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DMABN在表面活性剂胶束水溶液中的荧光性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了对二甲氨基苯甲腈(DMABN)在各种胶束水溶液中的荧光光谱性质, 发现不同胶束栅栏层区域的不同性质影响了探针的分子内扭转电荷转移(TICT)特性. 对离子型胶束, 头基电场是主要影响因素, 促进了DMABN分子TICT态的形成, 反离子解离度琢越大, 胶束溶液中的Ia/Ib越强. 在非离子表面活性剂胶束中, 聚氧乙烯链环外壳包裹的大量水使其氢键影响明显, 而很短的聚氧乙烯链还可能带来端基氢的氢键作用. 从DMABN的光物理特性看, 欲将胶束作为分散载体利用其TICT态特性, 选择反离子解离度较大的阴离子胶束(例如SDS或SDSO)较好.  相似文献   

Dynamic light scattering, cloud point (CP), and surface tension studies have been carried out to examine the influence of six (including two acetates, two alkoxyethanols, and two sugars) nonelectrolyte additives on two silicone surfactants based on poly (dimethyl siloxane)—graft—polyethers in aqueous solutions. The results indicate that the presence of alkoxyethanols induced the oblate ellipsoidal to spherical micellar transition, while sugars increase the size of the ellipsoidal micelles. The effect of cosolvent or additives on critical micelle concentration (CMC) and CP is discussed on the basis of water structure making and breaking effect. The thermodynamic and surface active parameters were calculated from the surface tension isotherm curves.  相似文献   

The solubility of fumaric acid in aqueous alcohol solutions was experimentally measured over the temperature range of (278.15–333.15) K by employing an analytical stirred-flask method. The experimental data showed that the solubility of fumaric acid in the binary mixtures increases with increases of both temperature and mass fraction of the organic solvents. The experimental data were well correlated with the modified Apelblat equation and the Buchowski–Ksiazaczak λh equation. In addition, the calculated solubilities showed good agreement with the experimental results. It was found that the modified Apelblat equation gave better correlation results than the Buchowski–Ksiazaczak λh equation. The experimental results should be useful for optimizing the process of purification of fumaric acid in industry.  相似文献   

The solubility and acid–base properties of 4-chloro-N-(2-furylmethyl)-5-sulfamoylanthranilic acid (furosemide) were studied in aqueous–micellar solutions of surfactants of different nature. Conditions of the determination of furosemide by acid–base titration in a micellar solution of tridecylpyridinium bromide were found.  相似文献   

The solubilities of two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (MELOXICAM and CELECOXIB) drugs, were determined in aqueous solutions of nonionic (Tween 20, Tween 80, Brij 30, Brij 35, Triton X 100, Triton X 114) surfactants. These surfactants have different numbers of oxyethylene units and their micelles showed different aggregation numbers. It is shown that these surfactants have different abilities to solubilize NSAIDs drugs. The solubilities of the drugs increased linearly with the increase in concentration of surfactants. The sizes of micelles remained constant with the addition of the drugs, except for Triton type surfactants in which case the size of the micelles decreased. It was observed that the number of oxyethylene units in the surfactants, aggregation number of the micelles and HLB play key roles in solubilizing the drugs.  相似文献   

Solubility of lead nitrate in the system H2O-Zn(NO3)2-HNO3 was studied using the simplexlattice design method. The equations describing the effect of nitric acid and zinc nitrate concentrations on the content of lead nitrate in solution at 25 and 55°C were derived.  相似文献   

肖如亭  张敏  李乃瑄 《应用化学》2009,26(2):240-242
间苯二胺;硫酸钠;间氨基苯酚;溶解度曲线;高效液相色谱  相似文献   

Dynamic light scattering, conductometry, and capillary viscometry have been used to study aqueous micellar solutions of dodecyl-, tetradecyl-, and hexadecyltriphenylphosphonium bromides in a wide range of concentrations covering the first and second critical micelle concentrations (CMC1 and CMC2). It has been shown that the concentration curves for the diffusion coefficients of the ionic surfactants increase above CMC1 and, then, pass through a maximum. As the alkyl chain length increases, the slopes of the concentration curves within the range of the linear growth in the diffusion coefficient rise, the height of the maximum increases, and its position shifts toward lower concentrations. The obtained results have been explained in terms of a theory previously developed for ideal micellar systems. It has been shown that the mobility factor plays the predominant role in the range of the linear increase in the diffusion coefficient and the effect of the viscosity of a micellar surfactant solution is enhanced with a rise in its concentration.  相似文献   

Journal of Solution Chemistry - In this investigation, calculated and experimental solubilities of the binary aqueous solutions of dipotassium hydrogenphosphate and disodium hydrogenphosphate have...  相似文献   

The interaction of pinacyanol (PIN), a cationic dye formed by monomer and dimer species, with three cationic surfactants (DTAB, TTAB, and HTAB) has been studied spectroscopically and by acid-base equilibrium in the micellar concentration range. In the presence of surfactants, the absorption maximum of the two main peaks undergoes bathochromic shifts. The spectral shifts suggest a hydrophobic environment of the chromophore. The presence of micelles favors the monomer species; i.e., it reduces the extent of dimerization. The pK(a) of PIN in micellar medium is similar to the value in pure water. When acid-base equilibrium was considered, the changes in the interfacial pK(a) allowed to us to determine the constant dielectric for the interfacial region (epsilon=69). This led to the conclusion that the dye must be solubilized between the solution and the hydrocarbon chain core, i.e., in the aqueous micellar interface. This location can be explained by a cation-pi interaction between the uncharged ring system of the dye and the cationic headgroups of the surfactants. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The heat transport purification system of CANDU nuclear reactors is used to remove particulates and dissolved impurities from the heat transport coolant. Zirconium dioxide shows some potential as a high-temperature ion-exchange medium for cationic and anionic impurities found in the CANDU heat transport system (HTS). Zirconium in the reactor core can be neutron activated, and potentially can be dissolved and transported to out-of-core locations in the HTS. However, the solubility of zirconium dioxide in high-temperature aqueous solutions has rarely been reported. This paper reports the solubility of zirconium dioxide in 10−4 mol⋅kg−1 LiOH solution, determined between 298 and 573 K, using a static autoclave. Over this temperature range, the measured solubility of zirconium dioxide is between 0.9 and 12×10−8 mol⋅kg−1, with a minimum solubility around 523 K. This low solubility suggests that its use as a high-temperature ion-exchanger would not introduce significant concentrations of contaminants into the system. A thermodynamic analysis of the solubility data suggests that Zr(OH)40 likely is the dominant species over a wide pH region at elevated temperatures. The calculated Gibbs energies of formation of Zr(OH)40(aq) and Zr(OH)4(am) at 298.15 K are −1472.6 kJ⋅mol−1 and −1514.2 kJ⋅mol−1, respectively. The enthalpy of formation of Zr(OH)40 has a value of −1695±11 kJ⋅mol−1 at 298.15 K.  相似文献   

CMC系列高分子表面活性剂的胶束形态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高分子表面活性剂分子量高 ,分子中兼具亲水和疏水链段 ,在选择性溶剂水中同小分子表面活性剂一样 ,可形成疏水链段为核心、亲水链段为外壳的胶束结构 ,但高分子量又使其表现出许多不同于低分子表面活性剂的形态特征 ,如胶束的多种形态、尺寸分布多分散性等等 ,而这些形态特征对高分子表面活性剂的界面活性、增粘、乳化等性能有决定性的影响.结构规整的嵌段或接枝共聚物在选择性溶剂中的分子聚集形态已有研究 [1,2],亲水亲油性的高分子表面活性剂在水溶液中由于结构复杂、水溶液中氢键作用及静电作用力等因素造成的困难 ,因而研究较少…  相似文献   

表面活性剂在水溶液中性质的质子核磁共振研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了质子核磁共振的几种方法在表面活性剂水溶液研究中的应用.自从上世纪六十年代以来的许多研究表明核磁共振的各种技术是研究表面活性剂溶液的有效手段.它可以提供表面活性剂在水溶液中的cmc、胶束的结构、尺寸、水化、加溶性质和位置,不同表面活性剂胶束之间的相互作用,以及胶束与生物分子和高聚物的相互作用.化学位移已经成为惯常方法,弛豫测量提供动态信息,自扩散系数测量是研究胶束尺寸的很好手段.近来由于核磁共振技术的不断发展,用于研究生物大分子的2D NOESY和HOESY也逐渐应用到研究表面活性剂聚集结构中.由此可以得到有关表面活性剂在水溶液中行为的分子水平信息,是其它谱学方法所不能及的.  相似文献   

用稳态荧光法研究芘(Py)在Pluronic两亲嵌段共聚物胶团水溶液中的增溶,结果表明共聚物分子中的PPO实际含量越大,越有利于Py的增溶。加入无机盐KCl导致生成了表面较少水化的较大胶团,并且由于KCl解离产生的离子使溶剂极性增加,这些因素促进了Py的增溶。  相似文献   

Two methods for obtaining aqueous dispersions of silver nanoparticles, stable during several months, from their reverse micellar solutions in an organic solvent: (i) centrifugation of a two-phase system formed by micellar solution and water and (ii) mixing of micellar solution with water, followed by settling.  相似文献   

Solubility of lead(II) nitrate in the system H2O-Fe(NO3)3-HNO3 was studied using the simplex-lattice method of experiment design.  相似文献   

测定了在30℃、总离子强度为0.1m时不同比例混合的十烷基硫酸钠(C10SNa)-全氟辛酸钠(7CFNa)在四氯乙烯-水界面的界面张力,研究混合溶液的界面性质及胶团形成,结果表明:(1)7CFNa与C10SNa在混合溶液中,基本上各自独立形成胶团;(2)混合表面活性剂在四氯乙烯-水界面上的吸附与在正庚烷-水界面上吸附规律相同;(3)测定C10SNa、7CFNa在不同油-水界面上的界面张力,证实碳氟链与碳氯链之间具有“互憎性”。  相似文献   

季铵盐Gemini表面活性剂胶团水溶液的流变性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用毛细管振荡剪切流动法研究联接基团为聚亚甲基链的季铵盐型Gemini表面活性剂C12-s-C12·2Br(s=2,4,8)的流变性质,并用动态光散射技术测定胶团生长过程中的胶团形状和大小的变化规律,探索联接基团长度对胶团形状、大小以及溶液流变性质的影响.实验结果表明,胶团形状和大小与联接基团长度有关,而溶液的流变性质主要由胶团的大小和形状所决定,球形和棒状(长椭球体)胶团溶液的流变性质以纯粘度为主,而线性胶团溶液则显示粘弹性质.此外,增加电解质浓度和降低温度均使溶液的粘度增大.  相似文献   

用流变学方法研究了无机电解质KBr存在时,阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基聚氧乙烯(3)硫酸钠(SDES)水溶液中胶束的生长和结构。通过测量体系的稳态剪切粘度(η)和应力(σ)关系,得到零剪切粘度(η0)、复合粘度(|η^*|)、动态模量[储能模量(G')和损耗模量(G")、平台模量(G0)、结构松驰时间(τ)等流变学参数,并应用Cox-Merz规则和Cole-Cole图,发现在SDES/KBr体系中可以形成蠕虫状胶束网络结构,体系为假塑性流体,偏离Maxwell模型,具有非线性粘弹性,没有单一的结构松驰时间。  相似文献   

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