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A study of the process of implosion of a cylindrical tungsten wire array by electrical and optical methods shows that it involves two phases. In the first phase, the plasma is produced from the dense wire cores under the action of the heat flux from the current-carrying plasma. This plasma then fills the internal space of the liner array. The measured inductance of the liner and its visible diameter vary only slightly in this phase. During the second phase, the total material of the liner is compressed toward the axis and the inductance of the discharge gap increases. The process of the implosion of wire arrays is studied by analyzing the electric parameters (current and voltage) of the load in the Angara-5-1 facility. The time behavior of the load inductance, the average current radius, and the start time of the liner compression are determined. The compression start time determined from the visible size of the liner is found to coincide with that determined from electric measurements. The compression ratio of the liner in terms of the average current radius turns out to be lower than that measured by optical and X-ray diagnostics. The reason is that, by the instant of maximum compression, only a portion of the current flows at the periphery of the initial wire array.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of magnetic flux breakthrough into a wire array during its implosion was studied experimentally at the Angara-5-1 facility. It is shown that breakthroughs develop in the final stage of plasma production from the wire material and occur near the initial wire position. The spatial distributions of the azimuthal magnetic field within tungsten, molybdenum, copper, and aluminum wire arrays were studied using magnetic probes. The distributions of the azimuthal magnetic field B φ(z, t) along the array height in different stages of implosion were measured, and the characteristic dimensions of regions with a nonuniform magnetic field that appear during magnetic flux breakthroughs at the outer boundary of the wire array plasma were determined. The dimensions of these regions are compared with those of the regions with depressed plasma radiation observed in frame and time-integrated X-ray images. The dynamics of the distribution B φ(z, t) in regions with a nonuniform magnetic field during breakthroughs of the azimuthal magnetic flux is compared with that of the spatial distribution of pinch radiation in the frame X-ray images in different stages of implosion. The experimental data on the characteristics of spatially nonuniform breakthroughs of the magnetic flux into the wire array are analyzed using the plasma rainstorm model proposed by V.V. Aleksandrov et al. (JETP 97, 745 (2003)). The plasma density in the region of magnetic flux breakthrough is estimated.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies on the implosion of arrays made of wires and metalized fibers under the action of current pulses with an amplitude of up to 3.5 MA at the Angara-5-1 facility. The effect of the parameters of an additional linear mass of bismuth and gold deposited on the wires/fibers is investigated. It is examined how the material of the wires/fibers and the metal coating deposited on them affect the penetration of the plasma with the frozen-in magnetic field into a cylindrical array. Information on the plasma production rate $\dot m_{Bi}$ for different metals is obtained by analyzing optical streak images of imploding arrays. The plasma production rate for cylindrical arrays made of the kapron fibers coated with bismuth is determined. For the initial array radius of R 0 = 1 cm and discharge current of I = 1 MA, the plasma production rate is found to be $\dot m_{Bi} \approx 0.095 \pm 0.015$ μg/(cm2 ns).  相似文献   

Results are presented from the studies of the magnetic implosion of a tungsten wire liner onto an aluminum wire at currents of 2.0–2.6 MA. The experiments were carried out in the S-300 high-power pulsed facility at the Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute. The liner is composed of 50 wires 6 μm in diameter and 1 cm in length, which are equally spaced on a circle 1 cm in diameter. An aluminum wire 120 μm in diameter is positioned at the array axis. The liner implosion was accompanied by the generation of VUV and soft X-ray emission. The parameters of the pinch plasma produced during the liner implosion onto the aluminum wire were determined from the time-resolved spectral measurements by a five-channel polychromator. The ion and electron densities turned out to be equal to n i≈4×1019 cm−3 and n e≈4×1020 cm−3, respectively, and the electron temperature was T e≈40 eV. The radiation energy measured in the range 50–600 eV was 2–10 kJ. The sources of soft X-ray emission in hydrogen-and helium-like aluminum lines were the bright spots and local objects (clouds) formed in the plasma corona at an electron temperature of 200–500 eV and electron density of 1021–1022 cm−3. The possibility of both the generation of an axial magnetic field during the liner implosion and the conversion of the energy of this field into soft X-ray emission is discussed. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 28, No. 6, 2002, pp. 514–521. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2002 by Bakshaev, Blinov, Dan'ko, Ivanov, Klír, Korolev, Kravárik, Krása, Kubeš, Tumanov, Chernenko, Chesnokov, Shashkov, Juha.  相似文献   

Results are presented from Z-pinch experiments performed in the S-300 facility (Kurchatov Institute) at a maximum current of 2 MA and current rise time of 100 ns. The Z-pinch load was a 1-cm-long 1-cmdiameter cylindrical array made of 40 tungsten wires with a total mass of 160 μg, at the axis of which a 100-μm-diameter (CD2) n deuterated fiber was installed. Hard X-ray and neutron signals were recorded using five scintillation detectors oriented in one radial and two axial directions. The maximum neutron yield from the DD reaction reached 3 × 109 neutrons per shot. The average neutron energy was determined from time-of-flight measurements and Monte Carlo simulations under the assumption that the neutron emission time was independent of the neutron energy. The average neutron energy in different experiments was found to vary within the range 2.5–2.7 MeV. The fact that the average neutron energy was higher than 2.45 MeV (the energy corresponding to the DD reaction) is attributed to the beam-target collisional mechanism for the acceleration of deuterons to 100–500 keV.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies and numerical simulations of the effect of preliminary wire explosion on the parameters of X-ray emission generated during wire array Z-pinch implosion. The wire array implosion was driven by a current pulse with an amplitude of 0.5 MA and a rise time of 0.5 μs, while the preliminary wire explosion was produced by a current pulse with an amplitude of 0.5–1 kA per wire, a rise time of 100 ns, and a full width at half maximum of ~200 ns. The experiments showed that the current prepulse significantly impaired the parameters of X-ray pulses. In particular, along with a decrease in the amplitude and an increase in the duration of the X-ray pulse, its spiky structure became more pronounced. The results of numerical simulations with the use of a one-dimensional radiative MHD code are in good agreement with the parameters of Z-pinch emission in experiments with and without a current prepulse.  相似文献   

Results are presented from measurements of the anisotropy of energy losses in high-current Z-pinches produced by the implosion of wire arrays at the ANGARA-5-1 facility at load currents of up to 4MA. The energy losses were measured in the radial direction and along the pinch axis from the anode side. The main diagnostics were time-integrated thermocouple calorimeters, nanosecond X-ray diodes (XRDs) with different filters, and a foil radiation calorimeter with a time resolution of 2 μs. The azimuthal anisotropy of energy losses was measured for different wire array configurations and different shapes of the high-voltage electrode. The presence of strong initial azimuthal inhomogeneity of the wire mass distribution (sectioned arrays), as well as the use of conical electrodes instead of plane ones, does not increase the azimuthal inhomogeneity of the total energy losses. For cylindrical wire arrays, energy losses in the radial direction are compared with those along the pinch axis. According to XRD and calorimetric measurements, the radiation yield per unit solid angle along the pinch axis is two to three times lower than that in the radial direction. In the axial direction, the energy flux density of the expanding plasma is two to three times lower than the radiation intensity. The measured radiation yield across the pinch is 2.5–5 kJ/sr, while that along the pinch axis is 1–2 kJ/sr. The results obtained by means of XRDs agree to within measurement errors with those obtained using the radiation calorimeter. It is found that the energy per unit solid angle carried by the expanding plasma in the radial direction does not exceed 10% of the soft X-ray yield. Analysis of the structure of time-integrated pinhole images and signals from the radial and axial XRDs shows that radiation emitted in the radial direction from the hot central region of the pinch is partially screened by the less dense surrounding plasma halo, whereas radiation emitted in the axial direction is a superposition of the emissions from the hot dense central region of the pinch and the colder less dense peripheral plasma.  相似文献   

The dependences of the radiation parameters of a plasma relativistic microwave amplifier on the external factors have been studied both experimentally and numerically. The calculated dependences are found to agree qualitatively with the measured ones. In contrast to experimental studies, numerical simulations make it possible to examine physical processes occurring inside the plasma waveguide. Good agreement between the measured and calculated dependences of the radiation parameters on the external factors shows that information provided by numerical simulations of the processes occurring inside the plasma waveguide can be considered quite reliable. The electromagnetic field structure and electron beam dynamics inside the plasma waveguide have been investigated.  相似文献   

Results of experiments on the compression of tungsten wire arrays by the plasma current sheath (PCS) of the PF-3 facility at currents of up to 2 MA are presented. The efficiency of current transportation to the wire array and switching-over of the discharge current to the array were studied. Information on the penetration of the magnetic field into the wire array obtained using microprobes made it possible to compare the obtained experimental data with the results of magnetic field measurements carried out at other high-power electrophysical devices. The intensity of plasma production from tungsten wires under the action of the plasma focus PCS is estimated. The experimental results are tested against the existing models of wire array implosion with prolonged plasma production.  相似文献   

A method for measuring the gradient of the magnetic field in the plasma of an imploding wire array is described. Results from measurements of the magnitude and gradient of the magnetic field in a tungsten wire array on the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of ∼3 MA are presented. A novel method for calculating the velocity of the current-carrying plasma in the framework of MHD equations from data on the magnitude and gradient of the magnetic field at a certain point inside the array is proposed. It is demonstrated that a gradient magnetic probe can be used to investigate the plasma current sheath in plasma focus facilities.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experiments on the implosion of simple and nested wire arrays of different mass and material composition (W and/or Al). The experiments were performed on the S-300 facility (a high-current pulsed power generator with a voltage pulse amplitude of 700 kV, current amplitude of 2.5–3.5 MA, and pulse duration of 100 ns) at the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow). The imploding arrays were recorded using five-frame laser shadowgraphy, three-frame image-tube photography, an optical streak camera, X-ray pinhole cameras with different filters, X-ray polychromator, and X-ray spectrometer on the basis of a convex mica crystal. Laser probing measurements indicate that the current-carrying structure undergoes a fast (over a time shorter than 10 ns) global rearrangement, which manifests itself as the emergence of transparent regions. This effect is presumably related to the grouping of the wires, which carry currents of a few tens of kiloamperes, or to the current filamentation in their common plasma corona. The radiation of liners of different chemical composition in the final compressed state has been investigated. Electric measurements performed in experiments with nested arrays (e.g., with an aluminum outer liner and a tungsten inner liner) indicate that the inner array, which is still at rest, intercepts the electric current from the outer array when the latter penetrates through it. The effect of the “fall” of the outer liner through the inner one in the course of magnetic implosion has been revealed for the first time by analyzing X-ray emission spectra.  相似文献   

A system for recording X-ray ion spectra by means of a spherical crystal with the subsequent transformation of the X-ray spectrum into an optical image recorded with the help of an optical streak camera is described. A computer code intended to recover the plasma parameters from the intensities of spectral lines of H- and He-like ions of some chemical elements (z = 6–29) is developed. Results of experiments on the determination of the parameters of hot plasma formed during the implosion of nested aluminum wire arrays at the S-300 high-current generator are presented.  相似文献   

Results are presented from measurements of the azimuthal magnetic field generated during the implosion of double (nested) tungsten wire arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of ~3 MA. It is found that the inner array affects the current distribution in the interarray space and that there is an optimal mass (an optimal number of wires) of the inner array at which the full width at half-maximum of the soft X-ray pulse (in the photon energy range of >100 eV) is minimal. On the average, double wire arrays provide a better reproductibility, higher power, and shorter duration of the soft X-ray pulse in comparison to single arrays.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the implosion of cylindrical kapron fiber arrays with addition of high- and medium-Z metal wires (tungsten, aluminum). The experiments were carried out on the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of 3–4 MA. The ablation rate in kapron fiber arrays is estimated and compared with that in tungsten wire arrays.  相似文献   

This study presents a novel flexible force sensor array for measuring the distribution of the force distribution over the first molar. The developed force sensor array is composed of a flexible polyimide electrode and barium-titanate-based multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs). The piezoelectric and material properties of industrial-grade MLCCs are ideal for measuring large-force loadings. The sensors are cheap and easy to integrate with automated manufacturing processes. Prior to experimental measurements, the force responses for the MLCC sensor cells were systematically measured and evaluated, confirming their high fracture strength and good sensing properties. Finite element (FE) simulations were used to calculate the force distribution over the tooth crown from the measurement results of the 3×3 force sensor array. Results indicate that the sensor has great sensitivity and linearity under a high-speed cycle loading of 500 N/s conducted to simulate normal chewing. The total force measured using the developed sensor array within the artificial tooth had an error of less than 5%. In addition, the force distributions over the molar crown obtained using a numerical method of FE analysis agree well with those obtained from experiments. The developed flexible force sensor array thus has potential for in-situ bite force measurements that are low-cost and reliable.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Costs of a sexual ornament in its early evolutionary form and the relationship between these costs and individual condition may be an important influence in the likelihood of possible evolutionary mechanisms involved in the evolution of this ornament. We reconstructed the tail shape in hypothetical ancestors of recent hirundines (Aves: Hirundinidae), from which the elongation of tail feathers under sexual selection might have begun. By elongating the tail in sand martins ( Riparia riparia , Hirundinidae), we simulated the early evolution of a long forked tail–the typical ornament of male hirundines. Birds with initial ornament captured smaller insects than controls, which suggests that this ornament imposed a cost in terms of impaired foraging. Furthermore, birds with naturally longer tails were better able to cope with initial ornament than naturally short-tailed birds. If length of tail in sand martins indicates the quality of individuals, our results suggest higher costs of this initial ornament for poorer than for higher quality individuals. We discuss the potential role of the handicap principle and other mechanisms in early evolution of a tail ornament.  相似文献   

Based on measurements of magnetic fields in current sheets, spatial distributions of the electric current and electrodynamic forces in successive stages of the sheet evolution are determined. Two new effects manifesting themselves mostly in the late stages of the current sheet evolution have been discovered, namely, expansion of the current flow region at the periphery of the sheet and the appearance of a region with inverse currents, which gradually expands from the periphery toward the center of the sheet. Using spectroscopic methods, generation of superthermal plasma flows accelerated along the sheet width from the center toward the periphery has been revealed and investigated. The measured energies of accelerated plasma ions satisfactorily agree with the Ampère forces determined from magnetic measurements. The excitation of inverse currents additionally confirms the motion of high-speed plasma flows from the center of the current sheet toward its side edges.  相似文献   

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