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More than a decade ago, at a time when current and emerging tropical diseases posed growing threats to the United States, expert panels convened by the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences concluded that medical expertise within the United States competent to address diseases of the tropics had declined. Recognizing a national need to encourage and enhance such, The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene developed a program to stimulate new postgraduate medical education in diseases of the tropics. The Society formally requested academic institutions within the United States and Canada to propose new postgraduate programs. To assure the quality of these new curricular offerings, the Society developed an outline of key areas of competency and agreed to offer an examination that would grant physicians a Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers Health. The certifying examination was to be an integral component of a program to stimulate academic institutions to provide instructional programs in tropical diseases and to encourage physicians to become trained, evaluated, and recognized for their knowledge of clinical tropical diseases and travelers' health. The Society's initiative to stimulate educational programs in tropical medicine is reviewed.  相似文献   

Among the countries endemic for tropical diseases, Turkmenistan along with Uzbekistan has a special role to play in having basic scientific knowledge of leishmaniasis. This article summarizes the principal scientific findings in the course of the 20th century in respect of leishmaniasis and sand fly fevers. The most important results of studies on cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis are cited. The role of different researchers in the epidemiology, epizootology, natural focality of these diseases, their clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention are described in detail. The paper gives information obtained by the latest studies on the etiology of leishmaniasis. The most important publications on this topic are assessed. Particular emphasis is laid on the results of the Anti-Leishmaniasis Expedition carried out by the researchers of the E.I. Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine to the Tedjen oasis of Turkmenistan.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The health impact assessment of development projects, M. H. Birley
Colour Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, W. Peters & H. M. Gilles  相似文献   

Within the framework of international collaboration, the E.I. Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine (IMPTM), I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, assisted the Public Health System of the Republic of Guinea in detecting, diagnosing, studying, and preventing tropical infections of viral, bacterial, and parasitic etiologies, and in training national scientific manpower. The work was under way in the Soviet-Guinea Research Microbiology and Virology Laboratory, USSR Ministry of Health, in the Republic of Guinea (now the Pasteur Institute in Guinea (PIG)) in 1978-1991. The circulation of pathogens of a number of tropical infections, the fauna of vectors and carriers of transmissible infections, and their involvement of the circulation of pathogens of these diseases were found in this period. Consultative-and-methodological and medical assistance was given; national higher- and middle-level brainpower trained. It is expedient to restore scientific ties between the IMPTM and the PIG.  相似文献   

Climate change has been described as the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. The atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, have increased significantly since the start of the Industrial Era around 1750, with much of this increase occurring over just the last 50 years or so. This is resulting in warming of the climate system as well as changes in precipitation and weather and climate extremes. These changes in climate are having wide‐ranging impacts on the Earth’s physical, biological and human systems, including human health. It is these impacts of climate change on human health that are the focus of this paper, particularly the impacts on allergens and allergic diseases. Such impacts are particularly significant in many countries where the prevalence of such diseases is high and/or increasing. There is now compelling evidence that rising air temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations are, in some plant species, resulting in increased pollen production and allergenicity and advancement and lengthening of the pollen season. Changes in extreme events, such as thunderstorms and tropical cyclones, will also have impacts on allergic diseases, with, for example, the flooding associated with tropical cyclones leading to proliferation of mould growth in damp homes. The article also considers a range of responses to these health threats, including greenhouse gas mitigation, and adaptation strategies, such as enhanced environmental monitoring and health surveillance and adequate planning for the future medical workforce.  相似文献   

The Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases(CJPPD) is an academic journal of the China Preventive Medicine Association and published bimonthly by the National Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Chine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC). CJPPD publishes original papers from all areas of human parasitology and parasitic diseases. CJPPD has been listed in Index Medicus, Medline, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Helminthological Abstracts,  相似文献   

The efficacy of 2 test systems for enzyme immunoassay using various ingredients (produced in the E. I. Martsinovski? Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, USSR Ministry of Public Health and Institute of Advanced Medical and Pharmaceutical Training, Prague) has been assessed on blood sera of 122 patients with trichinellosis, 200 patients with other parasitic diseases and 300 healthy donors. No considerable differences in the efficacy of 2 test systems have been revealed. The test sensitivity is higher with the use of somatic than secretory-excretory antigens of identical specificity.  相似文献   

Land use changes, such as deforestation and urbanization, can influence interactions between vectors, hosts, and pathogens. The consequences may result in the appearance and rise of mosquito-borne diseases, especially in remote tropical regions. Tropical regions can be the hotspots for the emergence of diseases due to high biological diversity and complex species interactions. Furthermore, frontier areas are often haphazardly surveyed as a result of inadequate or expensive sampling techniques, which limit early detection and medical intervention. We trialed a novel sampling technique of nonpowered traps and a carbon dioxide attractant derived from yeast and sugar to explore how land use influences mosquito communities on four remote, tropical islands in the Australian Torres Strait. Using this technique, we collected > 11,000 mosquitoes from urban and sylvan habitats. We found that human land use significantly affected mosquito communities. Mosquito abundances and diversity were higher in sylvan habitats compared with urban areas, resulting in significantly different community compositions between the two habitats. An important outcome of our study was determining that there were greater numbers of disease-vectoring species associated with human habitations. On the basis of these findings, we believe that our novel sampling technique is a realistic tool for assessing mosquito communities in remote regions.  相似文献   

目的 分析“中国寄生虫病与热带病防控”微信公众号的运营现状与科普效果,探讨微信公众号在寄生虫病与热带病健康科普工作中的应用前景。方法 收集2019年6月18日—2021年10月25日“中国寄生虫病与热带病防控”微信公众号的用户特征、传播特征等运营数据,采用描述性统计方法分析科普效果。结果 截至2021年10月25日,“中国寄生虫病与热带病防控”微信公众号关注人数2 734人,女性多于男性,占53.80%;26~35岁居多,占41.44%;用户数排前5位的省份依次为上海、广东、江苏、北京、山东。共推送101篇图文,总阅读量82 762次,平均阅读量819次/篇。其中寄生虫病和热带病防控科普类图文27篇,阅读量共16 680次,平均阅读量618次/篇,消息送达阅读率、分享传播率、阅读完成率分别为8.06%、800.49% 和56.26%。科普类图文中疟疾、血吸虫病图文的用户关注度相对较高。结论 “中国寄生虫病与热带病防控”微信公众号的科普效果有待进一步提升,建议着力提高重点寄生虫病科普类图文信息的数量,立足热带病领域并结合社会热点设置宣传议题,并通过开展科普活动扩展用户数,推动寄生虫病和热带病防控知识的传播。  相似文献   

Tropical medicine as a specialty began during colonialization of the tropics. From the outset, controversy focused on scientific research (tropical medicine) vs. public health (tropical health). The former became associated with parasitology to the relative exclusion of microbiology. Remarkable discoveries made before 1912 were followed by sixty years of slow progress. In the last decade, however, not only has parasitic disease research flourished, but the major importance of bacterial and viral diarrheas and respiratory infections has also been revealed. Tropical health did not evolve as a major strategy in the colonial era. Later, a global eradication policy developed, first for hookworm infection, then for yellow fever and malaria, but failure led to disillusionment with technology and development of an undifferentiated approach to primary health care. In the last decade a selective approach has focused on diseases for which cost-effective control measures exist. Moreover, several developing countries have achieved good health at low cost by equitable distribution of health care, education, and food. Today, the conflict between tropical medicine and tropical health is being resolved with the realization that they are truly complementary disciplines.  相似文献   

Tropical diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, trypanosomiasis, and leishmaniasis, account for a large number of deaths annually. Herbs are an excellent source of tropical medicines. Many advancements and discoveries have taken place in the field of drug discovery but still, a major population of tropical diseases relies on herbal traditional medicine. There are some challenges related to policy implementation, efficacy, resistance and toxicity of tropical medicines. There are many tropical diseases such as such as schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, African sleeping sickness, filariasis and chagas disease which are neglected because very few pharmaceutical companies have shown their interest in developing therapeutics against these diseases of poor people. There are many benefits associated with herbal medicine such as the cost of production, patient tolerance, large scale availability, efficacy, safety, potency, recyclability, and environment friendly. A large number of natural extracts such as curcumin, artemisinin, morphine, reserpine, and hypericin, are in use for treatment of different tropical diseases for a long time. The current review is to discuss the overview of tropical medicinal herbs, its scope and limitations in the modern drug discovery process.  相似文献   

In 1995, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) adopted defined criteria for accreditation of clinical training programs in tropical diseases. The first data on the development, enrollment, and outcomes of such a program are presented. A nine-week Diploma course, the Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine, given on-site in the tropics (Lima, Cusco, and Iquitos, Peru) has trained 157 individuals from 38 countries from 1996 through 2001. The average age of participants was 38.3 with 11.3 years since graduation. Graduates were 44.5% primary care physicians, 22.2% infectious diseases specialists, 12.7% emergency medicine specialists, 13.5% other specialists, and 7.1% nurses. Residents and fellows accounted for 32.8% and full-time academic faculty for 11.0%. Approximately half of all eligible Gorgas graduates have taken the ASTMH certification examination. In response to the enrollees' profiles and needs, adult learning theory has been extensively used in course design. Stable professional relationships between multiple educational partners are required for an endeavor of this scope.  相似文献   

目的 比较并分析我国人兽共患病病原生物学相关期刊基本情况、引用和被引情况,了解此类期刊之间交流以及专业发展现状。方法 通过限制检索条件,以《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》(2011-2017)和中国知网引文数据库数据为基础,查询符合条件期刊的主办单位、创刊年份、载文情况、近十年刊文的学科分布,同时分析了上述期刊的影响因子、学科扩散指数、引文情况及各期刊间相互引用情况。结果 通过筛选共有8种期刊符合条件:《中国人兽共患病学报》、《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》、《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》、《中国热带医学》、《热带医学杂志》、《病毒学报》、《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》和《中国病原生物学杂志》。上述8种期刊中,月刊和双月刊各4种。除《中国热带医学》外,其他7种期刊均创刊于上世纪80年代。近十年刊文的学科分类主要为基础医学、传染病学、生物学、预防医学和卫生学。上述期刊近年的影响因子均有不同程度升高,尤其是《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》影响因子由2012年0.619上升至0.979、《中国病原生物学杂志》影响因子由2014年0.58上升至1.044。2012年《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》对收录的核心期刊学科分类进行了一次较大调整,除《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》外,其他7种期刊均被调整,使其学科扩散指标也出现了较大的拐点。上述期刊中有5种期刊之间存在全互引现象,病毒学类与寄生虫学类期刊之间的引用罕见。各期刊存在较严重的自引现象,其自引率远高于该期刊对其他期刊的引用率。结论 国内人兽共患病病原学相关期刊交流广泛但总体发展相对缓慢,应理性认识影响因子的科学价值,以建立全面的期刊评价体系。  相似文献   



Brucellosis is an endemic infection in Georgia. We conducted a review of patient records with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of brucellosis over three decades at the central referral hospital for brucellosis cases, the Institute of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine (IPTM) in Tbilisi. The purpose was to describe the demographic profile and clinical characteristics as well as diagnostic and treatment strategies in patients with brucellosis.  相似文献   

目的检查国内寄生虫学领域主要科技期刊的核心作者,了解国内寄生虫学领域的研究类型及特点,为编辑部组稿提供参考线索.方法采用文献计量学方法对<中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志>、<中国血吸虫病防治杂志>、<中国病原生物学杂志>、<国际医学寄生虫病杂志>、<寄生虫与医学昆虫学报>、<寄生虫病与感染性疾病>、<热带医学杂志>、<热带病与寄生虫学>等8本国内与寄生虫学相关的科技期刊2006-2007年载文作者的发文量和被引用情况进行统计分析,利用综合指数法确定核心作者.结果所统计的8种主要科技期刊2006-2007年间共发表寄牛虫领域相关的论文1807篇.其中发表论文3篇以上的候选核心作者94人,综合指数大于平均值即为核心作者,有28人.结论利用综合指数分析初步筛选丁寄生虫学专业2006-2007年的核心作者.  相似文献   

Many cities throughout the world are experiencing ongoing infectious disease and overdose epidemics among illicit injection drug users (IDUs). In particular, HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) have become endemic in many settings and bacterial infections, such as endocarditis, have become extremely common among this population. In an effort to reduce these public health concerns, in September 2003, Vancouver, Canada, opened a pilot medically supervised safer- injecting facility (SIF), where IDUs can inject pre-obtained illicit drugs under the supervision of medical staff. Before and since the facility's opening, there has been a substantial misunderstanding about the rationale for evaluating SIF as a public-health strategy. This article outlines the evidence and rationale in support of the Canadian initiative. This rationale involves limitations in conventionally applied drug-control efforts, and gaps in current public-health policies in controlling the spread of infectious diseases, and the incidence of overdose among IDUs.  相似文献   

Lymphatic filariasis is a significant public health and economic problem in many tropical and sub-tropical regions. Unplanned urbanization leading to a lack of proper sanitary conditions has resulted in an increase in the urban-based transmission of a number of vector-borne diseases, including lymphatic filariasis. It has been well established that lymphatic filariasis is endemic in rural areas of Ghana. The goal of this study was to determine if there is a potential of establishing urban transmission cycles in Ghana's major cities. We clinically and immunologically assessed 625 individuals from the three major urban areas (Bawku, Bolgatanga and Secondi/Takoradi), finding that the prevalence of infection with Wuchereria bancrofti ranged from 0 to 12.5%. The results of a polymerase chain reaction based analysis of mosquitoes collected from these areas suggested that there is a low but detectable prevalence of mosquitoes infected with W. bancrofti. We conclude that there may be a potential for an established urban transmission of lymphatic filariasis in Ghana.  相似文献   

The predominant pattern of cardiovascular diseases in sub-Saharan Africa is that of poverty-related conditions (rheumatic heart valve disease, untreated congenital heart disease, tuberculous pericarditis) and diseases of unclear aetiology with a higher prevalence in this part of the world (peripartum cardiomyopathy, endomyocardial fibrosis). However, the prevalence of the traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and marked obesity is high in a number of sub-Saharan settings, although they vary considerably among countries, urban/rural locations and specific subpopulations. In urban settings, hypertensive heart disease with systolic and diastolic function contributes substantially to morbidity. Awareness of the general public and health workers about the burden of cardiovascular diseases in women must be increased, and risk factor control programmes must be included in the health research agenda on the African continent. Improvement in health services with coordination of maternal health services and non-communicable diseases is also needed. This review focuses on the current knowledge of cardiovascular healthcare of women in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly their propensity for various forms of heart disease, access to healthcare, treatment received within the respective healthcare system, response to therapy and mortality. It highlights the gaps in knowledge and the paucity of data in most of these aspects.  相似文献   

Urbanization occurs at a rapid pace across Africa and Asia and affects people's health and well-being. A typical feature in urban settings of Africa is the maintenance of traditional livelihoods, including agriculture. The purpose of this study was to investigate malaria risk factors in urban farming communities in a medium-sized town in C?te d'Ivoire. Two cross-sectional surveys were carried out among 112 households from six agricultural zones. First, the heads of households were interviewed on agricultural land use, farming practices, water storage, sanitation facilities, and socioeconomic status. Second, a finger prick blood sample was taken from all household members and examined for the occurrence and density of Plasmodia. Geographic coordinates of houses, farming plots, and potential mosquito breeding sites were recorded and integrated into a geographic information system. Predictors of Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia were assessed using non-random and random effects Bayesian regression models. The overall prevalence of P. falciparum was 32.1%. In children < 15 years of age, risk factors for a P. falciparum infection included living in a specific agricultural zone, close proximity to permanent ponds and fish ponds, periodic stays overnight in temporary farm huts, and low socioeconomic status. Our findings indicate that specific crop systems and specific agricultural practices may increase the risk of malaria in urban settings of tropical Africa.  相似文献   

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