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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) or electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) has been employed to investigate the chemical nature and the electronic structure of the YBa2Cu3O7−x system at different stages of preparation. The binding energy measurements showed that O 1s, Ba 3d and Y 3d core levels undergo appreciable changes during the firing and subsequent heat treatment. The chemical shift in O 1s is believed to be due to a higher concentration of holes in the superconductor phase. No indication for the existence of a monovalent Cu(I) species was found at any stage of preparation.  相似文献   

Bombardment of a silicon target in a high vacuum with a molecular beam (mixture of high energy H2+N2, obtained by charge exchange) and a thermal beam of O2 produces on the target a variety of compounds. The target is then bombarded by the same molecular beams which produce, extracted by an electrostatic field at an energy of about 10 keV, molecular ions due to the compounds thus formed. These ions are analysed (electromagnet) to give a primary spectrum of ions according to their mass, which are individually selected and dissociated in a collision cell (same H2+N2 mixture). Mass analysis of the dissociation fragments leads to the identification of silicon clusters (Si)n and of Si–O–N–H derivatives, the fragmentations of which permit a definitive determination of their molecular complexity. Dissociation spectra have thus been obtained for some of the most intense peaks of the primary spectrum, on the one hand, and on the other hand for some peaks of lower intensity but of special interest to us (see below). The composition of the fragments is confirmed by the study of the satellite ions derived from the natural 28, 29 and 30 isotopes of silicon, and by the use of deuterium instead of hydrogen. None of the Si–O–N–H derivatives obtained was apparently known earlier. It is shown that some of these molecules (those ‘of special interest to us’) may be identical with sila-analogues of standard amino acids and of nucleic bases: the fact that their fragmentations are identical with those of the corresponding carbon analogues speaks in favour of a structural identity. However, one cannot yet distinguish between the various possible isomeric arrangements, as none of them has been independently prepared, which excludes a direct comparison with reference samples, and as these isomers might give identical fragments; we hope to be able to resolve this ambiguity later. Anyhow, the substances formed are the most complex molecular silicon derivatives so far produced: e.g. Si2O2NH5, Si3O2NH7, Si4O3NH9, Si4O2N2H4, Si4ON3H5, Si5O3N2H10, Si5O2NH11, corresponding to sila-glycine, sila-alanine, sila-threonine, sila-uracile, sila-cytosine, sila-valine, sila-glutamine, – or isomers. Similar results have been obtained using a silicon dioxide target and high energy molecular beams of hydrogen and of nitrogen, without thermal oxygen, or with a carborundum target. © 2000 Académie des sciences / Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SASmolecular impact / silicon derivatives / amino-acid silicon analogues  相似文献   

Carbon-binding state of humin (HM, a non-conductive insoluble organo-mineral humic substance) was successfully characterized for the first time by synchrotron-radiation–based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Four sample preparation techniques—HM on double-sided carbon tape, indium sheet, copper mesh, and in pellet formed from the mixture of HM and copper powder (Cu) at different mixing ratios (1:1, 1:2, and 1:6 v/v)—were compared. The results show that HM samples prepared using the first three methods had significant charge buildup, which made the interpretation of the XPS spectra impossible because of the shifts in the binding energy of C 1s XPS spectra. Pellets of HM:Cu mixture enhanced the electrical conductivity and reduced charge buildup on the sample surface. Pellets prepared with HM:Cu ratio of 1:1 (v/v) provided the minimum charge buildup and high sensitivity with difference in C 1s spectra regardless of the observing position. The C 1s spectra, estimated by the subtraction of the carbon contamination in Cu, showed the resolution of CC (284.0 eV), C C/C H (285.1 eV), C O (286.3 eV), CO (287.3 eV), and OC O (288.3 eV) and three additional peaks of CF (289.3 eV), CF2 (290.2 eV), and CF3 (291.4 eV). Soft X-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) analysis further proved the existence of fluoride (F 1s) in HM structure. The detection of fluorinated carbon in HM showed a great advancement of XPS compared with other conventional analyses. X-ray with the incident angle of 0° provided the smallest (nearly negligible) energy shift in the C 1s spectra of HM and did not damage the surface of the sample.  相似文献   

Ti-based amorphous alloys produced by ultra-rapid melt cooling represent an excellent option as biomaterials because of their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. However, complete elimination of toxic elements is affecting the glass-forming ability and amorphous structure could be obtained only for thin ribbons or powders that are subsequently processed by powder metallurgy. Amorphous ribbons of special Ti42Zr40Ta3Si15 alloy, which is completely free of any toxic element, were produced by melt spinning, and the thermostability of resulting material was investigated in order to estimate its ability for further heat processing. Isochronal differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to determine transformation points such as glass transition temperature T g or crystallization temperature T x. The activation energy for crystallization of amorphous phase was calculated based on Kissinger method, using heating rates ranging between 5 and 20 °C min?1. Amorphous structure of resulting ribbon was evidenced by means of X-rays diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). It was determined that amorphous Ti42Zr40Ta3Si15 alloy has a high activation energy for crystallization, similar to other Ti-based amorphous alloys, which provides good thermal stability for subsequent processing, especially by means of powder metallurgy techniques.  相似文献   

《Sensors and Actuators》1987,11(2):101-133
The admittance of Pd-thin SiO2Si MOSCAP devices was studied as a function of the following variables: temperature, measurement frequency, oxide preparation conditions, applied gate voltage and ambient atmospheres of 100 ppm hydrogen in nitrogen and pure oxygen. Transient current, capacitance and annealing studies were also conducted for many of these variables. It is shown that hydrogen atoms produced by the catalytic action of the Pd on hydrogen molecules can be injected into the oxide—semiconductor interface where, depending on the choice of oxidation conditions for growing the oxide, they modify the density and capture cross-sections of the hydrogen-induced interfacial states. It is also demonstrated that below 125 °C, the injected hydrogen can be reversibly removed by changing the ambient gas from the H2/N2 mixture to pure oxygen.  相似文献   

《Chemical physics letters》1987,140(2):175-180
Electron capture by keV O2+ (X2Πg) ions from Cs atoms yields predominantly the 1Πg and 3Πg Rydberg states of O2 which subsequently predissociate. Through the use oftranslational spectroscopy on the neutral product atoms, we have located a number of vibrational levels of these states and determined the dissociation channels. Furthermore we have observed competition between diabatic and adiabatic behaviour in the dissociating channels.  相似文献   

《Chemical physics letters》1999,291(3-4):194-200
The photon energy dependence of the vibrational fine structure in the C1s and O1s X-ray photoelectron main lines of chemisorbed CO on Ni(100) and Ru(0001) has been measured from 6 to 150 eV above the core-level thresholds. Significant deviations from the behavior in gas-phase CO are found. A strong dominance of the adiabatic peak towards threshold is found for the C1s, but not the O1s, lines. In the C1s lines, we observe a broad maximum of vibrational excitation 5 eV above the shape resonance. At high photon energies, Franck–Condon behavior is observed in both the C1s and O1s lines. This behavior is discussed in terms of the adsorbate electronic structure and the dynamic metallic screening upon core ionization.  相似文献   

Kβ X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) is emerging as a powerful tool for the study of chemical bonding. Analyses of the Kβ XES of ferrocene (Fc) and ferrocenium (Fc(+)) are presented as further demonstrations of the capabilities of the technique. Assignments of the valence to core (V2C) region of these spectra as electric dipole-allowed cyclopentadienyl (Cp) → Fe 1s transitions demonstrate that XES affords electronic structural insight into the energetics of ligand-based molecular orbitals (MOs). Combined with K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), we show that XES can provide analogous information to photoemission spectroscopy (PES). Density functional theory (DFT) analyses reveal that the V2C transitions in Fc/Fc(+) derive their intensity from Fe 4p admixture (on the order of 5-10%) into the Cp-based MOs from which they originate. These 4p admixtures confer bonding character to the Cp-based a(2u) and e(1u) MOs to at least the extent of backbonding contributions to frontier MOs from higher-lying Cp π* MOs.  相似文献   

Ganglioside–liposome immunoassay for the detection of botulinum toxin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A rapid and highly sensitive receptor immunoassay for botulinum toxin (BT) has been developed using ganglioside-incorporated liposomes. Botulism outbreaks are relatively rare, but their results can be very severe, usually leading to death from respiratory failure. To exert their toxicity, the biological toxins must first bind to receptors on the cell surface, and the trisialoganglioside GT1b has been identified as the cell receptor for BT. Therefore, in this study, GT1b was used to prepare the ganglioside–liposomes by spontaneous insertion into the phospholipid bilayer. In a sandwich-based, hybrid receptor immunoassay, BT is detected as a colored band on a nitrocellulose membrane strip, where BT bound to the GT1b-liposomes are captured by anti-BT antibodies immobilized in a band across the strip. The intensity of the colored band can be visually estimated, or measured by densitometry using computer software. The limit of detection (LOD) for BT in the lateral-flow assay system was 15 pg mL–1, which is comparable to the limits of detection achieved with the most sensitive assays previously reported. However, this rapid assay can be completed in less than 20 min. These results demonstrate that the sandwich assay using GT1b-liposomes for detection of BT is rapid and very sensitive, suggesting the possibility for detecting BT in field screening, simply and reliably, without the need for complex instrumentation.  相似文献   

The preparation and characterisation of the free-base and zinc metallated derivatives of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-(2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy)phenyl)porphyrin 1 is described. The X-ray crystal structure of the Zn(II) adduct 2 dimerises in the solid state via an intermolecular polyether oxygen–Zn(II) interaction (O…Zn = 2.124(4) Å). The porphyrin dimers form discrete layers defined by a distance of 5.10 Å between the porphyrin planes in adjacent layers. A bilayer sheeting arrangement of the porphyrin macrocyclic units is achieved through cooperative hydrogen bonding of the ethoxyethanol arms to form 11-membered macrocycles containing four hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

The application of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for studies of surface layers of objects with spherical shape was investigated using as examples polystyrene and poly(styrene–acrolein) microspheres with attached human serum albumin (HSA). The amounts of immobilized protein were determined by the standard biochemical Lowry method and by XPS, using the intensity of the N1s signals of HSA as a basis for evaluation. The XPS data were treated by taking into account the spherical shape of the particles analyzed (variable take-off angle of ejected electrons). The best agreement between the results of the biochemical and XPS determinations was found assuming that for the average particle the takeoff angle varies from 0° to 72.7°. This reflects the fact that in the multilayer arrangement of particles, placed onto the support of the XPS apparatus, the particles from the upper layer partially screen the edges of the particles in the layer below. Received: 23 November 1999 Accepted: 16 March 2000  相似文献   

Neutral superexcited states in molecular oxygen converging to the O(2)(+) c (4)Σ(u)(-) ion state are excited and probed with femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to investigate predissociation and autoionization relaxation channels as the superexcited states decay. The c (4)Σ(u)(-) 4sσ(g) v=0, c (4)Σ(u)(-) 4sσ(g) v=1, and c (4)Σ(u)(-) 3dσ(g) v=1 superexcited states are prepared with pulsed high-harmonic radiation centered at 23.10 eV. A time-delayed 805 nm laser pulse is used to probe the excited molecular states and neutral atomic fragments by ionization; the ejected photoelectrons from these states are spectrally resolved with a velocity map imaging spectrometer. Three excited neutral O* atom products are identified in the photoelectron spectrum as 4d(1)?(3)D(J)°, 4p(1) (5)P(J)° and 3d(1) (3)D(J)° fragments. Additionally, several features in the photoelectron spectrum are assigned to photoionization of the transiently populated superexcited states. Using principles of the ion core dissociation model, the atomic fragments measured are correlated with the molecular superexcited states from which they originate. The 4d(1) (3)D(J)° fragment is observed to be formed on a timescale of 65 ± 5 fs and is likely a photoproduct of the 4sσ(g) v = 1 state. The 4p(1) (5)P(J)° fragment is formed on a timescale of 427 ± 75 fs and correlated with the neutral predissociation of the 4sσ(g) v = 0 state. The timescales represent the sum of predissociation and autoionization decay rates for the respective superexcited state. The production of the 3d(1) (3)D(J)° fragment is not unambiguously resolved in time due to an overlapping decay of a v = 1 superexcited state photoelectron signal. The observed 65 fs timescale is in good agreement with previous experiments and theory on the predissociation lifetimes of the v = 1 ion state, suggesting that predissociation may dominate the decay dynamics from the v = 1 superexcited states. An unidentified molecular state is inferred by the detection of a long-lived depletion signal (reduction in autoionization) associated with the B (2)Σ(g)(-) ion state that persists up to time delays of 105 ps.  相似文献   

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology - In this paper, structural, optical, and electrical features of undoped and copper-incorporated nickel oxide (Cu/NiO) films with different mole ratios...  相似文献   

《Chemical physics letters》1986,124(3):274-278
We have recorded the photoelectron spectra of the gas phase negative ions N2O and (N2O)2 both of which were prepared in a nozzle ion source. The shift between the maxima of the two spectra is interpreted in terms of the dissociation energy of the dimer ion.  相似文献   

A study has been conducted using abrasively modified basal and edge-plane graphite, carbon-paste, and carbon–epoxy electrodes to create gold–carbon composite electrodes. Using either nano or micro-sized gold particles their suitability for use in detecting arsenic(III) is assessed. It was found that gold arrays prepared from micron-sized particles gave the best performance for arsenic detection. In particular micron arrays produced in carbon-paste electrodes with an easily renewable surface work well for detection of arsenic, producing a detection limit of 5(±2)×10–9 mol L–1, with a high sensitivity of 10(±0.1) A mol–1 L.  相似文献   

The HeI photoelectron spectrum of the hydrogen bonded hetero-dimer H2S⋯HCl shows two vertical ionization energies at 10.91 and 12.16 eV. Ab initio MO calculations reveal that these features are due to the sulphur and chlorine lone pair ionizations respectively. Results show that while the ground ionic state is repulsive the first excited ionic state is strongly bound. The photoelectron spectrum of the diethyl sulphide⋯HCl complex is similar to that of H2S⋯HCl  相似文献   

In this study, a multiplex fluorescence sensor for successive detection of Fe3+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions based on “on–off” of fluorescence of a single type of gold nanoclusters (Au NCs) is described. Any of the Fe3+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions can cause quenching fluorescence of Au NCs, which established a sensitive sensor for detection of these ions respectively. With the introduction of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) to the system of Au NCs and metal ions, a restoration of fluorescence may be found with the exception of Hg2+. A highly selective detection of Hg2+ ion is, thus, achieved by masking Fe3+ and Cu2+. On the other hand, the masking of Fe3+ and Cu2+ leads to the enhancement of fluorescence of Au NCs, which in turn provides an approach for successive determination of Fe3+ and Cu2+ based on “on–off” of fluorescence of Au NCs. Moreover, this assay was applied to the successful detection of Fe3+, Cu2+ and Hg2+ in fish, a good linear relationship was found between these metal ions and the degree of quenched fluorescent intensity. The dynamic ranges of Hg2+, Fe3+ and Cu2+ were 1.96 × 10−10–1.01 × 10−9, 1.28 × 10−7–1.27 × 10−6 and 1.2 × 10−7–1.2 × 10−6 M with high sensitivity (the limit of detection of Fe3+ 2.0 × 10−8 M, Cu2+ 1.9 × 10−8 M and Hg2+ 2 × 10−10 M). These results indicate that the assay is suitable for sensitive detection of these metal ions even under the coexistence, which can not only determine all three kinds of metal ions successively but also of detecting any or several kinds of metal ions.  相似文献   

The ultrafast excited state relaxation of ammonia is investigated by resonantly exciting specific vibrational modes of the electronically excited NH(3) (?) state using three complementary femtosecond (fs) pump-probe techniques: time-resolved photoelectron, ion-yield and photofragment translational spectroscopy. Ammonia can be seen as a prototypical system for studying non-adiabatic dynamics and therefore offers a benchmark species for demonstrating the advantages of combining the aforementioned techniques to probe excited state dynamics, whilst simultaneously illuminating new aspects of ammonia's photochemistry. Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (TRPES) provides direct spectroscopic evidence of σ* mediated relaxation of the NH(3) (?) state which manifests itself as coupling of the umbrella (ν(2)) and symmetric N-H stretch (ν(1)) modes in the photoelectron spectra. Time-resolved ion yield (TRIY) and time-resolved photofragment translation spectroscopy (TRPTS) grant a measure of the dissociation dynamics through analysis of the H and NH(2) photodissociation co-fragments. Initial vibrational level dependent TRIY measurements reveal photoproduct formation times of between 190 and 230 fs. Measurement of H-atom photoproduct kinetic energies enables investigation into the competition between adiabatic and non-adiabatic dissociation channels at the NH(3) (?)/NH(3) (X?) conical intersection and has shown that upon non-adiabatic dissociation into NH(2) (X?) + H, the NH(2) (X[combining tilde]) fragment is predominantly generated with significant fractions of internal vibrational energy.  相似文献   

Atomic and bond properties of silicon atoms in the buckled π-bonded chain reconstructed Si(111)(2 × 1) system were investigated by applying the quantum theory of atoms in molecules to a number of wavefunctions from periodic ab initio calculations using a slab model for the surface and geometries from experiment. Reconstruction involves much larger surface-cell charge distortions than in the unrelaxed surface and drastic changes in the atomic polarizations of the surface layer atoms. The effect of buckling is to largely differentiate the properties (charge, energy, volume, atomic polarizations) of the two unique atoms of each surface layer. The direction of electronic charge transfer in the topmost chain (from the “up” to the “down” atom) was found to be opposite to what was claimed previously. The π conjugation is not strictly localized along the topmost layer chains (where it is also largely incomplete), but rather it extends over a 2D array of bonds between the topmost and the lower surface layers. Received: 19 July 2000 / Accepted: 2 October 2000 / Published online: 23 January 2001  相似文献   

IR spectroscopy in a range of 2050–4000 cm–1 (the range of overtones and composite frequencies) is used to study the groups (Si–O)2Si=O and (Si–O)2SiO2C=O with different isotopic compositions (16O, 18O, 12C, and 13C). Analysis of the experimental data and quantum-chemical calculations of vibrational spectra for the model compounds are used to identify the IR bands. New data are obtained on the vibrational spectra of these groups. Their identification is shown to be possible in the spectral range that is convenient for the study of silica samples.  相似文献   

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