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2008年1—2月,湖北省宜都市出现了自1977年1月30日极端低温-13.8℃以来最严重的低温雨雪冰冻天气,对柑桔生产带来了极大影响。为比较准确掌握柑桔受冻程度及损失,积累防范经验与教训,指导柑桔生产,笔者于2月底到3月中旬对全市柑桔受冻情况进行了全面调查,并对调查结果进行分析,提出自己的建议,供参考。  相似文献   

2008年至2009年,湖北省农科院果树茶叶研究所引进了“米良1号、海沃德、秦美、华美1号、海艳”5个优良美味猕猴桃品种,采用“猕猴桃种质资源描述规范和数据标准”对其主要植物学性状和主要的果实性状进行观测,初步了评价这几个品种在湖北武汉的稳定性及其适应性。  相似文献   

据《园艺学报》2013年第5期《红肉猕猴桃种质资源果实性状及AFLP遗传多样性分析》(作者岁立云等)报道,对中国红肉猕猴桃种质资源进行收集和调查,并对其进行果实性状变异分析和AFLP遗传多样性及遗传关系分析。红肉猕猴桃野生资源主要分布于湖南省、湖北省、河南省、江西省、四川省和陕西省等地,共采集到52份野生资源和2份品种资源,每份材料采集成熟叶片2~3片,硅胶干燥保存备用,每份材料收集10~20个成熟果实进行果实性状分析。  相似文献   

2008年1月12日至2月18日,广西壮族自治区连续遭受低温雨雪冰冻天气袭击。这次灾害性天气影响范围广、强度大、持续时间长,对柑桔生产造成极大的影响。广西柑桔受冻害主要在柳州市以北地区,晚熟柑桔果实直接受冻,树体受不同程度冻害,部分柑桔园甚至遭受毁灭性破坏。  相似文献   

2008年1月中旬至2月初,在我国南方地区的低温冰冻天气持续时间之长,对柑桔生产的影响范围之大,为历史罕见。大部分柑桔主产区的果园都受到不同程度的影响,叶片枯萎、树枝干枯、枝干折裂或果实冻伤脱落等受冻  相似文献   

海南岛野生牧草种质资源考察   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
2004年6月—2005年4月对海南岛野生牧草种质资源进行了实地考察。收集了野生牧草种质资源549份,隶属7科、33属,近60种。并对收集到的野生牧草种质资源的种类、分布情况、生长习性进行了描述。通过考察,挽救了一批濒临灭绝的品种;发掘了一批可供生产和育种单位直接利用的种质资源,丰富了国家种质库。还就海南的野生牧草种质资源的保存和利用等提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

中华猕猴桃新品种皖金是用在皖赣边界山区进行猕猴桃种质资源调查发现的优良单株的种子实生选种育成,2009年12月通过安徽省林业厅林木品种审定委员会审定并定名。1植物学特征果面茸毛短而少,枝条上着生  相似文献   

为发掘和利用我县野生猕猴桃种质资源,选育适宜本地种植的优良品种,我们于2013—2016年从本地野生‘美味’猕猴桃5个初选的优良单株中反复进行观察,最后确定代号‘SN2016’作为复选优系,2017年1月建立无性系观察园。经过4年观察,‘SN2016’株系无性性状优良、一致、稳定,果实大,果形端正、整齐,肉质鲜嫩、清香,易剥皮,外观品质优良,确定为决选优系,适合进行省内多点区域性栽培试验与生产栽培试验。  相似文献   

云南是中国猕猴桃属植物重要的分布中心和多样性保存中心,具有丰富的猕猴桃种质资源。为了充分发挥云南拥有的自然环境和资源优势,本文对云南猕猴桃产业的发展进行了调查,分析了云南猕猴桃产业发展的现状和存在问题,从政府政策、科技力量、品种选育、管理规划、品牌建设、交流合作等角度提出相应的发展建议,助力云南猕猴桃产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过对庐山植物园猕猴桃属植物的虫害调查发现,对该类植物造成虫害的昆虫主要有六大类,分别是蝗虫类、金龟子类、蝽蟓类、叶蝉类、蝶蛾类幼虫、卷叶蛾与钻柱虫类,分属于23科约50余种。根据它们的繁殖发育规律及对该类植物造成虫害的特点,我们分别在猕猴桃属植物花蕾膨大期和座果初期进行药物防治,结果表明在花期前后合理施药可有效控制虫害大面积发生。  相似文献   

密林熊蜂Bombus patagiatus Nylander是我国重要的授粉昆虫之一,该种熊蜂在陕西榆林地区1年1代,以蜂王休眠方式越冬。3月底、4月初越冬蜂王出蛰,2周以后开始产卵,5月中、下旬第一批工蜂开始出房,7月上旬雄蜂开始出房,7月中旬子代蜂王开始出房,7~8月新蜂王和熊蜂交配,9月中、下旬母群熊蜂自然解体消亡,10月上旬左右,天气逐渐变冷,交配后的蜂王开始在地下洞穴内休眠越冬。  相似文献   

Beef cattle grazing semiarid foothill rangeland of the Northern Rockies during winter may be exposed to cold temperatures and high winds while grazing pastures with low nutritional value. Cattle can physiologically and behaviorally respond to the changing environment to lower their metabolic requirements and reduce the effects of cold exposure. Requirements of grazing cattle may be overpredicted with models developed in controlled settings that do not account for energy-conserving behaviors. We refined a simple thermal balance equation to model heat exchange of free-ranging cattle. We accounted for the complex interactions between animal behavior and the changing natural environment by applying the insulation characteristics of the cattle's tissue and coat to a simple geometric shape of an asymmetric ellipsoid at different orientations to the sun and wind. We compared the model predictions with heat production measured in 3 studies, and in all cases the model predictions were similar to those reported. Model simulations indicate behaviors, such as lying and orientation to the sun, mitigated the effects of extreme weather. For many combinations of winter weather variables, metabolic requirements increased only slightly due to cold exposure of mature beef cattle in a near-maintenance state. The results indicate that solar radiation contributes strongly to the thermal balance of a cow. Thus, previous models that do not account for the irradiative environment may overestimate metabolic requirements of cattle acclimated to grazing winter range.  相似文献   

Monthly calf mortality data for a period of 5.5 years in Tulare County, California, were compared with monthly summarized weather data for that county, using multivariate statistical techniques. In winter, increases in the calf mortality rate (CMR) were significantly associated with cold, wet, windy weather; in summer, greater death losses were associated with hot, dry weather. In general, the calf losses in winter seemed more closely related to weather phenomenon than those in summer. The CMR during a 6-month period (July to December, 1973) were predicted, using equations containing data on the more important weather variables. The predicted CMR significantly differed from the observed death rate during July through September. During October through December, the predicted and observed CMR did not significantly differ. An increase in mortality rate was not predicted for winter, mainly because of low rainfall, and none occurred.  相似文献   

狗牙根种质对冷害的生理反应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对采自佛山市的3个狗牙根材料(狗牙根1号,3号和5号)及杂交狗牙根品种天堂419的抗寒性进行了比较研究,发现田间种植的狗牙根材料在受到2004年12月的寒潮袭击后,相对电导率升高,其中天堂419的升高幅度最大,而狗牙根1号和5号的升高幅度较小;天堂419的光合速率降低最多,而狗牙根5号的光合速率仅轻微降低;叶片的可溶性糖含量均提高,狗牙根5号的根系可溶性糖含量升高,但其他材料的可溶性糖含量降低。在韶光地区霜冻条件下的试验结果表明,狗牙根5号的草坪质量评分最高,绿期最长,表明狗牙根5号的抗寒性较强。  相似文献   

通过对2010/2011年度玉林市龙眼秋梢抽生期—开花着果期的农业气象条件进行诊断分析,得出2011年挂果率高的主要原因是:2010年8—9月份的光温水条件配合较好对秋梢抽生相当有利,紧接着从10份开始出现了秋、冬、春三季连旱,冬季和早春的气候也比较寒冷,在干旱和寒冷的双重作用下,非常有利于控制冬梢和促进花芽分化,也有利于抑制抽穗期间“冲梢”现象的发生,因此成花情况普遍良好;由于2011年开花期比正常年景偏迟了将近1个月,因此很好地避过了正常年份开花着果期的低温阴雨天气,使得2011年出现了花多果也多的喜人景象,挂果率是最近几年中最好的一年。在今后的龙眼生产中,应根据龙眼的开花结果习性和玉林市的气候特点,采取一些相应的对策,加强管理,以最大限度地提高挂果率。  相似文献   

Oocyte competence is an important determinant of reproductive success and can be disrupted by heat/cold stress. Information related to seasonally induced cold stress effects in cold areas on oocyte competence in the bovine is still scarce, however. Therefore, we performed experiments to test the hypothesis that seasonally induced cold/heat stress affects bovine oocyte competence in cold areas. Oocytes were collected in the winter, summer, and autumn, and we showed a significantly better survival and growth rate in the cold compared with hot temperatures, as recorded for two-cell and blastocyst stage embryos (P?in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer in winter, we observed a satisfactory level of pregnancy and birth rates during this time period, even when compared with other studies in cold and hot weather (P?相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、卫星云图、雷达回波等资料,对2009年4月18—21日内蒙古通辽市一次久旱转雨过程进行成因分析。结果表明,有利的大尺度环流、充足的水汽条件和较强的上升运动,同时低层有冷空气入侵激发该次降水的产生。降水是由于高空槽东移加强形成低涡、地面配合倒槽产生的。新一代天气雷达资料分析表明,回波具有明显的、典型的普雨降水系统特征。数值预报产品对这次过程的预报效果较好,深入数值预报产品的使用研究是提高重大天气预报质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

绵羊精液保存技术目前虽然已进入生产应用阶段,但冷冻精液人工授精受胎率低仍是限制绵羊冷冻精液进行生产推广的重要因素。目前,对于绵羊精液冷冻的研究主要集中在冷冻稀释液组分和冷冻程序等方面。文章针对国内外有关绵羊精液冷冻保存稀释液、冷冻程序、解冻方法和冷冻损伤等研究进展作一综述,旨在对今后精液冷冻保存研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

2020年我国柑橘产区罕见遇到多年未有的低温天气,导致其树体和果实均遭受了不同程度的冻害。为了弄清不同区县、不同地形和不同品种柑橘树体和果实的冻害情况,我们于2021年2月对眉山5个区县不同果园和不同品种树体和果实进行了冻害调查,并与对应5个区县气象数据进行对比分析研究。结果表明,5个区县的冻害程度与低温密切相关,同期以仁寿县温度最低(-3.7℃)其柑橘树体和果实冻害最重,而丹棱县(-1.2℃)且日温差较差小冻害最轻。不同地形的树体和果实冻害程度由高到低依次为低洼>平地>山地。对于不同的地区和立地条件以及不同柑橘品种在低温来临前,采取不同的防寒措施促使树体和果实安全越冬。  相似文献   

Cattle weight gain responses to seasonal weather variability are difficult to predict for rangelands because few long-term (>20 yr) studies have been conducted. However, an increased understanding of temperature and precipitation influences on cattle weight gains is needed to optimize stocking rates and reduce enterprise risk associated with climatic variability. Yearling steer weight gain data collected at the USDA-ARS High Plains Grasslands Research Station at light, moderate, and heavy stocking rates for 30 years (1982–2011) were used to examine the effects of spring (April–June) and summer (July–September) temperature and precipitation, as well as prior-growing-season (prior April–September) and fall/winter (October–March) precipitation, on beef production (kg · ha?1). At heavier stocking rates, steer production was more sensitive to seasonal weather variations. A novel finding was that temperature (relatively cool springs and warm summers) played a large predictive role on beef production. At heavier stocking rates, beef production was highest during years with cool, wet springs and warm, wet summers, corresponding to optimum growth conditions for this mixed C3–C4 plant community. The novelty and utility of these findings may increase the efficacy of stocking rate decision support tools. The parsimonious model structure presented here includes three-month seasonal clusters that are forecasted and freely available from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration up to a year in advance. These seasonal weather forecasts can provide ranchers with an increased predictive capacity to adjust stocking rates (in advance of the grazing season) according to predicted seasonal weather conditions, thereby reducing enterprise risk.  相似文献   

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