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买了两瓶十年陈的会稽山精雕酒。白色的瓷瓶、蓝色的铝质防盗盖,搭配得挺雅致,酒也相当不错,入口甜、绵、软。 美中不足的是防盗盖扭开时,发现瓶子的螺旋口处留下了一些金属粉末,害得我用纸巾认真地擦了半天才敢往杯里倒酒。  相似文献   

为项目持有方、合作方及资本方提供信息发布平台联系电话:010-62341509转3902联系人:马利川一、笔记本电脑用锂离子电池技术简介由于笔记本电脑轻薄短小的发展趋势,以及对电池容量越来越高的要求,研究开发高比能、长寿命、安全型、薄型化的锂离子电池技术成为国内外的一个热点。笔记本用锂离子电池技术突破的关键在于新能源材料的应用、电池制作技术的创新、集成技术等3个方面。受技术落后、投资规模小等因素制约,我国锂电池材料和终端产品的技术水平和产业规模目前与发达国家相比还存在较大差距。国内先期涉足锂电池行业的厂商经过多年的损…  相似文献   

近年来,频频出现笔记本电脑电池起火等重大事故,但由于缺乏相关标准和评测数据的支持,消费者的权益无法得到有效保障。包括厂商和消费者一直在呼吁出台笔记本电脑电池安全的国家标准,以保护这一产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

彭程  张震 《材料导报》2007,21(2):141-145
采用商品PtRu黑和Pt黑催化剂制备成甲醇阳极和氧阴极,Nafion(R)-117为固体电解质膜,组装成活性面积为6.4516cm2的单电池,研究了单电池的极化与功率特性以及单电池在放电运转过程中各种操作条件,如甲醇进样浓度、阴极氧化剂种类和压力、操作温度、燃料和氧化剂的进样方向等对单电池性能的影响,并考察了单电池的放电性能.结果表明:单电池极化曲线由3个特征区构成,最大功率密度约为15mW/cm2;甲醇浓度对单电池性能的影响与单电池运行温度有关;较之纯氧,以空气作为氧化剂时单电池的性能有所降低,随着空气压力的增加单电池的性能有所提高;随着操作温度的升高单电池性能明显改善;阳极甲醇由下往上进样,同时阴极空气由上往下进样时单电池性能最好;单电池在放电过程中具有性能自恢复特征.  相似文献   

目的 某型号不锈钢阀盖是一种典型的长肋条内空型零件,在模锻制造过程中,阀盖锻件容易出现不同程度的折叠和裂纹缺陷,亟需改进成形工艺以提升合格率.方法 采用有限元方法分析坯料在制坯/预锻/终锻全流程的金属流动规律和终锻件成形质量,得到最佳成形工艺方案.结果 方坯在后续成形时易产生横向流动,且局部充型不饱满;六边型坯在预成形和终成形时流动均匀、横向流动小,且有效抑制了充型不饱满缺陷;预制坯在过渡区长度过短,产生了折叠缺陷;采用六边形坯料和增加过渡区长度可以获得无缺陷阀体锻件.结论 采用新工艺制备的阀盖锻件合格率达到了100%,通过全流程工艺分析,能够得到金属流线规律,进而优化模锻成形方案,改善成形质量.  相似文献   

锂离子电池尤其是小型电池所存在的巨大商机,已经成为目前全球各大电池制造厂商的兵家必争之地。  相似文献   

轴承盖冲压工艺分析及模具设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过对轴承盖零件冲压成形工艺进行了分析,介绍了零件的工艺参数的计算及设备的选择,同时介绍了模具结构及模具的工作过程,分析了零件引伸过程中产生拉裂现象的原因,并给出了解决措施,实现了该零件引伸的顺利进行,得出了垫旧报纸可以解决零件拉裂现象的方法。  相似文献   

采用数值模拟方法对体育场主看台悬挑屋盖结构的表面风压分布进行了预测和分析。为验证数值模拟的准确性,首先对一具有风压风洞试验结果的主看台平屋盖结构进行了计算,计算结果与风洞试验结果作了比较。然后对浙江温州地区一主看台悬挑屋盖结构进行了数值模拟,考虑了屋盖倾角为0°和16°两种情况;通过对两个最不利风向角0°和180°的模拟结果的分析和比较,提出了这类屋盖表面风压的简化分布规律和计算方法,并与国外相关规范建议的公式作了比较。该简化计算方法可直接供同类结构抗风设计参考和应用。  相似文献   

旋转活塞流量计计量室盖是介于壳体和计量室之间的零件,如(图1)所示。它上面有两个窗口,进油窗口和排油窗口。来自管线的介质从进油窗口进入计量室,计量后经排油窗口、壳体又回到管线中。为保证介质流动顺畅,减少压力损失,要求每个窗口通油面积大干等于管线截面积。下面谈谈通油窗口面积计算问题。因为两个窗口是对称的,且进油窗口小于排油窗口,为研究问题方便,我们只讨论进油窗口的计算,并把进油窗口移到第一象限。取直角坐标系如(图对所示。从(图对中看出进油窗是由两条曲线及两条直线所围成的图形面积S。曲线是以e点为圆心…  相似文献   

针对带上盖开发的车辆段防排烟设计标准无明确依据的问题,结合国内类似工程案例,通过性能化设计手段,合理确定车辆段内高大厂房的防排烟设计原则。  相似文献   

This paper explores how different routing techniques for the battery management of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) can affect the performance of a system. Four heuristics available in the literature were the basis of this study. Simulation models were developed to investigate how the routing of an AGV towards a battery station can affect the productivity of a manufacturing facility. Results show that the best productivity can be achieved when a routing heuristic tries to jointly minimise the total travel distance and waiting time at a battery station. The gain in productivity, when compared with the highest possible gain theoretically achievable, is quite substantial. It was also found that higher frequency of decision-making (i.e. decisions with smaller time interval) about battery swapping helps to increase the productivity of a system.  相似文献   

MH-Ni电池的高低温性能及电极材料失效分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李丽  吴锋  陈实  杨凯  王敬  孙杰 《功能材料》2003,34(3):313-316
检测并比较了D型MH—Ni动力电池在不同温度下(25℃、55℃、-20℃)的放电性能和循环稳定性。结果表明:MH—Ni电池在55℃和-20℃下的1C放电容量衰减率分别为13.6%、12.1%.放电电压平台分别平均降低0.06V、0.13V;在高、低温条件下,电池的循环衰退速度增大,充放电稳定性显著降低。低温条件下,其容量衰减后可在常温时基本恢复到未失效状态,说明该电池在低温和常温间的容量变化具有可逆性;而这种可逆性在高温和常温条件下失效时是不存在的,该现象未见报道。此外,利用电化学交流阻抗谱(EIS)、扫描电镜(SEM)等检测手段分析其电极材料的失效原因。  相似文献   


Gas-assisted injection molding (GAIM) refers to injecting gas into the short shot melt during the filling stage. Compressed gas is used as the medium to push the melt and to provide the packing pressure. In GAIM, the hollow area and penetration length are the main factors that will affect the quality of molded parts. This study has applied a Gas Counter Pressure (GCP) mechanism and has discussed the effect of GCP in the GAIM process with in-mold visualization of this complex molding flow. This study introduces a counter pressure mechanism in a thick paper-clip-shaped cavity design. The flow field under different counter pressure conditions is observed by high-speed photography, the fiber orientations are analyzed with SEM, and the affected penetration length and hollow area are measured relatively. The experimental results show that when the GCP is applied to GAIM, although the hollow area is reduced, the penetration length will be increased, so as to make the quality of molded part more uniform and reduce the shrinkage. And a quantitative measuring method of two-stage penetration time span is proposed to get more in-depth discussion about the interactions between GCP and GAIM.  相似文献   

聚苯胺导电高分子材料由于合成简便、耐高温及抗氧化等优良性能 ,已成为导电高分子领域的研究热点。结合自己的研究 ,对聚苯胺导电材料在二次电池电极中的应用及相关制备方法进行了综述  相似文献   

Lithium-ion batteries are currently widely used in various industries, including automotive industry. Thus, the study of battery mechanical integrity subject to dynamic loading is critical for vehicle safety, which still remains rare. In this paper, first of all, by taking the advantage of previous efforts on quasi-static mechanical experiments on lithium-ion batteries, a new battery mechanical integrity criteria is suggested based on the mechanical strength theory. Further, by considering the strain rate and inertia effect of the battery structural and material, the dynamic mechanical behavior of lithium-ion battery is investigated. Different mechanical failure behaviors are obtained through the combination of numerical simulation and the suggested battery mechanical integrity criteria. Finally, parametric studies are carried out to further comprehensively reveal the battery dynamic mechanical integrity behavior. Results may shed lights on the lithium-ion battery dynamic mechanical behavior and safety research.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new geometry of an edge gate in the injection molding process called modified edge gate. The corners of current edge gate result in the turbulence of molten plastic into the cavity which leads to internal and external defects. The aim of the new geometry is to reduce the internal and external defects of injected part such as sink marks and short shot. The easier de-gating analysis for the new geometry to decrease the visible blemish of the injected part was proposed in this study. A modified edge gate was proposed for two circular flat plates with thickness 1 mm. Finite element method (FEM) was used along with SolidWorks plastic. Internal and external defects of the injected part were analyzed via SolidWorks plastic. To validate the new geometry, an experimental study was implemented for two polypropylene (PP) circular flat plates with modified edge gate to confirm the simulation results. The contribution of this research is to modify the geometry of current edge gate by removing the corners of rectangular edge gate which leads to the reduction of scrap. The new geometry presents easier degating of gate and less visible blemish of the injected part. A smooth flow of molten plastic into the cavities reduces the internal and external defects. The outcome of this study demonstrates filling of the cavities with no short shot. In addition, no sink marks were detected with modified edge gate. Finally, the modified edge gate has less visible blemish on the injected part in comparison with current edge gate.  相似文献   

为探讨复合材料定向断裂密封盖的可靠性,建立了密封盖材料的等效强度模型、失效准则及三维有限元计算模型.分析了在引信反向冲击下密封盖断裂破坏过程中引信冲击应力、密封层应变能随密封层厚度变化的规律,在火箭弹燃气射流正向冲击下密封盖自锁可靠性随支撑层厚度变化规律.结果表明:拓扑自锁密封盖要满足定向断裂要求,保证引信体的安全性和可靠性,其密封层厚度越小越好;在燃气射流的冲击下,随着支撑层厚度的减小,会显著增大密封盖支撑层子结构间最大接触应力,降低拓扑自锁的可靠性.  相似文献   

抽真空对微型塑件成型质量影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对微注塑成型过程中排气对塑件成型质量的影响,以细胞皿为研究对象,设计了带有抽真空装置的微注塑模具,通过测试,真空度达到-0.098 MPa.分别以聚丙烯(PP)和高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)进行成型工艺试验,当模具型腔未开设排气装置时,塑件流动前沿严重烧焦,严重影响了塑件质量.当有排气槽未抽真空时,在塑件的表面形成了微孔...  相似文献   

为了研究截顶M型药型罩的结构对聚能射流的性能影响,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA对9组聚能装药结构进行数值模拟分析。通过改变药型罩截顶宽度和V型开口宽度,分析聚能射流的速度、长度以及连续性变化。结果表明,在9组不同的方案中,射流的速度随着药型罩截顶宽度和V型开口宽度的增加呈现先增加后减小的趋势。当截顶宽度为1.2 cm, V型开口宽度为0.4 cm时,射流的形态更好,射流头部速度最大,为6 007 m/s。  相似文献   

为了得到半椭圆形罩线型聚能装药(LSC)射流成型的特点和规律,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件分别建立了半椭圆形罩LSC的准三维和三维数值计算模型,对射流成型过程进行了数值模拟,获得了射流成型过程的特点和典型时刻沿对称面射流速度梯度分布及射流最大速度随时间的变化关系。从横断面看,形成的射流较长且均匀,相对质量和速度均较大,速度梯度呈现明显的三段特征;杵体短而粗,相对质量和速度均较小;两种数值计算模型获得的射流最大速度出现的时刻、杵体断裂时刻和射流断裂时刻以及典型时刻沿对称面射流速度梯度分布均有所差别。结果对比分析表明,三维数值计算模型比准三维计算模型能更全面准确地模拟出射流的成型过程,获得的结果更可靠。  相似文献   

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