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During the last years, inversion techniques have become one of the most powerful tools to obtain, from spectropolarimetric data, the stratification of physical quantities (temperature, pressure, velocity fields, magnetic field, etc.) describing different structures in the solar atmosphere. The SIR code (Stokes Inversion based on Response functions), developed at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), is internationally acknowledged nowadays at the most sophisticated and accurate inversion method. The main results derived from its application to the study of the solar photosphere, are presented. Two recent extensions are reported as well: inversion under NLTE conditions, and the MISS code (Multiline Inversion of Stellar Spectra). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文研究了1979年9月19日3B级耀斑金属谱线的不对称性和线心位移.结果表明:强金属线红不对称占主要地位,少数弱金属线也有蓝不对称存在;不对称程度极大发生于线心强度极大之前;不对称性有时可由蓝变红;不管不对称程度如何,线心的位移却很小,总体上仅表现为极微弱的蓝移.文中认为,耀斑爆发时色球压缩区的向下扩展及由此引起的温度极小区上下的物质运动这个动力学过程可基本解释这些观测现象.金属线的研究是对H_α和CaIIK线光谱研究的补充.  相似文献   

仲佳勇  赵刚  邱红梅 《天文学报》2002,43(2):113-120
利用北京天文台兴隆观测基地2.16米望远镜的折轴阶梯光栅摄谱仪,获得了一批中等贫金属星的高分辨率,高信噪比光谱,通过MIDAS软件包对其中7颗中等贫金属星进行了光谱处理,得到了它们的等值宽度,最后给出院 样本恒星的等值宽度及误差分析。  相似文献   

198 4年 5月 5日太阳东边缘土墩日珥的Hα单色像和D3线被观测到了。D3发射线由两部分组成 :主成分和致宽成分。本文利用双层模型方法对该土墩日珥的 1 7条D3发射线成功地进行了计算 ,给出了D3线的计算结果。计算结果表明 :日珥的D3发射线主要由热的多普勒致宽和微观湍流致宽所致 ,其它致宽机制的作用可以忽略  相似文献   

Sharma  M. K.  Chandra  S. 《Astrophysics》2021,64(3):388-404
Astrophysics - Aminomethanol (NH2CH2OH) and N-Methylhydroxylamine (CH3NHOH) are isomers of each other, and have astrochemical importance. To our knowledge, they have not been analyzed so far in any...  相似文献   

Abstract— We describe an analytical technique for measurements of Fe, Ni, Co, Mo, Ru, Rh, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au in bulk samples of iron meteorites. The technique involves EPMA (Fe, Ni, Co) and LA‐ICP‐MS analyses of individual phases of iron meteorites, followed by calculation of bulk compositions based on the abundances of these phases. We report, for the first time, a consistent set of concentrations of Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au in the iron meteorites Arispe, Bennett County, Grant, Cape of Good Hope, Cape York, Carbo, Chinga, Coahuila, Duchesne, Gibeon, Henbury, Mundrabilla, Negrillos, Odessa, Sikhote‐Alin, and Toluca and the Divnoe primitive achondrite. The comparison of our LA‐ICP‐MS data for a number of iron meteorites with high‐precision isotope dilution and INAA data demonstrates the good precision and accuracy of our technique. The narrow ranges of variations of Mo and Pd concentrations within individual groups of iron meteorites suggest that these elements can provide important insights into the evolution of parent bodies of iron meteorites. Under certain assumptions, the Mo concentrations can be used to estimate mass fractions of the metal‐sulfide cores in the parent bodies of iron meteorites. It appears that a range of Pd variations within a group of iron meteorites can serve as a useful indicator of S content in the core of its parent body.  相似文献   

Photospheric C,N,and O abundances of 118 solar-analog stars were determined by applying the synthetic-fitting analysis to their spectra in the blue or near-UV region comprising lines of CH,NH,and OH molecules,with an aim of clarifying the behaviors of these abundances in comparison with[Fe/H].It turned out that,in the range of-0.6■[Fe/H]■+0.3,[C/Fe]shows a marginally increasing tendency with decreasing[Fe/H]with a slight upturn around[Fe/H]~0,[N/Fe]tends to somewhat decrease toward lower[Fe/H],a...  相似文献   

We present out methods of measurement and reduction of high-dispersion photographic spectra of Venus. Our preliminary results are consistent with slow direct or no rotation at the level we sample, and disagree strongly with a 4-day retrograde rotation. A serious systematic error, which affects much published work, is due to blending of solar lines in the sky with those reflected from the planet. This always tends to produce a spurious retrograde “rotation.” Only data obtained in a dark sky, or daytime observations from which the sky lines have been accurately subtracted, can be relied upon. All such data give low wind speeds.  相似文献   

Using the spectral data of representative solar flares observed with the infrared detector system of the solar spectrograph at Purple Mountain Observatory, we study the spectroscopic characteristics of solar flares in the Hα, the Ca i i 8?542 Å, and the He i 10?830 Å lines in different phases and various locations of flares and discuss their possible implications coupled with space observations. Our results show that in the initial phase of a flare the Hα line displays a red shift only with no wide wing. Large broadenings of the Hα line are observed a few minutes after the flare onset within small regions of 3?–?5′′ in both disk and limb flares with and without nonthermal processes. Far wings similar to those of damping broadening appear not only in the Hα line but in the He i 10?830 Å line as well in flares with nonthermal processes. Sometimes we even detect weak far-wing emission in the Ca i i 8?542 Å line in disk flares. Such large broadenings are observed in both the footpoints and the flare loop-top regions and possibly result from strong turbulence and/or macroscopic motions. Therefore, the so-called nonthermal wing of the Hα line profile is not a sufficient condition to distinguish whether nonthermal electrons are accelerated or not in a flare. The Ca i i 8?542 Å line shows lower intensity in the loop-top regions and higher intensity in the parts close to the solar surface. Emissions larger than nearby continuum in the He i 10?830 Å line are detected only in small regions with strong X-ray emissions and avoid sunspot umbrae.  相似文献   

A Draconid meteor shower outburst was observed from on board two scientific aircraft deployed above Northern Europe on 8th October 2011. The activity profile was measured using a set of photographic and video cameras. The main peak of the activity occurred around 20:15 ± 0:0.5 UT which is consistent with the model prediction as well as with the IMO network visual observations. The corrected hourly rates reached a value of almost 350. The brighter meteors peaked about 15–20 min earlier than the dimmer ones. This difference can be explained by different directions of the ejection of the meteoroids from the parent comet. One of the instruments was even able to detect meteors connected with the material ejected from the parent comet before 1900 and thus confirmed the prediction of the model, although it was based on uncertain pre-1900 cometary data. Another small peak of the activity, which was caused by material ejected during the 1926 perihelion passage of the parent comet, was detected around 21:10 UT. The mass distribution index determined using the narrow field-of-view video camera was 2.0 ± 0.1. This work shows that the observation of meteor outbursts can constrain the orbital elements, outgassing activity and existence of jets at the surface of a comet.  相似文献   

A number of high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of mildly metal-poor stars were obtained with the coudé echelle spectrograph attached to the 2.16m telescope at Xinglong Observation Base of Beijing Astronomical Observatory. The spectra of seven mildly metal-poor stars were processed with the MIDAS software package, and the equivalent widths of their spectral lines were measured. The measured equivalent widths together with an error analysis are presented.  相似文献   

自1987年以来,云台库特摄谱仪改装使用了CCD相机,将可测波段扩展到红外。本文经实测证认了适用于扩展后的7000—11700埃的Fe-Ar比较光源的标准光谱谱线表。并精确测定了仪器改装后的光栅转角计算公式,还讨论了仪器综合效率、光栅定位精度、滤光片的使用等问题。  相似文献   

色球压缩区是耀斑大气动力学过程的一个基本特征,是产生色球谱线红不对称性的基础。本文基于压缩区从大气高层向低层传播的理论公式,在二种不同情况下,计算得到了压缩区内物质运动速度随高度和时间的变化.结果表明,色球蒸发区压力增量Δp为常数时压缩区之寿命比压缩区波阵面后的压力p2为常数时要长得多,这就大大缓解了以往谱线不对称性的延续时间的理论值比观测值小的矛盾。形成高度不同的谱线具有不同程度的不对称性这一观测现象也同色球压缩区的传播特性相一致。  相似文献   

We compile a sample of 11 Fanaroff-Riley type I Radio Galaxies(FR-I RGs)with multi-wavelength observations to address the dynamic behavior of jets in these objects.Optical images acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope(HST)are carefully analyzed.The method and reduction procedure are described in detail. Unresolved optical cores emerge after having properly removed starlight from the host galaxies in eight of the FR-I RGs,of which five are new identifications.Broad band spectral properties of these newly identified compact cores are compared with that previously found in FR-I RGs,as well as the low-energy-peaked BL Lac objects. The similarity between them argues for the same non-thermal synchrotron origin. Well-resolved optical jets with knotty morphologies are found in three FR-I RGs in our sample,namely 3C 15,3C 66B and B20755 37.The optical counterparts to the inner radio/X-ray jets are identified and a clear one-to-one correspondence between the optical,radio and X-ray knots is found.The structure and information on the optical jets are discussed.Physical parameters such as the knots position,flux and size are also presented.Detailed comparison between the multi-wavelength data and radiative and dynamic models of jet will be made in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

W51M (W51 Main)是一个和HⅡ区成协的大质量恒星形成区,在其中可以探测到众多的分子谱线和H、He射电复合线.中国科学院上海天文台基于天马65 m望远镜对W51M的观测数据,证认了主量子数在74–117之间的H、He复合发射线,其中主量子数在74–78之间的H和He的α复合线均被探测到.结合H和He复合线的多普勒致宽,算出该HⅡ区的电子温度约为7400 K, He+/H+的离子丰度比约为0.09,这与已有的研究基本吻合.考虑高信噪比的复合线,即H(n)α(74n78),计算得出W51M的平均湍动速度是13.767 km·s-1.通过确定W51M或其他HⅡ区中的复合线,获取电子温度、湍动速度以及其他物理参量,在电子数密度、元素丰度、恒星形成率等方面进行了探讨,对分子谱线以及其他波段的复合线研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

云南天文台的太阳Stokes光谱望远镜是一台通过测量磁敏谱线的Stokes参数I,Q,U和V的轮廓来研究太阳磁场精细结构的光谱型矢量磁场测量仪。它利用4个完整的Stokes轮廓所蕴含的丰富信息,完全确定辐射的偏振状态,从而精确地测定太阳黑子区的矢量磁场。文章首先介绍了该望远镜的结构,进而详细地介绍了该望远镜所测量的偏振光谱资料的处理方法。  相似文献   

根据 1 984年 5月 5日土墩日珥D3线的拟合结果 ,本文分析了该土墩日珥的物理特性。结果发现 ,形成活动边缘的物质呈间歇性抛射 ,抛射物质的密度、温度在观测前期有显著变化 ,湍流速度异常之大 ,达 30km/s。土墩日珥的物理特性较一般 ,其D3线可用微观湍流 3~ 8km/s和低温 50 0 0~ 80 0 0K解释。  相似文献   

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