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树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀在正畸托槽粘接中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种新型的正畸托槽粘接材料——树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀(RMGIC),并对RMGIC的化学构成、粘接性能、释放氟的特性和对操作环境的要求等方面作一综述。RMGIC粘接性能良好,能长期释放氟,并且不要求严格隔湿,其综合性能优于传统的复合树脂粘接剂。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同表面处理方式对国产口腔二硅酸锂玻璃陶瓷与树脂水门汀之间粘接强度的影响。方法选择尺寸为15 mm×13 mm×3 mm的二硅酸锂玻璃陶瓷试件,分别进行酸蚀实验和酸蚀后偶联处理实验。酸蚀实验选择128个玻璃陶瓷试件,按照随机数表法随机分为8个处理时间点(每个时间点样本量为16),使用4.5%氢氟酸分别进行0(对照)、10、20、30、40、60、120及180 s的表面酸蚀,再将酸蚀后试件分为偶联处理组(涂布硅烷偶联剂)和无偶联处理组(不涂布硅烷偶联剂)(每组样本量均为8),分别制作粘接试件;测试粘接强度并分析断裂模式。另选8个玻璃陶瓷试件分别行上述时间点酸蚀后进行扫描电镜观察。选择酸蚀实验中的最佳酸蚀时间,进行酸蚀后偶联处理实验。选择玻璃陶瓷试件24个,4.5%氢氟酸酸蚀后涂布偶联剂,分别进行室温放置、60及100℃热风处理60 s(每组样本量为8),之后制作粘接试件;测试粘接强度并分析断裂模式。另选3个试件分别进行酸蚀后偶联处理实验相应处理后再行红外光谱分析。结果无论是否使用偶联剂,试件在氢氟酸酸蚀30 s时均可获得最大粘接强度;酸蚀30 s条件下,偶联处理组粘接强度[(25.91±4.30)MPa]显著大于无偶联处理组[(20.27±4.92)MPa](P<0.05);若酸蚀时间过长(>30 s),则粘接强度下降明显,试件表面显示过酸蚀的微观形貌。酸蚀后偶联处理实验显示,60℃热风组粘接强度最大[(28.70±5.32)MPa],显著大于室温组[(20.08±3.64)MPa]和100℃热风组[(25.64±4.86)MPa](P<0.05),且试件断裂模式均为内聚破坏;红外光谱分析显示,60℃热风组试件表面Si—O—Si键生成量最多,100℃热风组次之,室温组最低。结论4.5%氢氟酸酸蚀二硅酸锂玻璃陶瓷的最佳酸蚀时间为30 s,涂布硅烷偶联剂可获得较理想的粘接效果;60℃热风处理可进一步提高二硅酸锂玻璃陶瓷与树脂水门汀之间的粘接强度。  相似文献   

自粘接型树脂水门汀为近年来新出的一种树脂型水门汀。其有别于全酸蚀和自酸蚀粘接系统。自粘接型树脂水门汀因其卓越的粘接性能,更低的术后敏感及更简便的操作,为现在口腔临床医生所喜爱。本文现将对自粘接型树脂水门汀的粘接机制,粘接性能和机械性能一一作阐述。  相似文献   

目的:比较三种不同粘接系统的树脂水门汀与纤维桩的剪切粘接强度.方法:将30颗完善根管治疗后的离体牙分成三组(n=10),分别使用全酸蚀(One-Step Plus/Duolink,OD),自酸蚀(ParaCore Automix,PA),自粘接(RelyXTM Unicem,RU)三种粘接系统的树脂水门汀粘接玻璃纤维桩...  相似文献   

树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀性能的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀是一种新型粘接材料,大量实验室及临床研究已证明其性能的可靠性和实用性。本文就树脂加强型玻璃离予水门汀的释氟抑龋性能、酸蚀特性及粘接强度等方面的研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 研究通用型粘接剂和树脂水门汀对氧化锆陶瓷剪切粘接强度和耐久性的影响。方法 氧化锆陶瓷烧结制作20 mm×10 mm×10 mm和10 mm×10 mm×10mm两种尺寸的试件,实验分为12组,将这2种试件分别采用不同的树脂水门汀(RelyX Ultimate树脂水门汀、Clearfil SAC自粘接树脂水门汀)和通用粘接剂(无粘接剂、Scotchbond通用粘接剂、Clearfil SE One粘接剂)在不同的储存条件(水浴、水浴+冷热循环)下进行粘接。测试剪切粘接强度,分析断裂形态。结果 水门汀(F=8.41,P<0.01)和粘接剂(F=30.34,P<0.01)对氧化锆剪切粘接强度的影响有统计学意义;储存条件对剪切粘接强度的影响无统计学意义(F=1.83,P=0.18)。RelyX Ultimate树脂水门汀、无粘接剂、水浴+冷热循环储存时的剪切粘接强度最低(14.02 MPa±6.86 MPa),RelyX Ultimate树脂水门汀、Scotchbond通用粘接剂、水浴+冷热循环储存时的剪切粘接强度最高(54.12 MPa±8.37 MPa)。结论 通用型粘接剂可提高树脂水门汀对氧化锆的粘接耐久性。非自粘接的树脂水门汀如不使用通用型粘接剂则其粘接耐久性下降。  相似文献   

目的:通过对2 种修复用氧化物陶瓷与3 种树脂水门汀的粘接抗剪强度比较,探讨适合牙科氧化物陶瓷的粘接材料.方法: 分别用3 种树脂水门汀Superbond C&B、RelyX~(TM)Unicem、Panavia~(TM) F与喷砂后的氧化锆(ZrO2)及三氧化二铝(Al_2O_3)陶瓷的粘接面粘接,37 ℃水浴24 h后测试其粘接抗剪强度,数据用SAS 9.12 软件进行统计学分析.结果: Al_2O_3陶瓷组间均有显著性差异(P<0.000 1), Superbond C&B粘接强度最高为(37.60±2.06) MPa. ZrO2陶瓷组中Superbond C&B与Panavia~(TM) F的粘接强度差异无显著性(P>0.05),RelyX~(TM)Unicem粘接强度最低为(13.29±3.05) MPa.结论: Superbond C&B、Panavia~(TM) F与氧化物陶瓷均具有较高的粘接强度,一步法自酸蚀粘接剂RelyX~(TM)Unicem虽然操作简便、提高了工作效率,但不如多步法系统获得的粘接强度大.  相似文献   

目的:实验评价牙本质粘接处理剂对自粘接树脂水门汀和树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀(RMGIC)的牙本质微拉伸粘接强度的影响.方法:选用离体人无龋第三恒磨牙24颗,用低速切片机垂直于牙体长轴方向将磨牙冠(牙合)中1/3交界线处切开待用.实验组牙本质表面涂布牙本质粘接处理剂,对照组不涂粘接处理剂.后将试样分别用自粘接树脂水门汀(Unicem,3M ESPE;seT PP,SDI)或树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀(Fuji CEM,GC)原位对位粘接.水浴中储存24h后,用低速切片机把样本切割成约1mm×1mm×8mm条状,随后进行微拉伸测试.用扫描电镜观察粘接界面形貌.结果:无论是否使用粘接处理剂,Unicem的牙本质粘接强度显著高于seT PP 和Fuji CEM(P <0.01).与对照组相比,实验组的粘接强度显著提高(P <0.05).结论:粘接处理剂表面处理增强自粘接树脂水门汀及树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀的牙本质粘接强度.  相似文献   

目的评估不同实验条件下树脂水门汀与氧化锆瓷之间的剪切粘接强度(SBS)。 方法使用计算机辅助设计与制作(CAD/CAM)设备切割并烧结制作6个边长为2 cm的正方体氧化锆试件。按不同实验条件将8种双固化树脂水门汀分为13组(n = 20):(1)Monobond N + Multilink N(MMN组);(2)Ivoclean + Monobond N + Multilink N(IMM组);(3)Ivoclean + Monobond N + Multilink N[无喷砂,IMM(ns)组];(4)Tetric N-Bond Universal + Multilink Speed(TUM组);(5)Multilink Speed(MLS组);(6)Z-Prime Plus + TheraCem(ZPT组);(7)Z-Prime Plus + Duo-Link(ZPD组);(8)Single Bond Universal + RelyX U200(SRU组);(9)RelyX U200(RXU组);(10)Single Bond Universal + RelyX Ultimate Clicker(SRU组);(11)OptiBond Versa + Kerr NX3(OVK组);(12)Clearfil Universal Bond + Clearfil SAC(CUS组);(13)Clearfil SAC(SAC组)。将每组树脂水门汀自混合注入透明模具并将其无压力置于氧化锆面后进行光照固化。所有试件在37 ℃水中存储24 h后进行SBS测试。采用SPSS 19.0软件One-Way ANOVA(P<0.05)对SBS进行统计学分析。利用电子体视显微镜观察氧化锆端断裂界面。 结果本实验中13组树脂水门汀的SBS(单位:MPa)降序排列依次为:OVK(27.51 ± 3.65)>IMM(27.28 ± 3.79)>SRC(26.77 ± 3.62)>CUS(25.36 ± 3.10)>TUM(25.22 ± 4.88)>ZPD(23.96 ± 6.25)>MLS(23.13 ± 2.74)>MMN(23.07 ± 3.71)>SAC(22.20 ± 3.59)>IMM(ns)(21.99 ± 3.50)>SRU(19.19 ± 2.27)>ZPT(18.62 ± 2.08)>RXU(15.04 ± 4.02)。 结论(1)不同树脂水门汀的SBS具有材料依赖性;(2)在氧化锆表面进行喷砂处理、使用专用清洗剂或将通用型粘接剂作为底漆使用有利于提高树脂水门汀的SBS。  相似文献   



The bonding interface of glass ceramics and resin luting cements plays an important role in the long-term durability of ceramic restorations. The purpose of this systematic review is to discuss the various factors involved with the bond between glass ceramics and resin luting cements.


An electronic Pubmed, Medline and Embase search was conducted to obtain laboratory studies on resin–ceramic bonding published in English and Chinese between 1972 and 2012.

Results and discussion

Eighty-three articles were included in this review. Various factors that have a possible impact on the bond between glass ceramics and resin cements were discussed, including ceramic type, ceramic crystal structure, resin luting cements, light curing, surface treatments, and laboratory test methodology.


Resin–ceramic bonding has been improved substantially in the past few years. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching followed by silanizaiton has become the most widely accepted surface treatment for glass ceramics. However, further studies need to be undertaken to improve surface preparations without HF because of its toxicity. Laboratory test methods are also required to better simulate the actual oral environment for more clinically compatible testing.  相似文献   

目的 评价不同种类树脂粘固剂与瓷-牙本质粘接强度的差异,以期为临床提供参考.方法选取无龋坏青年人前磨牙制备牙本质粘接面,铸造直径为3 mm、高为3 mm的圆柱状瓷块(IPS e.max Press)80个,分为A、B、C、D、E 5组.分别选用树脂粘固剂A(Variolink Ⅱ)、B(MultilinkAutomix)、C(Multilink Sprint)、D(Rely X Unicem)和E(BisCem)将瓷块粘固于牙本质粘接面上,每组制成16个试样.37℃水储24 h后每组8个试样直接测试剪切粘接强度,另8个试样进行5000次冷热循环后测试粘接强度,扫描电镜观察粘接面形态.对同种粘固剂冷热循环前后的粘接强度进行双样本t检验.结果冷热循环前A组粘接强度[(22.3±3.9)MPa]最大,B组[(18.1±3.5)MPa]次之,再次为D组[(14.1±2.3)MPa]和E组[(11.7±4.2)MPa],C组[(11.3±3.6)MPa]最小.冷热循环后A组粘接强度[(17.8±2.3)MPa]仍最大,B组[(14.4±3.5)MPa]和D组[(13.2±2.5)MPa]次之,再次为E组[(8.9±3.2)MPa],C组[(7.0±2.4)MPa]最小.与冷热循环前相比,冷热循环后A、B、C 3组粘接强度均下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);D组和E组粘接强度下降不明显(P>0.05).结论以全酸蚀粘接技术为基础的树脂粘固剂的粘接强度大于以自酸蚀粘接技术为基础的树脂粘固剂和自粘接型树脂粘固剂.  相似文献   



To measure the shear punch strength of eight resin-containing luting cements before and after immersion in acidic solution and ethanol at different temperatures (37° C and 60 °C). Method: Specimens were prepared from six resin luting cements; Set (SDI), Panavia F (Kuraray), RelyX Veneer (3M/ESPE), VarioloinkII (Ivoclar), Maxcem (Kerr), Nexus2 (Kerr) and two Resin-modified glass-ionomer luting cements (RM-GICs); GC Fuji Plus (GC Corporation), RelyX Luting 2 (3 M/ESPE). For each material a total of 114 disc-shaped specimens were prepared. Six specimens were immersed in distilled water for 24 h at 37 °C, polished and subjected to baseline measurement for shear punch strength. The remaining 108 specimens were randomly divided into 18 groups of six, and immersed in three solutions; distilled water, 0.01 mol/L lactic acid, and 50% ethanol at 37 °C or 60 °C, for 1 week, 1 month or 3 months. Specimens were washed, dried and tested for final shear punch strength.


Values were material and solution dependent. Values of Nexus 2 and Rely X Veneer are the highest, and Rely X Luting 2 the lowest. Ethanol and lactic acid specimens showed significantly lower values compared with the distilled water specimens. Conclusion: The shear punch strengths of the resin-containing luting cements were affected by time and storage solution. While some of the resin luting cements had significantly higher values compared to that of the RM-GICs, there were no significant differences between the RM-GICs and resin cements such as Panavia F and Set.  相似文献   

目的 比较3种纤维桩树脂粘接材料的吸水性和溶解性,为临床应用提供实验依据.方法 选取Paracore Automix、DMG Luxacore和可乐丽菲露DC core 3种双重固化树脂粘接剂,每种材料各制备5个试件,浸泡于蒸馏水中28d,通过测量浸泡前后的重量变化,计算材料的吸水值与溶解值.结果 ParaCore、Luxacore和DC core 3种粘接材料的吸水值分别为(20.13±0.97)μg/mm3、(17.67±1.46)μ g/mm3和(18.29±2.77)μ g/mm3,溶解值分别为(4.81±3.13)μ g/mm3、(3.32±0.74)μg/mm3和(2.57±1.08)μg/mm3,ParaCore的吸水值和溶解值最大,与其他两种材料的吸水值与溶解值之间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),DC core的吸水值和溶解值相对较低.结论 三种纤维桩树脂粘接材料中DC core具有较好的稳定性;ParaCore的吸水值和溶解值最大,其远期力学性能较差,使用寿命缩短.  相似文献   

树脂水门汀广泛用于粘接全瓷修复体,其颜色稳定性与修复体的长期效果有直接关系。树脂水门汀变色的内源性因素通常与材料构成及聚合反应的引发机制相关,树脂水门汀变色的外源性因素主要与口腔局部环境相关。树脂水门汀的颜色稳定性与全瓷修复体长期美学效果关系密切。本综述系统介绍目前临床常用树脂水门汀的颜色稳定性及影响因素,以及其对全瓷...  相似文献   

目的 比较树脂粘接剂与同色调试色糊剂颜色效果的一致性,评价树脂粘接剂色调对牙体瓷贴面美学效果的影响,以期为临床提供参考.方法 选用48颗树脂右上颌中切牙,用随机化数字表随机分为8组(每组6颗),模拟临床贴面牙体预备.制作二硅酸锂压铸陶瓷贴面,分别使用8种色调(LV-3、LV-2、MV、HV+2、HV+3、WO、TR、A3色)试色糊剂试色,并用同色调树脂粘接剂粘接于树脂牙上.使用比色仪测量瓷贴面粘接前、试色时及粘接后的色度参数,并计算粘接前后贴面色差值(△E1)和试色时与粘接后贴面色差值(△E2).结果 8种色调树脂粘接剂△E1范围为0.93~ 6.79,其中LV-3、HV+3和WO色调树脂粘接剂△E1分别为3.31、4.90和6.79.除HV+3色调树脂粘接剂△E2为3.65外,其余色调树脂粘接剂粘接后与试色时的瓷贴面色差值在0.72~ 1.79之间.结论 LV-3、HV+3和WO色调树脂粘接剂能改变贴面的最终颜色.除HV+3色调外,其余色调树脂粘接剂与同色调试色糊剂对瓷贴面颜色的影响有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

目的 研究瓷块的厚度和透光性对不同类型树脂水门汀固化硬度的影响,为临床的全瓷粘接提供参考。方法 选择三种树脂水门汀Choice2,Duolink,RelyX Ultimate Clicker,分别通过不同厚度(0.5 mm、1.0 mm、1.5 mm、2.0 mm)的高透(HT)和低透(LT)的IPS e.max Presss瓷块,用800 mw/cm2高强度LED灯进行光照固化。三种树脂水门汀透过盖玻片照射的试件作为对照组。在固化后30 min和24 h通过显微硬度仪测量固化后树脂的表面努氏硬度值。评价瓷块厚度和透光性对树脂水门汀固化硬度的影响。结果 Choice 2固化后的努氏硬度值在各个厚度及透光度下与对照组相比均显著降低。Duolink和RelyX Ultimate固化后的努氏硬度值在HT瓷块厚度达到2.0mm时,实验组与对照组相比显著降低。在LT瓷块中,当厚度达到1.5 mm时,实验组硬度值即显著降低。结论 当IPS e.max Presss低透瓷块达到1.5 mm厚度,高透瓷块达到2.0 mm厚度时,树脂水门汀的固化硬度会显著降低,从...  相似文献   

During post preparation, the root canal is exposed to the oral cavity, and endodontic treatment may fail because of coronal leakage, bacterial infection and sealing inability of the luting cement.


this study quantified the interfacial continuity produced with conventional dual-cure and self-adhesive resin cements in the cervical (C), medium (M) and apical (A) thirds of the root.

Material and methods

Forty single-rooted human teeth were restored using Reforpost # 01 conical glass-fiber posts and different materials (N=10 per group): group AC=Adper™ ScotchBond™ Multi-purpose Plus + AllCem; group ARC=Adper™ ScotchBond™ Multi-purpose Plus + RelyX ARC; group U100=RelyX U100; and group MXC=Maxcem Elite. After being kept in 100% humidity at 37ºC for 72 hours, the samples were sectioned parallel to their longitudinal axis and positive epoxy resin replicas were made. The scanning electron micrographs of each third section of the teeth were combined using Image Analyst software and measured with AutoCAD-2002. We obtained percentage values of the interfacial continuity.


Interfacial continuity was similar in the apical, medium and cervical thirds of the roots within the groups (Friedman test, p>0.05). Comparison of the different cements in a same root third showed that interfacial continuity was lower in MXC (C=45.5%; M=48.5%; A=47.3%) than in AC (C=85.9%, M=81.8% and A=76.0%), ARC (C=83.8%, M=82.4% and A=75.0%) and U100 (C=84.1%, M=82.4% and A=77.3%) (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.05).


Allcem, Rely X ARC and U100 provide the best cementation; cementation was similar among root portions; in practical terms, U100 is the best resin because it combines good cementation and easy application and none of the cements provides complete interfacial continuity.  相似文献   



To determine the micro-hardness profile of two dual cure resin cements (RelyX - U100®, 3M-ESPE and Panavia F 2.0®, Kuraray) used for cementing fiber-reinforced resin posts (Fibrekor® - Jeneric Pentron) under three different curing protocols and two water storage times.

Material and methods

Sixty 16mm long bovine incisor roots were endodontically treated and prepared for cementation of the Fibrekor posts. The cements were mixed as instructed, dispensed in the canal, the posts were seated and the curing performed as follows: a) no light activation; b) light-activation immediately after seating the post, and; c) light-activation delayed 5 minutes after seating the post. The teeth were stored in water and retrieved for analysis after 7 days and 3 months. The roots were longitudinally sectioned and the microhardness was determined at the cervical, middle and apical regions along the cement line. The data was analyzed by the three-way ANOVA test (curing mode, storage time and thirds) for each cement. The Tukey test was used for the post-hoc analysis.


Light-activation resulted in a significant increase in the microhardness. This was more evident for the cervical region and for the Panavia cement. Storage in water for 3 months caused a reduction of the micro-hardness for both cements. The U100 cement showed less variation in the micro-hardness regardless of the curing protocol and storage time.


The micro-hardness of the cements was affected by the curing and storage variables and were material-dependent.  相似文献   



This study analyzed the degree of conversion (DC%) of four resin-based cements (All Ceram, Enforce, Rely X ARC and Variolink II) activated by two modes (chemical and dual), and evaluated the decrease of DC% in the dual mode promoted by the interposition of a 2.0-mm-thick IPS Empress 2 disc.

Material and Methods

In the chemical activation, the resin-based cements were prepared by mixing equal amounts of base and catalyst pastes. In the dual activation, after mixing, the cements were light-activated at 650 mW/cm2 for 40 s. In a third group, the cements were lightactivated through a 2.0-mm-thick IPS Empress 2 disc. The DC% was evaluated in a FT-IR spectrometer equipped with an attenuated total reflectance crystal (ATR). The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey''s HSD test.


For all resin-based cements, the DC% was significantly higher with dual activation, followed by dual activation through IPS Empress 2, and chemical activation (p<0.05). Irrespective of the activation mode, Rely X presented the highest DC% (p<0.05). Chemically activated Variolink and All Ceram showed the worst results (p<0.05). The DC% decreased significantly when activation was performed through a 2.0-mm-thick IPS Empress 2 disc (p<0.05).


The results of the present study suggest that resin-based cements could present low DC% when the materials are dually activated through 2.0 mm of reinforced ceramic materials with translucency equal to or less than that of IPS-Empress 2.  相似文献   

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