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云南哀牢山徐家坝常绿阔叶林的鸟类取食集团   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘菡  韩联宪 《动物学研究》2008,29(5):561-568
2006年3-4月,采用无距离估计样线法对云南哀牢山徐家坝中山湿性常绿阔叶林中的鸟类群落做了直接观察,观察到鸟类取食行为14 345次只.运片j聚类分析,依据鸟类的栖息取食行为格局将62种鸟划分为11个取食集团:(G1)地面拾取集团、(G2)地面扒取集团、(G3)树冠层飞取/拾取集团、(G4)树冠层飞取集团、(G5)树干层探取集团、(G6)灌层竹秆探取集团、(G7)树干粗枝搜寻集团、(G8)树冠层粗枝搜寻集团、(G9)树冠层拾取集团、(G10)灌丛下层叶层/树干/地面拾取集团、(G11)灌层拾取集团.结果表明,由于各个集团在栖息基层、取食基层及取食方式上的分离,使各集团分割了该地区的取食空间和食物资源;而集团内部的各个种间主要通过对取食高度的划分,使得集团内部的取食空『白j和食物资源得到了更深层次的利用,使种间竞争减至最小.其结果还表明,鸟类取食集团的数量和结构因不同的植被类型而异,顶级群落中包含的鸟类种类更多,各个种间的生态位分化也更为细致.  相似文献   

We developed a statistical model to estimate the abundances of potentially interacting species encountered while conducting point-count surveys at a set of ecologically relevant locations – as in a metacommunity of species. In the model we assume that abundances of species with similar traits (e.g., body size) are potentially correlated and that these correlations, when present, may exist among all species or only among functionally related species (such as members of the same foraging guild). We also assume that species-specific abundances vary among locations owing to systematic and stochastic sources of heterogeneity. For example, if abundances differ among locations due to differences in habitat, then measures of habitat may be included in the model as covariates. Naturally, the quantitative effects of these covariates are assumed to differ among species. Our model also accounts for the effects of detectability on the observed counts of each species. This aspect of the model is especially important for rare or uncommon species that may be difficult to detect in community-level surveys. Estimating the detectability of each species requires sampling locations to be surveyed repeatedly using different observers or different visits of a single observer. As an illustration, we fitted models to species-specific counts of birds obtained while sampling an avian community during the breeding season. In the analysis we examined whether species abundances appeared to be correlated due to similarities in morphological measures (body mass, beak length, tarsus length, wing length, tail length) and whether these correlations existed among all species or only among species of the same foraging guild. We also used the model to estimate the effects of forested area on species abundances and the effects of sound power output (as measured by body size) on species detection probabilities.  相似文献   

The changes in the specific binding of 3H-IAA to the plasmalemma from segments of wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) coleoptiles and the physiological activity of the IAA–protein complexes thus formed in dependence on the duration of gravitational stimulation (GS) (1 g) were studied. The overall inhibition of the formation of IAA–protein complexes was accompanied by a transverse polarization of their functional activity occurring as early as within two minutes after the onset of GS. The pretreatment of plasmalemmal vesicles with 0.1 M CaCl2prevented the in vitroIAA–protein complex formation in the plasmalemma. It is suggested that the GS results in an increase in the plasmalemma permeability for Ca2+, which reduces the capacity of the plasmalemma to bind IAA at the early stages of the gravitropic response.  相似文献   

棉田优势天敌对棉铃虫种群的控制作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用二次正交回归旋转组合设计及其方程Ya=b0 ∑bixi ∑bijxij ∑biixi^2分别研究了棉田优势天敌类群小花蝽,异色瓢虫,龟纹瓢虫对棉铃虫卵,小花蝽,异色瓢虫,龟纹瓢虫,拟水涯狼蛛对棉铃虫1-2龄幼虫和三突花蛛,异色瓢虫,龟纹瓢虫,拟水涯狼蛛对棉铃虫3-6龄幼虫的捕食作用。通过对方程的失拟性检验和显著性检验以及对回归系数的显著性,分析了这些捕食性天敌与棉铃虫态之间的相互关系以及捕食性天敌之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

An understanding of spatial and temporal processes in agricultural ecosystems provides a basis for rational decision-making with regards to the management and husbandry of crops, supporting the implementation of integrated farming strategies. In this study we investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of aphid pests (Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum) within winter wheat fields. Using an intensive sampling programme we investigated distributions at both the small (single shoot) and large (field) scales. Within two fields, a grid with 82 locations was established (area 120 m by 168 m). At each location, 25 shoots were individually marked and aphid counts by observation conducted on 21 and 22 occasions as the crop matured, resulting in 43,050 and 45,100 counts being conducted in the two fields respectively. We quantified field scale spatial distributions, demonstrating that spatial pattern generally emerged, with temporal stability being both species- and field- dependent. We then measured turnover of colonies at the small (individual shoot) and large (field) scales by comparing consecutive pairs of sampling occasions. Four turnover categories were defined: Empty (no aphids recorded on either occasion); Colonised (aphids recorded on the second occasion but not the first); Extinction (aphids recorded on the first occasion but not the second); Stable (aphids recorded on both occasions). At the field scale, population stability soon established, but, at the small scale there was a consistently high proportion of unoccupied shoots with considerable colonisation and extinction and low stability. The redistribution of aphids within the crop at the local scale is a vulnerability which could be used to disrupt population development – by mediating exposure to ground-active natural enemies and by incurring a metabolic cost caused by the physiological demands to re-establish on a nearby host plant.  相似文献   

三种生物源农药对桃树蚜虫的防治效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选生产上防治桃树蚜虫的生物源农药,开展了1.5%除虫菊素水剂、0.3%苦参碱水剂和5%桉油精可溶液剂对桃树蚜虫的田间防效试验。结果表明,3种生物源农药中以0.3%苦参碱水剂防治效果最好,药后1 d防效为70.12%,药后7 d防效为91.96%,与对照药剂70% 吡虫啉水分散粒剂防效相当,具有较好的速效性和持效性。苦参碱对桃树安全,是防治桃蚜的理想药剂,生产上推荐使用浓度为1 000倍液。  相似文献   

When a parasitoid is searching for hosts, not all hosts are equally likely to be attacked. This variability in attack probability may affect the parasitoid functional response. Using a collection of experiments, we quantified the functional response of Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an insect parasitoid of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Homoptera: Aphididae). We measured variability in the number of hosts attacked by a foraging parasitoid both among plants and within plants. At the first scale, A. ervi, searching among plants containing different numbers of aphids, showed both aphid-density-dependent and aphid-density-independent variability in the number of aphids attacked per plant. Within plants, A. ervi selectively attacked second and third instar aphids relative to other instars. Furthermore, there was variability in the susceptibility of attack among aphids independent of instar. Variability in attack rates among aphids both among and within plants decreased parasitoid foraging efficiency, with the greatest decrease caused by among-plant variability. Furthermore, the decrease in foraging efficiency was greatest when the average number of aphids per plant was low, thereby transforming a strong Type II functional response into one approaching Type I.  相似文献   

Leaf tissue from plants infected with northern cereal mosaic virus (NCMV) and wheat rosette stunt virus (WRSV) was extracted with a buffer containing a non-ionic detergent. The extracts were tested by double immunodiffusion test for comparing the G protein antigens and by immunosorbent electron microscopy with decoration for comparing the nucleocapsid antigens. The heterologous reactions could not be distinguished from the homologous, thus indicating close relationship or identity of the two viruses.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based molecular markers have been developed to detect the presence of primary parasitoids in cereal aphids and used to estimate primary parasitism rates. However, the presence of secondary parasitoids (hyperparasitoids) may lead to underestimates of primary parasitism rates based on PCR markers. This is because even though they kill the primary parasitoid, it’s DNA can still be amplified, leading to an erroneous interpretation of a positive result. Another issue with secondary parasitoids is that adults are extremely difficult to identify using morphological characters. Therefore, we developed species-specific molecular markers to detect hyperparasitoids. A 16S ribosomal RNA mitochondrial gene fragment was amplified by PCR and sequenced from two secondary parasitoid species, Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) and Alloxysta xanthopsis (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Charipidae), four geographic isolates of the primary parasitoid, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and six aphid species common to cereal crops. Species-specific PCR primers were designed for each insect on the basis of these 16S rRNA gene sequences. Amplification of template DNA, followed by agarose gel electrophoresis, successfully distinguished D. carpenteri and A. xanthopsis from all four isolates of L. testaceipes and all six cereal aphid species in this laboratory test.  相似文献   

Cannibalism and the effects of host plant, sex, time and food resources on its expression were studied for the zoophagous mirid Macrolophus pygmaeus Wagner (Hemiptera: Miridae). Cannibalistic behaviour was studied by offering 5 conspecific larvae (first instar) to newly emerging adults. Four treatments were studied: without water, with water only, with a host plant (tobacco) and with both a host plant and prey (eggs of Ephestia kuehniella). Cannibalism was observed in all treatments. In the “host plant + eggs of E. kuehniella” treatment, very few individuals displayed cannibalistic behaviour. The proportion of cannibalism was only reduced when eggs of E. kuehniella were offered. Water (free or via a host plant) was very important for both survival and feeding. The cannibalistic behaviour of M. pygmaeus should be taken into account when planning a release strategy in the context of biological control.  相似文献   

麦蚜聚集与扩散行为的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何连生 《生态学杂志》1992,11(2):8-13,17
研究种群空间格局(spatial pattern)为我们了解昆虫的有关行为提供了一种有效途径,它一方面揭示了种群个体在某一时刻的行为习性,另一方面描述了该时刻中有关诸环境因素  相似文献   

Generalist Herbivore Foraging and Its Role in Competitive Interactions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Whether herbivores are food limited and compete interspecificallyfor food has been debated by population/community ecologists.To examine this proposition, a mechanistic approach based uponautecological observations is employed:
  1. 45 foraging studies of 20 species of generalist herbivores indicatethat the herbivores behave as energy maximizers in their dietselection, as determined by a linear programming model.
  2. Theconstraints that determine the forager's energy maximizingdietcan be used to determine whether a food item should beconsumed,based upon a minimum digestibility that determinesenergy valueand a minimum item size or abundance that determinescroppingrate.
  3. Population densities of a number of herbivore speciesdependupon the biomass of plants in the environment that satisfytheminimum characteristics sought by the herbivore.
  4. Usingexperimental populations for several herbivore speciesthatare known to be food limited, it can be demonstrated thatthesespecies compete with each other. The competitive isoclinesarenon-linear and arise from the fractions of each forager'sfoodresources that it shares and exclusively uses, which dependupon each species' minimum food characteristics.
  5. The resultsindicate that a mechanistic approach can provideconsiderableinsights into herbivore community structure. Theforaging constraintsunderlying the entire analysis may be bodysize dependent, providinga more general view.

Experiments with carbon-labeled glucose and fructose and organsof wheat and barley seedlings suggest that glucose is absorbedfrom the endosperm by the scutellum in germinating grain, simultaneouslyconverted to sucrose, and transported in this form to the seedling.The main lines of evidence which support these conclusions are(1) the level of sucrose in the scutellum is high and that ofthe free hexose low; the reverse is true of the endosperm and,to a lesser extent, of the root and shoot,(2) both isolatedand attached scutella absorb hexose readily and convert it largelyto sucrose under a variety of condition; roots and shoots behavedifferently, (3) more 14C is accumulated into sucrose by isolatedscutella than by those attached to seedlings, (4) the presenceof enzymes which can effect conversion of hexose to sucrosehas been demonstrated in scutellum extracts. This last bodyof evidence has also supported the view that sucrose synthesisin plants occurs by the pathway mediated by uridine diphosphateglucose as all the relevant enzymes have been detected in asingle extract.  相似文献   

Integrated pest management options such as combining chemical and biological control are optimal for combating pesticide resistance, but pose questions if a pest is to be controlled to extinction. These questions include (i) what is the relationship between the evolution of pesticide resistance and the number of natural enemies released? (ii) How does the cumulative number of natural enemies dying affect the number of natural enemies to be released? To address these questions, we developed two novel pest-natural enemy interaction models incorporating the evolution of pesticide resistance. We investigated the number of natural enemies to be released when threshold conditions for the extinction of the pest population in two different control tactics are reached. Our results show that the number of natural enemies to be released to ensure pest eradication in the presence of increasing pesticide resistance can be determined analytically and depends on the cumulative number of dead natural enemies before the next scheduled release time.  相似文献   

本文讨论一个多食性天敌与害虫系统的有界性和稳定性,给出了该系统有界性和稳定性的充分条件,与之同时还阐述了它们的生态意义.  相似文献   

在害虫测报和防治工作中,经常要考虑天敌与害虫数量的比例问题,以决定是否需对害虫进行防治或决定相应的防治措施。如果采取防治措施过早,不能充分发挥天敌的自然控制作用,则会浪费人力物力;如采用化防还会加  相似文献   

以Ito随机微分方程为工具,研究了昆虫种群因环境因素变化产生随机波动情况下的数量变化规律;利用求极小值的方法,给出了生物防治中确定天敌最佳饲养数量的计算公式,指出了确定公式中参数的统计方法。  相似文献   

In agricultural ecosystems, arthropod herbivores and fungal pathogens are likely to colonise the same plant and may therefore affect each other directly or indirectly. The fungus that causes powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis tritici) and cereal aphids are important pests of wheat but interactions between them have seldom been investigated. We studied the effects of powdery mildew of wheat on two cereal aphid species, Metopolophium dirhodum and Rhopalosiphum padi. We hypothesized that aphid number and size will be smaller on powdery mildew-infected plants than on non-infected plants. In a first experiment we used six commercially available wheat varieties whereas in the second experiment we used a genetically modified (GM) mildew-resistant wheat line and its non-transgenic sister line. Because the two lines differed only in the presence of the transgene and in powdery mildew resistance, experiment 2 avoided the confounding effect of variety. In both experiments, the number of M. dirhodum but not of R. padi was reduced by powdery mildew infection. Transgenic mildew-resistant lines therefore harboured bigger aphid populations than the non-transgenic lines. For both aphid species individual size was mostly influenced by aphid number. Our results indicate that plants that are protected from a particular pest (powdery mildew) became more favourable for another pest (aphids).  相似文献   

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