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Flow resistance, ventilation, and pollutant removal for idealized two-dimensional (2D) street canyons of different building-height to street-width (aspect) ratios $AR$ are examined using the friction factor $f$ , air exchange rate (ACH), and pollutant exchange rate (PCH), respectively, calculated by large-eddy simulation (LES). The flows are basically classified into three characteristic regimes, namely isolated roughness, wake interference, and skimming flow, as functions of the aspect ratios. The LES results are validated by various experimental and numerical datasets available in the literature. The friction factor increases with decreasing aspect ratio and reaches a peak at $AR = 0.1$ in the isolated roughness regime and decreases thereafter. As with the friction factor, the ACH increases with decreasing aspect ratio in the wake interference and skimming flow regimes, signifying the improved aged air removal for a wider street canyon. The PCH exhibits a behaviour different from its ACH counterpart in the range of aspect ratios tested. Pollutants are most effectively removed from the street canyon with $AR = 0.5$ . However, a minimum of PCH is found nearby at $AR = 0.3$ , at which the pollutant removal is sharply weakened. Besides, the ACH and PCH are partitioned into the mean and turbulent components to compare their relative contributions. In line with our earlier Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes calculations (Liu et al., Atmos Environ 45:4763–4769, 2011), the current LES shows that the turbulent components contribute more to both ACH and PCH, consistently demonstrating the importance of atmospheric turbulence in the ventilation and pollutant removal for urban areas.  相似文献   

Our study employed large-eddy simulation (LES) based on a one-equation subgrid-scale model to investigate the flow field and pollutant dispersion characteristics inside urban street canyons. Unstable thermal stratification was produced by heating the ground of the street canyon. Using the Boussinesq approximation, thermal buoyancy forces were taken into account in both the Navier–Stokes equations and the transport equation for subgrid-scale turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). The LESs were validated against experimental data obtained in wind-tunnel studies before the model was applied to study the detailed turbulence, temperature, and pollutant dispersion characteristics in the street canyon of aspect ratio 1. The effects of different Richardson numbers (Ri) were investigated. The ground heating significantly enhanced mean flow, turbulence, and pollutant flux inside the street canyon, but weakened the shear at the roof level. The mean flow was observed to be no longer isolated from the free stream and fresh air could be entrained into the street canyon at the roof-level leeward corner. Weighed against higher temperature, the ground heating facilitated pollutant removal from the street canyon.  相似文献   

A large-eddy simulation (LES) with a one-equation subgrid-scale (SGS) model was developed to investigate the flow field and pollutant dispersion inside street canyons of high aspect ratio (AR). A 1/7th power-law wall model was implemented near rigid walls to mitigate the demanding near-wall resolution requirements in LES. This LES model had been extensively validated against experimental results for street canyons of AR = 1 and 2 before it was applied to the cases of AR = 3 and 5. A ground-level passive pollutant line source, located in the middle of the street, was used to simulate vehicular emissions. Three and five vertically aligned primary recirculations were developed in the street canyons of AR 3 and 5, respectively. The ground-level mean wind speed was less than 0.5% of the free stream value, which makes it difficult for the pollutant to be transported upward for removal. High pollutant concentration and variance were found near the buildings where the air flow is upwards. It was found that the velocity fluctuation, pollutant concentration and variance were all closely related to the interactions between the primary recirculations and/or the free surface layer. Several quantities, which are non-linear functions of AR, were introduced to quantify the air quality in street canyons of different configurations.  相似文献   

A validated large-eddy simulation model was employed to study the effect of the aspect ratio and ground heating on the flow and pollutant dispersion in urban street canyons. Three ground-heating intensities (neutral, weak and strong) were imposed in street canyons of aspect ratio 1, 2, and 0.5. The detailed patterns of flow, turbulence, temperature and pollutant transport were analyzed and compared. Significant changes of flow and scalar patterns were caused by ground heating in the street canyon of aspect ratio 2 and 0.5, while only the street canyon of aspect ratio 0.5 showed a change in flow regime (from wake interference flow to skimming flow). The street canyon of aspect ratio 1 does not show any significant change in the flow field. Ground heating generated strong mixing of heat and pollutant; the normalized temperature inside street canyons was approximately spatially uniform and somewhat insensitive to the aspect ratio and heating intensity. This study helps elucidate the combined effects of urban geometry and thermal stratification on the urban canyon flow and pollutant dispersion.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) is conducted to investigate the mechanism of pollutant removal from a two-dimensional street canyon with a building-height to street-width (aspect) ratio of 1. A pollutant is released as a ground-level line source at the centre of the canyon floor. The mean velocities, turbulent fluctuations, and mean pollutant concentration estimated by LES are in good agreement with those obtained by wind-tunnel experiments. Pollutant removal from the canyon is mainly determined by turbulent motions, except in the adjacent area to the windward wall. The turbulent motions are composed of small vortices and small-scale coherent structures of low-momentum fluid generated close to the plane of the roof. Although both small vortices and small-scale coherent structures affect pollutant removal, the pollutant is largely emitted from the canyon by ejection of low-momentum fluid when the small-scale coherent structures appear just above the canyon where the pollutant is retained. Large-scale coherent structures also develop above the canyon, but they do not always affect pollutant removal.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - Techniques for improving the removal of pollution from urban canyons are crucial for air quality control in cities. The removal mainly occurs at the building roof...  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations were conducted to investigate the mechanism of pollutant removal from a three-dimensional street canyon. Five block configurations with aspect ratios (building height to length) of 1, 2, 4, 8 and $\infty $ were used to create an urban-like array. A pollutant was released from a ground-level line source at the centre of the target canyon floor. For smaller aspect ratios, the relative contribution of the turbulent mass flux to net mass flux at the roof level, which was spatially averaged along the roof-level ventilation area, was closer to unity, indicating that turbulent motions mainly affected pollutant removal from the top of the canyon. As aspect ratio increased, the relative contribution became smaller, owing to strong upwind motions. However, the relative contribution again reached near unity for the infinite aspect ratio (i.e. a two-dimensional street canyon) because of lowered lateral flow convergence. At least 75 % of total emissions from the three-dimensional street canyon were attributable to turbulent motions. Pollutant removal by turbulent motions was related to the coherent structures of low-momentum fluid above the canyons. Though the coherent structure size of the low-momentum fluid differed, the positions of low-momentum fluid largely corresponded to instantaneous high concentrations of pollutant above the target canyon, irrespective of canyon geometry.  相似文献   

Large-Eddy Simulation of Windbreak Flow   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3  
A large-eddy simulation has been performed of turbulent flow around multiple windbreaks set within a wheat canopy under neutral stability conditions. The simulation is validated against a wind tunnel data set taken under similar conditions. Velocity profiles and second-order statistics are presented and compared to those found in the wind tunnel. From the numerical simulation, we discuss spatial distributions of instantaneous velocity fields and pressure statistics, which are important and telling features of the flow that are difficult to measure experimentally. We present a discussion of the momentum balance at various locations with respect to the windbreak, and similarly, we introduce the budget of a passive scalar. These discussions show the importance of the terms in each budget equation as they vary upstream and downstream of the windbreak.  相似文献   

Using a computational fluid dynamics(CFD)model,the effects of street-bottom and building-roof heating on flow in three-dimensional street canyons are investigated.The building and street-canyon aspect ratios are one.In the presence of street-bottom heating,as the street-bottom heating intensity increases,the mean kinetic energy increases in the spanwise street canyon formed by the upwind and downwind buildings but decreases in the lower region of the streamwise street canyon.The increase in momentum due to buoyancy force intensifies mechanically induced flow in the spanwise street canyon.The vorticity in the spanwise street canyon strengthens.The temperature increase is not large because relatively cold above-roof-level air comes into the spanwise street canyon.In the presence of both street-bottom and building-roof heating,the mean kinetic energy rather decreases in the spanwise street canyon.This is caused by the decrease in horizontal flow speed at the roof level,which results in the weakening of the mean flow circulation in the spanwise street canyon.It is found that the vorticity in the spanwise street canyon weakens.The temperature increase is relatively large compared with that in the street-bottom heating case,because relatively warm above-roof-level air comes into the spanwise street canyon.  相似文献   

Two-point space-time correlations ofvelocities, a passive scalar and static pressure arecalculated using the resolvable flow fields computedby large-eddy simulation (LES) of neutrally stratifiedflow within and above a sparse forest. Zero-time-lagspatial auto-correlation contours in thestreamwise-vertical cross-section for longitudinal andlateral velocities and for a scalar are tilted fromthe vertical in the downstream direction, as istypical in near-wall sheared flow. On the other hand,auto-correlations of vertical velocity and of staticpressure are vertically coherent. Zero-time-lagspatial auto-correlations in the spanwise-verticalcross-section show no distinct tilt, and those forboth longitudinal and vertical velocities demonstratedistinct negative side lobes in the middle forest andabove, while longitudinal velocity in the subcrowntrunk space is laterally in-phase. Static pressureperturbations appear to be spatially coherent in thespanwise direction at all heights, especially insidethe forest. Near the forest floor, longitudinalvelocity is found to be in-phase with static pressureperturbation and to be closely linked to theinstantaneous streamwise pressure gradient, supportinga previous proposal that longitudinal velocity in thisregion is dominantly modulated by the pressurepatterns associated with the coherent sweep/ejectionevents. Near treetop height, a lack of linkage betweenthe pressure gradient and the local time derivative ofthe longitudinal velocity supports the hypothesis ofadvection dominating turbulent flow.The major phase characteristics of the two-pointcorrelations essentially remained the same from fourLES runs with different domain size and/or gridresolution. A larger LES domain yielded betteragreement with field observations in a real forest onboth the magnitudes of the correlations and thesingle-point integral time scales. A finer gridresolution in the LES led to a faster rate of decreaseof correlation with increasing separation in space ortime, as did the higher frequency fluctuations in theturbulent records from field measurements. Convectivevelocities estimated from the lagged two-pointauto-correlations of the calculated flow fields werecompared with similar calculations from wind-tunnelstudies. At the canopy top, estimates from thecorrelation analyses agree with the translationvelocity estimated from instantaneous snapshots of ascalar microfront using both LES and field data. Thistranslation velocity is somewhat higher than the localmean wind speed. Convective velocities estimated fromlagged correlations increase with height above thecanopy. It is suggested that an appropriate filteringprocedure may be necessary to reduce the effects ofsmall-scale random turbulence, as was reported in astudy over an orchard canopy. The mean longitudinalvelocity near the treetops is found to be moreappropriate than the local mean longitudinal velocityat each height to link single-point integral timescales with directly calculated spatial integralstreamwise length scales.  相似文献   

Turbulent statistics of neutrally stratified shear-driven flow within and above a sparse forest canopy are presented from a large-eddy simulation (LES) and compared with those from observations within and above a deciduous forest with similar height and foliage density. First- and second-order moments from the LES agree with observations quite well. Third-order moments from the LES have the same sign and similar vertical patterns as those from the observations, but the LES yields smaller magnitudes of such higher-order moments. Turbulent spectra and cospectra from the LES agree well with observations above the forest. However, at the highest frequencies, the LES spectra have steeper slopes than observations. Quadrant and conditional analyses of the LES resolved-scale flow fields also agree with observations. For example, both LES and observation find that sweeps are more important than ejections for the transport of momentum within the forest, while inward and outward interaction contributions are both small, except near the forest floor. The intermittency of the transport of momentum and scalar increases with depth into the forest. Finally, ramp structures in the time series of a passive scalar at multiple levels within and above the forest show similar features to those measured from field towers. Two-dimensional (height-time cross-section) contours of the passive scalar and wind vectors show sweeps and ejections, and the characteristics of the static pressure perturbation near the ground resemble those deduced from field tower-based measurements. In spite of the limited grid resolution (2 m × 2 m × 2 m) and domain size (192 m × 192 m × 60 m) used in this LES, we demonstrate that the LES is capable of resolving the most important characteristics of the turbulent flow within and above a forest canopy.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD) is applied as a post-processing technique to elucidate the relationship between turbulent motion and pollutant removal...  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - This study expands the study conducted by Zhang et al. (Boundary-Layer Meteorol, 2022, Vol. 183, 97–123) to elucidate turbulent structures within an ideal...  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - Coherent flow structures and pollutant dispersion in a spanwise-long street canyon are investigated using a parallelized large-eddy-simulation model. Low- and...  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations are conducted to investigate the effects of the incoming turbulent structure of the flow on pollutant removal from an ideal canyon. The target canyon is a two-dimensional street canyon with an aspect ratio of 1.0 (building height to street width). Three turbulent flows upwind of the street canyon are generated by using different block configurations, and a tracer gas is released as a ground-level line source at the centre of the canyon floor. Mean velocity profiles for the three flows are similar, except near the roof. However, the root-mean-square values of the velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds shear stress increase with the friction velocity of the incoming turbulent flow. The spatially-averaged concentration within the canyon decreases with increasing friction velocity. Coherent structures of low-momentum fluid, generated above the upwind block configurations, contribute to pollutant removal, and the amount of pollutant removal is directly related to the size of the coherent structure.  相似文献   

This study summarizes the effects of avenues of trees in urban street canyons on traffic pollutant dispersion. We describe various wind-tunnel experiments with different tree-avenue models in combination with variations in street-canyon aspect ratio W/H (with W the street-canyon width and H the building height) and approaching wind direction. Compared to tree-free street canyons, in general, higher pollutant concentrations are found. Avenues of trees do not suppress canyon vortices, although the air ventilation in canyons is hindered significantly. For a perpendicular wind direction, increases in wall-average and wall-maximum concentrations at the leeward canyon wall and decreases in wall-average concentrations at the windward wall are found. For oblique and perpendicular wind directions, increases at both canyon walls are obtained. The strongest effects of avenues of trees on traffic pollutant dispersion are observed for oblique wind directions for which also the largest concentrations at the canyon walls are found. Thus, the prevailing assumption that attributes the most harmful dispersion conditions to a perpendicular wind direction does not hold for street canyons with avenues of trees. Furthermore, following dimensional analysis, an estimate of the normalized wall-maximum traffic pollutant concentration in street canyons with avenues of trees is derived.  相似文献   

A family of wall models is proposed that exhibits moresatisfactory performance than previousmodels for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of the turbulentboundary layer over a rough surface.The time and horizontally averaged statistics such asmean vertical profiles of windvelocity, Reynolds stress, turbulent intensities, turbulentkinetic energy and alsospectra are compared with wind-tunnel experimental data.The purpose of the present study is to obtain simulatedturbulent flows that are comparable with wind-tunnelmeasurements for use as the wind environment for thenumerical prediction by LES of source dispersion in theneutral atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   

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