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《Information & Management》2016,53(8):964-977
As taxi service is supervised by certain electronic equipment (e.g., global positioning system (GPS) equipment) and network technique (e.g., cab reservation through Uber in USA or DIDI in China), taxi business is a typical electronic commerce mode. For a long time, taxi service is facing a typical challenge, that is, passengers may be detoured and overcharged by some unethical taxi drivers, especially when traveling in unfamiliar cities. As a result, it is important to detect taxi drivers’ misbehavior through taxi’s GPS big data analysis in a real-time manner for enhancing the quality of taxi services. In view of this challenge, an online anomalous trajectory detection method, named OnATrade (pronounced “on a trade,” which means activities in a taxi trade on the fly), is investigated in this paper for improving taxi service using GPS big data. The method mainly consists of two steps: route recommendation and online detection. In the first step, route candidates are generated by using a route recommendation algorithm. In the second step, an online anomalous trajectory detection approach is presented to find taxis that have driving anomalies. Experiments evaluate the validity of our method on large-scale, real-world taxi GPS trajectories. Finally, several value-added applications benefiting from big data analysis over taxi’s GPS data sets are discussed for potential commercial applications.  相似文献   

Extracting hidden information from human mobility patterns is one of the long-standing challenges of urban studies. In addition, exploring the relationship between urban functional structure and traffic spatial interaction pattern has long been of interest. Recently, vehicle GPS trajectory data emerged as a popular data source for revealing human mobility patterns and urban functions. However, few studies have fully leveraged traffic interaction information that is hidden in human mobility patterns to identify urban functions at the road segment level. To address this issue, a geo-semantic analysis framework was introduced in this study to model the relationship between traffic interaction and urban functions at the road segment level. First, a Road-Trajectory corpus was built and trained to obtain the semantic embedding representation of road segments. Then, considering topological connections between road segments, we used a graph convolutional neural network model to process the contextual and topological information to classify social functions along streets. A case study in Beijing, China, using a large volume of real-world taxi trajectories data, was conducted. The results show that our proposed methods, with relative less loss and high accuracy, outperform other comparative methods for classifying urban functions at the road segment level. This work contributes to the assessment of urban functional structure, and further aiding urban planners in designing better urbanization strategies with regard to traffic interaction and urban space structure.  相似文献   

针对现有基于偏移量计算的在线GPS轨迹数据压缩算法不能有效评估关键点的问题,提出基于偏移量计算的在线GPS轨迹数据压缩算法--关键点前继修正算法(KPFA)。该算法通过计算同步欧式距离(SED)累积偏移量来发现轨迹点中信息量较大的关键点,同时设置阈值对关键点之前和上一个关键点之后的轨迹点进行修正,更好地保留轨迹信息。实验结果表明,和按时间比例的开窗算法(OPW-TR)及启发式空间质量简化算法的改进算法(SQUISH-E)相比,压缩率相同时KPFA的平均SED误差最小,并且运行时间最快且维持在100 000 ms。KPFA算法对轨迹点的信息量评估准确度更高,运行时间更稳定。  相似文献   

Traffic flow prediction is an important precondition to alleviate traffic congestion in large-scale urban areas. Recently, some estimation and prediction methods have been proposed to predict the traffic congestion with respect to different metrics such as accuracy, instantaneity and stability. Nevertheless, there is a lack of unified method to address the three performance aspects systematically. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to estimate and predict the urban traffic congestion using floating car trajectory data efficiently. In this method, floating cars are regarded as mobile sensors, which can probe a large scale of urban traffic flows in real time. In order to estimate the traffic congestion, we make use of a new fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in which the weights of multi-indexes are assigned according to the traffic flows. To predict the traffic congestion, an innovative traffic flow prediction method using particle swarm optimization algorithm is responsible for calculating the traffic flow parameters. Then, a congestion state fuzzy division module is applied to convert the predicted flow parameters to citizens’ cognitive congestion state. Experimental results show that our proposed method has advantage in terms of accuracy, instantaneity and stability.  相似文献   

Cooperative vehicular systems are currently being investigated to design innovative ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) solutions for road traffic management and safety. Through the wireless exchange of information between vehicles, and between vehicles and infrastructure nodes, cooperative systems can support novel decentralized strategies for ubiquitous and more cost-attractive traffic monitoring. In this context, this paper presents and evaluates CoTEC (COperative Traffic congestion detECtion), a novel cooperative technique based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications designed to detect road traffic congestion. CoTEC is evaluated under large-scale highway scenarios using iTETRIS, a unique open source simulation platform created to investigate the impact of cooperative vehicular systems. The obtained results demonstrate CoTEC's capability to accurately detect and characterize road traffic congestion conditions under different traffic scenarios and V2V penetration rates. In particular, CoTEC results in congestion detection probabilities higher than 90%. These results are obtained without overloading the cooperative communications channel. In fact, CoTEC reduces the communications overhead needed to detect road traffic congestions compared to related techniques by 88%.  相似文献   

随着通信技术的发展和智能手机的普及,运营商基站所采集的大规模手机轨迹数据在城市规划、人口迁移等领域中发挥了重要价值。针对城市人口流动问题,提出一种利用手机轨迹数据的基于轨迹行为特征的人口流动判定(MF-JUPF)算法。首先,可对手机轨迹数据进行数据预处理,以提取用户活动轨迹;然后根据进出城市的行为模式提取重要特征,再根据真实标注数据集合利用多种分类模型进行参数训练;最后,根据模型训练结果判定用户轨迹是否为进出城市行为。所提系统使用MapReduce框架进行数据分析,以提高性能和可扩展性。基于真实数据集合的实验结果表明,对于进出城市的判定,该方法的准确率和召回率可达80%以上,与基于信号消失时长的人口流动判定(SD-JUPF)算法相比,在判定进入城市的准确率上提高了19.0%,召回率提高了13.9%;在判定离开城市的准确率上提高了17.3%,召回率提高了6.1%。相比非过滤算法,根据手机轨迹数据特点进行的数据过滤算法可减少处理时间36.1%以上。理论分析和实验结果表明MF-JUPF方法精度高,可扩展性好,因此对城市规划等领域有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

Until recently, local governments in Spain were using machines with rolling cylinders for testing and verification of taximeters. However, the tyres condition can lead to errors in the process and the mechanical construction of the test equipment is not compatible with certain vehicles. Thus, a new measurement device should be designed.In our opinion, the verification of a taximeter will not be reliable unless measurements taken on an actual taxi run are used. Global positioning system (GPS) sensors are intuitively well suited for this process, because they provide the position and the speed with independence from those car devices that are under test. Nevertheless, since GPS measurements are inherently imprecise, GPS-based sensors are difficult to homologate. In this paper we will show how these legal problems can be solved. We propose a method for computing an upper bound of the length of the trajectory, taking into account the vagueness of the GPS data. The uncertainty in the GPS data will be modelled by fuzzy techniques. The upper bound will be computed using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm. The accuracy of the measurements will be improved further by combining it with restrictions based on the dynamic behavior of the vehicles.  相似文献   

当前GPS轨迹定位方法均采用单频定位,在数据异常情况下不能保障定位精度,故此提出一种基于北斗卫星的GPS轨迹数据双频定位方法研究。先基于北斗卫星的定位原理建立用于空间几何距离测量和地面监测点精准定位的数学模型,并确定出伪距和载波相位的观测值的权重;利用北斗卫星确定出标的物的空间几何距离,及空间位置信息;由于定位系统本身及大气电离层的影响,得到空间定位信息内包含有误差项,基于北斗卫星系统可以修正GPS轨迹误差项和异常数据,实现对标的物位置信息的精准定位。测试数据表明提出定位方法的精度更高,综合定位偏差值为0.56%,同时定位误差的均值和方差控制表现更好。  相似文献   

针对轨迹数据发布时轨迹和非敏感信息引起的隐私泄露问题,提出一种基于非敏感信息分析的轨迹数据隐私保护发布算法。首先,分析轨迹和非敏感信息的关联性构建轨迹隐私泄露判定模型,得到最小违反序列元组(MVS),然后借鉴公共子序列的思想,在消除MVS带来的隐私泄露风险时,选择MVS中对轨迹数据损失最小的时序序列作为抑制对象,从而生成具有隐私能力和低数据损失率的匿名轨迹数据集。仿真实验结果表明,与LKC-Local算法和Trad-Local算法相比,在序列长度为3的情况下,该算法平均实例损失率分别降低了6%和30%,平均最大频繁序列(MFS)损失率分别降低了7%和60%,因此所提算法能够有效用于提高推荐服务质量。  相似文献   

It is important to quantify human heat exposure in order to evaluate and mitigate the negative impacts of heat on human well-being in the context of global warming. This study proposed a human-centric framework to examine human personal heat exposure based on anonymous GPS trajectories data mining and urban microclimate modeling. The mean radiant temperature (Tmrt) that represents human body's energy balance was used to indicate human heat exposure. The meteorological data and high-resolution 3D urban model generated from multispectral remotely sensed images and LiDAR data were used as inputs in urban microclimate modeling to map the spatio-temporal distribution of the Tmrt in the Boston metropolitan area. The anonymous human GPS trajectory data collected from fitness Apps was used to map the spatio-temporal distribution of human outdoor activities. By overlaying the anonymous GPS trajectories on the generated spatio-temporal maps of Tmrt, this study further examined the heat exposure of runners in different age-gender groups in the Boston area. Results show that there is no significant difference in terms of heat exposure for female and male runners. The female runners in the age of 45–54 are exposed to more heat than female runners of 18–24 and 25–34, while there is no significant difference among male runners. This study proposed a novel method to estimate human heat exposure, which would shed new light on mitigating the negative impacts of heat on human health.  相似文献   

Clustering trajectory data discovers and visualizes available structure in movement patterns of mobile objects and has numerous potential applications in traffic control, urban planning, astronomy, and animal science. In this paper, an automated technique for clustering trajectory data using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach has been proposed, and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance as one of the most commonly-used distance measures for trajectory data is considered. The proposed technique is able to find (near) optimal number of clusters as well as (near) optimal cluster centers during the clustering process. To reduce the dimensionality of the search space and improve the performance of the proposed method (in terms of a certain performance index), a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) representation of cluster centers is considered. The proposed method is able to admit various cluster validity indexes as objective function for optimization. Experimental results over both synthetic and real-world datasets indicate the superiority of the proposed technique to fuzzy C-means, fuzzy K-medoids, and two evolutionary-based clustering techniques proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

公交车拥挤度分析对维护公共交通安全起着重要的作用.针对在传统的目标检测方法中使用单个摄像头导致无法获取完整的车厢图片信息,以及在高密度场景下乘客与乘客之间的遮挡或者乘客被车厢内的座椅等物体遮挡的问题,提出了一种借助两个前后车厢的摄像头面向多数据流的车厢拥挤回归分析方法.首先,定义一个线性方程;其次,获取相对可见信息:公交车最大核载人数、根据人眼标记出的总人数、以及通过YOLOv3和ResNet50分别检测出车厢内人头数和拥挤率;然后,将包含已知信息的样本数据矩阵和期望值向量代入所定义的方程中,拟合出隐含信息:系数向量和偏置项,构建出一个多元一次线性回归方程,在高密度环境中狭窄和遮挡严重等情况下能够获得更为精确的车厢内总人数;最后,通过人数估计线性回归算法,获得最终的车厢内总人数.实验结果表明,所提方法能够预测出公交车上的人数,实时获得公交车上的人群流量,并且通过平均绝对误差(MAE)和均方误差(MSE)对数据进行误差分析后,验证了该方法能够正确地反映公交车拥挤度.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) involves the integrating of environmental, social and economic concerns into supply chain management activities with...  相似文献   

The common concept of congestion is that a decrease (increase) in one or more inputs of a decision making unit (DMU) causes an increase (decrease) in one or more outputs (Cooper, Gu, & Li, 2001a). So far several congestion approaches have been proposed in DEA (data envelopment analysis) literature by many authors, such as Färe’s et al. (FGL), Brockett’s et al. (BCSW), and Tone and Sahoo’s congestion approaches (Färe et al., 1985, Färe et al., 1994, Brockett et al., 1998, Tone and Sahoo, 2004). Tone and Sahoo’s approach (Tone & Sahoo, 2004) is one of the most robust congestion approaches in DEA literature. Moreover, Tone and Sahoo’s approach has some advantages with respect to FGL and BSCW congestion approaches. However, the proposed approaches have many difficulties to treat congestion. For instance, in the presence of alternative optimal solutions, the approach proposed by Tone and Sahoo is unable to detect congestion (strong and weak). Moreover, in Tone and Sahoo’s approach, all inputs and outputs of decision making units (DMUs) have been considered positive, while in real world, data is often non-negative.In this research, a slack-based DEA approach is proposed to recognize congestion (strong and weak) for the target DMUs. One of the advantages of our proposed approach is capable of detecting congestion (strong and weak) for evaluating the DMUs in the presence of alternative optimal solutions. Other advantage of our research is capable of identifying congesting (strong and weak) DMUs with non-negative inputs and outputs. However in these situations, Tone and Sahoo’s congestion approach is incapable of identifying congestion. Lastly, we apply the approach to the data sets for making comparisons between the proposed approach and Tone and Sahoo’s approach then some conclusions are drawn and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

对移动对象的轨迹预测将在移动目标跟踪识别中具有较好的应用价值。移动对象轨迹预测的基础是移动目标运动参量的采集和估计,移动目标的运动参量信息特征规模较大,传统的单分量时间序列分析方法难以实现准确的参量估计和轨迹预测。提出一种基于大数据多传感信息融合跟踪的移动对象轨迹预测算法。首先进行移动目标对象进行轨迹跟踪的控制对象描述和约束参量分析,对轨迹预测的大规模运动参量信息进行信息融合和自正整定性控制,通过大数据分析方法实现对移动对象运动参量的准确估计和检测,由此指导移动对象轨迹的准确预测,提高预测精度。仿真结果表明,采用该算法进行移动对象的运动参量估计和轨迹预测的精度较高,自适应性能较强,稳健性较好,相关的指标性能优于传统方法。  相似文献   

Portable digital devices equipped with GPS antennas are ubiquitous sources of continuous information for location-based Expert and Intelligent Systems. The availability of these traces on the human mobility patterns is growing explosively. To mine this data is a fascinating challenge which can produce a big impact on both travelers and transit agencies.This paper proposes a novel incremental framework to maintain statistics on the urban mobility dynamics over a time-evolving origin-destination (O-D) matrix. The main motivation behind such task is to be able to learn from the location-based samples which are continuously being produced, independently on their source, dimensionality or (high) communicational rate. By doing so, the authors aimed to obtain a generalist framework capable of summarizing relevant context-aware information which is able to follow, as close as possible, the stochastic dynamics on the human mobility behavior. Its potential impact ranges Expert Systems for decision support across multiple industries, from demand estimation for public transportation planning till travel time prediction for intelligent routing systems, among others.The proposed methodology settles on three steps: (i) Half-Space trees are used to divide the city area into dense subregions of equal mass. The uncovered regions form an O-D matrix which can be updated by transforming the trees’leaves into conditional nodes (and vice-versa). The (ii) Partioning Incremental Algorithm is then employed to discretize the target variable’s historical values on each matrix cell. Finally, a (iii) dimensional hierarchy is defined to discretize the domains of the independent variables depending on the cell’s samples.A Taxi Network running on a mid-sized city in Portugal was selected as a case study. The Travel Time Estimation (TTE) problem was regarded as a real-world application. Experiments using one million data samples were conducted to validate the methodology. The results obtained highlight the straightforward contribution of this method: it is capable of resisting to the drift while still approximating context-aware solutions through a multidimensional discretization of the feature space. It is a step ahead in estimating the real-time mobility dynamics, regardless of its application field.  相似文献   

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