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超精密慢伺服车削可加工出高精度的连续和非连续自由曲面,但是在微透镜阵列的加工过程中,不同位置的透镜加工精度也不同,个别子透镜的质量降低可能引起整个功能部件的失效。为了研究曲面上微透镜阵列超精密慢伺服加工精度的影响因素,本文采用实验的方法分析基面几何形状和子透镜位置对球面上微透镜阵列慢伺服车削加工精度的影响,通过在三种不同球径的基面上加工微透镜阵列,并使用Bruker GT-X白光干涉仪测量所加工的基面和微透镜阵列,分析了不同基面上不同位置的子镜表面粗糙度和形状精度的变化趋势。实验结果表明,同一基面上不同位置的子透镜,慢伺服车削加工表面微观形貌不同,表面粗糙度和形状精度也不同;基面的几何形状也会影响子镜的加工精度,当基面球径从50 mm增大至150 mm时,外圈子镜的表面粗糙度从75.78 nm(Ra)变小为69.08 nm(Ra)。在超精密慢伺服加工微透镜阵列过程中,必须考虑基面几何形状和子透镜位置两个因素对加工精度的影响,这将有助于提高微透镜阵列加工精度的一致性并保证微透镜阵列功能的有效性。  相似文献   

目前,自由曲面的高速、高精度加工存在很多困难.因此,提出了适用于自由曲面加工的慢刀伺服车削的刀具路径规划方法.该方法考虑节点向量与控制点,采用NURBS曲线拟合刀具路径.NURBS曲线拟合的过程中先预处理离散点,然后将其参数化.再确定节点向量后反求控制顶点.通过调整控制顶点,可以快速的调整曲线的形状,使拟合的过程更加准确.最后对正弦网格表面与微透镜阵列表面进行了加工实验,验证了该加工方法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了提高微透镜阵列单点金刚石车削的加工精度与一致性,提出了加工误差的理论模型,并针对其补偿方法进行了理论分析和实验研究.将微透镜阵列加工等效为自由曲面加工,通过建立单点金刚石慢刀伺服切削模型,计算了理论曲面在每一个切削点处沿切削方向的曲率半径;结合刀具等效倾斜角模型和机床加工时延模型,进一步得到了慢刀伺服切削微透镜阵列...  相似文献   

为了提高国内大尺寸光学微结构薄膜的光学级模具制造水平,打破国外在辊筒模具超精密加工装备的垄断,完成了国内首台套大尺寸光学微结构辊筒模具超精密机床的设计、集成以及典型微结构工艺的研究工作。首先,根据辊筒模具表面微结构加工工艺的特点,分析了辊筒模具超精密机床的关键技术并完成了机床结构与运动控制系统设计。在机床系统集成后,完成了运动控制系统的调试。直线轴执行阶梯运动完成了直线轴运动分辨率的测试。其次,通过准直仪和激光干涉仪完成了机床关键轴系的直线度及定位精度的测试和补偿。最后,采用多步切削法切削实验,以降低毛刺高度为目标,完成了V槽阵列的加工工艺参数优化。经测试,该超精密加工机床的直线运动分辨可达到5nm,直线轴的双向定位精度均优于1μm/1 100mm;采用多步切削法加工V槽阵列,最后一次切削深度建议在1~2μm,可以获得合格的V槽阵列。  相似文献   

王兴盛  康敏 《中国机械工程》2012,(18):2169-2173
为解决非回转对称非球面眼镜片加工的难题,探讨了环曲面眼镜片的慢刀伺服加工方法。建立了环曲面数学模型,对其加工进行了路径规划,分析了刀触点离散方案、刀具补偿方案及棱镜曲面空间延拓问题。实例加工表明,提出的基于慢刀伺服加工技术的路径规划方法实用可行,可以加工屈光度精度0.05D以内的环曲面眼镜片。  相似文献   

刘彦  张宁  张堃 《装备制造技术》2022,(12):221-224
在分析离子体抛光、磁流变抛光技术、振动辅助抛光、等超精密抛光技术优缺点的基础上,探讨研究基于慢刀伺服的3D曲面抛光技术。基于慢刀伺服的3D曲面抛光技术应用小直径球刀,刀具的旋转轴线与工件中心线呈35°角,呈刀轴相互吻合的抛光头抛光形态;采用刀轨可视化3D动态仿真的方式对刀轨所具有的效果与精准性进行检测,便于分析抛光参数;采用刀具轨迹形式设计有相应的后处理器,可适用于外圆车削、轴向端面加工以及准柔性抛光等。基于慢刀伺服的3D曲面抛光技术属于机械抛光技术的类别,通过车削的方式将工件表面不平整的材料去除,往往不伴随化学反应,表面粗糙度Ra=0.3~3.0μm,高于化学抛光可以达到的表面粗糙度Ra=0.5~10μm,加工精度优于化学抛光技术。基于慢刀伺服的3D曲面抛光技术的结构简单,不需要准备夹具、直流电设备、化学介质等相关材料,整体加工时间短,加工效率优势显著。慢刀伺服的3D曲面抛光技术只需要根据3D曲面的情况建立起对应程式,由机床统一完成3D曲面抛光,使用寿命长,成本低。  相似文献   

随着机床技术的进步,一种基于慢刀伺服技术的超精密金刚石车削创成加工方式成为可能,能够一次加工获得精度很高的各种复杂曲面。在复杂曲面慢刀伺服车削加工路径规划中,针对存在的刀具过切现象,传统刀具半径补偿算法为计算曲面刀触点的等距点,通过分析传统等距点刀具半径补偿算法的不足,提出了一种基于等距点的刀具半径补偿算法,弥补了传统等距点刀具半径补偿算法的不足,通过实例证明该算法有效地改进了传统刀具半径补偿算法的不足,提高了曲面加工的精度。  相似文献   

小口径玻璃透镜热压成形模具的超精密微细磨削加工   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对小口径玻璃透镜热压成形模具的超精密平行磨削进行了试验研究,并对加工过程中的形状误差补偿技术进行了探讨。结合超精密平行磨削技术和形状误差补偿技术,选用经精密整形和修锐的微小砂轮,对直径和曲率半径均为10mm的小口径透镜模具样品进行了加工试验。试验获得的加工表面的表面粗糙度Ra=5.98nm、Rz=34.95nm,形状精度峰谷值为113nm、均方根值为23nm,其形状精度峰谷值及均方根值均较误差补偿之前有明显减小,加工过程中的残余形状误差得到了有效的修正和补偿,加工精度得到提高。  相似文献   

针对大直径菲涅尔透镜模具加工设备及加工工艺的发展状况进行了深入的分析研究,总结了大直径菲涅尔透镜模具加工的研究现状,展望了其未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

大直径菲涅尔透镜广泛应用于太阳能电站、背投显示等领域,但其模具加工制造难度大。针对大直径菲涅尔透镜模具加工设备及加工工艺的发展状况进行了深入的分析研究,总结了大直径菲涅尔透镜模具加工的研究现状,展望了其未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Fast tool/slow slide servo (FTS/SSS) technology plays an important role in machining freeform surfaces for the modern optics industry. The surface accuracy is a sticking factor that demands the need for a long-standing solution to fabricate ultraprecise freeform surfaces accurately and efficiently. However, the analysis of cutting linearization errors in the cutting direction of surface generation has received little attention. Hence, a novel surface analytical model is developed to evaluate the cutting linearization error of all cutting strategies for surface generation. It also optimizes the number of cutting points to meet accuracy requirements. To validate the theoretical cutting linearization errors, a series of machining experiments on sinusoidal wave grid and micro-lens array surfaces has been conducted. The experimental results demonstrate that these surfaces have successfully achieved the surface accuracy requirement of 1 μm with the implementation of the proposed model. These further credit the capability of the surface analytical model as an effective and accurate tool in improving profile accuracies and meeting accuracy requirements.  相似文献   

Precision cylinders, or rollers, with patterned microstructures on the surface are the key tooling component in the Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plane fabrication process for precision manufacturing of microstructured plastic films. These films are widely used in optical applications such as the backlight guide and brightness enhancement films in LCD and LED displays. Compared with other fabrication processes, such as lithography, Single-Point Diamond Turning (SPDT), using a Fast Tool Servo (FTS) or Slow Tool Servo (STS) process, is an enabling and efficient machining method to fabricate microstructures. Most studies of the tool servo machining process focus on either machining microstructures in the axial direction for face machining of flat parts or in the radial direction on the surface of a precision roller. There is relatively little research work found on the machining of patterned microstructures on the surface of precision rollers using the tool servo in the axial direction. This paper presents a pilot study on the development of a tool path generator for machining wavy microstructure patterns on precision rollers by using an Orthogonal Slow Tool Servo (OSTS) process. The machining concept of OSTS is first explained, and then the tool path generator is developed in detail for machining wavy microstructure patterns on a roller surface. Modelling and simulation of pattern generation for different microstructures with different wavy patterns and grooves are presented based on the proposed tool path generator. Preliminary experimental work using SPDT on a 4-axis ultra-precision machine tool is presented and clearly shows the generation of unique wavy microstructure patterns on a precision roller. The machined wavy microstructures on the roller surface are measured and analyzed to evaluate the validity of the proposed tool path generator.  相似文献   

吴庆玲 《光学精密工程》2015,23(9):2620-2626
受各种误差因素以及周期性变化的切削力的影响,快速刀具伺服金刚石车削技术往往难以用一次车削获得满足光学性能要求的自由曲面。本文提出了一种利用线性差动传感器(LVDT)实现高精度接触式自由曲面在位测量的方法。该方法结合两自由度快速刀具伺服系统,实现了基于快速刀具伺服(FTS)的自由曲面车削加工的误差补偿。试验结果表明,该技术将自由曲面的加工精度提高了20%,表面粗糙度降低18.1%,解决了FTS系统与机床运动的同步问题,可补偿机床xyz三向运动误差,可用于自由曲面加工误差的修正。该方法还可用于不对称幅度较大的曲面或硬脆性材料的加工等,故促进了高精度光学自由曲面的推广应用。  相似文献   

The fast tool servo (FTS) machining process provides an indispensable solution for machining optical microstructures with sub-micrometer form accuracy and a nanometric surface finish without the need for any subsequent post processing. The error motions in the FTS machining play an important role in the material removal process and surface generation. However, these issues have received relatively little attention. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of the effect of error motions on surface generation in FTS machining. This is accomplished by the establishment of a model-based simulation system for FTS machining, which is composed of a surface generation model, a tool path generator, and an error model. The major components of the error model include the stroke error of the FTS, the error motion of the machine slide in the feed direction, and the axial motion error of the main spindle. The form error due to the stroke error can be extracted empirically by regional analysis, the slide motion error and the axial motion error of the spindle are obtained by a kinematic model and the analysis of the profile in the circumferential direction in single point diamond turning (SPDT) of a flat surface, respectively. After incorporating the error model in the surface generation model, the model-based simulation system is capable of predicting the surface generation in FTS machining. A series of cutting tests were conducted. The predicted results were compared with the measured results, and hence the performance of the model-based simulation system was verified. The proposed research is helpful for the analysis and diagnosis of motion errors on the surface generation in the FTS machining process, and throws some light on the corresponding compensation and optimization solutions to improve the machining quality.  相似文献   

Microlens array (MLA) is a type of structured freeform surfaces which are widely used in advanced optical products. Fast tool servo (FTS) machining provides an indispensible solution for machining MLA with superior surface quality than traditional fabrication process for MLA. However, there are a lot of challenges in the characterization of the surface defects in FTS machining of MLA. This paper presents a pattern recognition and analysis method (PRAM) for the characterization of surface defects in FTS machining of MLA. The PRAM makes use of the Gabor filters to extract the features from the MLA. These features are used to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier for defects detection and analysis. To verify the method, a series of experiments have been conducted and the results show that the PRAM produces good accuracy of defects detection using different features and different classifiers. The successful development of PRAM throws some light on further study of surface characterization of other types of structure freeform surfaces.  相似文献   

The fabrication of nonrotationally symmetric surfaces by diamond turning requires tool actuation at a bandwidth significantly higher than the rotational frequency of the surfaces. This requirement cannot be met by standard slide drives due to their large mass and consequent low natural frequency. This articles describes the development of a laboratory-scale diamond-turning machine with piezoelectric-driven fast tool servo. The capability of this apparatus will be demonstrated for high-speed features such as sine wave, square wave, and ramp-shaped surfaces. Also described is the implementation of this fast tool servo on a commercial diamond-turning machine. Several nonrotationally symmetric surfaces have been machined, and their images are included.  相似文献   

A fast-tool servo-machining process is typically utilized to generate sinusoidal microstructures for optical components only when the clearance angle of the cutting tool is greater than the critical value. This paper focuses on the generation characteristics of microstructures for surface texturing applications when the clearance angle of the cutting tool is smaller than this critical angle. A method for calculating the microstructure profile amplitude and wavelength is introduced for the prediction of microstructure generation. Cutting tests were conducted, and the measured results were quite close to the corresponding calculated results, further verifying the capability of the proposed analytical model.  相似文献   

快速刀具伺服系统足光学复杂面形加工的重要手段,现有直线伺服机构在原理上存在频响低的问题,严重限制被加工面形的复杂程度.分析电磁正应力驱动伺服机构的基本原理,利用有限元分析原理计算伺服机构的最大驱动力和最高频响,证明该方式驱动的伺服机构可以实现高频响应.根据有限元分析结论改善伺服机构的机械结构及选材,并设计伺服机构驱动器.实验研究优化设计的伺服机构响应频率为10.lkHz,工作行程为13μm.  相似文献   

Cutting force measurement is important for monitoring the diamond cutting process. In this paper, a new measurement method of thrust cutting force associated with a voice coil motor (VCM) driven fast tool servo (FTS) system has been developed. Instead of integrating additional force sensors to the FTS which would influence the dynamics of the FTS, the force measurement in the proposed system is achieved associated with in-process monitoring the variation of the driving current of the VCM and pre-process determining the system parameters. In this way, the cutting forces are accurately obtained by subtracting the influences of the driving force, the spring force, the damping force and the inertial force associated with the system as well as the cutting process. Based on the proposed method, a microstructure array was machined using the developed VCM-FTS and the cutting force during the machining process was monitored in real time. The measured force signal was in good agreement with the machining result. The surface profile error of the fabricated microstructure could be clearly distinguished by the variation of the measured cutting force signal. This provides a new approach for in-process cutting force measurement associated with FTS based diamond cutting process.  相似文献   

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