moreover, the duration of first bouts was longer than that of following bouts. These effects were also seen in grooming of mothers by their offspring > 1 year old and that of adult and adolescent female offspring by their mothers. In contrast, neither the duration of first bouts nor the number of preceding bouts had much effect on the occurrence or duration of subsequent bouts in any subject.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on the social position of 12 subadult males of a semifreeranging Barbary macaque population during the non-mating season. The social position was measured in terms of spatial as well as interactive parameters. The subadult males had social contacts to members of nearly all other age-sex classes but showed clear preferences for same-sexed partners. Besides this differences were found between 5- and 6-year-old males with respect to their interaction profiles and the preference for special classes of interaction partners. The terms “peripheral-central” is discussed with reference to the social structures of macaque societies. The data of the present study indicate that the social position of subadult male Barbary macaques can not be described by one of these terms exclusively. The results are compared to other studies on Barbary macaques and other macaque species. It is concluded that in macaque societies subadult males are not obligatorily forced to live at the periphery or to abide. It is proposed not to postulate stiff social structures but to put more emphasis on the range of variation among macaque species.  相似文献   

Although female catarrhine primates show cyclic changes in sexual behavior and sexual swellings, the value of these sexual signals in providing information to males about timing of the fertile phase is largely unclear. Recently, we have shown that in Barbary macaques, males receive information from females which enables them to discern the fertile phase and to focus their reproductive effort accordingly. Here, we investigate the nature of the cues being used by examining female sexual behavior and the size of sexual swelling as potential indicators of the fertile phase. We collected behavioral data and quantified swelling size using digital images of 11 females of the Gibraltar Barbary macaque population and related the data to the time of ovulation and the fertile phase as determined from fecal hormone analysis. We found that rates of female sexual behaviors were not correlated with female estrogen levels and did not significantly differ between the fertile and non-fertile phases of the cycle. In contrast, swelling size was significantly correlated with female estrogen levels and increased predictably towards ovulation with size being maximal during the fertile phase. Moreover, frequencies of male ejaculatory copulations showed a strong positive correlation with swelling size and highest rates were found during maximum swelling. Our data provide strong evidence that female Barbary macaques honestly signal the probability of fertility through sexual swelling and that males apparently use this information to time their mating activities. Honest advertising of the fertile phase might be part of a female strategy to manipulate male mating behavior for their own advantage, such as ensure fertilization with high quality sperm or influence paternity outcome.  相似文献   

In this study, the behavioral responses of Barbary macaques to seasonal and interhabitat variations in resource availability were analyzed over an entire annual cycle. Two groups, one in an evergreen cedar–oak forest (Djurdjura) and the other in a deciduous oak forest (Akfadou), were observed. In this paper, references to data on resource availability published elsewhere are made. Time budget has been studied. Variations in foraging and moving time, in day–range lengths, and in time moving in trees have been considered to estimate the variations in foraging effort and thus energy expenditure. Great monthly variations in foraging effort and other activities were observed in both habitats. In early spring, when resource availabilities were maximal, foraging effort was low while monkeys maximized their feeding time (about 5 h/day). In June, during the peak of the birth season and the rearing period, monkeys minimized their feeding time to the benefit of social interactions (to 1.6–2.7 h/day), whatever the food availability, which was low in Akfadou and high in Djurdjura. In addition, foraging effort remained low in Djurdjura, while it increased in Akfadou. Thus, at the beginning of the dry summer period, monkeys in Akfadou were in a less favorable position than those in Djurdjura. At both sites, in periods of food shortage in summer or in winter, monkeys displayed two different strategies. In the former case, their foraging effort increased, while in the second one it remained relatively low. Whatever the foraging effort, monkeys did not reach the same amount of feeding time as in early spring. In the poorest site of Akfadou, foraging effort was globally greater than in the richest site of Djurdjura, especially for adults. At both sites, adult males spent more time feeding than juveniles and less time in social interactions. Results are discussed according to rearing period, temperatures, and day length constraints. The limits of adaptability to different habitats are considered in light of the demographic parameters. Am. J. Primatol. 43:285–304, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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