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We have investigated a copper-mesh grid oscillating at its fundamental (0, 1) Bessel mode in superfluid 4He for temperatures 10<T<1500 mK at a pressure of P=5 bar. The high quality factor (Q~105) of the oscillator allowed us to observe new features of its response to a periodic drive which, at the lowest T, was found to depend on the prehistory of the helium. The experiments have confirmed the existence of two critical velocities, and we discuss whether these critical velocities are associated with quantized vortices.  相似文献   

We have performed the simultaneous measurement of torsional oscillator and NMR in solid 4He with 10 ppm of 3He at 3.6 MPa. In this solid, NCRI response appears below about 400 mK. NMR measurement shows that there is the same kind of phase-separated 3He cluster which is found in our previous measurement in solid 4He with over a hundred ppm of 3He. When we warm the solid above the phase separation temperature, the cluster disappears gradually. Below and above the phase separation temperature, the distribution of 3He atoms changes significantly with long time constant, which is as long as a day. However, even in such a long time span, we do not observe any systematic changes in the torsional oscillator response. This result suggests that the phase separation and related changes of the distribution of 3He is not directly related to the impurity effect of the NCRI response.  相似文献   

We describe experiments on 3 He- 4 He mixtures in 98% open aerogel grown by cold-deposition (T80mK) of 4 He followed by the deposition of 3 He or alternatively by cooling down a homogenous mixture. The two approaches led to different 4 He film morphologies. We will also describe the observation of migration of 4 He from or toward the cell below 100 mK. This migration can lead to the exclusion of 4 He (other than the localized surface layers) for 4 He concentrations between 4% and 11% in the cell.  相似文献   

Recently, torsional oscillator (Yamamoto et al. in Phys. Rev. Lett. 93:075302, 2004) and ultrasound (Kobayashi et al. in AIP Conf. Proc. 128:797, 2007) measurements were carried out for pressurized 4He filled in a nanoporous glass (Gelsil), and the superfluid transition temperature T C shows a different pressure dependence. Thus motivated, we have performed simultaneous measurements with a torsional oscillator and with ultrasound for pressurized 4He in Gelsil. T C is in agreement between the two techniques at all pressures, and the superfluid component above 0.5 K shows most of the same temperature dependence. Furthermore, it was found that the χ-factor (the fraction of superfluid which remains locked to the substrate ) is independent of measuring frequency between the torsional oscillator (kHz-order) and the ultrasound (MHz-order) ranges.  相似文献   

We have successfully modeled our new TES (transition-edge sensor) X-ray microcalorimeters with a novel X-ray absorber design that is suitable for close-packed array with high quantum efficiency. We have determined device parameters that reproduce complex impedance curves and noise spectra throughout the transition. Observed pulse height, decay time and baseline energy resolution were in good agreement with simulated results using the same parameters.   相似文献   

Superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters have demonstrated the Constellation-X requirements for spectral resolution, speed, and pixel size in a close-packed geometry. We will present our recent breakthrough energy resolution with sensors that have all gold and bismuth-gold absorbers. This has been enabled by cantilevered absorbers that make contact to the TES only in regions that are not part of the active thermometer. With this approach, rapid thermalization of the x-ray energy is achieved and interaction between the absorber and TES sensor films is avoided. This design allows us to obtain uniform high performance and is compatible with large-format, high fill-factor arrays. We will discuss this design, the results we have achieved in 8×8 arrays of these pixels, and the dependence of the performance on the geometry of the absorber contact area and on stress within the sensor.   相似文献   

We report on our latest measurements of gravity cancellation in the low-gravity simulator using a magnetostrictive force. We made these measurements using a new thermal conductivity cell design that is 0.5cm in diameter and 0.5cm in height. Gravity cancellation was verified by measuring both the reduction in the T variation across the cell and the suppression of thermal convection as a function of the magnetic field. Full gravity cancellation was achieved in the simulator with B(dB/dz) 21 T 2 /cm, agreeing well with the calculated value and the valve found from levitating drops of helium.  相似文献   

We report a preliminary study of heat capacities of 4He confined in a nanoporous Gelsil glass that has nanopores of 2.5 nm in diameter. The heat capacity has a broad peak at a temperature far above the superfluid transition temperature obtained by torsional oscillator technique. The heat-capacity peak is attributed to formation of localized Bose-Einstein Condensates in the nanopores, in which the long-range superfluid coherence is destroyed by pore size distribution or random potential inherent to the porous glass.   相似文献   

We present the design and fabrication of cryogenic readout integrated circuits (ROICs) for Superconducting Tunneling Junctions using the SONY n-type GaAs-JFETs, which have good current-voltage characteristics and low noise performance even at <1 K. In order to fabricate the ROICs, we have designed simple GaAs-JFET amplifiers based on the measurement results of the GaAs-JFETs at <4.2 K: source follower amplifier, common source amplifier, and two types of cascode amplifiers. The obtainable gain of the cascode active load amplifiers is >100. These amplifiers were fabricated with the other circuit elements as an integrated circuit. We also show initial test results of the cascode active load amplifier.  相似文献   

We have measured the temperature and magnetic-field dependences of the sound velocity for one longitudinal and two transverse waves in the low field phase (LFP) and the high field phase (HFP) of nuclear spin ordered bcc solid 3He crystals with a single magnetic domain along the melting curve. From sound velocity measurements for various crystal orientations as a function of the sound propagation direction, we determined the elastic stiffness constants, c ij (T,B). In the LFP with tetragonal symmetry for the nuclear spin structure, we extracted six nuclear spin elastic stiffness constants Δc ij (T,0.06 T) from the temperature dependence of the sound velocity at 0.06 T and Δc ij (0.5 mK,B) from the magnetic-field dependence of sound velocity at 0.5 mK. In the HFP with cubic symmetry for the nuclear spin structure, we extracted three Δc ij h (T,0.50 T) at 0.50 T and Δc ij h (0.5 mK,B) at 0.5 mK. At the first-order magnetic phase transition from the LFP to the HFP at the lower critical field B c1, large jumps in sound velocities were observed for various crystal directions and we extracted three . Using the thermodynamic relation between Δc ij and the change in the internal energy for the exchange interaction in this system, ΔU ex(T,B), Δc ij are related to the generalized second-order Grüneisen constants Γ ij X 2ln X/ ε i ε j as Δc ij (T,B)=Γ ij X ΔU ex(T,B), where X represents some physical quantity which depends on the molar volume and ε j is the j-th component of a strain tensor. In the LFP, the Δc ij (T,0.06 T) were proportional to T 4, and Δc ij (0.5 mK,B) were proportional to B 2. We extracted for the spin wave velocity in the LFP, s , from Δc ij (T,0.06 T) and for the inverse susceptibility, 1/χ from Δc ij (0.5 mK,B). In the HFP, Δc ij h (T,0.50 T) were proportional to T 4 and Δc ij h (0.5 mK,ΔB) were proportional to ΔB(≡BB c1). We obtained for the spin wave velocity in the HFP, s h , from Δc ij h (T,0.50 T) and for B c1 from Δc ij h (0.5 mK,ΔB). The values obtained for and were compared with the Multiple Spin Exchange model (MSE) with three parameters by using analytic expressions for s and χ . The three-parameter MSE does not agree with the observed Δc ij in the LFP.   相似文献   

The mobility of 2D electrons on pure 4He and on 0.5 % solution of 3He in 4He was investigated for different electron densities in the temperature range 0.12 to 1.3 K. The electrons in the same electron density show the same transition temperature from liquid state to Wigner crystal state in both pure 4He and in the solution. In the high temperature range where the gas-scattering is dominant, the electrons show a smaller mobility in the solution than in the pure 4He due to the electron collision with 3He gas atoms which have a higher vapor pressure. In the middle temperature range where the ripplon-scattering is dominant, the mobility in the solution is smaller than in 4He. This is explained by a smaller surface tension caused by 3He atoms collected at the surface. In the low temperature range where electrons are in the Wigner crystal state, the mobility gradually increases with decreasing temperature in the solution, while it stays almost constant in the pure 4He. The mobility increase is more pronounced in the low electron density. The results are qualitatively in agreement with the existing theory which includes the bulk 3He quasiparticle reflection from surface dimples and the effect of the surface layer of 3He atoms.  相似文献   

The elementary excitations of a strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi liquid have been investigated by inelastic neutron scattering in an experimental model system: a monolayer of liquid 3He adsorbed on graphite preplated by a monolayer of solid 4He. We observed for the first time the particle-hole excitations characterizing the Fermi liquid state of two-dimensional liquid 3He, and we were also able to identify the highly interesting zero-sound collective mode above a particle-hole band. Contrarily to bulk 3He, at low wave-vectors this mode lies very close to the particle-hole band. At intermediate wave-vectors, the collective mode enters the particle-hole band, where it is strongly broadened by Landau damping. At high wave-vectors, where the Landau theory is not applicable, the zero-sound collective mode reappears beyond the particle-hole band as a well defined excitation, with a dispersion relation quite similar to that of superfluid 4He. This spectacular effect is observed for the first time in a Fermi liquid (including plasmon excitations in electronic systems).  相似文献   

We have studied the resonance of a commercial quartz tuning fork immersed in superfluid 4He, at temperatures between 5 mK and 1 K, and at pressures between zero and 25 bar. The force-velocity curves for the tuning fork show a linear damping force at low velocities. On increasing velocity we see a transition corresponding to the appearance of extra drag due to quantized vortex lines in the superfluid. We loosely call this extra contribution “turbulent drag”. The turbulent drag force, obtained after subtracting a linear damping force, is independent of pressure and temperature below 1 K, and is easily fitted by an empirical formula. The transition from linear damping (laminar flow) occurs at a well-defined critical velocity that has the same value for the pressures and temperatures that we have measured. Later experiments using the same fork in a new cell revealed different behaviour, with the velocity stepping discontinuously at the transition, somewhat similar to previous observations on vibrating wire resonators and oscillating spheres. We compare and contrast the observed behaviour of the superfluid drag and inertial forces with that measured for vibrating wires.  相似文献   

The three slit-type separator is a new separator which can shorten the residence time of oil & gas and improve the separation efficiency. In this study, a critical validation was carried out to examine the separation performances of the three slit-type separator with different inlet velocity and inlet concentration. According to the experimental results, the separation efficiency and pressure drop of the three slit-type separator increase with the increase of inlet velocity and inlet concentration. Numerical simulation of the gas–solid flow field in the three slit-type separator was carried out by the use of Fluent 15.0 platform. The simulated results coincide with the experimental results. The particles move along the inside wall of the separator in the vaulted space, meanwhile, more gas enters into the exhaust pipe through slots, which can improve the separation efficiency. The study shows that the residence time of oil and gas is less than 0.6 and the separation efficiency is up to 99% in the separator, in addition, the pressure drop could be controlled in 4 kPa below.  相似文献   

Activation energy for solid nucleation in overpressurized superfluid He-4 is calculated. On the basis of a model free energy of solidification of superfluid He-4, I found that both the critical shape of nucleus and the activation energy deviate from the standard model (the ‘thin wall’ model) as pressure increases. These deviations are similar, even quantitatively, to what Harrowell and Oxtoby (J. Chem. Phys. 80:1639, 1984) calculated for solid nucleation in a supercooled classical liquid. The activation energy can be a few times greater than what the thin wall model predicts.  相似文献   

We have measured the drag and inertial forces on wire resonators in superfluid 4He at millikelvin temperatures. At low velocities the behavior is dominated by the intrinsic properties of the resonators which can be measured in vacuum. On increasing velocity we see a sharp transition corresponding to the sudden appearance of drag and inertial forces arising from quantum vortex lines in the superfluid. We present detailed measurements of the superfluid drag and inertial forces as a function of the resonator velocity. We discuss results for two different wire diameters and for different resonant frequencies. We compare and contrast the observed behavior with that measured for cylinders in oscillating classical fluids.  相似文献   

We report on the onset of turbulence in normal and superfluid 4He using several 13.5 μm diameter vibrating wire resonators placed in a cell, filtered from the surrounding helium bath. We measured the force-velocity characteristics of the wires in normal and superfluid helium over a velocity range up to several meters per second. The transition from laminar to turbulent behavior can be clearly identified. Surprisingly we find that, depending on the cooling history, turbulence in the superfluid does not always develop fully.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic properties of $^{4}$ He gas are investigated in the temperature-range 4.2–10 K, with special emphasis on the second virial coefficient in both the classical and quantum regimes. The main input in computing the quantum coefficient is the ‘effective’ phase shifts. These are calculated within the framework of the Galitskii–Migdal–Feynman (GMF) formalism, using the HFDHE2 and Sposito potentials. The virial equation of state is constructed. Extensive calculations are carried out for the pressure–volume–temperature (P–V–T) behavior, as well as chemical potential, and nonideality of the system. The following results are obtained. First, the validity of the GMF formalism for the present system is demonstrated beyond any doubt. Second, the boiling point (phase-transition point) of $^{4}$ He gas is determined from the P–V behavior using the virial equation of state, its value being closest than all previous results to the experimental value. Third, the chemical potential $\upmu $ is evaluated from the quantum second virial coefficient. It is found that $\upmu $ increases (becomes less negative) as the temperature decreases or the number density n increases. Further, $\upmu $ shows no sensitivity to the differences between the potentials used up to n = 10 $^{27}$ m $^{-3}$ . Finally, the compressibility Z is computed and discussed as a measure of the nonideality of the system.  相似文献   

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