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心、肺联合移植后发生多器官功能衰竭一例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨心,肺联合移植术的手术方法及术后多器官功能衰竭的原因。方法 对1例扩张型心肌病合并肺动脉高压,心功能衰竭患者施行心,肺联合移植术,供肺由膈神经前放入受者两侧胸腔,依次吻合主支气管,下腔静脉,主动脉,上腔静脉与右心耳吻合。结果 由于受者的胸膜与肺及后纵隔粘连严重,术中出血多,术后引流液多,行二次开胸止血,受者相继出现呼吸,循环,泌尿,消化等系统功能衰竭,并发深部多器官曲霉菌感染。受者因多器官功能衰竭于术后14d死亡。结论 心,肺联合移植后的多器官功能衰竭是多因素综合所致,术中和术后出血多是重要原因之一。  相似文献   

不同受者同期分别接受同一供者的心、肺移植六例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为提高供者器官的利用率,探讨将同一供者的心、肺同期移植给不同受者的可行性及手术方法。方法采用原位灌洗、整块切取的方法获得3例供者的心脏和双肺,分别同期移植给3例终末期心脏疾病患者和3例终末期肺脏疾病患者。供者先行机械通气,然后开胸,主动脉及肺动脉分别插入灌注管,经主动脉插管灌注HTK液,经肺动脉插管灌注改良棉子糖低钾右旋糖酐液,对心、肺进行灌洗,然后整块切取心、肺。受者手术前进行供心、肺的分离,然后再次进行心、肺的逆行灌洗(通过上、下肺静脉插管和主动脉根部或者经腔静脉冠状窦逆行插管)。施行单侧肺移植者,再将左、右供肺分离。3例肺移植受者中,1例行左单肺移植,其他2例为非体外循环下序贯式双肺移植;3例心脏移植者均采用双腔静脉吻合法施行原位心脏移植。结果1例左单肺移植受者术后恢复良好;1例双肺移植受者术后出现右肺上叶静脉栓塞,于术后第9天再次手术,切除右肺上叶,后痊愈出院;另1例双肺移植受者,术后出现支气管吻合口狭窄,并发肺部感染,经对症治疗后好转出院,术后7个月死于重症感染。1例心脏移植受者术后早期出现肾功能衰竭,经血液透析治疗后痊愈出院,3例心脏移植受者术后生活质量良好,心功能恢复到0-I级。结论将同一供者的心、肺分别移植给不同受者,能充分利用供者器官,方法可行,效果良好。  相似文献   

目的总结分析1例心肺联合移植受者术后10年随访情况及国内心肺联合移植现况。方法回顾性分析复旦大学附属中山医院2003年12月完成的1例心肺联合移植受者临床资料。受者女性,43岁,原发病为先天性心脏病房间隔缺损合并艾森曼格综合征。供者男性,28岁。供、受者ABO血型相合,人类白细胞抗原配型5个位点错配。供者心、肺分别以uw液、HTK液灌洗保存。心脏移植采用双腔静脉吻合法,肺移植气管吻合采用3-0聚丙烯缝合线连续缝合外加自体组织包裹。采用达利珠单抗+环孢素+吗替麦考酚酯+糖皮质激素四联免疫抑制方案,术后9个月将环孢素替换为他克莫司,术后8年撤除糖皮质激素。门诊随访定期复查超声心动图、肺功能及胸部CT。同时,检索1992年1月1日至2013年12月31日中国期刊全文数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、维普中文科技期刊数据库以及万方数据资源系统心肺联合移植相关文献,对数据进行归类分析,采用Kaplan-Meier法计算受者生存率。结果截至2014年5月,该受者已存活10年3个月,生活质量良好。心功能恢复至美国纽约心脏病协会心功能分级I~Ⅱ级,术后9年超声心动图示左室射血分数65%。氧合指标稳定,血气分析指标良好。无急性排斥反应发生,术后5周及3.5年发生肺部感染治愈。1992年至2013年,国内26家医疗单位共完成心肺联合移植44例,病因以先天性心脏病伴艾森曼格综合征为主。44例受者1,3,5年生存率分别为39.4%,36.7%,30.6%。主要死亡原因为感染和移植物功能衰竭。结论心肺联合移植的远期疗效与供者心肺组织块的妥善保存、良好的手术技术,以及术后平衡抗排斥反应与抗感染治疗之间的矛盾密切相关。  相似文献   

心、肺联合移植治疗艾森门格综合征四例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结心、肺联合移植的经验。方法 为4例艾森门格综合征患者施行同种异体心、肺联合移植,所有患者均合并严重的肺动脉高压,心功能Ⅳ级。受者主动脉、上腔静脉及下腔静脉远端插管,建立体外循环。供心置入心包内,于两侧膈神经前将左、右肺置入胸腔。于供肺隆突上1~2软骨环处切断气管,4-0 prolene线连续缝合气管膜部,4-0 ethibond线“8”字间断缝合软骨部,证实无漏气后,机械通气(〈2.94kPa,或〈30cmH2O)。再依次吻合主动脉、上腔静脉及下腔静脉,开放阻断钳,恢复心脏血液供应,心脏自动复跳。分别在右心房和右心室缝置双腔起搏导线。术中患者主动脉阻断时间平均为174.5min。结果 4例手术均顺利完成,无患者死亡。术后患者无严重出血和感染发生,气管插管拔出时间平均为17.75h。术后3例发生排斥反应,其中2例为轻度排斥反应,经甲泼尼龙治疗逆转;1例术后第20d发生严重血管性排斥反应,经甲泼尼龙、抗CD3单克隆抗体及抗胸腺细胞球蛋白治疗无效,于术后35d死亡。出院的3例患者目前存活3~24个月。结论 周密的术前准备是手术成功的保证;供心、肺的保存质量,以及术后排斥反应和感染是影响临床效果的重要因素。  相似文献   

肺移植治疗终末期肺病18例报告   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
陈静瑜郑明峰朱艳红胡春晓何毅军王永功周敏陆国础陆明华【摘要】目的探讨国内开展临床肺移植的可行性以及目前存在的主要问题。方法2002年9月至2005年4月共完成临床肺移植18例,其中肺气肿9例、肺纤维化5例、矽肺1例、支气管肺扩张1例、肺淋巴管平滑肌瘤病1例及室间隔缺损合并艾森曼格综合征1例。受者术前均为重症呼吸衰竭,长期靠呼吸机依赖3例。手术方式为:单肺移植15例(左肺移植9例,右肺移植6例),其中2例受者的供肺为同一供者同期的左、右单肺,有1例为左侧供肺植入右胸腔,1例为体外循环下室间隔缺损修补后行右肺移植;非体外循环下序贯式双侧单肺移植3例。结果术后短期内死亡3例,1例于术后15d死于急性排斥,1例于术后30d死于感染后多脏器功能衰竭,1例术后36d死于肺梗死。其余15例均痊愈出院,肺功能明显改善,生存1年以上3例,生存2年以上2例,中位生存时间10个月。结论肺移植是治疗各种终末期肺病的有效的手段;但术后的缺血再灌注损伤、排斥反应和感染仍是肺移植短期死亡的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的 总结体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)技术在临床肺移植中应用的经验.方法 45例肺移植受者,年龄(50.5±8.6)岁(16~74)岁.原发病为肺纤维化合并肺动脉高压32例,慢性阻塞性肺病4例,矽肺2例,肺结核2例,弥漫性细支气管炎1例,支气管扩张2例,以及原发性肺动脉高压2例.其中3例受者在术前经股动、静脉切开置ECMO管道,分别维持13、19和6d后,在ECMO支持下接受了肺移植手术;40例受者在术中应用了ECMO辅助;2例未在体外循环下接受肺移植的受者,因原发性移植物功能丧失(PGD)于术后行ECMO辅助支持.结果 40例术中应用ECMO者,37例于术毕顺利撤除ECMO,术中辅助流量为(2.8±0.6)L/min,辅助持续时间为(7.7±0.9)h,存活31例;3例术后继续使用ECMO,直至血流动力学稳定,其中2例分别于术后36 h和7d时顺利撤除,另1例术后使用ECMO维持5d后出现急性肾功能衰竭,术后2周时死于多器官功能衰竭.2例术中无体外循环辅助受者和其余3例术中辅助受者因术后发生PGD或急性心力衰竭,而初次或再次使用ECMO,辅助流量分别为(2.5±0.3)L/min和(2.6±0.4)L/min,辅助持续时间分别为(53.5±21.9)h和(88.7±45.9)h,其中3例治愈出院,2例因多器官功能衰竭而死亡.所有受者均未发生明确与ECMO相关的并发症.结论 ECMO是肺移植围手术期支持的重要辅助工具,对于降低等待肺移植过程中的死亡率、稳定术中血流动力学、改善术后严重呼吸功能障碍以及原发性移植物功能不良,可以提供良好的辅助功能.  相似文献   

目的探讨肺移植围手术期并发症的预防和处理。方法 2002年9月至2011年4月无锡市人民医院共完成临床肺移植105例:单肺移植73例,双肺移植32例。其中63例在体外循环支持下完成手术。术后带管进入ICU行机械通气、免疫抑制、预防感染和原发性移植物失功(PGD)等治疗。根据国际心肺移植学会的PGD分级分别给予受者液体负平衡、延长呼吸机治疗时间、前列腺素E1及体外膜肺氧合等治疗。结果 105例肺移植受者围手术期存活率为81.9%(86/105),死亡原因包括肺部感染10例,PGD6例,肺梗死、急性排斥反应、支气管吻合口瘘各1例。围手术期主要并发症包括严重肺部感染12例、PGD3级10例、支气管吻合口狭窄10例、支气管吻合口瘘4例、急性排斥反应3例、出血3例、肺动脉栓塞3例、肺动脉狭窄1例和下肢深静脉血栓1例。86例存活受者心肺功能和生存质量均较好。结论防治感染、免疫抑制、液体负平衡、延长呼吸机治疗时间等围手术期管理可减少术后并发症和降低受者病死率。  相似文献   

目的 研究小肠—辅助性肝脏联合移植的可行性以及移植后的肝脏增生。方法 供、受者均为Lewis大鼠 ,分为移植组和对照组。移植组 :切取供者小肠和 6 0 %肝脏 ;切除受者小肠 ;然后将移植物植入受者。移植物血液供应通过连自移植物的腹主动脉和受者腹主动脉端 侧吻合 ,静脉回流通过移植物的肝下下腔静脉和受者左、右肾静脉之间的下腔静脉端 侧吻合。对照组 :单行剖腹探查 ;观察 1 8个月后处死。分别测量两组的肝脏重量 ,检测肝功能、肝脏和小肠的组织学改变。结果 移植组受者自身肝脏未见增生 ,移植肝脏明显增生 ;受者的肝脏 /体重比明显升高。移植组和对照组体重、肝脏功能检查、肝脏和小肠的组织学差异不显著。移植组受者自身肝脏、移植肝脏及对照组肝脏肝细胞的凋亡指数差异无显著性。移植组受者自身肝脏肝细胞增殖指数较移植肝脏及对照组肝脏肝细胞的增殖指数明显降低。结论 小肠—辅助性肝脏联合移植是可行的 ;辅助性肝移植可以提高肝脏 /体重比。  相似文献   

目的探究双肺移植手术安全性并分析影响受者短期预后的危险因素。 方法回顾性分析中日友好医院胸外科2017年4月至2018年6月30例行双肺移植供、受者临床资料。根据术后90 d受者生存情况,将其分为存活组(22例)和死亡组(8例)。采用成组t检验比较两组供肺获取前供者氧合指数、受者年龄和体质指数、供/受者体表面积差、左/右供肺冷缺血时间、手术时间、术中失血量和输液量。采用Wilcoxon符号秩和检验比较两组受者术中输血量和尿量。采用χ2检验比较供者感染情况、受者性别、原发病、术前感染情况及是否使用呼吸机和体外膜肺氧合(EMCO)、双肺移植顺序、术中是否输血和使用EMCO以及术后是否出现吻合口瘘。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。 结果30例供者供肺获取前病原学培养阳性19例,其中单一感染14例,混合感染5例。30例双肺移植受者术前病原学培养阳性16例,其中单一感染12例,混合感染4例。30例受者中11例先行左侧单肺移植,19例先行右侧单肺移植。30例受者术后90 d受者死亡比例为26.7%(8/30),死亡原因包括感染中毒性休克4例及吻合口瘘、大咯血、循环功能衰竭和活动性出血各1例。短期预后危险因素分析提示,死亡组和存活组受者术中输血量分别为900 mL(0~6 450 mL)和25 mL(0~1 450 mL),差异有统计学意义(z=-2.524,P<0.05)。 结论双肺移植围手术期死亡率较低,受者术中输血量可能影响移植术后受者存活率。  相似文献   

目的 分析胰肾联合移植术后外科并发症发生情况、手术治疗及结果.方法 统计2000年1月至2011年12月施行的胰肾联合移植术60例,根据术后是否发生外科并发症将受者分为并发症组及无并发症组,分析手术治疗的原因,评估再次手术对受者及移植物存活率的影响.结果 术后1年内,受者死亡原因主要为肺部感染(3例)、心脑血管意外(2例)、消化道出血(1例).感染及心脑血管意外是导致受者术后早期死亡的主要原因(5/6).56例胰腺手术成功,术后(14± 8)d完全停用胰岛素,外科并发症导致移植胰腺切除4例.15例移植肾功能恢复延迟,术后接受透析的时间为(33±12)d,其余受者肾功能均在术后2~7 d恢复正常,带移植物功能死亡是移植肾丢失的主要原因(3/6).外科并发症发生率为25% (15/60).外科并发症主要包括:出血、切口感染、移植胰腺血管栓塞及移植胰胰腺炎,外科并发症降低了术后1年受者及移植胰腺的存活率,而对肾脏的存活率无明显影响.结论 胰肾联合移植术后外科并发症发生率高,明显降低了受者和移植胰存活率,是影响术后早期受者和移植胰存活的主要因素.  相似文献   

Pathology of the inferior vena cava is not frequently encountered in the context of liver transplantation. Such a pathology was observed in 7.9% of our recipients, in the pre- intra- and post-operative period. Pre-existing anomalies of the IVC consisted the absence of the retrohepatic vena cava in 7 children with biliary atresia; technical adjustments were quite simple. During the operative period, dissection of the supra-hepatic vena cava was made very difficult in 2 patients with hepatic alveolar echinococcosis complicated by secondary biliary cirrhosis it was necessary to make a trans-diaphragmatic approach to the inferior vena cava. Post-operative inferior vena cava thrombosis occurred in four recipients, in three cases, it was caused by the inadequate size of the graft and major anastomotic discrepancy between the inferior vena cava of donor and recipient and in one case IVC thrombosis occurred in a context of allergy to heparin. Six of the 13 recipients with pathology of inferior vena cava died directly of indirectly because of these problems. Analysis of the causes of this pathology and their possible correction will perhaps allow better results in these patients who undergo liver transplantation.  相似文献   

To study hemodynamics together with various aspects of rejection after experimental heart transplantation, we developed a technique to produce a working left heart model of heterotopic (abdominal) heart transplantation. The interatrial septum and tricuspid valve of the donor heart are removed. The pulmonary arterial trunk, pulmonary veins, and inferior vena cava are ligated, and the stumps of the donor aorta and superior vena cava are anastomosed in an end-to-side fashion to the recipient abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava, respectively. Arterial blood from the recipient abdominal aorta thus perfuses the donor myocardium through the coronary artery, and the donor left ventricle receives venous blood from the recipient inferior vena cava as preload. In this model, the donor left ventricle does not pump out enough venous blood to desaturate the recipient femoral arterial blood but does generate approximately the same pressure as the recipient's heart. This model is reproducible, easy to manage, and can be applied to heterotopic heart transplantation in various experimental animals including rats.  相似文献   

猪辅助性部分肝移植模型制作及比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的建立猪的辅助性部分肝移植模型,观察其肝功能和术中血流动力学变化。方法 24头健康良种家猪,体质量23-30 kg,被随机分为供体(n=12)和受体(n=12)。气管插管 全麻,硫喷妥钠静脉维持。移植前切除受体肝左叶,供肝右叶作为植入肝。预实验2例行经体位转流的原位辅助性部分肝移植,对照组(5例)行简易转流下的原位辅助性部分肝移植。模型组(5例)行异位辅助性部分肝移植, 供肝被植入受体肝下间隙,供肝肝上下腔静脉与受体肝下下腔静脉端侧吻合,供肝门静脉与受体门静脉行端侧吻合,供肝肝动脉与受体脾动脉行端端吻合。供肝胆总管置管外引流。结果预实验中行体位静脉转流的原位辅助性部分肝移植的2例受体在肝上下腔静脉阻断后很快陷入血流动力学紊乱死亡。5例行简易静脉转流的原位辅助性部分肝移植的受体,2例在24 h内死亡,1例28 h,2侧超过48 h。而模型组受体 5例中有4例存活超过24 h。AST,ALT指标手术开始至术后24 h呈持续升高。模型组术中血流动力学较其他组稳定。结论该辅助性肝移植模型简明易建且具有不需静脉转流等优点,为研究辅助性部分肝移植原肝和供肝功能及血流变化提供了理想的平台。  相似文献   

目的 探讨不含肝中静脉(middle hepatic vein,MHV)的成人间右半肝活体肝移植(living donor liver transplantation,LDLT)静脉流出道重建技术的改进方法.方法 通过长征医院器官移植研究所2007年6月至2008年1月完成的11例次成人间不含肝中静脉的右半肝活体肝移植病例的回顾性分析,对成人间不含肝中静脉的右半肝活体肝移植静脉流出道重建技术的改进进行总结.主要技术改进包括:采用供肝右肝静脉、受体腔静脉联合扩大成形吻合技术重建流出道;采用在4℃UW液中保存7 d以内的尸体同种异体静脉移植血管重建供肝Ⅴ、Ⅷ段肝静脉粗大属支以及右肝下静脉.结果 11例次成人间不含肝中静脉右半肝活体肝移植中10例次采用了右肝静脉、腔静脉联合扩大成形吻合技术;利用尸体同种异体静脉移植血管架桥重建肝Ⅴ、Ⅷ段肝静脉以及右肝下静脉流出道的例数占同期实施的成人间活体肝移植总例数的81.8%(9/11),其中架桥重建1支肝静脉7例,架桥重建2支肝静脉1例,架桥重建3支肝静脉1例,11例病人中,1例病人术后14 d死于肾功能衰竭和肺部感染,超声检查血流通畅,未发现架桥静脉血栓,余10例病人术后随访9~15个月,右肝静脉均通畅,未发现静脉血栓,架桥肝静脉累计通畅率为:1个月100%(11/11)、3个月72.7%(8/11)、6个月54.5%(6/11)和9个月36.5%(4/11),移植肝脏再生均衡,右肝端面Ⅴ或Ⅷ段无明显充血和肝萎缩坏死,肝功能正常.超声检查未发现血栓,血流通畅,移植肝脏再生均衡,右肝端面Ⅴ或Ⅷ段无明显充血和肝萎缩坏死,肝功能正常.结论 采用右肝静脉、腔静脉联合扩大成形吻合技术和在4℃UW液中保存7 d以内的尸体同种异体静脉移植血管重建肝Ⅴ、Ⅷ段肝静脉粗大属支以及右肝下静脉是一种简单、安全和有效的成人间不含肝中静脉右半肝活体肝移植肝静脉重建方法.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our prior laboratory work has permitted adding a whole donor heart to a preserved recipient right heart, producing a heart-and-a-half preparation able to cope with pulmonary hypertension in the recipient. The experiments in the present study explore the feasibility of the converse operation: adding an isolated donor right heart to an entire preserved heart. METHODS: Eight adult mongrel dogs (4 donors and 4 recipients) were used in 4 transplant operations performed through a right thoracotomy without cardiopulmonary bypass (using side-biting control of recipient vessels). The donor heart underwent resection of the left atrium and left ventricle, leaving an isolated donor right heart. Blood supply to the donor right ventricle was preserved from the donor ascending aorta. Through a right thoracotomy, the donor right heart was transplanted in parallel to the native right heart of the recipient by using the following anastomoses: (1) donor superior vena cava to recipient superior vena cava (end-to-side anastomosis); (2) donor pulmonary artery to recipient pulmonary artery (end-to-side anastomosis); (3) donor ascending aorta to recipient aorta (through a great vessel [end-to-end anastomosis] to provide arterial inflow to donor coronary arteries). Animals were euthanized within 1 hour after completion of transplantation. RESULTS: Isolation of the right ventricle by excision of the left chambers was technically feasible. Transplantation without cardiopulmonary bypass was feasible in all cases. The isolated right heart beat well after transplantation in all animals, demonstrating sinus rhythm. Three of 4 animals were able to sustain good hemodynamics on support with epinephrine. Bleeding from the septum or aortic valve of the donor (now open to the pericardial space) was not problematic. Mean arterial pressure was 85 mm Hg (mean) at a right atrial pressure of 6 mm Hg (mean). In 2 animals the recipient superior vena cava was ligated to obligate upper body flow to pass through the accessory ventricle; hemodynamics were preserved under these circumstances. CONCLUSION: Transplantation of an isolated right heart is feasible. Such a technique has potential as a novel therapeutic alternative for obstructive or hypoplastic lesions of the right heart in human children.  相似文献   

雷公藤多甙在大鼠胰、十二指肠移植中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 解胰腺移植术后应用雷公藤多甙对移植胰腺功能存活的影响。方法 供体为雄性Wister大鼠,受体为雄性SD大鼠。受体经尾静脉注射链脲霉素50mg/kg制备成糖悄病大鼠模型。胰腺4移植受用全胰腺、十二指肠移植,胰岛素回流采用门腔静脉吻合的体循环回流,外分泌胰液采用 受体十二指肠间侧侧吻合的肠引流法。血管吻合采用显微外科技术。胰腺移植术后开始每隔采用供受体十二指肠间侧侧吻合的肠引流法。血管吻合采用显  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1997, we experienced 5 cases of the superior vena cava (SVC) replacement with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) grafts combined with resection of mediastinal or pulmonary malignant tumors. Two patients had lung cancer and three had invasive thymoma. Resection and reconstruction of the superior vena cava (SVC) were performed by application of a bypass graft between the innominate vein and the right atrium in two cases and a temporary bypass using a heparin-coated tube in three cases. Except in one patient who died of acute respiratory failure, no complication or occlusive symptom were observed postoperatively. Two patients remain healthy for 5 years 4 months and 2 years 7 months after operation. Three died 9 years, 5 months, and 110 days after operation respectively. In conclusion, ePTFE graft replacement or patch angioplasty of the SVC should be part of planning and execution of radical excision with curative intent of mediastinal or pulmonary malignant tumors.  相似文献   

The feasibility of clinical heart-lung transplantation requires a better understanding of the physiological consequences of the operation, heart-lung denervation, and the quality of graft preservation. An acute canine model was used to evaluate heart-lung function during the first 24 hours after transplantation. Measurements of cardiopulmonary dynamics were performed in 5 donor animals and compared sequentially after transplantation in the respective recipients. Orthotopic allotransplantation was performed on cardiopulmonary bypass with moderate hypothermia after perfusion of both the heart and lung with a clinical cardioplegic solution (4 degrees C; potassium chloride, 30 mEq/L; mannitol, 20 gm/L). Postoperatively, the animals were ventilated continuously and anesthetized. Hemodynamic variables were monitored, and measurements were made of arterial and venous oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, and pulmonary mechanics. Cardiac output and a derived measurement of lung water were determined. Pulmonary vascular resistance, arteriovenous shunt, resistance, and compliance were calculated. At the termination of the experiment, significant differences were observed between donor and recipient lung-water levels (7.7 +/- 0.9 ml/kg versus 12.0 +/- 3.1 ml/kg, respectively; p less than 0.05); 100% arterial oxygen tension (509 +/- 37 mm/Hg versus 227 +/- 114 mm/Hg, respectively; p less than 0.01); and pulmonary compliance (38 +/- 18 ml/cm H2O versus 11 +/- 4 ml/cm H2O, respectively; p less than 0.05). Arteriovenous shunt increased from 12.2 +/- 4 to 16.5 +/- 5% (p = 0.2). This model evaluates the technique currently employed clinically and will be used in the future to compare methods of heart-lung preservation with the goal of allowing distant heart-lung procurement.  相似文献   

Orthotopic heart transplantation has become an accepted therapy for adult patients with end-stage heart disease. In newborns and infants, this procedure is still controversial because of the unknown long-term results and the lack of donor organs. Since March 1988, we have performed orthotopic heart transplantation in 11 infants and children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (n = 6), cardiomyopathy (n = 4), or congenital endocardial fibroelastosis (n = 1). The smallest infant was 3 days old and weighed 2,650 g. Four of 15 potential donors had to be refused for various medical reasons, and 4 were transferred to our hospital for organ retrieval. Seven hearts were procured remotely. We accepted weight mismatches up to 105% between donor and recipient. There were three perioperative deaths, two in patients 5 and 17 days old with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and 1 in a 2-year-old patient with a dilated cardiomyopathy. All 3 patients had drug-resistant right heart failure. A 2-year-old girl with a dilated cardiomyopathy died 2 months after transplantation owing to severe pulmonary embolism originating from the superior vena cava. The remaining 7 patients are alive and well between 1 month and 31 months after transplantation. Angiographic follow-up has not revealed signs of graft atherosclerosis at 2 years.  相似文献   

To investigate the feasibility of obtaining grafts from living, genetically related adult donors without any complicated harvesting techniques, orthotopic partial liver transplantation (PLT) without cold perfusion of the donor graft was evaluated in beagles by assessing the graft viability using ketone body ratio (KBR). Ten PLT were performed under venovenous bypass. The left half of the donor liver was transected in situ followed by systemic heparinization, and immediately implanted with care taken to leave the recipient's inferior vena cava intact, and to maintain the normothermic state without cold perfusion. Four of ten dogs survived for 5 days or longer (longest survival was 9 days) and died of other causes than graft dysfunction. Four others died of thromboembolitic episode, accidental bleeding or technical failure. Two dogs died of graft dysfunction. The changes in KBR in 5 dogs without fatal complications after transplantation were maintained within normal range thereafter. These results suggest that the PLT without cold perfusion of donor graft is possible from the viewpoint of energy metabolism.  相似文献   

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