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帝王文人现身美食传说 寿具“人救驾”是著名的甜点它向以香脆、酥甜闻名.而它只所以叫“大救驾”,就是因为有一个传说故事为其添加了色彩. 传说宋太祖赵匡胤率兵攻打寿春时被困南塘,人无粮食马无草料.正在危难之机,一位平民给他送来了几块小饼,赵匡胤解了饥饿之痛甚为感激,后来立国做了皇帝,便御封为“大救驾”.  相似文献   

西餐和日餐中常能吃到鱼子酱,腥腥的、咸咸的。中国人似乎吃不惯,而西方人却把它当做极品。黑黑的鱼子酱在过去是皇室里的佳肴,现在是时尚人士和酷爱美食又希望减肥的朋友的美容健康食品。  相似文献   

刘弘 《大众医学》2010,(2):61-61
2010年上海世博会持续时间长.自5月至10月绵延半年之久;规模大.参观人数众多。估计约7000万国内外参观者光临。这几千万人“吃”在上海.既要满足他们对美味佳肴的需求.还要确保食品生产、加工安全.无疑对我国食品安全保障工作是一个严峻的挑战。为此我们倡议.大家要及早做好准备.  相似文献   

汤圆、饺子、泡菜、腊肉……这些传统食品就像剪纸、花灯一样,早已成为中华文化的标志。然而进入现代社会,人们开始用现代医学和营养学的观点来审视传统食品:担心汤圆含油脂过多、泡菜致癌、腐乳被真菌污染、腊肉含盐量过高……昔日人们甘之如饴的传统美食,现在却因各种问题“罪名’’缠身。我们还能像祖辈一样放心地吃这些传统食品吗?传统食品怎样吃才既好吃又健康?请看本期特别策划——  相似文献   

俗话说,“民以食为天”,随着回归自然食品的兴起,传统美食越来越受到人们的青睐。其中,馒头、水晶饼、火锅水饺这些面食的由来都有它美妙的传说。  相似文献   

蒙古族牧民视绵羊为生活的保证、财富的源泉。日食三餐,每餐都离不开奶与肉。并且将以奶为原料制成的食品称为“白食”,意为圣洁、纯净的食品;以肉类为原料制成的食品称为“红食”。  相似文献   

龚秀英 《大众健康》2010,(1):106-107
我国的传统节日丰富多彩,制作、品尝和赠送节日食品是国人庆祝节日的独特方式之一。在注重养生的今天.传统节日美食是否具有特殊的保健价值?食用时有哪些注意事项?大家不妨了解一下。  相似文献   

有人说,旅行不过是为了吃。我深表赞同。西双版纳不仅是热带植物的王国,也是美食的天堂。如果你来到了这个热情洋溢的地方,一定要尝一尝热带雨林为您送上的美食盛宴。饭菜未至,酒水先上。袁枚《随园食单》里的"茶酒单"是这样说的:"七碗生风,一杯忘事,非饮用六清不可。"在版纳,如果你爱饮茶,马上有温润醇厚的普洱茶为你奉  相似文献   

ECHO 《健康世界》2004,(2):70-73
现在,我们不妨设想一下,如果有什么方法能让已经成形的身体部位具有如新生般的可塑性,或者通过一些信手拈来百试不爽的手段将之美化再美化,那该有多么好啊!今天,就向你公布这个绝对有效的“丰胸”秘诀,那就是——吃!  相似文献   

脸上有雀斑,再白皙的皮肤也会给美丽减分的.为了保住美丽分值,必须把防治雀斑入紧急计划中.很多美女经过实战,发现在天然食品中,具有保养皮肤和消除雀斑功效的食物有许多种……  相似文献   

The present study compares water-soluble phenolic content (WPC) and antioxidant activities in Chinese long bean (Vigna unguiculata), bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatica) and broccoli (Brassica olearacea) prior to and after subjecting to boiling, microwaving and pressure cooking. The total antioxidant activity was increased in cooked water convolvulus, broccoli and bitter gourd, estimated based on the ferric reducing antioxidant power, the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl radical scavenging activity. Pressure cooking did not cause any significant decline in the antioxidant property. Boiling generally improved the overall antioxidant activity in all the vegetables. Correlation analysis suggests that WPC contributed to significant antioxidant activities in these vegetables. Thus, prudence in selecting an appropriate cooking method for different vegetables may improve or preserve their nutritional value.  相似文献   

The present study compares water-soluble phenolic content (WPC) and antioxidant activities in Chinese long bean (Vigna unguiculata), bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatica) and broccoli (Brassica olearacea) prior to and after subjecting to boiling, microwaving and pressure cooking. The total antioxidant activity was increased in cooked water convolvulus, broccoli and bitter gourd, estimated based on the ferric reducing antioxidant power, the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl radical scavenging activity. Pressure cooking did not cause any significant decline in the antioxidant property. Boiling generally improved the overall antioxidant activity in all the vegetables. Correlation analysis suggests that WPC contributed to significant antioxidant activities in these vegetables. Thus, prudence in selecting an appropriate cooking method for different vegetables may improve or preserve their nutritional value.  相似文献   

Patties from ground round, ground chuck , and regular ground beef containing 14%, 19%, and 24% fat, respectively, were cooked by six different methods and analyzed for compositional differences. Cooking methods were electric broiling , charbroiling , roasting, convection heating, frying, and microwave heating. Percent yield, fat, and moisture of cooked patties were significantly affected (p less than .05) by the interaction of fat level and cooking method. Except for patties cooked by broiling or convection heating, patty yields decreased with increasing fat levels. Leaner formulations of ground beef increased in fat percentage with cooking, while patties processed to contain more fat initially decreased in fat percentage following cooking. Microwave cooking always produced patties containing the least fat and caloric content in comparison with other methods. Increasing levels of fat in the raw patty formulation did not appear to affect substantially the total caloric value of the patties following cooking. Cooked patties processed to have 14% fat contained slightly more water and less fat than patties having 24% fat. At current retail prices, cooked patties made to have 14% fat cost +0.20 more per patty than patties produced to contain 24% fat, regardless of the method of cooking.  相似文献   

Batch cooking     
C McIver 《Hospitals》1970,44(20):84-85

Cantina cooking     
《Southern hospitals》1991,57(5):15, 34

Thirty lambs were used to assess the influence of cooking methods on the nutritional composition of Spanish light lamb. With this aim, the left legs without shank, deboned and untrimmed of any adipose tissue, were analyzed raw. The right legs were analyzed after undertaking one of three cooking procedures: stewing, grilling or roasting. All cooking procedures increased the percentage of fat compared to the raw meat (9.6%), for equivalent sample quantities. This increment was mainly due to the increase in dry matter, from 28.5% in the raw product to 41.6% in roasted or stewed meat, caused by the water losses during cooking. Stewing caused the highest increase in fat, possibly due to fat absorption from the ingredients used in the recipe. This implied an extraordinary increment on the percentage of linoleic acid increasing from 5% to 11% of total fatty acids. n-3 fatty acids were less affected by cooking than n-6 fatty acids. Stewing could improve the fat quality according to cardiovascular indices, although the excess levels of fat should be taken into account. Moreover, cooking also caused the disappearance of B-vitamins to a higher extent than minerals, when expressed on a dry-matter basis. The composition of roasted or grilled lamb was very similar, even when cooking time was very different.  相似文献   

D Dibba  MDLT Weaver  GJ Hudson   《Nutrition Research》1991,11(12):1397-1402
If an average water content is used with records of weighed food intake to calculate nutrient intake, it is important to establish that the value is appropriate. A previous study in three villages in The Gambia, West Africa, reported an average value for the water content of cooked rice of 65.8% and a fairly wide range of values for individual samples (SD 5.52, n 2666). We present values for the water contents of ten varieties of rice that confirm the results of the previous study. A wide range of values is observed because some varieties of rice, and the same variety cooked in different villages, have average water contents, ranging from 60% to 68%, that differ significantly from the overall mean. Use of the overall mean value for water content for those varieties could lead to underestimates of water intakes of the order of 6%, representing underestimates of nutrient intake of 15%.  相似文献   

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