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In this paper, an adaptive hybrid control system (AHCS) based on the computed torque control for permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) servo drive is proposed. The proposed AHCS incorporating an auxiliary controller based on the sliding-mode, a recurrent radial basis function network (RBFN)-based self-evolving fuzzy-neural-network (RRSEFNN) controller and a robust controller. The RRSEFNN combines the merits of the self-evolving fuzzy-neural-network, recurrent-neural-network and RBFN. Moreover, it performs the structure and parameter-learning concurrently. Furthermore, to relax the requirement of the lumped uncertainty, an adaptive RRSEFNN uncertainty estimator is used to adaptively estimate the non-linear uncertainties online, yielding a controller that tolerate a wider range of uncertainties. Additionally, a robust controller is proposed to confront the uncertainties including approximation error, optimal parameter vector and higher order term in Taylor series. The online adaptive control laws are derived based on the Lyapunov stability analysis, so that the stability of the AHCS can be guaranteed. A computer simulation and an experimental system are developed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed AHCS. All control algorithms are implemented in a TMS320C31 DSP-based control computer. The simulation and experimental results confirm that the AHCS grants robust performance and precise dynamic response regardless of load disturbances and PMSM uncertainties.  相似文献   

磁悬浮系统的HOPF分岔自适应控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
磁悬浮固有系统是非线性的,也是本质不稳定的,其稳定性设计比较复杂,特别是在受到较大干扰和对象参数发生较大变化时,系统容易失去稳定并发散.理论分析与试验表明,这种现象的数学解释就是系统出现了HOPF分岔.为此,本文提出了一种用HOPF分岔规律调整非线性系统PID控制器参数的自适应设计方法,通过辨识干扰或者对象参数的变化,自动调整控制参数,使闭环系统远离HOPF分岔点,从而继续保持稳定.以悬浮质量突变为例的仿真表明,由此整定悬浮控制比例增益参数,可使磁悬浮系统获得较大的状态稳定范围,并有效回避自激振动.  相似文献   

An adaptive fuzzy neural network (AFNN) control system is proposed to control the position of the mover of a field-oriented control permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) servo-drive system to track periodic reference trajectories in this paper. In the proposed AFNN control system, an FNN with accurate approximation capability is employed to approximate the unknown dynamics of the PMLSM, and a robust compensator is proposed to confront the inevitable approximation errors due to finite number of membership functions and disturbances including the friction force. The adaptive learning algorithm that can learn the parameters of the FNN on line is derived using Lyapunov stability theorem. Moreover, to relax the requirement for the value of lumped uncertainty in the robust compensator, which comprises a minimum approximation error, optimal parameter vectors, higher order terms in Taylor series and friction force, an adaptive lumped uncertainty estimation law is investigated. Furthermore, all the control algorithms are implemented in a TMS320C32 DSP-based control computer. The simulated and experimental results due to periodic reference trajectories show that the dynamic behaviors of the proposed control systems are robust with regard to uncertainties.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于加速度计信号改善磁浮列车悬浮性能的控制算法.将固定在电磁铁上的加速度计的输出直接引入反馈控制最,使得悬浮控制系统在不同轨道曲线段上具有相同的表达式,从而使反馈线性化算法得以应用;利用离散跟踪一微分器,从测量到的间隙信号提取其一阶、二阶微分,使实际控制算法得以实现.仿真计算表明,该算法消除了列车进、出竖曲线的冲击,提高了悬浮性能.  相似文献   

Adaptive nonlinear control of repulsive maglev suspension systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic levitation systems have recently become the focus of many research interests not only because they are most suitable for high-precision engineering applications but also because of the fact that they represent a difficult challenge to control engineers. As a result, most previous studies have focused on the control stabilization problem. In this paper, the issue of performance with respect to uncertainty in order to achieve a desired stiffness is addressed. The proposed controller is an adaptive backstepping controller. The adaptive backstepping controller provides system stability under model uncertainty, and achieves the desired servo performance. The experiments show that the proposed control achieves a superior behavior than other control.  相似文献   

EMS型磁悬浮列车模块悬浮系统的模型参考自适应控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
模块是EMS型磁悬浮列车的基本功能单元,常用的悬浮控制方法是将其两端等效为两个完全独立的对象分别设计控制器。实际上模块两端的运动状态是互相耦合的,独立设计的控制器很难解决彼此之间的状态耦合。本文针对这种耦合情况,将模块视为一个刚体对象,采用反馈线性化方法实现模块运动的电气解耦,并针对模型的不确定性设计了模块悬浮系统的模型参考自适应控制器。仿真结果表明,该自适应控制器有效地解决耦合问题,提高悬浮系统的性能。  相似文献   

针对四旋翼无人机吊挂空运系统存在的模型不确定性及欠驱动性问题,本文提出了一种基于能量耦合的自适应控制设计.首先,基于能量整形控制方法构造了一种新型的能量存储函数以处理状态耦合.然后利用神经网络对系统未建模动态特性进行在线估计,同时设计参数自适应律在线估计模型中的未知参数,并采用基于符号函数的鲁棒控制算法补偿神经网络的估计误差.本文运用李雅普诺夫方法和拉塞尔不变性原理对闭环系统的稳定性进行了证明,并且证明了负载摆动和无人机位置误差的渐近收敛性.最后,在室内实验平台上进行了飞行实验.实验结果表明,本文提出的非线性控制方法能够在有效抑制吊挂负载摆动的同时,实现无人机位置的精确控制.  相似文献   

In the paper, the first results of the work on the development and implementation of an adaptive control system for car parking are presented. The proposed approach to construction of a car control system differs from the commonly accepted approach [1–3] and is based on the autonomous adaptive control method [4] developed by the research team headed by A.A. Zhdanov. In the framework of this method, car control and training and retraining of the control system are implemented in one process with satisfaction of all necessary conditions and constraints. This allows the control system to adjust to parameters of a particular car and to automatically readjust if these parameters vary in the course of the car usage. In the paper, a program modeling car parking based on the principles developed in this study is described. Examples of parking a car for some particular cases of mutual location of obstacles and the desired slot in the parking place are presented.  相似文献   

磁浮列车的非线性控制问题研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
建立了磁浮列车悬浮系统模型, 针对模型的非线性问题, 利用反馈线性化技术, 将系统的输入-状态线性化, 设计出一个P控制器和一个非线性补偿器, 得到了良好的仿真结果. 在此基础上, 进行了数字控制实验, 比较了仿真和实验结果. 实验表明反馈线性化技术可以解决磁浮列车非线性模型的控制问题.  相似文献   

In most maglev (magnetic levitation) systems, redundant electromagnetic actuators are usually used to increase the stability and robustness of the levitation motion. However, the obvious interactions generate between the redundant actuators and other general electromagnetic actuators. In this paper, a new and efficient redundant levitation control strategy is developed to overcome the interactions in this maglev system. In the strategy, some separate general controllers are designed for all general actuators, and then some special controllers are used to real-time track the electromagnetic forces of all general actuators, and accordingly they create control signal for the redundant actuators to counteract the interactions among general actuators and redundant actuators. To further illustrate the strategy, a novel redundant actuation maglev system is then demonstrated, and a simplified expression of the redundant control strategy is investigated for the maglev system. The experimental results show that the redundant levitation controller successfully removes the interactions between redundant actuator and general actuators, and the redundant levitation controller maintains good robustness under disturbance.  相似文献   

In this note, we consider a class of strict‐feedback random nonlinear system with unknown parameters,which is different from nonlinear systems described by Itó stochastic differential equations. The skills to deal with the effect of Wiener process for stochastic nonlinear systems are not suitable for random nonlinear system. We employ separation technique to design an adaptive backstepping controller such that the output can practically track a given signal and other signals are bounded in probability. A simulation example is presented to demonstrate reasonability and efficiency of the proposed method. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

非线性磁悬浮控制系统的周期运动稳定性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过分析基于串级PID控制器的非线性磁悬浮系统的hopf分岔现象,从控制参数与系统周期解稳定性的关系角度阐述磁悬浮系统产生振动的原因之一,给出了串级PID控制算法,建立了四阶磁悬浮系统动力学模型,并得出了控制参数的渐近稳定范围和hopf分岔条件,采用中心流形定理方法得到二阶降维模型,通过计算其PB规范形得到hopf分岔的稳定性以及对应极限环的振动频率,分析结果表明基于串级PID控制的磁悬浮系统具有一个不稳定的hopf分岔点,在该点附近系统将会产生频率约为5~7赫兹、持续但最终发散的振动。  相似文献   

研究采用串级PID控制的奇异摄动磁悬浮系统参数稳定范围.首先给出磁悬浮系统的串级PID控制算法与模型,讨论了系统稳定应该遵循的两个条件:一个是慢变子系统PID控制的渐近稳定条件,另一个是快变子系统电流环稳定条件,从而推导出基于串级PID控制的磁悬浮系统所应遵循的参数稳定范围和摄动参数稳定上界.结论说明由于电流环稳定条件与PID稳定条件存在较强耦合,对系统固有参数要求较为严格,导致实际系统调试难度较大.  相似文献   

磁悬浮系统是个典型的非线性系统,将非线性系统进行线性化后设计磁悬浮控制器,可以保证系统在平衡点附近稳定,但是当存在较大的干扰时,系统有可能失去稳定.本文分析单支点悬浮系统的稳定性,运用变量梯度法构造李雅普诺夫函数,推导出系统相对于平衡点的状态稳定保守区间,给出了系统的一个抗干扰程度,当磁悬浮系统受到较大干扰而偏离这一区间时,就应采取必要的自适应控制措施.最后用试验验证了这种控制方案的可行性.  相似文献   

欠驱动桥式吊车系统自适应控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对桥式吊车这类非线性欠驱动系统, 提出了一种基于耗散理论的自适应控制器. 它能够有效地抑制运输过程中负载的摆动, 并将其快速准确地运送到指定的位置. 相比其他吊车控制系统, 这种控制器无需准确测量台车和负载质量以及吊绳长度, 可以根据系统响应情况来对这些参数进行在线估计, 这将极大地方便控制器在实际吊车系统中的推广应用. 对于闭环系统的稳定性, 文中通过李雅普诺夫理论及拉塞尔不变性原理进行了证明, 仿真结果也证实了这种自适应控制器能够对吊车系统进行良好的控制.  相似文献   

本文借助于功能函数研究了一类混沌系统的跟踪控制问题.首先,通过坐标变换将Chua's混沌系统转换为一种严格反馈控制系统的通用形式.其次,结合自适应鲁棒控制技术和Backstepping方法设计了参数自适应控制律,对存在的不确定性和未知干扰的非线性系统实现了输出跟踪控制.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论对每一步的虚拟控制进行分步设计,得到的控制器不仅使系统输出跟踪给定的期望输出,而且使得系统对于所允许的不确定系统状态全局一致有界.最后,严格地理论证明表示了所设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Adaptive recurrent neural control for nonlinear system tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a new indirect adaptive control law based on recurrent neural networks, which are linear on the input. For the identifier, we adapt a recently published algorithm to fit the neural network type used for identification; this algorithm ensures exponential stability for the identification error. The proposed controller is based on sliding mode techniques. Our main result, stated as a theorem, concerns tracking error asymptotic stability. Applicability of the proposed scheme is tested via simulations.  相似文献   

车辆线控转向(steer-by-wire,SbW)系统存在摩擦力矩及回正力矩等不确定动态特性,难以实现精确建模与有效控制.为此,提出一种基于自适应模糊逻辑系统的自适应高阶滑模(adaptive higher-order sliding mode,AHOSM)方法,实现SbW系统的有效控制.首先,通过自适应模糊逻辑系统逼...  相似文献   

The result of exact model matching for delay systems developed by the author is extended to the adaptive control of delay systems. Likewise, using results from the adaptive control of systems without delay, the principle of constructing adaptive systems for delay plants is also very simple and clear.  相似文献   

王艳  纪志成 《控制理论与应用》2011,28(10):1356-1362
无线网络化系统(wireless networked control system,WNCS)中节点能量受限是影响系统性能的重要因素.本文提出了一种自适应能量调度方法解决节点能量与控制需求问的矛盾,在采样周期与能量消耗之间关系的基础上,利用动态采样周期实现能耗的实时调节,满足节点生存时间的需求.进而,将自适应采样的WNCS建模为一类具有短暂不确定切换信号的离散切换系统,采用切换状态反馈控制律,利用切换系统理论分析了系统的稳定性,给出了系统渐近稳定时控制器增益与滞留时间需要满足的约束条件.最后在Truetimel.5和MATLAB仿真平台上验证了文中提出的方法和结论.  相似文献   

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