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在无线Mesh网络中,采用合理设计路由度量来优化网络性能是一种常用的方法.本文对已有的典型路由度量进行分析讨论,比较全面的给出了设计无线Mesh网路路由度量应该考虑的重要因素.基于多信道无线Mesh网络的特点,本文提出一个多信道无线Mesh网络路由度量CLIDH,并在此基础上提出一个跨层多信道路由协议CMAODV.仿真结果表明,和已有的路由度量相比较,CLIDH能够充分利用网络资源,使网络性能得到明显改善.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络联合信道分配和路由协议研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
设计合理的联合信道分配和路由协议对多信道无线Mesh网络的性能至关重要。在分析多网卡多信道无线Mesh网络中联合信道分配和路由协议特点和研究现状的基础上,提出了一种与按需路由协议结合的联合信道分配算法,通过选择最小干扰信道来优化信道分配;同时采用了一种适应多信道多网卡网络的路由判据方法,该方法考虑了信道干扰、接口切换以及路径跳数三个关键因素。仿真结果表明,文中所采用的协议能较为明显地提高网络吞吐量及减小分组的端到端时延。  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络中基于信道流量干扰感知的路由协议*   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了更精确地捕捉流量干扰、提高网络容量与实时性,针对多接口无线Mesh网络,提出了一种新的基于信道流量干扰的路由准则,该准则不仅能更精确地捕获两跳内的负载干扰,而且还集成了传输时延、丢包率和传输速率等因素.基于新准则,还提出了一种新的无线Mesh网络路由协议,该协议使用新准则选择路由.仿真结果表明,新协议相比AODV协...  相似文献   

在DSDV协议的基础上,提出一种跨层路由设计的方法,选择一条具有合理长度和最小重传概率的路由进行测试。该链路质量机制可应用到基于IEEE802.11x的无线Mesh网络中,无须对现有的MAC层进行修改,即可作为一个单独模块加入到现有协议。在多跳网络中使用该跨层方案进行路由选择,能节省系统开销,优化系统的整体性能。  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络组播路由协议   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
组播服务是无线Mesh网络面向实际应用的一种重要服务,网络层组播路由协议则是服务实现的核心支撑协议.无线Mesh网络独有的结构特征、性能要求以及多射频、多信道和多速率的引入使得许多传统组播路由协议无法直接进行应用,近几年来,已有不少针对特定无线Mesh网络的组播路由协议相继提出.归纳总结了协议的设计目标、原则和分类方法;阐述了各类典型协议的主要机制,并就这些协议的技术特点和性能差异进行了详细比较;最后结合无线Mesh网络的发展趋势和协议面向实际混合业务环境的实用化目标分析了多射频、多信道以及多速率对组播路由的影响,指出了基于实测环境和实际业务需求建立组播路由跨层优化模型与具体优化机制的重要性.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络是一种通过无线链路连接路由器和终端设备的无线多跳网络,是一种新型宽带无线接入技术,具有可靠性、自组织性和自愈性的特点。而且建网方便快捷,成本低,具有传统有线、无线网络系统无可比拟的优势和广阔的应用前景,能为无线个域网、局域网、校园网甚至城域网提供无线宽带接入服务。无线Mesh网络中的每个节点都具有路由转发功能,再加上网络中节点的频繁移动,使得路由技术成了无线Mesh网络中的关键技术。  相似文献   

提出一种多路径路由协议CLBRP。CLBRP协议通过分析MAC层帧传输情况实时评判各条路径的质量,从而进行合理的流量分配,对网络拥塞做出迅速有效的反应。在NS2平台上实现CLBRP协议并与其他路由协议进行性能对比,实验结果表明,CLBRP在网络整体负载均衡、拥塞避免、终端业务延迟、终端业务公平性等方面均有较好表现。  相似文献   

为用户提供高质量、高性能的通信链路是无线Mesh网路由协议所面临的重要挑战,而当前从Ad Hoc网络沿袭下来的路由协议并不能够满足无线Mesh网的性能要求.文中以OLSR协议为原型,结合跨层优化理论,为基础设施架构的无线Mesh网提出了一种新颖的、基于综合判据的路由协议.该协议通过跨层操作机制综合考虑无线链接的长度及通信效率对链接性能的影响,从而达到优化路由选择的效果.仿真结果表明,所提出的路由协议能够有效地提高网络中分组的递交率,降低端到端的延时,并且能够在一定程度上达到负载均衡的路由效果.  相似文献   

在多射频多信道无线Mesh网络中,链路负载和节点位置的变化将导致网络性能的下降。针对此问题,在混合无线网状路由协议反应式路由基础上,设计了一种新的混合信道分配的分布式路由算法。该算法在路由建立的同时可实现以数据流为单位的最优信道分配,且能避免因单节点失效导致整个网络崩溃的危险。仿真结果表明,提出的RHCA算法较传统算法在网络吞吐量和端到端平均时延方面均有显著优势。另外,在节点移动场景下,所提出的分布式路由算法较其他方法能获得更高的吞吐量和更好的稳健性。  相似文献   

研究和分析无线Mesh网络路由协议及其特点,提出无线Mesh网络路由协议设计原则。遵循这些原则,充分利用Mesh网络全相连的优点构建出树形逻辑拓扑结构,该拓扑结构能满足无线Mesh网络业务特点的要求。在该拓扑树基础上设计一种基于树形拓扑的无线Mesh网络路由协议(TTRP),该协议采用无开销的源地址学习方式构建路由相关表项,提高了TTRP路由协议的健壮性和网络的抗毁性。  相似文献   

Opportunistic routing is an emerging research area in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), that exploits the broadcast nature of wireless networks to find the optimal routing solution that maximizes throughput and minimizes packet loss. Opportunistic routing protocols mainly suffer from computational overheads, as most of the protocols try to find the best next forwarding node. In this paper we address the key issue of computational overhead by designing new routing technique without using pre-selected list of potential forwarders. We propose a novel opportunistic routing technique named, Coordinated Opportunistic Routing Protocol for WMNs (CORP-M). We compare CORP-M with well-known protocols, such as AODV, OLSR, and ROMER based on throughput, delivery ratio, and average end-to-end delay. Simulation results show that CORP-M, gives average throughput increase upto 32%, and increase in delivery ratio (from 10% to 20%). We also analyze the performance of CORP-M and ROMER based on various parameters, such as duplicate transmissions and network collisions, by analysis depicts that CORP-M reduces duplicate transmissions upto 70% and network collisions upto 30%.  相似文献   

针对现有无线Mesh网络路由算法寻路洪泛严重、自愈性能较差等问题,引入集中式路由的思想,结合多路径策略,提出了一种集中式自愈路由算法(Centralized Self-healing Routing Protocol,CSRP),即通过各节点主动上传链路状态消息至Root节点的方式得到全网最新加权拓扑,并为源目节点之间计算全局最优路由。采用节点不相交多路径备份策略,实现失效路由的快速自愈。加入基于链路质量感知的Root节点切换机制,保证路由申请及分发的可靠性。仿真结果表明,CSRP算法有效抑制了洪泛现象、提升了网络性能,相比于现有经典相关算法路由开销至少降低67%,时延平均降低45%,包递交率平均提升8%。  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks can provide low-cost solutions for extending the reach of wireless access points by using multi-hop routing over a set of stationary wireless routers. The routing protocol for these networks may need to address quality considerations to meet the requirements of the user. In this paper, we present a quality based routing protocol for wireless mesh networks that tries to maximize the probability of successful transmissions while minimizing the end-to-end delay. The proposed routing protocol uses reactive route discoveries to collect key parameters from candidate routes to estimate the probability of success and delay of data packets transmitted over them. To achieve accurate route quality assessments, a new route quality metric is proposed that uses performance models of data packet transmissions as opposed to estimating route quality from the transmission of control packets, which have different transmission characteristics. These models are developed after careful evaluations of multi-hop wireless transmissions and validated by computer simulations. Relevant parameters that can be used to assess the route quality metric using these models are explained. Extensive performance evaluations of the proposed quality based routing protocol are presented and its benefits in comparison to some other known routing protocols are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent experimental results have pointed out the impact of physical layer multi-path fading and co-channel interference as the key factors influencing packet delivery among mesh routers (MRs) in wireless mesh networks. In addition, in a multi-channel environment, there exists significant power spectral overlap among channels used by MRs, leading to adjacent channel interference. In this paper, a cross-layer multi-radio, multi-channel routing protocol, XCHARM, is proposed in which the key contribution is the selection of the next hop, channel and transmission rate based on fading and interference concerns. The key features of our proposed protocol are as follows: (i) Routes are chosen based on the availability of channels that support high data rates, exhibit acceptable interference levels and long term resilience to fading related losses, (ii) The path latency is analytically calculated in advance for the candidate routes, accounting for channel induced errors, link layer contention, forward error correcting (FEC) codes, and the allowed data rates over the chosen channels, (iii) The route maintenance is performed by first attempting to identify and correct the point of failure before undertaking a global recovery action. An extensive performance evaluation, spanning the network, link and physical layers, reveals the benefits of adopting our cross-layer routing solution for wireless mesh networks.  相似文献   

温怀玉  罗光春 《计算机应用》2010,30(10):2636-2640
在分析无线Mesh网路由协议所面临挑战的基础上,结合无线Mesh网络的性能要求,以优化链路状态路由(OLSR)协议为原型,采用跨层设计理论,提出了一种基于链路状态良好程度的路由协议LR-OLSR。该协议引入了认知无线网络中的环境感知推理思想,通过对节点负载、链路投递率和链路可用性等信息进行感知,并以此为依据对链路质量进行推理,获得网络中源节点和目的节点对之间各路径状态良好程度的评价,将其作为路由选择的依据,实现对路由的优化选择,提高网络的吞吐量,达到负载均衡。通过与OLSR及其典型改进协议P-OLSR、SC-OLSR的对比仿真结果表明,LR-OLSR能够提高网络中分组的递交率,降低平均端到端时延,在一定程度上达到负载均衡。  相似文献   

在无线多媒体传感器网络路由协议中,多路径路由协议(MRP)有利于提高数据传输的可靠性和实现网络负载平衡,为多媒体数据流提供服务质量(QoS)保障。介绍了MRP的分类方法,并根据路由建立时机和数据传输技术,将其分为主动式、响应式和编码式三大类,对每一类涉及的MRP进行了详细的阐述和分析。最后归纳比较这些协议的特点,并指出MRP未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

This work proposes the Wireless-mesh-network Proactive Routing (WPR) protocol for wireless mesh networks, which are typically employed to provide backhaul access. WPR computes routes based on link states and, unlike current routing protocols, it uses two algorithms to improve communications in wireless mesh networks taking advantage of traffic concentration on links close to the network gateways. WPR introduces a controlled-flooding algorithm to reduce routing control overhead by considering the network topology similar to a tree. The main goal is to improve overall efficiency by saving network resources and avoiding network bottlenecks. In addition, WPR avoids redundant messages by selecting a subset of one-hop neighbors, the AMPR (Adapted MultiPoint Relay), needed to reach all two-hop ones. We first analyze the proposed algorithms compared with the algorithms used by OLSR for the same tasks in terms of running time, optimality, and number of routing messages. Results show that the algorithms proposed by WPR are more efficient than the algorithms used by OLSR in running time and number of routing messages. In addition, we also perform simulations to evaluate the performance of WPR. Results reveal that the aggregated throughput of WPR outperforms OLSR by up to 27% using a combination of web and backbone internal traffic despite our design assumption of traffic convergence toward gateways.  相似文献   

在分析经典路由协议AODV的基础上,结合Mesh网络的特点,提出了一种新的路由协议AODV-LS.新的路由协议根据节点带宽以及实时负载量这两个参数计算出节点权重值,根据节点权重值评估链路的性能,根据链路性能选择最优路径.实验结果表明,AODV-LS协议在数据分组投递率、端到端延时和标准化路由负载方面都优于AODV.  相似文献   

Recent advances in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have overcome the drawbacks of traditional wired networks and wireless ad hoc networks. WMNs will play a leading role in the next generation of networks, and the question of how to provide seamless mobility management for WMNs is the driving force behind the research. The inherent characteristics of WMNs, such as relatively static backbones and highly mobile clients, require new mobility management solutions to be designed and implemented.In this paper, a hybrid routing protocol for forwarding packets is proposed: this involves both link layer routing and network layer routing. Based on the hybrid routing protocol, a mobility management scheme for WMNs is presented. Both intra-domain and inter-domain mobility management have been designed to support seamless roaming in WiFi-based WMNs. During intra-domain handoff, gratuitous ARP messages are used to provide new routing information, thus avoiding re-routing and location update. For inter-domain handoff, redundant tunnels are removed in order to minimize forwarding latency. Comprehensive simulation results illustrate that our scheme has low packet latency, low packet loss ratio and short handoff latency. As a result, real-time applications over 802.11 WMNs such as VoIP can be supported.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(10):2450-2466
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) consist of static wireless routers, some of which, called gateways, are directly connected to the wired infrastructure. User stations are connected to the wired infrastructure via wireless routers. This paper presents a simple and effective management architecture for WMNs, termed configurable access network (CAN). Under this architecture, the control function is separated from the switching function, so that the former is performed by an network operation center (NOC) which is located in the wired infrastructure. The NOC monitors the network topology and user performance requirements, from which it computes a path between each wireless router and a gateway, and allocates fair bandwidth for carrying the associated traffic along the selected route. By performing such functions in the NOC, we offload the network management overhead from wireless routers, and enable the deployment of simple/low-cost wireless routers. Our goal is to maximize the network utilization by balancing the traffic load, while providing fair service and quality of service (QoS) guarantees to the users. Since, this problem is NP-hard, we devise approximation algorithms that provide guarantees on the quality of the approximated solutions against the optimal solutions. The simulations show that the results of our algorithms are very close to the optimal solutions.  相似文献   

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