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耦合微盘及带输出波导的单微盘腔的耦合模式特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光学微腔具有很高的品质因子和很小的模式体积,在光电子器件研究方面具有重要的应用价值.运用时域有限差分(FDTD)法和Padé近似频谱分析法模拟研究了耦合微盘及带输出波导的单微盘微腔由于空间对称性破坏导致的模式耦合现象;特别计算了耦合模式的场分布和品质因子,并由场分布得出不同角量子数模式的能量比例.对耦合微盘,模式耦合引...  相似文献   

设计并测试了两种基于微瓶腔结构的温度传感系统。分别基于电弧放电法和自主装法制备了氧化硅材料(SiO2)和紫外光固化胶(UCA)聚合物材料微瓶腔,通过锥形光纤耦合的方式分析了两种微瓶腔基本特性,并测试它们在温度传感中的应用。实验结果表明,SiO2微瓶腔在温度上升时的灵敏度为11.13 pm/℃,在温度下降时的灵敏度为10.25 pm/℃;UCA微瓶腔在温度上升时的灵敏度为111.89 pm/℃,在温度下降时的温度灵敏度为102.02 pm/℃。两者在上升和下降时均保持很好的一致性,尤其UCA微瓶腔温度灵敏度比SiO2微瓶腔提升了10倍。本文传感器具有体积小、价格低、可塑性和重复性好、灵敏度高等优势,在温度传感领域具有潜在应用。  相似文献   

氟化钙晶体微腔相比玻璃材料微腔,具有吸收系数小、缺陷少、纯度高、对周围环境湿度不敏感的优势,在微波光子学、陀螺仪和非线性光学等领域具有潜在的应用价值.通过超精密加工技术制备了回转椭球体氟化钙毫米晶体微腔.研发了一套精密加工系统来制备这种微腔,所制得的微腔形状为回转椭球体,微腔结构边缘表面粗糙度低至1.97 nm.使用光...  相似文献   

光学微球腔及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金乐天  王克逸  周绍祥 《物理》2002,31(10):642-646
光学微球腔因其极高的品质因和极小的模式体积,在非线性光学、腔体量子电动力学以及窄带光学滤波、高灵敏度运动传感器、极低阈值激光器等许多研究与应用领域具有广泛的应用前景。文章对光学微球腔的谐振原理、特点、耦合、制备和应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

温钦  秦晋辉  周恒  邱昆 《光学学报》2020,(19):156-164
利用二氧化碳激光器在熔融石英棒上加工出具有超高品质因子的微棒腔,并研究了微腔的曲率、耦合位置以及耦合位置处锥形光纤的半径对激发的模式数量、品质因子以及耦合效率的影响。通过优化加工和耦合过程中的参数,在保证超高品质因子的同时激发出少量模式,有效避免了模式重叠,从而在不同波长下产生了具有频谱光滑包络的孤子光频梳。  相似文献   

微瓶腔在腔动力学、非线性光学、高灵敏度传感和微型激光器等领域具有非常大的应用潜力.首先,从亥姆霍兹方程出发,详细研究了微瓶腔中的模式场分布理论.利用电弧放电加工方法,制备了扁长型微瓶腔.其次,采用光纤锥波导耦合方式有效激发了微瓶腔中的径向模式和轴向模式,并且通过调节微瓶腔与波导的耦合间隙,实现了对微瓶腔的欠耦合、临界耦合和过耦合三种耦合状态控制.实验中,光谱中回音壁模式得到很好的模式定位和识别,最大品质因子Q值达到1.78×108.通过采用接触式耦合来增强调谐的稳定性,控制不同的耦合位置实现了谐振模式选择性激发,得到了稳定并且干净的谐振光谱.最后,通过选择光纤锥波导直径观察到了Fano谐振效应.所展示的结果对增强微腔传感、非线性光学和腔动力学等应用有重要意义.  相似文献   

研究圆球微腔传感应用的详细实验过程, 给出传感特性验证通用的优化实验方案。微球与环境的折射率差别越小, 半径越小, 其灵敏度越高。加工时应使用高精度热源为佳, 并进行CCD监视, 融化形成球立即停止加热。提出了圆球微腔用作测试水蒸汽的湿敏传感器的应用方向。  相似文献   

垂直腔面发射半导体微腔激光器   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
潘炜 《物理》1999,28(4):210-216
评述了垂直腔面发射半导体激光器研究的最新进展,就其结构特点、应变量子阱结构、超晶格镜面和微腔效应作了简要的论述,探讨了进一步降低半导体激光器阈值的途径,介绍了新型的氧化约束型垂直腔面发射半导体激光器,并对微腔激光器中自发辐射增强效应和三维封闭腔的特性给出了描述,同时展望了该器件的应用及发展前景。  相似文献   

半导体垂直腔面发射激光器的微腔效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用腔量子电动力学和半导体物理学讨论了半导体垂直腔面发射激光器的微腔效应,得到了实际腔结构和注入载流子下的半导体生趣腔面发射激光器的自发发射谱,计算结果表明,半导体分布布拉格反射垂直腔激光器的单方向自发发射可以境强约200倍。  相似文献   

米贤武  柏江湘  李德俊 《中国物理 B》2012,21(3):30303-030303
The dynamics of the optomechanical entanglement between optical cavity field modes and a macroscopic mechanical breathing mode in a whispering-gallery cavity as well as the continuous variable entanglement between the phase-quadrature amplitudes of the two whispering-gallery modes have been analysed. Simulated results indicate that under state-of-the-art experimental conditions, optomechanical entanglement is obvious and can occur even at temperatures of above 40 K. Compared with the entanglement of the mechanical oscillator at the ground state temperature, optomechanical entanglement is more intense by several orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Ke Yang 《中国物理 B》2022,31(9):94205-094205
We demonstrate the curvature of coupled twin circular-side-octagon microcavity (TCOM) lasers as the degree of freedom to realize manipulation of mode quality ($Q$) factor and lasing characteristics. Numerical simulation results indicate that mode $Q$ factors varying from 10$^{4 }$ to 10$^{8}$, wavelength intervals of different transverse modes, and mode numbers for four-bounce modes can be manipulated for five different deformations. Global mode distributes throughout coupled microcavity with mode $Q$ factor around the order of 10$^{4 }$ or 10$^{5}$. Four-bounce modes lase with injection currents applied single microcavity. By pumping both microcavities simultaneously, single-mode lasing for global modes with side mode suppression ratios (SMSRs) of 30, 32, 32, 31, and 36 dB is achieved at the deformation of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 with four-bounce modes suppressed, respectively. Moreover, the linewidths less than 11 MHz for the single mode are obtained with the deformation of 2. The results show that the lasing modes can be efficiently manipulated considering variable curvature for TCOM lasers, which can promote practical applications of microcavity lasers.  相似文献   

对Ka波段工作模式为TE01模和TE02模的两种回旋速调管的输入耦合器进行了详细研究,利用模式匹配理论和HFSS建模仿真计算了内圆柱腔和外同轴腔的尺寸;提出了一种与软件计算相结合的模式纯度计算方法,对内腔工作模式纯度、内外腔能量分数进行了计算。内腔侧面上的耦合缝的大小、角向位置都直接决定外同轴腔内的TEm11模向内圆柱腔的TE0n1模的耦合情况。针对耦合缝与输入波导成45°和0°分布两种情况,研究了耦合缝长、宽和角向偏移,以及内外腔频差对频率、Q值及内腔能量分数的影响。分别设计了Ka波段内腔工作模式为TE011、外腔为TE411和内腔TE021、外腔TE811的两种输入耦合器,并利用矢量网络分析仪对内腔工作模式为TE011的耦合器进行了冷高频测量,测得频率为34.257 GHz,与计算结果34.300 GHz仅相差43 MHz。  相似文献   

The dynamics of the optomechanical entanglement between optical cavity field modes and a macroscopic mechanical breathing mode in a whispering-gallery cavity as well as the continuous variable entanglement between the phase-quadrature amplitudes of the two whispering-gallery modes have been analysed.Simulated results indicate that under state-of-the-art experimental conditions,optomechanical entanglement is obvious and can occur even at temperatures of above 40 K.Compared with the entanglement of the mechanical oscillator at the ground state temperature,optomechanical entanglement is more intense by several orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

A resonant buildup of beam-induced fields in a superconducting radio frequency(RF)cavity may make a beam unstable or a superconducting RF cavity quench. Higher-order mode(HOM)couplers are used for damping higher-order modes to avoid such a resonant buildup. A coaxial HOM coupler based on the TTF (TESLA Test Facility)HOM coupler has been designed for the superconducting RF cavities at the Proton Engineering Frontier Project(PEFP)in order to overcome notch frequency shift and feed-through tip melting issues. In order to confirm the HOM coupler design and finalize its structural dimensions, two prototype HOM couplers have been fabricated and tested. Low-power testing and measurement of the HOM couplers has shown that the HOM coupler has good filter properties and can fully meet the damping requirements of the PEFP low-beta superconducting RF linac.  相似文献   

肖亚玲  刘艳格  王志  刘晓颀  罗明明 《物理学报》2015,64(20):204207-204207
提出了三种基于少模光纤的全光纤熔融模式选择耦合器. 根据模式匹配原理采用单模光纤与少模光纤熔融连接方式, 运用耦合模理论及光束传播法模拟分析了模式选择耦合器的结构参数对模式选择及耦合特性的影响, 实现了单模光纤中基模到少模光纤中不同阶模式的转换, 以满足不同的应用需求. 实验上以2× 2熔融光纤耦合器为例, 采用对称和非对称熔融拉锥方式, 分别实现了从基模到LP11, LP21模式的转换. 实验结果表明所得到的LP11, LP21模式在1530–1560 nm的波长带宽范围内均有较高的模式纯净度, 且模式耦合效率高于80%, 与理论模拟结果基本一致.  相似文献   

A resonant buildup of beam-induced fields in a superconducting radio frequency (RF) cavity may make a beam unstable or a superconducting RF cavity quench. Higher-order mode (HOM) couplers are used for damping higher-order modes to avoid such a resonant buildup. A coaxial HOM coupler based on the TTF (TESLA Test Facility) HOM coupler has been designed for the superconducting RF cavities at the Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) in order to overcome notch frequency shift and feed-through tip melting issues. In order to confirm the HOM coupler design and finalize its structural dimensions, two prototype HOM couplers have been fabricated and tested. Low-power testing and measurement of the HOM couplers has shown that the HOM coupler has good filter properties and can fully meet the damping requirements of the PEFP low-beta superconducting RF linac.  相似文献   

We have investigated the switching performance of a gained (nonlinear directional coupler) NLDC switch in the presence of both 2nd and 4th order gain nonlinearities. In this system, we have achieved a nearly complete pulse switching at half beat length of the coupler which implies about 40% reduction in the switching length as compared to the switching length reported in Trillo et al. (1988). We have shown that at the half beat length the output energy of each branch is equal to that of the input energy and hence the gained NLDC switches have ability to be cascaded. Our initial investigations reveal that this gained NLDC switch has remarkable performance and potential to be used in ultra-fast optical communication systems.  相似文献   

光纤光栅耦合器(FGC)具有光纤光栅良好的波长选择特性和光纤耦合器的多端口特点,易于实现全光纤的光波分插复用。光纤光栅耦合器主要有4种结构:基于M Z干涉仪的分离型、基于100%耦合器的非对称型、基于0耦合器的非对称型和基于100%耦合器的对称型。着重介绍对称结构光纤光栅耦合器的结构、工作原理和研究现状。提出了测试方案,并探讨了这种器件在大规模波分复用光纤传感器阵列中的应用。  相似文献   

王澎  陈淑芬  秦秉神 《光学技术》2000,26(6):521-523
研究了对称结构定向耦合器开关的工作原理 ,用正交模理论结合制造工艺条件分析了影响对称结构定向耦合器开关消光比的因素。提出了提高对称结构定向耦合器开关消光比的方法。理论分析及模拟计算结果表明 :在对称结构定向耦合器开关的分支区加上一对补偿电极后可以获得较高的消光比。  相似文献   

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