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A truncated naturally occurring variant of the human receptor P2X7 was identified in cancer cervical cells. The novel protein (P2X7-j), a polypeptide of 258 amino acids, lacks the entire intracellular carboxyl terminus, the second transmembrane domain, and the distal third of the extracellular loop of the full-length P2X7 receptor. The P2X7-j was expressed in the plasma membrane; it showed diminished ligand-binding and channel function capacities and failed to form pores and mediate apoptosis in response to treatment with the P2X7 receptor agonist benzoyl-ATP. The P2X7-j interacted with the full-length P2X7 in a manner suggesting heterooligomerization and blocked the P2X7-mediated actions. Interestingly, P2X7-j immunoreactivity and mRNA expression were similar in lysates of human cancer and normal cervical tissues, but full-length P2X7 immunoreactivity and mRNA expression were higher in normal than in cancer tissues, and cancer tissues lacked 205-kDa P2X7 immunoreactivity suggesting lack of P2X7 homo(tri)-oligomerization. These results identify a novel P2X7 variant with apoptosis-inhibitory actions, and demonstrate a distinct regulatory property for a truncated variant to antagonize its full-length counterpart through hetero-oligomerization. This may represent a general paradigm for regulation of a protein function by its variant.  相似文献   

The synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of a new series of potent P2X(7) receptor antagonists is disclosed. The compounds inhibit BzATP-mediated pore formation in THP-1 cells. The distribution of the P2X(7) receptor in inflammatory cells, most notably the macrophage, mast cell and lymphocyte, suggests that P2X(7) antagonists have a significant role to play in the treatment of inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

P2X7 receptors trigger Ca2+‐dependent exocytotic glutamate release, but also function as a route for non‐exocytotic glutamate release from neurons or astrocytes. To gain an insight into the mechanisms involving the P2X7 receptor as a direct pathway for glutamate release, we compared the behavior of a full‐length rat P2X7 receptor, a truncated rat P2X7 receptor in which the carboxyl tail had been deleted, a rat P2X7 receptor with the 18‐amino acid cysteine‐rich motif of the carboxyl tail deleted, and a rat P2X2 receptor, all of which are expressed in HEK293 cells. We found that the P2X7 receptor function as a route for glutamate release was antagonized in a non‐competitive way by extracellular Mg2+, did not require the recruitment of pore‐forming molecules, and was dependent on the carboxyl tail. Indeed, the truncated P2X7 receptor and the P2X7 receptor with the deleted cysteine‐rich motif both lost their function as a pathway for glutamate release, while still evoking intracellular Ca2+ elevation. No glutamate efflux was observed through the P2X2 receptor. Notably, HEK293 cells (lacking the machinery for Ca2+‐dependent exocytosis), when transfected with P2X7 receptors, appear to be a suitable model for investigating the P2X7 receptor as a route for non‐exocytotic glutamate efflux.  相似文献   

ATP-gated P2X(7) purinoceptors are found in most immune cells of the periphery and the brain where their activation leads to multiple downstream events such as cell permeabilization, apoptosis, and/or cytokine release. P2X(7) receptors do not form heteromeric receptors with any of the other six P2X subunits, and it is not known what type of homomeric assemblies the P2X(7) subunit makes. We constructed and purified an ectodomain protein of the rat P2X(7) receptor (amino acids 60-323) and used this to generate a monoclonal antibody (Ab) with which to probe P2X(7) receptors in central and peripheral immune cells. In HEK cells expressing rat P2X(7) receptors, the Ab increased the maximum current evoked by BzATP by 3-8-fold with a 5-fold leftward shift in EC(50) concentration. This Ab recognized only a non-denatured, multimeric form of the receptor on blue native-PAGE but did not recognize the denatured form on SDS-PAGE. A C-terminal polyclonal P2X(7) Ab recognized both monomeric subunits on SDS-PAGE and a multimeric complex on blue native-PAGE in this heterologous expression system. With Western blotting using these two Abs, native P2X(7) receptors in peritoneal macrophage and bone marrow cells are shown to exist as a strongly bound multimeric complex, whereas P2X(7) receptors in brain glia and/or astrocytes appear to form only as monomeric subunits.  相似文献   

P2X7受体是嘌呤受体中功能独特的一个亚型,为ATP控制的离子通道,在单核细胞、巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞中高表达,被ATP激活后导致K+外流和Ca^2+内流、非选择性膜孔形成,启动一系列信号途径如炎症小体NALP3的活化,丝裂原蛋白激酶途径激活NF-κB增强炎性细胞因子转录,ROS和氮介质的产生,介导IL-1β、IL-6、IL-18、TNF-α、MIP-2、CCL2、HMGB1等多种炎性细胞因子的释放,参与炎症的发生发展,与真菌感染及阿尔茨海默病、类风湿性关节炎、哮喘等炎症性疾病密切相关.  相似文献   

The purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ligand-gated cationic channel receptor. P2X7R is closely associated with various inflammatory, immune, cancer, neurological, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders. P2X7R is an interesting therapeutic target as well as molecular imaging target. This brief digest highlights the radioligands targeting P2X7R recently developed in drug discovery and molecular imaging agent development.  相似文献   

Macrophages are unique innate immune cells that play an integral role in the defense of the host by virtue of their ability to recognize, engulf, and kill pathogens while sending out danger signals via cytokines to recruit and activate inflammatory cells. It is becoming increasingly clear that purinergic signaling events are essential components of the macrophage response to pathogen challenges and disorders such as sepsis may be, at least in part, regulated by these important sensors. The activation of the P2X7 receptor is a powerful event in the regulation of the caspase-1 inflammasome. We provide evidence that the inflammasome activation requires “priming” of macrophages prior to ATP activation of the P2X7R. Inhibition of the inflammasome activation by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, AG126, suggests regulation by phosphorylation. Finally, the P2X7R may also be activated by other elements of the host response such as the antimicrobial peptide LL-37, which adds a new, physiologically relevant agonist to the P2X7R pathway. Therapeutic approaches to inflammation and sepsis will certainly be enhanced by an increased understanding of how purinergic receptors modulate the inflammasomes.  相似文献   

ATP, signaling through P2 receptors, is one of the most important extracellular regulatory molecules in the skeleton. P2 receptors are divided into two subclasses, P2Y which are G-protein coupled and P2X which are ligand-gated ion channels. There is molecular and functional evidence for widespread expression of both subclasses of receptors by bone cells. Co-activation of P2Y and PTH1 receptors on osteoblasts, leads to synergistic expression of osteoblastic genes, providing a mechanism for integrating local and systemic regulatory signals in bone. Activation of P2Y1 receptors on osteoblasts enhances expression of RANKL leading indirectly to an increase in osteoclast formation and resorption. Expression of P2X7 inducible pores on osteoclast precursor cell membranes allows fusion to form multinucleated osteoclasts and blockade of this receptor inhibits resorption. Bone cells release nucleotides into the extracellular environment to provide highly localized and transient signals that regulate bone formation and bone resorption.  相似文献   

Extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and its receptor, P2X7 receptor (P2X7R), are playing an important role in the pathological process of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, but their underlying mechanism remains unclear. Also, the effects of tubular epithelium-expressed P2X7 receptor on ischemia acute kidney injury is still unknown. The aim of this study is to clarify if this mechanism involves the activation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in the renal tubular epithelial cells. In our research, we used male C57BL/6 wild type and P2X7R (−/−) mice, cultured human proximal tubular epithelial cells, and kidneys from acute kidney injury patients. Mice underwent for unilateral nephrectomy combined with the lateral renal pedicle clamping. Cultured cells were subjected to hypoxia/reoxygenation or ATP. Apyrase and A438079 were used to block the extracellular ATP/P2X7 receptor pathway. We also constructed radiation-induced bone marrow (BM) chimeras by using P2X7R (−/−) mice and P2X7R (+/+) wild-type mice. P2X7 receptor deficiency protected from renal ischemia-reperfusion injury and attenuated the formation of NLRP3 inflammasome. By using BM chimeras, we found a partial reduction of serum creatinine and less histological impairment in group wild-type BM to P2X7R (−/−) recipient, compared with group wild-type BM to wild-type recipient. In renal tubular epithelial cells, hypoxia/reoxygenation induced ATP release and extracellular ATP depletion reduced the expression of active IL-1β. ATP activated the NLRP3 inflammasome in renal tubular epithelial cells, which were blunted by transient silence of P2X7 receptor, as well as by P2X7 receptor blocking with A438079. In human samples, we found that patients with Stage 3 AKI had higher levels of P2X7 receptor expression than patients with Stage 1 or Stage 2. Extracellular ATP/P2X7 receptor axis blocking may protect renal tubular epithelial cells from ischemia-reperfusion injury through the regulation of NLRP3 inflammasome.Subject terms: Membrane proteins, Mechanisms of disease, Acute kidney injury  相似文献   

P2X(7) receptors are ATP-gated cation channels composed of three identical subunits, each having intracellular amino and carboxyl termini and two transmembrane segments connected by a large ectodomain. Within the P2X family, P2X(7) subunits are unique in possessing an extended carboxyl tail. We expressed the human P2X(7) subunit as two complementary fragments, a carboxyl tail-truncated receptor channel core (residues 1-436 or 1-505) and a tail extension (residues 434-595) in Xenopus laevis oocytes. P2X(7) channel core subunits efficiently assembled as homotrimers that appeared abundantly at the oocyte surface, yet produced only approximately 5% of the full-length P2X(7) receptor current. Co-assembly of channel core subunits with full-length P2X(7) subunits inhibited channel current, indicating that the lack of a single carboxyl tail domain is dominant-negative for P2X(7) receptor activity. Co-expression of the tail extension as a discrete protein increased ATP-gated current amplitudes of P2X(7) channel cores 10-20-fold, fully reconstituting the wild type electrophysiological phenotype of the P2X(7) receptor. Chemical cross-linking revealed that the discrete tail extension bound with unity stoichiometry to the carboxyl tail of the P2X(7) channel core. We conclude that a non-covalent association of crucial functional importance exists between the carboxyl tail of the channel core and the tail extension. Using a slightly shorter P2X(7) subunit core and subfragments of the tail extension, this association could be narrowed down to include residues 409-436 and 434-494 of the split receptor. Together, these results identify the tail extension as a regulatory gating module, potentially making P2X(7) channel gating sensitive to intracellular regulation.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling -  相似文献   

The purinergic P2X7 receptor not only gates the opening of a cationic channel, but also couples to several downstream signaling events such as rapid membrane blebbing, microvesicle shedding, and interleukin-1beta release. Protein-protein interactions are likely to be involved in most of these signaling cascades; and recently, a P2X7 receptor-protein complex comprising at least 11 distinct proteins has been identified. We have studied one of these interacting proteins, HSP90, in human embryonic kidney cells expressing either human or rat P2X7 receptors as well as in rat peritoneal macrophages using biochemical (immunoprecipitation and Western blotting) and functional (membrane blebbing and currents) assays. We found that HSP90 was tyrosine-phosphorylated in association with the P2X7 receptor complex, but not in the cytosolic compartment. The HSP90 inhibitor geldanamycin decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of HSP90 and produced a 2-fold increase in the sensitivity of P2X7 receptors to agonist. Protein expression and tyrosine phosphorylation of a mutant P2X7 receptor in which a tyrosine in the C-terminal domain was substituted with phenylalanine (Y550F) were not changed, but tyrosine phosphorylation of HSP90 associated with this mutant P2X7 receptor complex was significantly greater than that associated with the wild-type complex. P2X7-Y550F receptors showed a 15-fold lower sensitivity to agonist, which was reversed by geldanamycin. We conclude that selective tyrosine phosphorylation of P2X7 receptor-associated HSP90 may act as a negative regulator of P2X7 receptor complex formation and function.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-1beta is a proinflammatory cytokine that elicits the majority of its biological activity extracellularly, but the lack of a secretory signal sequence prevents its export via classic secretory pathways. Efficient externalization of IL-1beta in macrophages and monocytes can occur via stimulation of P2X7 nucleotide receptors with extracellular ATP. However, the exact mechanisms by which the activation of these nonselective cation channels facilitates secretion of IL-1beta remain unclear. Here we demonstrate a pivotal role for a sustained increase in cytosolic Ca2+ to potentiate secretion of IL-1beta via the P2X7 receptors. Using HEK-293 cells engineered to coexpress P2X7 receptors with mature IL-1beta (mIL-1beta), we show that activation of P2X7 receptors results in a rapid secretion of mIL-1beta by a process(es) that is dependent on influx of extracellular Ca2+ and a sustained rise in cytosolic Ca2+. Moreover, reduction in extracellular Ca2+ attenuates approximately 90% of P2X7 receptor-mediated IL-1beta secretion but has no effect on enzymatic processing of precursor IL-1beta (proIL-1beta) to mIL-1beta by caspase-1. Similar experiments with THP-1 human monocytes and Bac1.2F5 murine macrophages confirm the unique role of Ca2+ in P2X7 receptor-mediated secretion of IL-1beta. In addition, we report that cell surface expression of P2X7 receptors in the absence of external stimulation also results in enhanced release of IL-1beta and that this can be repressed by inhibitors of P2X7 receptors. We clarify an essential role for Ca2+ in ATP-induced IL-1beta secretion and indicate an additional role of P2X7 receptors as enhancers of the secretory apparatus by which IL-1beta is released.  相似文献   

Toll‐like receptor 9 (TLR9) has a key role in the recognition of pathogen DNA in the context of infection and cellular DNA that is released from damaged cells. Pro‐inflammatory TLR9 signalling pathways in immune cells have been well investigated, but we have recently discovered an alternative pathway in which TLR9 temporarily reduces energy substrates to induce cellular protection from stress in cardiomyocytes and neurons. However, the mechanism by which TLR9 stimulation reduces energy substrates remained unknown. Here, we identify the calcium‐transporting ATPase, SERCA2 (also known as Atp2a2), as a key molecule for the alternative TLR9 signalling pathway. TLR9 stimulation reduces SERCA2 activity, modulating Ca2+ handling between the SR/ER and mitochondria, which leads to a decrease in mitochondrial ATP levels and the activation of cellular protective machinery. These findings reveal how distinct innate responses can be elicited in immune and non‐immune cells—including cardiomyocytes—using the same ligand‐receptor system.  相似文献   

We assessed the possible association between several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of P2RX7 gene with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We determined the function of P2X7 receptor and the frequency of the 489C>T, 1096C>G, and 1513A>C SNP of P2RX7 gene in 111 and 122 patients with SLE and RA, and 98 healthy subjects. We found no significant association between the SNPs studied and SLE or RA. We also detected that lymphocytes from SLE and RA patients with the 489C>T SNP showed a higher ethidium bromide uptake in response to ATP than wild type or 1096C>G/1513A>C subjects. In addition, cells from RA patients and the 489C>T genotype, showed higher [Ca(2+)]i responses to ATP. Our data indicate that the 489C>T SNP of P2RX7 gene confers an enhanced function of this receptor in patients with RA, which may contribute to the pathogenesis of this condition.  相似文献   

The presence of P2X7 on erythroid cells is well established, but its physiological role remains unclear. The current study aimed to determine if P2X7 activation induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in murine erythroleukaemia (MEL) cells, a commonly used erythroid cell line. ATP induced ROS formation in a time- and concentration-dependent fashion. The most potent P2X7 agonist, 2′(3′)-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)ATP, but not UTP or ADP, also induced ROS formation. The P2X7 antagonist, A-438079, impaired ATP-induced ROS formation. The ROS scavenger, N-acetyl-l-cysteine, and the ROS inhibitor, diphenyleneiodonium, also impaired P2X7-induced ROS formation, but use of enzyme-specific ROS inhibitors failed to identify the intracellular source of P2X7-induced ROS formation. P2X7-induced ROS formation was impaired partly by physiological concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and almost completely in cells in N-methyl-d-glucamine chloride medium. The p38 MAPK inhibitors SB202190 and SB203580, and the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK, but not N-acetyl-l-cysteine, impaired P2X7-induced MEL cell apoptosis. ATP also stimulated p38 MAPK and caspase activation, both of which could be impaired by A-438079. In conclusion, these findings indicate that P2X7 activation induces ROS formation in MEL cells and that this process may be involved in events downstream of P2X7 activation, other than apoptosis, in erythroid cells.  相似文献   

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