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螺旋断层治疗系统(HT)是一种集调强放射治疗和影像引导放射治疗于一体的放射治疗系统,是目前最先进的放疗设备之一。考虑其与常规直线加速器质量保证的差异,由国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤质控中心提出,多家医疗单位共同参与制定了本指南。指南包括国内医疗机构HT用于临床工作的验收项目、操作制度、应急预案等内容,明确了质量控制的测试方法、评价标准、检测频率。指南结合国内医疗单位实际情况给出了推荐性检测项目,主要包括机械精度、剂量输出与分布、激光定位系统、治疗床运动精度、MVCT影像系统质控检测、临床治疗计划验证等具体实施方法步骤,使得指南具有很强的可操作性。本指南能给临床工作人员提供质量保证技术指导,使HT质量保证工作有章可循,可提高放射治疗的准确性和精度。对国内各医疗机构建立规范HT质量保证体系具有指导意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨如何使用ArcCHECK完成HT同步性测试。方法 根据AAPM 148号报告测试HT同步性参数,即机架角度一致性、治疗床匀速运动、治疗床运动和机架旋转同步性。(1)机架角度一致性:将ArcCHECK通过虚拟等中心摆位,使其长轴垂直于旋转平面;照射序列使用25 mm的铅门宽度, 螺距为0.1的40圈旋转照射;叶片控制正弦图设置中央两片叶片(第32、33片)于机架投射角度为0°、120°和240°时打开。(2)治疗床匀速运动:将ArcCHECK固定于治疗床上,长轴沿床运动方向摆位;编辑照射序列,使用临床常用的床运动速度(0.3~0.5 mm/s)运动200 mm,机架角度固定于0°、铅门宽度10 mm、叶片全部打开进行照射。(3)治疗床运动和机架旋转同步性:使用10 mm铅门宽度、螺距为1的13圈旋转照射;叶片控制正弦图第2、7、12圈照射时,叶片于半周全开,其他时刻均为关闭状态。最初采集数据后作为基线,后续测量与其进行比较,采用点对点剂量差别分析方法,1%标准评价差异水平。结果 机架角度一致性可以检测治疗开始时刻机架初始角度准确性及每圈旋转同一角度重复投照能力。ArcCHECK软件界面内将获得6条平行的直性高剂量区域。床匀速测试中软件内高剂量区域内,长轴方向相对剂量变化<2%。治疗床运动和机架旋转同步性测量结果在软件界面中获得间距相等的3条平行高剂量区域。第2、7、12圈照射时28次同步性测试通过率分别为93.2%±1.5%、93.7%±1.1%、93.5%±1.3%。结论 ArcCHECK1次摆位即可完成所有测试,与使用胶片相比降低工作量的同时节约成本,可作为除胶片外HT同步性测试的另一选择。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Patients with vertebral metastasis that receive radiation therapy are typically treated to the spinal cord tolerance dose. As such, it is difficult to successfully deliver a second course of radiation therapy for patients with overlapping treatment volumes. In this study, an image-guided helical tomotherapy system was evaluated for the retreatment of previously irradiated vertebral metastasis. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Helical tomotherapy dose gradients and maximum cord doses were measured in a cylindrical phantom for geometric test cases with separations between the planning target volume (PTV) and the spinal cord organ at risk (OAR) of 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, and 10 mm. Megavoltage computed tomography (CT) images were examined for their ability to localize spinal anatomy for positioning purposes by repeat imaging of the cervical spine in an anthropomorphic phantom. In addition to the phantom studies, 8 patients with cord compressions that had received previous radiation therapy were retreated to a mean dose of 28 Gy using conventional fractionation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Megavoltage CT images were capable of positioning an anthropomorphic phantom to within +/-1.2 mm (2sigma) superior-inferiorly and within +/-0.6 mm (2sigma) anterior-posteriorly and laterally. Dose gradients of 10% per mm were measured in phantom while PTV uniformity indices of less than 11% were maintained. The calculated maximum cord dose was 25% of the prescribed dose for a 10-mm PTV-to-OAR separation and 71% of the prescribed dose for a PTV-to-OAR separation of 2 mm. Eight patients total have been treated without radiation-induced myelopathy or any other adverse effects from treatment. CONCLUSIONS: A technique has been evaluated for the retreatment of vertebral metastasis using image-guided helical tomotherapy. Phantom and patient studies indicated that a tomotherapy system is capable of delivering dose gradients of 10% per mm and positioning the patient within 1.2 mm without the use of special stereotactic immobilization.  相似文献   

目的 初步观察不同体位固定技术在螺旋断层治疗技术下进行全身皮肤照射(TSI)的可行性。方法 对中山大学肿瘤防治中心接受TSI治疗的 3例蕈样霉菌病患者分别采用低温热塑高分子材料俯卧位固定、潜水衣结合负压真空袋仰卧位固定、低温热塑高分子材料结合真空袋仰卧位固定方法,观察固定效果并计算平均摆位误差、靶区适形指数(CI)、靶区均匀性指数(HI)和靶区 Dmean。结果 3种体位固定方式均起到良好固定效果,设计的放疗计划各参数均能达到临床要求。3例患者平均摆位误差在左右、头脚、腹背方向分别为(0.26±3.40)、(-2.63±4.63)、(6.13±4.86)mm,靶区CI为 0.56±0.09、HI为 1.186±0.059、Dmean为(2586.56±63.28)cGy。结论 低温热塑高分子材料或潜水衣都可以联合真空袋进行TSI治疗的体位固定。通过补偿膜剂量建成效应提高表皮剂量达临床要求,为螺旋断层治疗技术进行TSI提供了安全可靠的体位固定方法。  相似文献   

A technique for adaptive image-guided helical tomotherapy for lung cancer   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
PURPOSE: The gross tumor volume (GTV) for many lung cancer patients can decrease during the course of radiation therapy. As the tumor reduces in size during treatment, the margin added around the GTV effectively becomes larger, which can result in the excessive irradiation of normal lung tissue. The specific goal of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of using image-guided adaptive radiation therapy to adjust the planning target volume weekly based on the previous week's CT image sets that were used for image-guided patient setup. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) images of the GTV were acquired daily on a helical tomotherapy system. These images were used to position the patient and to measure reduction in GTV volume. A planning study was conducted to determine the amount of lung-sparing that could have been achieved if adaptive therapy had been used. Treatment plans were created in which the target volumes were reduced after tumor reduction was measured. RESULTS: A total of 158 MVCT imaging sessions were performed on 7 lung patients. The GTV was reduced by 60-80% during the course of treatment. The tumor reduction in the first 60 days of treatment can be modeled using the second-order polynomial R = 0.0002t(2) - 0.0219t + 1.0, where R is the percent reduction in GTV, and t is the number of elapsed days. Based on these treatment planning studies, the absolute volume of ipsilateral lung receiving 20 Gy can be reduced between 17% and 23% (21% mean) by adapting the treatment delivery. The benefits of adaptive therapy are the greatest for tumor volumes > or =25 cm3 and are directly dependent on GTV reduction during treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Megavoltage CT-based image guidance can be used to position lung cancer patients daily. This has the potential to decrease margins associated with daily setup error. Furthermore, the adaptive therapy technique described in this article can decrease the volume of healthy lung tissue receiving above 20 Gy. However, further study is needed to determine whether adaptive therapy could result in the underdosing of microscopic extension.  相似文献   

目的 研究HT机器参数电子枪电流IC、电子枪电压IV和磁控管脉冲PFN的改变对射线质(D20/D10)及射野横截面剂量分布(Profile)的影响规律,以提高对剂量稳定性的QC。方法 改变IC 、IV 和PFN值,采用电离室和TomoDose分别测出各情况下的射线质和Profile,对射线质数据进行Pearson法相关分析,对Profile数据进行比较分析。结果 对于射线质:IV和PFN与射线质均无相关性(P>0.05),IC与射线质有强相关性(P=0.007)且随IC增大能量比降低。对于x方向上的Profile:(1)主射野区域(-200~200 mm),随IC增大Profile肩区明显呈规律性上升;IV从6.42 V增大到6.54 V时Profile无变化,IV=6.60 V时Profile肩区上升到最高点,之后Profile随IV增大而下降;随PFN增大Profile肩区明显呈规律性下降;(2)半影区(±200 mm以外的区域),IC、 IV和PFN对Profile都无影响。对于y方向上的Profile:(1)主射野区域(-20~20 mm),IC取5.40和5.46 V时在离轴距<16 mm区域内Profile才可见上升趋势,但整体上Profile肩区随IC增大而上升;IV和PFN对Profile无影响;(2)半影区(±20 mm以外区域),Profile随IV增大规律性下降,IC和PFN对Profile无影响。3个参数在主射野区域对Profile影响显著程度大小依次为IC、PFN和IV,半影区对Profile有影响的只有IV。结论 调节射线质时应以IC值为主,PFN作为辅助进行微调;调节Profile时主射野区域应以调节IC为主、IV为辅,半影区的调节只涉及到y方向 Profile,应调节IV。研究结果对射线质和Profile的QC具有指导性作用,能减少QC的盲目性,节省时间。  相似文献   

应用Delta4三维探测器阵列进行螺旋断层治疗计划剂量验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究采用Delta4三维半导体探测器阵列对螺旋断层治疗(HT)计划实施剂量验证的可行性。方法 采用ScandiDos公司Delta4三维半导体探测器阵列验证10例恶性肿瘤患者HT计划。通过该系统兆伏特CT成像和配准来确保实现Delta4探测器阵列的精确摆位。实施质量保证的治疗计划照射后,将Delta4探测器阵列测量获得的平面剂量分布与计划系统模体计划计算获得的进行比较。选择阈值水平分别为5%、10%、20%、70%、90%时3%/2 mm、3%/3 mm、3%/4 mm、3%/5 mm标准分别进行γ通过率验证。结果 测量所得剂量分布与计算结果在相应平面几何分布均呈良好一致性。γ平均通过率均>94.89%。结论 Delta4三维探测器阵列用于HT计划验证能获满意结果,一般情况下可有效替代传统胶片验证。  相似文献   

目的 探讨转移性非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者接受螺旋断层放疗后的预后情况及其影响因素。方法 对本院2011年6月至2013年2月采用螺旋断层放疗技术治疗的51例转移性NSCLC患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。所有靶区的中位放疗剂量为42.5 Gy(30~62 Gy),单次放疗的中位剂量2 Gy(1.8~3 Gy)。应用Kaplan-Meier法计算生存率,Log-rank检验比较组间的生存差异,Cox风险比例回归模型分析影响预后的各种因素。结果 所有患者随访时间均超过1年。51例转移性NSCLC患者的中位生存时间为19.3个月,1年生存率为64.7%。单因素分析显示,KPS评分高、病理类型为腺癌、放疗前接受过化疗、无肝转移和所有病灶计划靶区体积(PTV)≤1300 cm3是NSCLC患者预后良好的影响因素(P<0.05);Cox多因素分析显示KPS评分、放疗前是否化疗和所有病灶PTV是转移性NSCLC患者采用螺旋断层放疗的独立预后因素。结论 转移性NSCLC采用螺旋断层放疗对延长患者的生存时间及改善预后可能有重要意义。  相似文献   

Phase II study of preoperative helical tomotherapy for rectal cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: To explore the efficacy and toxicity profile of helical tomotherapy in the preoperative treatment of patients with rectal cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-four patients with T3/T4 rectal cancer were included in this nonrandomized noncontrolled study. A dose of 46 Gy in daily fractions of 2 Gy was delivered to the presacral space and perineum if an abdominoperineal resection was deemed necessary. This dose was increased by a simultaneous integrated boost to 55.2 Gy when the circumferential resection margin was less than 2 mm on magnetic resonance imaging. Acute toxicity was evaluated weekly. Metabolic response was determined in the fifth week after the end of radiotherapy by means of fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography scan. A metabolic response was defined as a decrease in maximal standardized uptake value of more than 36%. RESULTS: The mean volume of small bowel receiving more than 15 Gy and mean bladder dose were 227 ml and 20.8 Gy in the no-boost group and 141 ml and 21.5 Gy in the boost group. Only 1 patient developed Grade 3 enteritis. No other Grade 3 or 4 toxicities were observed. Two patients developed an anastomotic leak within 30 days after surgery. The metabolic response rate was 45% in the no-boost group compared with 77% in the boost group. All except 1 patient underwent an R0 resection. CONCLUSIONS: Helical tomotherapy may decrease gastrointestinal toxicity in the preoperative radiotherapy of patients with rectal cancer. A simultaneous integrated radiation boost seems to result in a high metabolic response rate without excessive toxicity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a treatment technique to spare normal tissue and allow dose escalation in total body irradiation (TBI). We have developed intensity-modulated radiotherapy techniques for the total marrow irradiation (TMI), total lymphatic irradiation, or total bone marrow plus lymphatic irradiation using helical tomotherapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: For TBI, we typically use 12 Gy in 10 fractions delivered at an extended source-to-surface distance (SSD). Using helical tomotherapy, it is possible to deliver equally effective doses to the bone marrow and lymphatics while sparing normal organs to a significant degree. In the TMI patients, whole body skeletal bone, including the ribs and sternum, comprise the treatment target. In the total lymphatic irradiation, the target is expanded to include the spleen and major lymph node areas. Sanctuary sites for disease (brain and testes) are included when clinically indicated. Spared organs include the lungs, esophagus, parotid glands, eyes, oral cavity, liver, kidneys, stomach, small and large intestine, bladder, and ovaries. RESULTS: With TBI, all normal organs received the TBI dose; with TMI, total lymphatic irradiation, and total bone marrow plus lymphatic irradiation, the visceral organs are spared. For the first 6 patients treated with TMI, the median dose to organs at risk averaged 51% lower than would be achieved with TBI. By putting greater weight on the avoidance of specific organs, greater sparing was possible. CONCLUSION: Sparing of normal tissues and dose escalation is possible using helical tomotherapy. Late effects such as radiation pneumonitis, veno-occlusive disease, cataracts, neurocognitive effects, and the development of second tumors should be diminished in severity and frequency according to the dose reduction realized for the organs at risk.  相似文献   

目的 探讨螺旋断层放疗(HT)治疗肺癌与食管癌致放射性肺炎的发生情况及与双肺剂量体积(DVH)和临床病理特征的关系。方法 回顾性分析HT 治疗的19例肺癌和14食管癌患者的临床资料。全组患者中13例仅行HT治疗,20例联合化疗。放疗剂量:小细胞肺癌54~61.8Gy/27~28次,非小细胞肺癌54~66Gy/25~31次,食管癌60~66Gy/28~30次。结果 全组33例患者中,发生0级放射性肺炎8例(24.2%),1级15例(45.4%),2级1例(3.0%),3级5例(15.2%),5级4例(12.1%)。DVH参数分析显示,发生≥2级放射性肺炎与V30~V45有关,与V5~V25、双肺平均剂量(MLD)、计划靶区(PTV)无关。临床病理特征中,发生≥2级放射性肺炎与ECOG评分有关,与病种、性别、年龄、吸烟、慢性阻塞性肺病和化疗情况无关。结论 HT治疗肺癌与食管癌未明显增加放射性肺炎的发生率,一般状态差、分期晚的患者应严格限制DVH。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate dose conformity, dose homogeneity, and dose gradient in helical tomotherapy treatment plans for stereotactic radiosurgery, and compare results with step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiosurgery (IMRS) treatment plans. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Sixteen patients were selected with a mean tumor size of 14.65 +/- 11.2 cm3. Original step-and-shoot IMRS treatment plans used coplanar fields because of the constraint of the beam stopper. Retrospective step-and-shoot IMRS plans were generated using noncoplanar fields. Helical tomotherapy treatment plans were generated using the tomotherapy planning station. Dose conformity index, dose gradient score index, and homogeneity index were used in plan intercomparisons. RESULTS: Noncoplanar IMRS plans increased dose conformity and dose gradient, but not dose homogeneity, compared with coplanar IMRS plans. Tomotherapy plans increased dose conformity and dose gradient, yet increased dose heterogeneity compared with noncoplanar IMRS plans. The average dose conformity index values were 1.53 +/- 0.38, 1.35 +/- 0.15, and 1.26 +/- 0.10 in coplanar IMRS, noncoplanar IMRS, and tomotherapy plans, respectively. The average dose homogeneity index values were 1.15 +/- 0.05, 1.13 +/- 0.04, and 1.18 +/- 0.09 in coplanar IMRS, noncoplanar IMRS, and tomotherapy plans, respectively. The mean dose gradient score index values were 1.37 +/- 19.08, 22.32 +/- 19.20, and 43.28 +/- 13.78 in coplanar IMRS, noncoplanar IMRS, and tomotherapy plans, respectively. The mean treatment time in tomotherapy was 42 +/- 16 min. CONCLUSIONS: We were able to achieve better dose conformity and dose gradient in tomotherapy plans compared with step-and-shoot IMRS plans for intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery. However, tomotherapy treatment time was significantly larger than that in step-and-shoot IMRS.  相似文献   

皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤是一组相对罕见的主要表现在皮肤的成熟T细胞淋巴瘤,其常见的亚型是蕈样肉芽肿(俗称蕈样霉菌病)。电子线全身照射作为重要的常规治疗手段之一,却存在着剂量分布不均、体位重复差、治疗时间过长等诸多缺点,从而影响疗效及患者预后。近年随着螺旋断层放疗系统的出现与逐步普及,越来越多的单位凭借其能治疗超长靶区和实现剂量雕刻式分布的特点,正逐步扩展其在全身皮肤照射治疗中的应用,以便进一步探讨其优劣并确认是否能取代传统电子线全身照射。本文对螺旋断层全身皮肤照射治疗的研究进展做一综述,介绍其治疗技术的发展、临床治疗效果及目前存在的顾虑和争议。  相似文献   

相比于体外放射治疗,后装放射治疗有其独特的剂量优势,在放射治疗中有不可替代的作用。目前,中国开展后装放射治疗的单位不断增加,但是后装治疗机的质量控制和质量保证仍然处于较低水平,急需一份全面的,易于在临床中应用的纲领性文件发布,以适应当前精准后装放射治疗的需求。本指南起草过程中参考了国内外相关的文献,并结合了临床的实际情况,指南的内容不但包括后装治疗机的质量控制和质量保证要求,还针对每一项要求,列出了具体的检测方法,这对广大开展后装放射治疗的单位极具参考价值。本指南对规范后装放射治疗的发展,提升治疗效果有重要意义。  相似文献   

Compared with external beam radiotherapy, afterloading radiotherapy has its unique dose advantage and plays an irreplaceable role in radiotherapy. At present, the number of hospitals and institutions carrying out afterloading radiotherapy is ever increasing in China, whereas the quality control and quality assurance of afterloading equipment are still at a low level. A comprehensive and easy-to-use guiding document is urgently required to meet the current precision requirement of afterloading radiotherapy. During the drafting of this guideline, relevant domestic and foreign literatures were referenced and the actual clinical situation was considered. The content of this guideline not only includes the quality control and quality assurance requirements of afterloading equipment, but also lists specific testing procedures for each requirement, which provides practical reference for large-scale hospitals implementing afterloading radiotherapy. This guideline plays a critical role in standardizing the development and improving the therapuetic outcome of afterloading radiotherapy.  相似文献   

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