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中国金矿资源特征及成矿规律概要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王成辉  徐珏  黄凡  陈郑辉  应立娟  刘善宝 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2315-2325
我国金矿资源较为丰富,金矿是中国重要的战略矿种之一.本文在全国潜力评价项目开展过程中,在典型矿床研究的基础上,通过对我国资源特征、勘查进展、金矿类型、时空分布、成矿谱系的分析与归纳,初步总结了中国金矿成矿规律.文章总结了我国金矿的资源特征及存在的问题;从预测的角度,将我国金矿分为花岗绿岩型金矿、火山岩型金矿、与岩浆岩有关金矿、沉积建造中的金矿、与表生作用有关金矿等五大预测类型;在统计的基础上,将我国金矿分为新太古代—古元古代、中—新元古代、古生代、中生代和新生代5个成矿期,并初步总结了各成矿期金矿的空间分布特征等;提出了成金带的概念,并划分了53个成金带,概括了其主要特征;厘定出71个与金矿有关的成矿系列,建立了中国金矿成矿谱系.认为应该继续加强我国金矿成矿体系和成矿规律研究,通过理论指导找矿勘查部署并综合评价,以期取得更大的找矿进展.  相似文献   

中国铀矿资源特征及成矿规律概要   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
铀资源是我国重要的战略资源和能源矿产,作为26个重要矿种之一完成了全国铀矿资源潜力评价。在项目开展过程中,通过对中国铀矿资源特征、铀矿床类型(成因类型和预测类型)、时空分布及成矿系列研究,总结了中国铀矿的成矿规律。本文梳理了中国铀资源勘查现状与最近铀矿勘查工作进展,建立了4大类9类21亚类铀矿床类型,划分了50个铀矿预测类型;总结了中国铀矿时空分布特征及铀成矿规律,进而划分了29个铀成矿区带和20个铀成矿远景区带,建立了20个铀~多金属成矿系列。上述研究成果与进展有利于综合分析区域铀成矿规律,以期为未来的铀矿找矿工作提供指导。  相似文献   

中国钨矿成矿规律概要   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
我国钨矿资源丰富,钨矿类型比较齐全。占有钨矿资源储量较大比重的主要是矽卡岩型和石英脉型,但从开采和利用的角度来说,最为重要的是石英脉型的黑钨矿矿床。矽卡岩型钨矿集中分布在南岭中段湘南、东秦岭等矿集区,石英脉型则主要集中在华南地区的闽西、赣南、粤北、湘南等地;成矿时代以中生代最为重要;成矿大地构造背景以造山运动之后的陆内环境为主但构造变动剧烈,深大断裂纵横交错,岩浆活动频繁,与钨锡成矿作用密切相关的中生代花岗岩类至关重要,是成矿的关键要素。本次在对全国1199处钨矿矿产地资料系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了全国钨矿的成矿规律,厘定出22个以钨为特点或明显涉及钨的矿床成矿系列,认为矽卡岩(一云英岩型)、石英脉型和岩体型3个钨矿预测类型应该作为重点预测类型,划分出65个成钨带并编制了中国成钨带分布图,圈定出22个重要矿集区,为本次潜力评价预测工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

中国钼矿资源特征及其成矿规律概要   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国钼矿资源丰富,是我国的优势矿种之一.近年来钼矿找矿成果突出,钼矿在我国遍地开花,呈现出“面型”分布的特征.从地理分布上看,总体集中在中国东部地区,其中河南省钼储量居首;从矿床规模看,查明的超大型钼矿床约占全国钼资源量的53%,大型钼矿床约占30%,中型钼矿床约占14%,小型钼矿床和钼矿(化)点仅占约3%;从矿床类型来看,主要有斑岩型、矽卡岩型、热液(脉)型和沉积(变质)型,分别占钼总资源量的85.75%,8.83%,2.79%,2.63%.根据辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄将中国钼成矿期划分为六个阶段:前寒武纪(>800Ma)、寒武纪—志留纪(540~415Ma,加里东期)、泥盆纪—二叠纪(400~290Ma,海西期)、三叠纪(260~200Ma、印支期)、侏罗纪—白垩纪(195~70Ma、燕山期)和古近纪—新近纪(65~10Ma、喜马拉雅期),其中燕山期是最主要的成矿期,形成了约76.69%钼资源,其次为喜马拉雅期.本文初步总结了中国钼矿的时空分布特征及其成矿规律,将全国钼矿划分为41个Ⅲ级成钼带,13个Ⅱ级成钼省,4个Ⅰ级成钼域,建立了中国钼矿成矿谱系,探讨了不同类型钼矿的时空演化、钼成矿作用与构造演化的关系,并认为钼是反映中国地壳演化的有效示踪剂.  相似文献   

中国石墨矿床成矿规律概要   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
石墨是特殊地质作用的产物,也是新兴产业发展的重要原材料。文章通过对中国石墨矿床分布特征、矿床类型、成矿时代和矿床成因的分析与归纳,初步总结了中国石墨矿床的成矿规律,以及目前石墨矿资源存在的问题。可将中国石墨矿床根据成因分为区域变质型、接触变质型和岩浆热液型3种类型。其中,以区域变质型最重要,其主要与区域变质作用密切相关,分布在古老地台周缘的元古代地层中,分布广、规模大;接触变质型主要分布在滨太平洋构造域活动大陆边缘活动带,与加里东期、燕山期岩浆活动有关,矿体分布在岩体外接触带,品位高但规模较小;岩浆热液型石墨矿并不常见,以产于碱性花岗岩中新疆苏吉泉石墨矿床最为典型。各种类型石墨矿床的成矿物质主要来源于沉积地层中的有机质。  相似文献   

世界银矿资源主要分布在苏联、墨西哥、加拿大、美国、澳大利亚和秘鲁等国,重要银矿床类型是与中一新生代火山岩、次火山岩有关的浅成热液脉状银矿床,斑岩银矿床,火山岩中的含银块状硫化物矿床,沉积型银多金属矿床,碳酸盐岩中的沉积一改造型含银多金属矿床.  相似文献   

中国铝土矿成矿规律概要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高兰  王登红  熊晓云  易承伟 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2284-2295
我国铝矿资源丰富,铝土矿占绝对优势.铝土矿集中分布于山西、河南、贵州和广西等19个省(区市).矿床类型以古风化壳沉积型为主,其次为堆积型;成矿时代以晚古生代为主,其次是新生代;成矿大地构造背景以稳定陆块环境最为特色.本文从中国铝土矿资源特点、矿床类型、成矿区带和成矿系列划分等方面深入总结了全国铝土矿成矿规律,划分了15个成铝区带,厘定了7个铝矿成矿系列,圈定了7个重要矿集区,为全国铝土矿资源潜力评价预测工作提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

本文通过对全省银矿资料的整理、分析,对全省独立银矿及伴生银矿进行了较系统的成因分类,论述了银矿成矿地质特征,进而探讨了银矿成矿规律。  相似文献   

华北地区铅锌矿资源丰富、类型多样,是我国铅锌矿床的重要产区.本文在总结资源禀赋、矿床类型、时空特征、主要控矿因素、资源潜力等要素基础上,较全面分析了华北地区铅锌矿的主要特征和成矿规律.研究表明,从矿床成因角度,华北地区铅锌矿可划分为岩浆热液型、碳酸盐岩-细碎屑岩型、陆相火山岩型、矽卡岩型、斑岩型、碳酸盐型等6种类型,并...  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Silver Deposits in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has widely distributed silver deposits,and is rich in silver resources.Although silver deposits are mainly associated with Pb-Zn deposits,a number of independent silver deposits have also been discovered in recent years.Silver deposits include different types,such as submarine volcanism and continental volcanism related type,intrusion related type,and sedimentary related type.This study summarized the metallogenic regularity of China’s silver deposits systematically based mainly on the data from 490 silver deposits.It is shown that submarine volcanic sedimentary type,continental volcanic or sub-volcanic type,skarn type,hydrothermal type(including vein type and stratabound type),sedimentary metamorphic type,sedimentary type and regolith type should be regarded as the most important prediction types of silver deposit.A total of 32 silver mineralization belts and 111 silver concentration areas have been delineated.The map of "Spatial distribution of silver mineralization belts in China" and other series of maps finished in this study may provide a theoretical basis for the evaluation and prognosis of silver resources potential in China.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Gold Deposits in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gold is one of the most important mineral resources in China with its rich mineral resources. In recent years,significant progress has been made on the process of gold resource exploration. Some large and giant gold deposits were newly found and some important expansions in the main mining regions were also been completed. Studies on metallogenic regularity of gold deposits in China also have made achievements with a long–term work. This review aims to conclude the achievements of research on gold metallogenic regularity in China. Based on the data of about 2000 gold deposits and other ore(mineralized) occurrences,gold deposits in China were classified into five prediction types: gold deposits genetically related to granite–greenstone formation,gold deposits related to sedimentary formation(including the Carlin type and the metamorphosed clastic rock related vein gold deposit),gold deposits genetically related to volcanic rocks(including the continental and marine types),gold deposits genetically related to intrusions(including the porphyry type and the inner intrusion and contact zone related gold deposit),gold deposits of supergenesis(including fracture zone–altered rock gold deposit,placer gold deposit,gossan type gold deposit and soil type gold deposit). Statistics on precise chronology data of gold deposits indicate that there occurred 5 main periods of gold–mineralization in geological history of China. They were Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic,Meso–Neoproterozoic,Paleozoic,Mesozoic,and Cenozoic. Gold deposits in China mainly formed in the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. On the studies of the spatial–temporal distribution characteristics of gold deposits,53 gold–forming belts were delineated in China. The metallogenic regularity of gold deposits was preliminarily summarized and 71 gold metallogenic series were proposed in China. This suggests that it is necceary to deepen the study on metallogenic regularity of gold deposits and to provide the theory guide for the ore–prospecting for gold resources in China.  相似文献   

Tungsten ore resources are abundant in China with relatively complete types of deposits. Skarn type and quartz vein type deposits are dominated in the tungsten resources, whereas quartz vein type wolframite deposits are most important in terms of exploitation and utilization. Skarn type tungsten deposits are concentratedly distributed in the central Nanling region, such as South Hunan, South Anhui and the eastern Qinling region, while quartz vein type tungsten deposits occur mainly in South China, such as West Fujian, South Jiangxi, North Guangdong and South Hunan. The most important metallogenic epoch of tungsten is the Mesozoic, while the metallogenic tectonic setting is featured by an intracontinental environment after orogeny with sever tectonic movements, deep-seated faults and frequent magmatic activities, especially Mesozoic granitoids closely related to tungsten-tin mineralization. 22 metallogenic series of ore deposits characterized by or significantly related to tungsten were defined based on precise statistic information of 1199 tungsten mining areas and thorough the summary of metallogenic regularities. Based on studies of the metallogenic regularity of tungsten deposits, skarn type (or greisen type), quartz vein type and massif-type of tungsten deposits are thought to be the key prediction types. 65 tungsten-forming belts and 22 key ore concentration areas were ascertained and a distribution map of tungsten-forming belts of China was compiled, which provided a theoretical basis for evaluation and prediction of potential tungsten resources.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Tin Deposits in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China is rich in tin resources,and contains many types of tin deposits.Among the tin deposit types,the cassiterite-sulfide type,skarn type and quartz vein type occupy a large proportion of tin resources and reserves.From the aspect of exploitation and utilization,the most important types are cassiterite-sulfide type and quartz vein type.The cassiterite-sulfide type tin deposits are mainly located in Northern Guangxi and Eastern Yunnan,skarn type deposits are mainly distributed in the ore-concentration areas of South Hunan in Middle Nanling,and the quartz vein type tin deposits are mainly distributed in South China,such as Western Fujian,Middle Jiangxi,Northern Guangzhou and Southern Hunan.The most important metallogenic epoch for tin deposits is the Mesozoic era.The metallogenic geotectonic background is mainly continental environments after orogeny process,with strong tectonic changes,interlaced deep fracture and frequent magmatism.And the most distinctive feature is the well developed Mesozoic granites,which have a close relationship with tin mineralization.Based on the detailed study of the data from 873 tin deposits in China,this paper summarized the metallogenic regularity of tin deposits,classified 20 important metallogenic series of tin or tin-associated deposits,and inferred that the cassiterite-sulfide type,skarn type,quartz vein type and greisen type are the main prediction types of tin resources.Forty-four tin-mineralization belts were divided,among which,19 belts are the most important.In addition,a series of maps about tin metallogenic belts and tin metallogenic regularity were compiled,aiming to provide theoretical basis for potential estimation and prediction of tin mineral resources.  相似文献   

中国锡矿成矿规律概要   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国锡矿资源丰富,矿床类型比较齐全。在锡矿资源储量中占有较大比重的主要是锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩型和石英脉型;从开采和利用角度来说,最为重要的是锡石—硫化物型和石英脉型。锡石—硫化物型主要集中在桂北、滇东等地,矽卡岩型集中分布在南岭中段湘南等矿集区、石英脉型则主要集中在华南地区的闽西、赣中、粤北、湘南等地;成矿时代以中生代最为重要;成矿大地构造背景以造山运动之后的大陆环境为主,构造变动剧烈,深大断裂纵横交错,岩浆活动频繁,特别是与锡成矿作用关系密切的中生代花岗岩类非常发育,最具特色。本次在对全国873处锡矿矿产地资料进行系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了全国锡矿的成矿规律,厘定出20个以锡为主或锡较为重要的矿床成矿系列,认为锡石—硫化物型、矽卡岩(—云英岩型)、石英脉型和岩体型4类锡矿类型,应该作为重点预测类型,并划分出44个成锡带,提出了19个重要工作部署区,并编制了中国成锡带图、中国锡矿成矿规律图等系列图件,为潜力评价预测工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

我国含银夕卡岩矿床的分布和地质特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
含银夕卡岩矿床在我国银矿床中占有重要位置,它们主要分布于南岭、长江中下游、华北地台北缘和东南沿海等一些重要褶皱带中,其控矿地层较多,其中以石炭-二叠系最重要。与成矿有关的岩浆岩为燕山期壳源重熔型中酸性和酸性浅成侵入岩,次为华力西期和印支期。Ag(Pb,Zn)矿化与猛质夕卡岩紧密伴生,往往产于离岩体接触带有一定距离的碳酸盐围岩中,并常与含Fe,Cu,Au,W,Sn钙(镁)夕卡岩构成明显的交代矿化分带,成为重要的找矿标志。  相似文献   

中国锑矿成矿规律概要   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王永磊  徐珏  张长青  王成辉  陈郑辉  黄凡 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2208-2215
锑是中国的优势矿种之一.本文对中国锑矿床的成矿地质背景、赋矿围岩、控矿构造和成矿时代等进行了综合分析,简要总结了中国锑床的分布特征与成矿规律,同时提出了一些科学问题.中国锑矿床类型多,在时间上主要形成于中生代和新生代,且目前尚未发生有锑矿床形成于显生宙前,在空间上集中分布在西南天山、小兴安岭-张广才岭、昆仑-秦岭、长江中下游、藏北、藏南、西南三江、滇黔桂、江南隆起、湘中-桂中北、南岭、东南沿海等12个成锑带.当前需要从区域尺度来探讨锑矿床的形成机制,加强成矿规律和成矿系列的研究,从而实现锑矿资源的再发现.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Copper Deposits in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Copper resources in China are rich, but imported copper products are still required. Researches on metallogenic regularity of major types of copper deposits by geologists have involved in worldwide classification, significant copper belts, representative copper deposits, etc. Studies on metallogenic regularity of copper deposits in China also have made achievements with a long-term work. Combined with latest exploration advances obtained in recent ten years, this review aims to conclude the achievements of researches on copper metallogenic regularity in China. Based on data of 814 copper deposits and other ore (mineralized) occurrences, ten prediction types of copper deposits have been suggested. Porphyry and skarn copper ores are taken as the key targets. Porphyry copper deposits are the most important one which concentrate in Gangdese, Changdu-Sanjiang, Dexing and East Tianshan. The Cenozoic and Mesozoic are the major metallogenic epochs. Four main metallogenic epochs are been studied based on the copper ore geochronological data including Precambrian Era (Archean and Proterozoic), Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era and Cenozoic Era. Based on the study of metallogenic series of ore deposits in China, twenty-seven metallogenic series of copper deposits are proposed. This is suggested to deepen the study of metallogenic regularity of copper ore and provide the theory guide for copper resources prediction in China.  相似文献   

华北陆块是我国最重要的铁矿资源分布区之一, 在目前铁矿资源对外依存度居高不下的背景下, 深化铁矿成矿规律研究和找矿勘查工作迫在眉睫。本文以矿床成矿系列理论为指导, 以地质年代为界线, 结合对华北陆块构造演化的研究进展, 厘定出6个铁矿床成矿系列: ①华北陆块与太古宙海相火山-沉积变质作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ②华北陆块东部与古元古代岩浆、火山-沉积变质作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ③华北陆块北部与中元古代构造旋回岩浆-沉积作用有关的Fe、Ti、V矿床成矿系列(组); ④华北陆块东部与新元古代岩浆-沉积作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ⑤华北陆块与古生代火山-沉积、沉积作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ⑥华北陆块中东部与燕山期岩浆作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组)。六个矿床成矿系列构成了较为完整的铁矿成矿谱系, 通过对华北铁矿成矿系列系统的研究总结, 认为找矿工作应聚焦于地质单元、时间、地质作用、有用组分、矿床类型组合五个维度, 而矿床式作为典型矿床深入研究后高度概括的成果, 对找矿工作也有很大启发意义, 对于白云鄂博、陈台沟、司家营、杏山等重点矿山构造的重新认识, 有助于实现进一步找矿突破。  相似文献   

中国镍矿成矿规律初探   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
孙涛  王登红  钱壮志  付勇  陈郑辉  娄德波 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2227-2251
我国镍矿可分为岩浆型、海相沉积型和风化壳型3种预测类型.矿床形成时代较为连续,最早形成于中—新元古代,最晚形成于新生代,其中中—新元古代和晚古生代是形成矿床的两个高峰期;中—新元古代矿床主要分布在华北地块和扬子地块周缘,晚古生代镍矿主要分布在中亚造山带、峨眉山和塔里木大火成岩省范围内.岩浆型镍矿主要形成于大陆边缘裂解、造山带后碰撞伸展以及地幔柱3种构造背景,根据不同构造背景并结合主要岩浆作用特点,将与幔源基性—超基性岩有关的镍-铜-钴-铂族元素矿床成矿系列类型划分出与大陆裂解边缘幔源基性—超基性岩浆作用有关的镍-铜-钴-铂族元素矿床成矿亚类型、与地幔柱基性—超基性岩浆作用有关的镍-铜-钴-铂族元素矿床成矿亚类型、与造山带俯冲作用下幔源基性—超基性岩有关的镍-铜-钴-铂族元素矿床成矿亚类型、与造山带后碰撞伸展背景下幔源基性—超基性岩有关的镍-铜-钴-铂族元素矿床成矿亚类型等4种亚类型.分别对中—新元古代与大陆边缘裂解有关的镍铜(铂)矿床、寒武纪与黑色页岩有关的海相沉积型镍钼钒矿床、早二叠世与造山带伸展背景有关的镍铜矿床、晚二叠世与大火成岩省有关的镍铜(铂)矿床、新生代与风化壳有关的镍金矿床及其对应的典型矿床特征和成矿模式进行了叙述;认为大陆裂解边缘、地幔柱、造山带后碰撞伸展是我国镍矿形成的有利成矿地质背景,与邻近深大断裂、镁铁—超镁铁岩体、高MgO的原生岩浆(高镁玄武质岩浆)、深部岩浆作用、硫饱和与硫化物熔离共同组成岩浆型镍矿的6个重要地质条件.  相似文献   

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