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In order to detect a fire and provide adequate fire protection to a tunnel structure, the maximum gas temperature beneath the ceiling to which the structure is exposed needs to be estimated. Theoretical analysis of maximum gas temperature beneath a tunnel ceiling based on a plume theory is given. The heat release rate, longitudinal ventilation velocity and tunnel geometry are taken into account. Two series of model-scale experimental tests were also carried out. The results of both analysis and experiments show that the maximum excess gas temperature beneath the ceiling can be divided into two regions. When the dimensionless ventilation velocity is greater than 0.19, the maximum excess gas temperature beneath the tunnel ceiling increases linearly with the heat release rate and decreases linearly with the longitudinal ventilation velocity. When the dimensionless ventilation velocity is less than 0.19, the maximum excess gas temperature beneath the ceiling varies as the two-thirds power of the dimensionless heat release rate, independent of the longitudinal ventilation velocity. In both regions, the maximum excess gas temperature varies as the −5/3 power of the vertical distance between the fire source bottom and tunnel ceiling. The investigation presented here considers only the cases when the continuous flame region is lower than the ceiling height.  相似文献   

大空间建筑喷淋对烟气层的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PHOENICS软件,研究了大空间建筑水喷淋对烟气控制系统的影响。未考虑燃烧过程以及喷淋对燃烧的影响。采用紊流k-ε双方程模型模拟烟气的运动,用Lagrangian方法模拟热烟气与喷淋水之间相互作用的动能和换热。用具有不同初始速度和直径的液滴来模拟喷淋水。探讨了喷淋流量、喷射角、水滴直径对烟气层的影响。  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed for predicting the downward descending behavior of the buoyant smoke layer under sprinkler spray. The behavior of the smoke layer was determined by considering the interaction between the drag force of the sprinkler spray and the buoyancy force of the hot smoke layer itself in the spray region. The smoke layer may be pulled down with its thickness increased at the center of the spray region due to the cooling and drag effects of the sprinkler spray, thus to form a downward “smoke logging” plume. In the mathematical model developed in this paper, the critical condition under which the smoke layer lost its stability, as a serious concern, was predicted. Additionally, the length of the downward plume, which was rarely investigated before, was also further calculated. Full-scale experiments were carried out to validate the model. Results showed that the predictions, including the critical condition and the length of the plume, by the mathematical model agreed well with that observed and measured in the experiments. The length of the downward plume was shown to increase with the sprinkler operating pressure by an approximately linear correlation.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of heat smoke in tunnel with vertical shafts, the maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling is researched theoretically and experimentally in this paper. A theoretical prediction model for maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling is built using dimensional analysis. A numerical model is built and calibrated with the full-scale experiment data. The calibrated numerical model is used to simulate the maximum temperature of smoke under different conditions with different shaft geometry. At last, the proposed theoretical model was formulated and compared with Kurioka model, experimental data and simulation data. The results show that the proposed theoretical model can give a better prediction for the tendency. It can be used to predict the maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling of tunnel with vertical shafts by taking the shaft geometry and arrangements effect into account.  相似文献   

通过实验.研究了火源功率一定的情况下,喷淋的冷却作用对自然排烟造成的影响.针对喷淋前后烟气层温度和自然排烟速度进行了分析,结果表明,喷淋的冷却作用会对烟气层温度、自然排烟速度产生较大的影响,对建筑工程进行自然排烟设计时要充分考虑喷淋对排烟的影响.  相似文献   

Perforated false ceilings ougth not to interfere appreciably with the flows of hot smoky gases from a fire to smoke ventilation openings above the false ceiling. The Fire Research Station currently recommends that such false ceilings should have a minimum free area of 25 percent.

An experiment using a 1/10th scale model of a single-level enclosed shopping mall has examined the performance of five perforated false ceilings having different percentages of free area. For both powered and natural venting, it was found that minimum free areas of between 30 and 10 percent could be used depending on the depths of the shop fascia below the false ceiling, and on whether the shops were open- or glass-fronted. The previously recommended minimum of 25 percent has been confirmed as a generally useful ‘rule of thumb’ value for allowing safe escape, even though cool smoke can be expected to affect some nearby shops under some circumstances.  相似文献   

为了比较顶棚机械排烟和侧向机械排烟在隧道火灾中的排烟效果,采用数值模拟的方法对隧道火灾中两种排烟方式的温度分布、流场分布、排烟量、排热量以及排烟效率进行对比.结果表明,两种排烟方式的流场分布与烟气吸入方式差别较大;侧向机械排烟更容易发生吸穿;顶棚机械排烟的排烟量和排热量更高,排烟效果更好;侧向机械排烟由于更容易发生吸穿...  相似文献   

合理的水喷淋设计参数及排烟策略,可保证隧道有效排烟和烟气层的稳定性,为人员安全疏散提供有利环境。为研究侧部排烟模式下烟气失稳临界状态时最佳喷水流量和排烟口设计参数,采用FDS 对15 MW 火灾规模下,不同喷水流量、排烟量、排烟口间距及排烟口高度下19 组工况进行模拟计算。结果表明:喷淋流量越大,烟气层高度越高,隧道整体温度降低,改变喷水流量对控制烟气层的稳定性效益不大,隧道空间内有烟气滞留;排烟量为70 m3/s、排烟口间距为50 m、排烟口高度为3.2 m 或4.0 m 为烟气层稳定临界状态时的排烟口最佳参数,此时侧部抽吸力向上的分力与烟气的热浮力大于水喷淋拽曳力,烟气层较稳定,隧道空间内无旋涡烟气滞留,有利于排烟和人员疏散。  相似文献   

以岛式地铁站台为研究对象,利用FDS 软件建立火灾数值模型,模拟计算有、无自动喷水灭火系统对地铁站台中部行李火灾烟气特性的影响。结果表明:有自动喷水灭火系统时,地铁站台烟气蔓延速度及烟气温度会得到抑制;自动喷水灭火系统对烟气中CO 质量浓度及烟气能见度影响不大;烟气中CO 质量浓度在火源附近区域变大,远离着火源区域变小;烟气能见度在火源附近区域会降低,远离火源区域会提高。  相似文献   

On the maximum smoke temperature under the ceiling in tunnel fires   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Maximum smoke temperature under the ceiling in a tunnel fire was studied experimentally and numerically. Full-scale burning tests in two vehicular tunnels of length 3.27 and 1.032 km with and without operating the longitudinal ventilation system were carried out. Smoke temperatures at selected positions under the ceiling were measured under different longitudinal ventilation velocities. Two different pool fires of 1.6 and 3 MW were set up. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations with Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) version 3.10 were carried out on those scenarios. CFD predicted smoke temperatures were firstly verified by comparing with the measured values at those selected positions, and then compared with the calculated values using the empirical equation due to Kurioka et al. Fairly good agreement was achieved, though the slope of the tunnel was not considered in this empirical equation.  相似文献   

Twelve tests were conducted to study the distribution of smoke temperature along the tunnel ceiling in the one-dimensional spreading phase, two tests in a large-scale tunnel and the other ten in full scale vehicular tunnels. The fire size and the height above the floor, the tunnel section geometry and longitudinal ventilation velocity varied in these tests. Experimental results showed that when the fire size was larger, the smoke temperature below the ceiling was higher, but it decayed faster while traveling down the tunnel. The longitudinal ventilation velocity seemed to take much influence on the smoke temperature decay speed downstream. A “barrier effect” was shown for the smoke temperature distribution of the upstream back layering. The smoke temperatures measured were higher upstream than downstream before the “barrier”, and were much lower and decreased faster along the tunnel ceiling after the “barrier”. The temperature and the traveling velocity of the upstream smoke flow decreased largely when the longitudinal ventilation velocity increased a bit. The dimensionless excess smoke temperature distributions along the tunnel ceiling in all tests fell into good exponential decay. But the decay speed along the tunnel seemed to be much larger in the large-scale tunnel than that in full-scale tunnels. The measured data on ceiling jet temperature decay along the tunnel was compared with predictions of Delichatsios's model, a model built based on small-scale tests, with hydraulic diameter introduced. Results showed that Delichatsisos’ model over estimated the decay speed of ceiling jet temperature for the downstream flow. However, good agreement was achieved between the measured data and the model predictions for the upstream back layering. All the experimental data presented in this paper can be further applied for verification of numerical models, bench-scale results and building new models on ceiling jet temperature distribution.  相似文献   

近年来 ,闭式自动喷水灭火系统在我国被广泛应用于建筑火灾的扑救和控制 ,成为建筑消防设施中最普遍、最重要的一种灭火系统 ,本文从闭式喷头布设位置的角度分析了闭式喷头在通透性吊顶部位安装存在的问题 ,提出了相应的解决方法  相似文献   

W. K. Chow 《Fire Technology》1989,25(4):364-373
A crude model for estimating the evaporation heat loss due to a sprinkler water spray in a smoke layer is reported. It is found that the evaporation heat loss lies below 11.2% of the convective loss when water travels through a hot gas layer 0.9 m thick and 160°C under normal sprinkler operating conditions. It is also found that the value may go up to 26% if the smoke layer reaches 1.5 m and 273°C.  相似文献   

以某典型地铁站台为研究对象,采用FDS数值模拟方法,分析喷淋系统和排烟系统耦合作用下地铁站台的火灾烟气流动,探讨了喷淋和排烟口高度对站台排烟控制的影响。结果表明:喷淋开启后会诱发喷淋区域内的火灾烟气沉降,能见度低于10 m, 对火源附近的人员疏散不利;而喷淋对火灾烟气的冷却卷吸作用有助于减弱烟气沿站台纵向蔓延动量,有利于喷淋区域外的人员疏散;排烟口高度越高排烟效果越好,但对喷淋区域内能见度的改善效果不显著。  相似文献   

加拿大国家研究院建筑研究所 (IRC)和美国供热、制冷空调工程协会 (ASHRAE)联合对装有水喷淋的商场和中庭中火灾状态下的烟气运动进行了研究 ,研究的结果最终将提高顾客的安全。这个研究项目表明 ,建筑中的水喷淋系统可以使烟气冷却并向下流动 ,这将影响建筑中人员的安全疏散。但是研究的结果也表明 ,最初的烟气是热的 ,向上直冲通道的顶棚 ,在那里可被排烟系统排除。为了进行这项工作 ,研究组建立了大空间试验装置以模拟一些特殊的区域 :购物中心二层的出口和人行通道的一部分。北美的火灾统计表明 ,将近 90 %的情况下 ,4个或更少的喷…  相似文献   

采用数学计算的方法对高净空场所实体火灾羽流流场进行定量分析.在确定空间高度、灭火系统参数以及火灾发展过程的条件下,基于喷头热响应性能理论,通过数值计算研究高净空场所自动喷水灭火系统第一只喷头的动作性能.结果表明:流场对流热释放速率和喷头动作时间的计算值与试验值基本一致,计算模型合理可靠,但针对不同火灾模型计算模型中的经验参数仍有待进一步修正.  相似文献   

以上海市某地下两层岛式地铁站作为研究对象,采用FDS软件对站台区域火灾进行了数值模拟.分析了站台层公共区域火灾在喷淋系统与排烟系统耦合作用下的烟气层特性.通过解析火灾区域内2.0 m高处的温度、烟气层高度、能见度以及喷淋区域内各排烟口流速等相关火灾参数的变化规律,探讨地铁站火灾时自喷系统和排烟系统的相互影响,并确认喷淋...  相似文献   

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