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Riverine carbon flux is an important component of the global carbon cycle. The spatial and temporal variations of organic and inorganic carbon were examined during both dry and wet seasons in the Yellow River estuary. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the Yellow River during dry seasons were higher than those during wet seasons. The effective concentrations of DOC (CDOC*) were higher than the observed DOC at zero salinity. This input of DOC in the Yellow River estuary was due to sediment desorption processes in low salinity regions. In contrast to DOC, the effective concentrations of DIC were 10% lower than the DIC measured at freshwater end, and the loss of DIC was caused by CaCO3 precipitation in low salinity region. Particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) contents of the particles stabilized to constant values (0.5%±0.05% and 1.8%±0.2%, respectively) within the turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) and showed no noticeable seasonal variations. A rapid drop of PIC and rise of POC occurred simultaneously outside the TMZ due to an intense dilution of riverine inorganic-rich particles being transported into a pool of aquatic organic-poor particles outside the TMZ. Annually, the Yellow River transported 6.95×105 t of DIC, 0.64×105 t of DOC, 78.58×105 t of PIC and 2.29×105 t of POC to the sea.  相似文献   

Short-term uptake experiments and long-term semicontinuous culture experiments were performed under the condition of phosphorus (P) limitation to estimate and compare the P uptake and growth kinetics of the microalga Tetraselmis subcordiformis and the macroalga Ulva pertusa. Two new parameters, the maximum specific uptake rate (V m sp ) and the maximal growth efficiency (β), are introduced to achieve uniformity for the comparison of nutrient uptake and growth efficiency between microalgae and macroalgae. T. subcordiformis possesses 3 times lower half saturation uptake constant, 4 times higher maximal growth rate and 20 times higher maximum specific uptake rate than U. pertusa, while U. pertusa possesses 4 times higher maximal growth efficiency than T. subcordiformis.  相似文献   

By using field survey data from the sixth forest inventory of Jiangxi Province in 2003, the biomass and carbon storage for three studied species (Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Pinus elliottii) were estimated in Taihe and Xingguo counties of Boyang Lake Basin, Jiangxi Province, China. The relationship between carbon density and forest age was analyzed by logistic equations. Spatio-temporal dynamics of forest biomass and carbon storage in 1985-2003 were also described. The results show that total stand area of the three forest species was 3.10 × 10^5 ha, total biomass 22.20 Tg, vegetation carbon storage 13.07 Tg C, and average carbon density 42.36 Mg C/ha in the study area in 2003. Carbon storage by forest type in descending order was: P. massoniana, C. lanceolata and P. elliottii. Carbon storage by forest age group in descending order was: middle stand, young stand, near-mature stand and mature stand. Carbon storage by plantation forests was 1.89 times higher than that by natural forests. Carbon density of the three species increased 8.58 Mg C/ha during the study period. The carbon density of Taihe County was higher in the east and west, and lower in the middle. The carbon density of Xingguo County was higher in the northeast and lower in the middle. In general, the carbon density increased with altitude and gradient. Afforestation projects contribute significantly to increasing stand area and carbon storage. Appropriate forest management may improve the carbon sequestration capacity of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEstuariescompriseamajorbiogeochemicalinterfaceconnectingthelandandthesea (Man toura,1 987) .Thebehaviorandfateofaparticularriver bornesubstanceintroducedintoanestuaryisdeterminedtoalargeextentbythebiogeochemicalpropertiesofthesubstanceaswellasp…  相似文献   

lNTRODUCTI0NSincetheoonceptofrnarinesplashzone(MSZ)wasfirstproposedbyHumble,rnanyresearchesprovedthatthecorrosionofsteelinthesplashzoneisthemostseriousinthemarineenvironninetandthatthisMSZcorrosionhasapeak(Zhu,l995).Howevertheenvironmentalfactorscatisingthecorrosionpeakwasnotkn0wnthen(Niat0,l975,Atsushi,l994)andtherangeoftheMSZwasnotyetdeariydefinedopzkaki,l985).ThispaperexplainsthemaincauseofthecormsionpeakanddefinestheexaCtrangeoftheMSZinsomeofChina'sharbours.MATERIALSANDMET…  相似文献   

The application of human induced oxygen consumption and carbon emission theory in urban region was summed up and on this base a new model of urban carbon and oxygen balance (UCOB) was constructed by calculating the carbon and oxygen fluxes. The purpose was to highlight the role of vegetation in urban ecosystems and evaluate the effects of various human activities on urban annual oxygen consumption and carbon emission. Hopefully,the model would be helpful in theory to keep the regional balance of carbon and oxygen,and provide guidance and support for urban vegetation planning in the future. To test the UCOB model,the Jimei District of Xiamen City,Fujian Province,China,a very typical urban region,was selected as a case study. The results turn out that Jimei′s vegetation service in oxygen emission and carbon sequestration could not meet the demand of the urban population,and more than 31.49 times of vegetation area should be added to meet the whole oxygen consumption in Jimei while 9.60 times of vegetation area are needed to meet the carbon sequestration targets. The results show that the new UCOB model is of a great potential to be applied to quantitative planning of urban vegetation and regional eco-compensation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Land use changes are known to alter soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial properties, however, information about how conversion of natural forest to agricultural land use as well as plantations affects SOC and microbial properties in the Changbai Moun- tains of Northeast China is meager. Soil carbon content, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal respiration and soil carbon mineraliza- tion were studied in five selected types of land use: natural old-growth broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest (NF); spruce plantation (SP) established following clear-cutting of NF; cropland (CL); ginseng farmland (GF) previously under NF; and a five-year Mongolian oak young forest (YF) reforested on an abandoned GF, in the Changbai Mountains of Northeast China in 2011. Results showed that SOC content was significantly lower in SP, CL, GF, and YF than in NF. MBC ranged from 304.4 mg/kg in CL to 1350.3 mg/kg in NF, which was significantly higher in the soil of NF than any soil of the other four land use types. The SOC and MBC contents were higher in SP soil than in CL, GF, and YF soils, yielding a significant difference between SP and CL. The value of basal respiration was also higher in NF than in SP, CL, GF, and YF. Simultaneously, higher values of the metabolic quotient were detected in CL, GF, and YF soils, indicat- ing low substrate utilization of the soil microbial community compared with that in NF and SP soil. The values of cumulative mineral- ized carbon and potentially mineralized carbon (Co) in NF were significantly higher than those in CL and GF, while no significant dif- ference was observed between NF and SP. In addition, YF had higher values of Co and C mineralization rate compared with GF. The results indicate that conversion from NF into agricultural land (CL and GF) uses and plantation may lead to a reduction in soil nutrients (SOC and MBC) and substrate utilization efficiency of the microbial community. By contrast, soils below SP were more conducive to the preservation of soil organic matter, which was reflected in the comparison of microbial indicators among CL, GF, and YF land uses. This study can provide data for evaluating soils nutrients under different land use types, and serve as references for the rational land use of natural forest in the study area.  相似文献   

Global warming is recently an urgent issue worldwide. The increase of carbon emissions induced by human economic activi- ties has become a major driving force behind global climate change. Thus, as a matter of social responsibility, reasonable carbon con- straints should be implemented to ensure environmental security and sustainable development for every country. Based on a summary of studies that examined the relationship between carbon emissions and regional development, this paper shows that human activity-led carbon emission is caused by the combination of several influencing factors, including population size, income level, and technical pro- gress. Thus, a quantitative model derived from IPAT-ImPACT-Kaya series and STIRPAT models was established. Empirical analysis using multivariate nonlinear regression demonstrated that the origins of growing global carbon emission included the increasing influ- encing elasticity of the population size and the declining negative effect of technical progress. Meanwhile, in context of classification of country groups at different income levels, according to the comparison of fluctuating patterns of the influencing elasticity, technical progress was found as the main factor influencing carbon emission levels in high-income countries, and population size might he the controlling factor in middle-income countries. However, for low-income countries, the nonlinear relationship between carbon emission and its influencing factors was not significant, whereas population growth was identified as an important potential driving force in future carbon emissions. This study can therefore provide a reference for the formulation of policies on carbon constraints, especially to de- velop more efficient carbon mitigating policies for countries at different income levels.  相似文献   

Deposition of organic carbon forms the final net effect of the ocean carbon sink at a certain time scale. Organic carbon deposition on the Arctic shelves plays a particularly important role in the global carbon cycle because of the broad shelf area and rich nutrient concentration. To determine the organic carbon deposition flux at the northern margin of the Chukchi Sea shelf, the 210pb dating method was used to analyze the age and deposition rate of sediment samples from station R17 of the third Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The results showed that the deposition rate was 0.6 mm'aI, the apparent deposition mass flux was 0.72 kg.m2a1, and the organic carbon deposition flux was 517 mmol C.m2.al. It was estimated that at least 16% of the export organic carbon flux out of the euphoric zone was transferred and chronically buried into the sediment, a value which was much higher than the average ratio (-10%) for low- to mid-latitude regions, indicating a highly effective carbon sink at the northern mar- gin of the Chukchi Sea shelf. With the decrease of sea ice coverage caused by warming in the Arctic Ocean, it could be inferred that the Arctic shelves will play an increasingly important role in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

A research trial with four land management practices, i.e., traditional tillage-fallow (TTF), traditional tillage-wheat (TTW), conservation tillage-fallow (CTF) and conservation tillage-wheat (CTW), was sampled in the 15th year after its establishment to assess the effects of different management practices on labile organic carbon fractions (LOCFs), such as easily oxidizable organic carbon (EOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in a typical paddy soil, Chongqing, Southwest China. The results indicated that LOCFs were significantly influenced by the combination of no-tillage, ridge culture and crop rotation. And, different combination patterns showed different effectiveness on soil LOCFs. The effects of no-tillage, ridge culture and wheat cultivation on EOC, DOC, POC and MBC mainly happened at 0–10cm. At this depth, soil under CTW had higher EOC, DOC, POC and MBC contents, compared to TTF, TTW and CTF, respectively. Moreover, the contents of LOCFs for different practices generally decreased when the soil depth increased. Our findings suggest that the paddy soil in Southwest China could be managed to concentrate greater quantities of EOC, DOC, POC and MBC. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40231016)  相似文献   

The effects of reforestation on carbon(C) sequestration in China′s Loess Plateau ecosystem have attracted much research attention in recent years. Black locust trees(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) are valued for their important use in reforestation and water and soil conservation efforts. This forest type is widespread across the Loess Plateau, and must be an essential component of any planning for C sequestration efforts in this fragile ecological region. The long-term effects of stand age on C accumulation and allocation after reforestation remains uncertain. We examined an age-sequence of black locust forest(5, 9, 20, 30, 38, and 56 yr since planting) on the Loess Plateau to evaluate C accumulation and allocation in plants(trees, shrubs, herbages, and leaf litter) and soil(0–100 cm). Allometric equations were developed for estimating the biomass of tree components(leaf, branch, stem without bark, bark and root) with a destructive sampling method. Our results demonstrated that black locust forest ecosystem accumulated C constantly, from 31.42 Mg C/ ha(1 Mg = 10~6 g) at 5 yr to 79.44 Mg C/ha at 38 yr. At the ′old forest′ stage(38 to 56 yr), the amount of C in plant biomass significantly decreased(from 45.32 to 34.52 Mg C/ha) due to the high mortality of trees. However, old forest was able to accumulate C continuously in soil(from 33.66 to 41.00 Mg C/ha). The C in shrub biomass increased with stand age, while the C stock in the herbage layer and leaf litter was age-independent. Reforestation resulted in C re-allocation in the forest soil. The topsoil(0–20 cm) C stock increased constantly with stand age. However, C storage in sub-top soil, in the 20–30, 30–50, 50–100, and 20–100 cm layers, was age-independent. These results suggest that succession, as a temporal factor, plays a key role in C accumulation and re-allocation in black locust forests and also in regional C dynamics in vegetation.  相似文献   

Dawsonite, NaAlCO3(OH)2, is widespread as a cement, replacement and cavity filling in Hailaer Basin in China and Bowen-Gunnedah-Sydney (BGS) basin system in Australia. The origin of dawsonite is emphatically contrasted and analyzed through stable isotopic composition. Dawsonite δ13C values ranging from -4.0×10-3 to 4.1×10-3 are remarkably consistent through the BGS basin system. The calculated δ13C values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite range from -11.3×10-3 to -4.6×10-3. These values indicate carbon of dawsonite came from inorganic CO2 gas accompanied by magmatic activity. In Hailaer Basin, the Dawsonite δ13C values ranging from -4.64×10-3 to 2.12×10-3 are also consistent. The calculated δ13C values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite range from -11.82×10-3 to -5.11×10-3. According to the coincidence of dawsonite-bearing well and CO2 gas well with mantle source,lying along deep fracture within or adjacent to Yanshanian granite,it is concluded that CO2 gas forming dawsonite is derived from mantle related to magmatic process during the Yanshanian. A little biologic origin carbon owing to petroleum charging intervened when dawsonite formed.  相似文献   

Dawsonite, NaAlCO3(OH)2, is widespread as a cement, replacement and cavity filling in Hailaer Basin in China and Bowen-Gunnedah-Sydney (BGS) basin system in Australia. The origin of dawsonite is emphatically contrasted and analyzed through stable isotopic composition. Dawsonite δ13C values ranging from -4.0×10-3 to 4.1×10-3 are remarkably consistent through the BGS basin system. The calculated δ13C values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite range from -11.3×10-3 to -4.6×10-3. These values indicate carbon of dawsonite came from inorganic CO2 gas accompanied by magmatic activity. In Hailaer Basin, the Dawsonite δ13C values ranging from -4.64×10-3 to 2.12×10-3 are also consistent. The calculated δ13C values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite range from -11.82×10-3 to -5.11×10-3. According to the coincidence of dawsonite-bearing well and CO2 gas well with mantle source,lying along deep fracture within or adjacent to Yanshanian granite,it is concluded that CO2 gas forming dawsonite is derived from mantle related to magmatic process during the Yanshanian. A little biologic origin carbon owing to petroleum charging intervened when dawsonite formed.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨不同血清和细胞因子等培养液添加物对尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromisniloticus)精原干细胞(Spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)生长增殖的影响。【方法】无菌取发育第Ⅲ期的尼罗罗非鱼精巢组织,用酶消化法结合差速贴壁法获得尼罗罗非鱼SSCs,在有支持细胞饲养层条件下,L-15培养液中分别添加体积分数2%、5%、10%新生牛血清(New bovine serum,NBS),体积分数1%、2%、3%罗非鱼血清以及5、10、15 ng/mL白血病抑制因子(Leukemia inhibitor factor,LIF),比较不同添加物对尼罗罗非鱼SSCs生长增殖的影响。【结果】在支持细胞饲养层上,SSCs分裂指数明显高于无饲养层的SSCs,支持细胞饲养层明显促进精原干细胞分裂增殖(P <0.01);与2%、10%NBS组相比,添加体积分数5%NBS可显著促进精原干细胞增殖(P <0.01);添加体积分数1%、2%、3%尼罗罗非鱼血清对SSCs无显著的促增殖作用(P> 0.05);添加5、10 ng/mL LIF可促进SSCs增殖,添加10 ng/mL LIF效果更佳,添加15 ng/mL LIF则抑制SSCs增殖。【结论】使用尼罗罗非鱼精巢支持细胞作饲养层,用添加体积分数5%NBS及10 ng/mL LIF的L-15培养液培养,有助于促进尼罗罗非鱼精原干细胞生长增殖。  相似文献   

Cathode activity plays an important role in the improvement of the microbial fuel cells on ocean floor(BMFCs). A comparison study between Rayon-based(CF-R) and PAN-based carbon fiber(CF-P) cathodes is conducted in the paper. The two carbon fibers were heat treated to improve cell performance(CF-R-H CF-P-H), and were used to build a new BMFCs structure with a foamy carbon anode. The maximum power density was 112.42 mW m-for CF-R-H, followed by 66.6 mW m-2 for CF-R, 49.7 mW m-2 for CF-P-H and 21.6 mW m-2 for CF-P respectively. The higher specific area and deep groove make CF-R have a better power output than with CF-P. Meanwhile, heat treatment of carbon fiber can improve cell power, nearly two-fold higher than heat treatment of plain fiber. This improvement may be due to the quinones group formation to accelerate the reduction of oxygen and electron transfer on the fiber surface in the three phase boundary after heat treatment. Compared to PAN-based carbon fiber, Rayon-based carbon fiber would be preferentially selected as cathode in novel BMFCs design due to its high surface area, low cost and higher power. The comparison research is significant for cathode material selection and cell design.  相似文献   

During the 15th Conference of the Parties(COP 15),Parties agreed that reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing ’removals of greenhouse gas emission by forests’(REDD+) in developing countries through positive incentives under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) was capable of dealing with global emissions.As REDD+ seeks to lower emissions by stopping deforestation and forest degradation with an international payment tier according to baseline scenarios,opportunities for ecosystem benefits such as slowing habitat fragmentation,conservation of forest biodiversity,soil conservation may be also part of this effort.The primary objective of this study is to evaluate ecosystem-based benefits of REDD+,and to identify the relationships with carbon stock changes.To achieve this goal,high resolution satellite images are combined with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) to identify historical deforestation in study area of Central Kalimantan,Indonesia.The carbon emissions for the period of 2000-2005 and 2005-2009 are 2.73 × 10 5 t CO 2 and 1.47 × 10 6 t CO 2 respectively,showing an increasing trend in recent years.Dring 2005-2009,number of patches(NP),patch density(PD),mean shape index distribution(SHAPE_MN) increased 30.8%,30.7% and 7.6%.Meanwhile,largest patch index(LPI),mean area(AREA_MN),area-weighted mean of shape index distribution(SHAPE_AM),neighbor distance(ENN_MN) and interspersion and juxtaposition index(IJI) decreased by 55.3%,29.7%,15.8%,53.4% and 21.5% respectively.The area regarding as positive correlation between carbon emissions and soil erosion was approximately 8.9 × 10 3 ha corresponding to 96.0% of the changing forest.These results support the view that there are strong synergies among carbon loss,forest fragmentation and soil erosion in tropical forests.Such mechanism of REDD+ is likely to present opportunities for multiple benefits that fall outside the scope of carbon stocks.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of Nitzschia palea Kiitzing, a freshwater diatom, to elevated CO2 were investigated and compared with those of a marine diatom, Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmermann previously reported. Elevated CO2 concentration to 700 μl/L increased the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and lowered the pH in the cultures of N. palea, thus enhancing the growth by 4%-20% during the whole growth period. High CO2-grown N. palea cells showed lower levels of dark respiration rates and higher Ik values. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates and photosynthetic efficiencies decreased in N. palea with the doubling CO2 concentration in airflow to the bottom of cultures, although the doubling CO2 concentration in airflow to the surface cultures had few effects on these two photosynthetic parameters. N. palea cells were found to be capable of using HCO3- in addition to gaseous CO2, and the CO2 enrichment decreased their affinity for HCO3- and CO2. Although doubled CO2 level would enhance the biomass of N. palea and C. muelleri to different extents, compared with the marine diatom, it had a significant effect on the specific growth rates of N. palea. In addition, the responses of photosynthetic parameters of N. palea to doubled CO2 concentration were almost opposite to those of C. muelleri.  相似文献   

Land cover type is critical for soil organic carbon(SOC) stocks in territorial ecosystems. However, impacts of land cover on SOC stocks in a karst landscape are not fully understood due to discontinuous soil distribution. In this study, considering soil distribution, SOC content and density were investigated along positive successional stages(cropland, plantation, grassland, scrubland, secondary forest, and primary forest) to determine the effects of land cover type on SOC stocks in a subtropical karst area. The proportion of continuous soil on the ground surface under different land cover types ranged between 0.0% and 79.8%. As land cover types changed across the positive successional stages, SOC content in both the 0–20 cm and 20–50 cm soil layers increased significantly. SOC density(SOCD) within 0–100 cm soil depth ranged from 1.45 to 8.72 kg m-2, and increased from secondary forest to primary forest, plantation, grassland, scrubland, and cropland, due to discontinuous soil distribution. Discontinuous soil distribution had a negative effect on SOC stocks, highlighting the necessity for accurate determination of soil distribution in karst areas. Generally, ecological restoration had positive impacts on SOC accumulation in karst areas, but this is a slow process. In the short term, the conversion of croplandto grassland was found to be the most efficient way for SOC sequestration.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Porphyra (also called nori in Japanese) is one of the most important algae in aquaculture in the world. In the early 1980’s, basic studies on cell and protoplast isolation, cultivation and “seedling” breeding of Porphyra were conducted in laboratory. Zhao and Zhang (1981) isolated and cultured isolated cells by grinding the nori thallus, and Lu (1983) isolated cells by digesting bacteria. An enzyme isolated from a sea snail, was used to isolate cells and protoplasts (T…  相似文献   

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