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味精污水中含有较高的氨氮离子,序列式生物膜反应器(SBBR)能够有效实现味精污水的同步硝化与反硝化反应,减少设备占有面积和节约处理时间。经过实验得出,当溶氧(DO)为3~4mg/L能够有效地满足生物膜中好氧菌的生长需要,又不会破坏生物膜内的厌氧环境,当pH值为8.0时,温度为30℃时,对味精生产中产生的污水的化学需氧量(COD)去除率高达95.34%,氨氮的去除率达到95.78%,生物需氧量(BOD5)去除率94.1%。  相似文献   

The performance and bio‐kinetic coefficients of the activated sludge process (ASP) treating synthesised dairy wastewater were evaluated in a lab‐scale setup. The step‐loading experiment showed that the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency, in general, increased with increasing influent wastewater COD concentration from 180 to 1200 mg/L (correlation coefficient was 0.80). The COD removal efficiency ranged from almost 80–88.4% depending on the COD concentration of the influent wastewater. Also, it could be stated that the ASP was probably underfed with organics at COD concentrations <725 mg/L. Monod, Moser, Contois and Chen & Hashimoto substrate utilisation models, relating the growth of micro‐organisms to substrate utilisation, were employed to describe the bio‐kinetics of the ASP at an organic loading rate of 1200 mg/L. Amongst them, the Contois and Monod models predicted the bio‐kinetic reactions of the ASP very well with coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.95 and 0.93, respectively. The estimated bio‐kinetic coefficients of the Contois model (on COD basis) were as follows: half‐velocity constant (0.20 mg/L), maximum substrate utilisation rate (3.13 per day), biomass yield coefficient (0.68), endogenous decay coefficient (0.07 per day) and maximum specific growth rate (2.13 per day).  相似文献   

刘欢 《啤酒科技》2011,(5):32-35
为了分析啤酒厂废水处理系统活性污泥运行状态,选取了啤酒厂污水处理系统中不同阶段的微型生物群落结构作为研究对象。本文利用16S rDNA及18S rDNA特异性引物作为分子标记,通过PCR扩增污水处理系统中的环境生物群落DNA,以变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术分离检测PCR产物获得微生物群落的DNA指纹图谱。研究结果显示,经过活性污泥处理的啤酒厂废水中细菌群落和真核生物群落结构发生了明显的改变。其中在细菌群落DGGE图谱中检测到21条特异性条带,而在真核生物DGGE图谱检测到10条。UPGMA聚类分析显示,进水与活性污泥中的细菌及真核群落结构十分相似(相似性>0.67),而与出水的差异较大(相似性<0.41),这表明了进水对活性污泥生物群落结构的重要影响。  相似文献   

施云芬  刘月华 《酿酒》2004,31(5):86-87
某啤酒厂废水处理站设计规模为2100m3/d;进水CODcr=800~1500mg/L,BOD5=400~800mg/L,SS=300~600mg/L.采用高负荷生物滤池-活性污泥法处理工艺,运行表明出水水质达到GB8978-1988污水综合排放标准中规定的一级标准.  相似文献   

Analyses of the nitrite reductase gene diversities (nirK and nirS) in an activated sludge community fed with both nitrite and glucose were conducted. Results suggest that the topology of nirK and nirS gene fragment-based phylogenetic trees is influenced more by the available electron acceptor than by the carbon source. A denitrification reactor was operated for 53 days and a clone library constructed when the denitrifying communities in the SBR were supplied with both nitrite and glucose. Half of the nirK and nearly all the nirS gene fragments formed a cluster that was separate from a cluster containing nirK and nirS sequences derived from other communities in nitrate-fed reactors. On the other hand, nirK and nirS fragments obtained with glucose as the carbon source were similar to those detected in communities fed with other carbon sources.  相似文献   

By adopting two sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) A and B, nitrate as the substrate, and the intermittent aeration mode, activated sludge was domesticated to enrich aerobic denitrifiers. The pHs of reactor A were approximately 6.3 at DOs 2.2-6.1 mg/l for a carbon source of 720 mg/l COD; the pHs of reactor B were 6.8-7.8 at DOs 2.2-3.0 mg/l for a carbon source of 1500 mg/l COD. Both reactors maintained an influent nitrate concentration of 80 mg/l NO3- -N. When the total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) removal efficiency of both reactors reached 60%, aerobic denitrifier accumulation was regarded completed. By bromthymol blue (BTB) medium, 20 bacteria were isolated from the two SBRs and DNA samples of 8 of these 20 strains were amplified by PCR and processed for 16SrRNA sequencing. The obtained results were analysed by a Blast similarity search of the GenBank database, and constructing a phylogenetic tree for identification by comparison. The 8 bacteria were found to belong to the genera Pseudomonas, Delftia, Herbaspirillum and Comamonas. At present, no Delftia has been reported to be an aerobic denitrifier.  相似文献   

该实验分析了酒精废水处理过程的主要指标变化,并基于Illumina MiSeq测序方法研究了氧化沟活性污泥的微生物菌群,分析污泥中微生物种类、丰度和功能。 结果表明,在酒精废水处理过程中,pH的变化较小,总磷(TP)浓度不断减小,NH4+-N浓度呈先升高后降低的趋势,化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD)呈先快速减小后缓慢减小的趋势。 氧化沟活性污泥中生丝微菌属(Tetrasphaera)对废水中磷元素的去除起重要的作用;陶厄氏菌属(Thauera)对废水中氮元素的去除起重要的作用;球形杆菌属(Sphaerobacter)、陶厄氏菌属(Thauera)、沙雷氏菌属(Serratia)能够降解或转化结构复杂的有机物;热单胞菌属(Caldimonas)在污泥中丰度高,但其特性和功能尚不清晰,有待更加深入地研究。  相似文献   

乳品废水浮渣提取脂肪酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了从乳品废水浮查中提取混合脂肪酸的方法。讨论了盐酸浓度、酸用量、温度、水解时间对脂肪酸提取率和酸值的影响,经正交实验确定了最佳工艺条件为:盐酸浓度为12%,酸用量为3ml/g,温度50℃,水解时间60min,最终粗脂肪酸的提取率可达55%左右。气谱-质谱联用仪分析结果表明,月桂酸、肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸是乳渣脂肪酸中最主要的成分  相似文献   

印染废水生物处理中剩余污泥的处理和处置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢徐节  孙芮  陈季华 《印染》2007,33(17):45-47
阐述印染废水生物处理中产生大量剩余污泥的处理和处置方法以及有关技术,系统介绍了目前剩余污泥的主要处理和处置技术及其优缺点。一般处置方法为土地利用、焚烧和卫生填埋;处理新技术有湿式氧化法、超声波处理技术、高速生物反应器和利用矿山采空区消纳剩余污泥;污泥减量化技术则包括膜生物反应器、臭氧法、微生物捕食法和水解酸化工艺。  相似文献   

SBR工艺在制革废水处理中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
概述了国内外SBR技术应用情况、SBR工艺的工作原理和特点。SBR法由于其工艺简单、运行灵活、基建和运行费用低、耐高盐负荷冲击能力,它特别适合制革废水的处理。工程实践表明,SBR工艺对制革废水有较好的处理效果。同时指出随着对该工艺的研究和开发,它必将成为一种很有竞争力的废水处理工艺,在制革废水处理中拥有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

中低温下IC反应器对OCC废水处理及颗粒污泥特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐源  马邕文 《中华纸业》2011,32(2):17-21
在运行温度为9~28℃的条件下用葡萄糖废水做基质启动IC反应器,实现厌氧颗粒污泥的快速培养,然后通过"人工配水+OCC造纸废水"的进水方式,逐步提高造纸废水的配比,驯化颗粒污泥,并研究了IC反应器内颗粒污泥处理降解OCC废水的特性。结果表明:在驯化阶段,控制HRT=8h不变,反应器的污泥量发生变化,SS由8.57g/L减少到7.84g/L,VSS由7.02g/L增加到7.18g/L,VSS/SS由81.9%变为91.6%。在稳定运行阶段,通过改变HRT来调节容积负荷,运行结束时,HRT减少到4.8h,COD的去除率最终能稳定到75%以上,对OCC废水有较好的处理效果。颗粒污泥长势良好,0.3~1.5mm中间粒径的颗粒污泥达到56.73%,极大粒径1.5~2.45mm的颗粒污泥占到7.07%。  相似文献   

含硫废水和含铬废水单独进行预处理,然后上清液与综合废水经物理化学处理后进行SBR生化处理某制革厂的废水,经过半年多的稳定运行表明,在综合进水COD、BOD、SS、S2-、氨氮、Cr3+分别为2000~8000mg/L、331~887mg/L、300~100mg/L、100~6000mg/L、6~3600mg/L、0.33~8.77mg/L的情况下,处理后出水COD、BOD、SS、S2-、氨氮、Cr3+的浓度分别为100~300mg/L、15~25mg/L、40~60mg/L、〈0.5mg/L、25~50mg/L、〈1.5mg/L,达到国家一级标准。该废水处理工艺具有占地面积小、处理效果好等特点。  相似文献   

使用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR)对某厂的中段废水进行处理.初步研究了处理过程中进水方式、曝气量、进水容积负荷、处理周期等影响因素,并对各参数进行了优化.实验结果表明,SB-BR工艺对中段废水进行处理时,CODcr去除率达75.3%,BOD5去除率达76.6%.经SBBR处理后出水再混凝处理后,出水达到DB44/26-2001的二级排放标准.  相似文献   

Two bench-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated in a fixed hydraulic retention time study to investigate the effectiveness of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), pH and dissolved oxygen as parameters for indicating denitrification followed by nitrification in SBRs for swine wastewater treatment. The ORP and pH profiles were monitored and evaluated under different denitrification and nitrification conditions with and without a supplemental carbon source. With a low C/N ratio, and using a suitable C/N ratio adjustment control, ORP and pH could be used as monitoring and control parameters in both the anoxic and oxic phases for practical swine wastewater treatment. High-level accumulation of nitrate was observed without any C/N ratio adjustment. In this case, ORP and pH were not useful for monitoring denitrification followed by nitrification in SBRs. According to our research, with regard to N removal, it would be better to use pH as a parameter during the oxic phase and ORP as a parameter during the anoxic phase. Using a suitable adjustment of a ON ratio in the influent by adding swine slurry, a high total nitrogen removal efficiency of up to 95.5% was reached. It was found that, in this case, the use of ORP and pH as parameters for real-time control processes was possible in swine wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The characteristics of granular sludge from full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors used for the treatment of brewery wastewater were investigated. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses of settled granules from a reactor that had been treating brewery wastewater stably at COD removal rates of over 90% for more than 6 months showed that a methanogen of the genus Methanosaeta was predominant near the granule surface and that Bacteria were not abundant. The center of the granules was composed of dead or resting cells, or both, which were used as a support for active archaeal and bacterial cells near the surface. Periodic analysis of granules from full-scale plants showed that granules containing methanogens deep within them tended to float. Granules with a Bacteria layer on the surface also tended to float. On the basis of these findings, well-settled granules are considered to have methanogens that develop near the granule surface so that the gases generated during methane fermentation are readily released.  相似文献   

芦苇黑液木质素制备活性炭吸附废水中的硝基苯   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以芦苇造纸黑液酸沉木质素为原料,使用流化床在500℃下炭化5min,再将其与K2CO3以1:2比例混合转入管式炉中,在900℃下活化60min.通过对氮气以及对废水中硝基苯的吸附表征,表明该法所制备的木质素微孔活性炭的比表面积可达1395m2/g,且吸附性能良好.同时Langmuir吸附方程较Freundlich吸附方程能更好地描述该活性炭对硝基苯的吸附过程.FT-IR红外光谱说明活性炭中硅的存在;SEM扫描电镜观察到活性炭多孔的生成.  相似文献   

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