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Catchments in the Loess Plateau have been under the influence of human activities for centuries. In the last four decades, soil conservation measures have accelerated and intensified. These measures were designed to reduce soil erosion, improve agricultural productivity, and enhance environmental quality. It is important to evaluate the effects of these measures on hydrology in order to develop sustainable catchment management plans in the region. This study evaluated changes in stream flow data for four selected catchments in the Loess Plateau following large‐scale soil conservation measures. The non‐parametric Mann–Kendall test was used to identify trends in annual stream flow and the results showed significant downward trends in three of the four catchments. The Pettitt test indicated that a change point occurred in 1978 in these three catchments. Annual precipitation in all the catchments showed no significant trend during the period of record. Comparison of daily flow duration curves for two 20‐year periods (1957–1978) and (1979–2003) showed significant changes in stream flow regime. Reduction in most percentile flows varied between 20 and 45%, and the reduction in low flows was greatest. Overall, the reductions in daily flow were increasing with time, with significant changes occurring in the 1990s. However, it is not clear whether these catchments have seen the full effects of the soil conservation measures, so the results of this study might underestimate the final impact of soil conservation on stream flow regime. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration has significant effects on soil properties and vegetation cover and thus affects soil detachment by overland flow. Few studies have been conducted to evaluate this effect in the Loess Plateau where a Great Green Project was implemented in the past decade. This study was carried out to quantify the effects of age of abandoned farmland under natural vegetation restoration on soil detachment by overland flow and soil resistance to erosion as reflected by soil erodibility and critical shear stress. The undisturbed soil samples were collected from five abandoned farmlands with natural restoration age varying from 3 to 37 years. The samples were subjected to flow scouring in a 4.0 m long by 0.35 m wide hydraulic flume under six different shear stresses ranging from 5.60 to 18.15 Pa. The results showed that the measured soil detachment capacities in currently cultivated farmland were 24.1 to 35.4 times greater than those of the abandoned farmlands. For the abandoned farmlands, soil detachment capacities fluctuated greatly due to the complex effects of root density and biological crust thickness, and could be simulated well by flow shear stress and biological crust thickness with a power function (NSE = 0.851). Soil erodibility of abandoned farmlands decreased gradually with restoration age and reached a steady stage when restoration age was greater than 28 years. The critical shear stress of the natural abandoned farmlands declined when restoration age was less than 18 years and then increased due to the episodic influences of vegetation recovery and biological crust development. More studies in the Loess Plateau are necessary to quantify the relationship between soil detachment capacity and biological crust thickness for better understanding the mechanism of soil detachment under natural vegetation restoration. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

崔庆  徐建华  单伟 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):163-166
黄土高原水土保持现状减水约10亿m3,但大规模综合治理后耗水量是多少?本文通过多种方法分析,2010年、2030年和2050年水土保持生态建设需耗水约20亿m3,40 亿m3和50亿m3.  相似文献   

Afforestation has been suggested as a means of improving soil and water conservation in north‐western China, especially on the Loess Plateau. Understanding of the hydrological responses to afforestation will help us develop sustainable watershed management strategies. A study was conducted during the period of 1956 to 1980 to evaluate runoff responses to afforestation in a watershed on the Loess Plateau with an area of 1·15 km2, using a paired watershed approach. Deciduous trees, including locust (locusta L.), apricot (praecox L.) and elm (ulmus L.), were planted on about 80% of a treated watershed, while a natural grassland watershed remained unchanged. It was estimated that cumulative runoff yield in the treated watershed was reduced by 32% as a result of afforestation. A significant trend was also observed that shows annual runoff reduction increases with the age of the trees planted. Reduction in monthly runoff occurred mainly from June to September, which was ascribed to greater rainfall and utilization by trees during this period. Afforestation also resulted in reduction in the volume and peak flow of storm runoff events in the treated watershed with greater reduction in peak flow. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The Loess Plateau in China is overlain by deep and loose soil. As in other semi-arid regions, convective precipitation produces storms, typically of short duration, relatively high intensity and limited areal extent. Infiltration excess (Hortonian mechanism) of precipitation is conventionally assumed to be more prominent than saturation excess (Dunne mechanism) for storm runoff generation. This assumption is true at a point during the storm. However, the runoff generation mechanism is altered when the runoff is conditioned by a lateral redistribution movement of water, i.e. run-on, as the spatial scale increases. In the Loess Plateau, the effects of run-on may be significant, because of the deep and loose surface soil layer. In this study, the role of run-on for overland flow in the Upper Wei River basin, located in the Loess Plateau, is evaluated by means of a simple numerical model at the hillslope scale. The results show that almost all the Hortonian overland flow infiltrates into the soil along the flat hillslope and dry gully before it reaches the river channel. Most of the runoff is generated from the saturated soil near the river channel and from the subsurface. The run-on process takes much longer than the infiltration, facilitating rainfall–runoff modelling at a daily time step. A hydrological model is employed to investigate the characteristics of runoff generation in the Upper Wei River basin. The analysis shows that the subsurface flow contribution to total streamflow is more than 53% from October to March, while the overland flow contribution exceeds 72% from April to September.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor Dawen Yang

Citation Liu, D.F., Tian, F.Q., Hu, H.C., and Hu, H.P., 2012. The role of run-on for overland flow and the characteristics of runoff generation in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1107–1117.  相似文献   

Headcut erosion is associated with major hydraulic changes induced by the gully head of concentrated flow. However, the variation in the hydraulic characteristics of the headcut erosion process is still not clear in the gully region of the Loess Plateau. A series of rainfall combined scouring experiments (flow discharges ranging from 3.6 to 7.2 m3 hr−1, with 0.8 mm min−1 rainfall intensity) were conducted on experimental plots to clarify the variation in the hydraulic parameters induced by gully head and erosion processes under different flow discharges. The results showed that concentrated flows in the catchment area and gully bed were turbulent (Reynolds number ranging from 1,876 to 6,693) and transformed between supercritical and subcritical (Froude number ranging from 0.96 to 3.73). The hydraulic parameters, such as the flow velocity, Reynolds number, shear stress, stream power, Darcy–Weisbach friction factor, and unit stream power in the catchment area were 0.45–0.59 m s−1, 2086–6693, 1.96–5.33 Pa, 0.89–2.86 W m−2, 0.08–0.16, and 0.023–0.031 m s−1, respectively. When the concentrated flows dropped from the gully head, the hydraulic parameters in the gully bed decreased by 3.39–26.07%, 1.49–29.99%, 65.19–67.14%, 67.25–74.96%, 28.53–61.31%, and 67.82–77.14%, respectively, which contributed to the flow energy consumption at the gully head. As flow discharge increased, Reynolds number, shear stress, and stream power increased, while flow velocity, Froude number, unit stream power, and Darcy–Weisbach friction factor did not. The flow energy consumption at the gully head was 9.66–10.13, 13.25–13.74, 15.68–16.41, and 19.28–20.25 J s−1, respectively, under different flow discharges and accounted for 60.58–68.50% of the flow energy consumption of the experimental plots. Generally, the sediment discharges increased rapidly at the initial stage, then increased slowly, and finally reached a steady state condition, which showed a significant declining logarithmic trend with experimental duration (P<.01) and increased with increasing flow discharge. Accordingly, the flow energy consumption was significantly correlated with the sediment yield. These findings could improve our understanding of the hydraulic properties and flow energy characteristics of headcut erosion.  相似文献   

Based on data from 148 hydrometric stations in the Yellow River Basin, an analysis of regional scale relationship, or the relationship between specific sediment yield and drainage basin area, has been undertaken in the study area of the Loess Plateau. For different regions, scale relationship in log-log ordinate can be fitted by two types of lines: straight and parabola, and for each line, a function was fitted using regression analysis. The different scale relationships have been explained in terms of the difference in surface material distribution and landforms. To offset the scale-induced influence, calcu-lation has been done based on the fitted functions, in order to adjust the data of specific sediment yield to a common standard area. Based on the scaled data, a map of specific sediment yield was con-structed using Kriging interpolation. For comparison, a map based on the un-scaled data of specific sediment yield was also constructed using the same method. The two maps show that the basic pattern of specific sediment yield was basically the same. The severely eroded areas (Ys >10000 t km-2a-1) were at the same locations from Hekouzhen to Longmen in the middle Yellow River Basin. However, after the adjustment to a common standard area, the very severely eroded area (Ys >20000 t km-2a-1) became much enlarged because after the adjustment, all the values of Ys in the lower river basin in those regions became much larger than before.  相似文献   

High sediment concentrations in runoff are a characteristic feature of the Chinese Loess Plateau, and are probably caused by factors such as the occurrence of erodible materials on steep slopes, the characteristics of the loess and the harsh climate that results in low plant cover. When sediment concentration increases, fluid density increases, viscosity increases and settling velocity decreases. These effects become increasingly important with increasing concentration and can result in flow behaviour that is quite different from that of clear water flow. Although the net effect of these changes on the flow is not always apparent, erosion models that deal with high sediment concentrations should consider such effects and could include corrections for some of these effects. A case study in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau indicated that sediment concentrations were considerable, and literature data suggested that for such sediment concentrations, corrections for settling velocity, fluid density and viscosity are needed. Furthermore, a number of corrections are necessary to be able to compare field measurements with results of soil erosion models: sediment volume should be subtracted from runoff volume and a density correction is needed to use data from a pressure transducer. For flumes that were used to measure discharge from smaller areas inside the catchment, the measured water level should be corrected by subtracting the sediment level in the flume from the water level, while the sediment volume should also be subtracted from the discharge. Finally, measured concentration should be corrected to give concentration expressed as grams per litre of clear water, since soil erosion models express sediment concentration in this way. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mingbin Huang  Lu Zhang 《水文研究》2004,18(10):1885-1898
Since the late 1950s a series of soil conservation practices have been implemented in the Loess Plateau. It is important to assess the impact of these practices on hydrology at the catchment scale. The Jialuhe River catchment, a tributary of the Yellow River, with a drainage area of 1117 km2 in the Loess Plateau, was chosen to investigate the hydrological responses to conservation practices. Parametric and non‐parametric Mann–Kendall tests were utilized to detect trends in hydrological variables or their residuals. Relationships between precipitation and hydrological variables were developed to remove the impact of precipitation variability. Significant linear decreasing trends in annual surface runoff and baseflow were identified during the treated period from 1967 to 1989, and the rate of reduction was 1·30 and 0·48 mm/year, respectively. As result, mean annual surface runoff and baseflow decreased by 32% over the period of 1967 to 1989. Seasonal runoff also decreased during the treated period with the greatest reduction occurring in summer and the smallest reduction in winter. The response of high and low daily flow to conservation practices was greater than average flows. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurements of temporal variations in soil detachability under different land uses are badly needed to develop new algorithms or evaluate the existing ones for temporal adjustment of soil detachability in continuous soil erosion models. Few studies have been conducted in the Loess Plateau to quantify temporal variations in detachment rate of runoff under different land uses. The objectives of this study were to investigate the temporal variations of soil detachment rate under different land uses and to further identify the potential factors causing the change in detachment rate in the Loess Plateau. Undisturbed soil samples were collected in the fields of arable land (millet, soybean, corn, and potato), grassland, shrub land, wasteland, and woodland and tested in a laboratory flume under a constant hydraulic condition. The measurements started in mid‐April and ended in early October, 2006. The results showed that soil detachment rate of each land use fluctuated considerably over time. Distinctive temporal variation in detachment rate was found throughout the summer growing season of measurement in each land use. The maximum detachment rates of different land uses varied from 0·019 to 0·490 kg m–2 s–1 and the minimum detachment rates ranged from 0·004 to 0·092 kg m–2 s–1. Statistical analysis using a paired‐samples t‐test indicated that variations in soil detachment rate differed significantly at the 0·05 level between land uses in most cases. The major factors responsible for the temporal variation of soil detachment were tillage operations (such as planting, ploughing, weeding, harvesting), soil consolidation, and root growth. The influence of tillage operations on soil detachment depended on the degree of soil disturbance caused by the operations. The consolidation of the topsoil over time after tillage was reflected by increases in soil bulk density and soil cohesion. As soil bulk density and cohesion increased, detachment rate decreased. The impact of root density was inconclusive in this study. Further studies are needed to quantify the effects of root density on temporal variations of soil detachment. This work provides useful information for developing temporal adjustments to soil detachment rate in continuous soil erosion models in the Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Quantifying the impacts of climate change on the hydrology and ecosystem is important in the study of the Loess Plateau, China, which is well known for its high erosion rates and ecosystem sensitivity to global change. A distributed ecohydrological model was developed and applied in the Jinghe River basin of the Loess Plateau. This model couples the vegetation model, BIOME BioGeochemicalCycles (BIOME-BGC) and the distributed hydrological model, Water and Energy transfer Process in Large river basins (WEP-L). The WEP-L model provided hydro-meteorological data to BIOME-BGC, and the vegetation parameters of WEP-L were updated at a daily time step by BIOME-BGC. The model validation results show good agreement with field observation data and literature values of leaf area index (LAI), net primary productivity (NPP) and river discharge. Average climate projections of 23 global climate models (GCMs), based on three emissions scenarios, were used in simulations to assess future ecohydrological responses in the Jinghe River basin. The results show that global warming impacts would decrease annual discharge and flood season discharge, increase annual NPP and decrease annual net ecosystem productivity (NEP). Increasing evapotranspiration (ET) due to air temperature increase, as well as increases in precipitation and LAI, are the main reasons for the decreasing discharge. The increase in annual NPP is caused by a greater increase in gross primary productivity (GPP) than in plant respiration, whilst the decrease in NEP is caused by a larger increase in heterotrophic respiration than in NPP. Both the air temperature increase and the precipitation increase may affect the changes in NPP and NEP. These results present a serious challenge for water and land management in the basin, where mitigation/adaption measures for climate change are desired.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Yang

Citation Peng, H., Jia, Y.W., Qiu, Y.Q., and Niu, C.W., 2013. Assessing climate change impacts on the ecohydrology of the Jinghe River basin in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 651–670.  相似文献   

China's Loess Plateau was formed under special conditions. The tectonic movement, topographical characteristics, and monsoon patterns combined to create a favourable environment for the accumulation of thick loessic deposits. The Loess Plateau itself is part of the ‘Monsoon Triangle’ of China, a region very susceptible to climatic changes. Throughout the Upper Pleistocene the palaeoenvironment on the Loess Plateau alternated from steppe, to deciduous forest and coniferous forest, in response to shifts in the atmospheric circulation. Three monsoon patterns appear to be indicated: (1) a full glacial monsoon pattern (18000–15000 yr BP) which induced a cold and dry climate favouring loess accumulation in steppe conditions; (2) an interglacial monsoon pattern (last interglacial and Holocene) in which a warm humid climate prevailed with deciduous forests, leaving palaeosols interbedded within the loess sequence; and (3) a transitional or interstadial monsoon pattern (50 000–23 000 yr BP) in which the climate was cold and humid in the Loess Plateau, encouraging the development of coniferous forest.  相似文献   

The spatial scale effect on sediment concentration in runoff has received little attention despite numerous studies on sediment yield or sediment delivery ratio in the context of multiple spatial scales. We have addressed this issue for hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, north China where fluvial processes are mainly dominated by hyperconcentrated flows. The data on 717 flow events observed at 17 gauging stations and two runoff experimental plots, all located in the 3906 km2 Dalihe watershed, are presented. The combination of the downstream scour of hyperconcentrated flows and the downstream dilution, which is mainly caused by the base flow and is strengthened as a result of the strong patchy storms, determines the spatial change of sediment concentration in runoff during flood events. At the watershed scale, the scouring effect takes predominance first but is subordinate to the downstream dilution with a further increase in spatial scale. As a result, the event mean sediment concentration first increases following a power function with drainage basin area and then declines at the drainage basin area of about 700 km2. The power function in combination with the proportional model of the runoff‐sediment yield relationship we proposed before was used to establish the sediment‐yield model, which is neither the physical‐based model nor the regression model. This model, with only two variables (runoff depth and drainage basin area) and two parameters, can provide fairly accurate prediction of event sediment yield with model efficiency over 0·95 if small events with runoff depth lower than 1 mm are excluded. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Soil Conservation Service curve number (CN) method is widely used for predicting direct runoff from rainfall. However, despite the extent of cultivation on hillslope areas, very few attempts have been made to incorporate a slope factor into the CN method. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate existing approaches integrating slope in the CN method, and (2) to develop an equation incorporating a slope factor into the CN method for application in the steep slope areas of the Loess Plateau of China. The dataset consisted of 11 years of rainfall and runoff measurements from two experimental sites with slopes ranging from 14 to 140%. The results indicated that the standard CN method underestimated large runoff events and overestimated small events. For our experimental conditions, the optimized and non‐optimized forms of the slope‐modified CN method of the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator model improved runoff prediction for steep slopes, but large runoff events were still underestimated and small ones overpredicted. Based on relationships between slope and the observed and theoretical CN values, an equation was developed that better predicted runoff depths with an R2 of 0·822 and a linear regression slope of 0·807. This slope‐adjusted CN equation appears to be the most appropriate for runoff prediction in the steep areas of the Loess Plateau of China. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以黄土高原西北缘的靖远和古浪剖面(包含黄土层L1上部和古土壤层S0)作为研究对象,选取代表性样品进行磁化率、频率磁化率、热磁曲线、等温剩磁获得曲线和磁滞回线等测定.结果表明,靖远和古浪L1黄土和S0古土壤具有相似的岩石磁学特征.磁性矿物含量相对较低,载磁矿物均以磁铁矿为主,同时含有磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,且S0古土壤中的磁赤铁矿含量要高于L1黄土.靖远和古浪剖面L1黄土和S0古土壤的亚铁磁性矿物平均粒度都分布在准单畴(PSD)范围,并且L1黄土平均粒径比S0古土壤更靠近多畴(MD)范围.通过与黄土高原东部黄土剖面L1黄土和S0古土壤的磁化率对比分析,认为导致靖远和古浪S0古土壤磁化率增强的主要因素是气候,但是,研究区受物源影响较大,来自粉尘源区的粗颗粒磁性矿物对磁化率贡献不可忽略.  相似文献   

The Soil Conservation Service curve number (CN) method commonly uses three discrete levels of soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC), defined by the 5‐day antecedent rainfall depth, to describe soil moisture prior to a runoff event. However, this way may not adequately represent soil water conditions of fields and watersheds in the Loess Plateau of China. The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the effective soil moisture depth to which the CN is most related; (2) to evaluate a discrete and a linear relationship between AMC and soil moisture; and (3) to develop an equation between CN and soil moisture to predict runoff better for the climatic and soil conditions of the Loess Plateau of China. The dataset consisted of 10 years of rainfall, runoff and soil moisture measurements from four experimental plots cropped with millet, pasture and potatoes. Results indicate that the standard CN method underestimated runoff depths for 85 of the 98 observed plot‐runoff events, with a model efficiency E of only 0·243. For our experimental conditions, the discrete and linear approaches improved runoff estimation, but still underestimated most runoff events, with E values of 0·428 and 0·445 respectively. Based on the measured CN values and soil moisture values in the top 15 cm of the soil, a non‐linear equation was developed that predicted runoff better with an E value of 0·779. This modified CN equation was the most appropriate for runoff prediction in the study area, but may need adjustments for local conditions in the Loess Plateau of China. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Dongjiang water has been the key source of water supplies for Hong Kong and its neighbouring cities in the Pearl River Delta in South China since the mid-1960s. Rapid economic development and population growth in this region have caused serious concerns over the adequacy of the quantity and quality of water withdrawn from the Dongjiang River in the future. Information on the magnitude and frequency of low flows in the basin is needed for planning of water resources at present and in the near future. The L-moment method is used to analyse the regional frequency of low flows, since recent studies have shown that it is superior to other methods that have been used previously, and is now being adopted by many organizations worldwide. In this study, basin-wide analysis of low flows is conducted for Dongjiang basin using five distributions: generalized logistic, generalized extreme value, lognormal, Pearson type III and generalized Pareto. Each of these has three parameters estimated by the L-moment method. The discordancy index and homogeneity testing show that 14 out of the 16 study sites belong to a homogenous region; these are used for further analysis. Based on the L-moment ratios diagram, the Hosking and Wallis goodness-of-fit statistical criterion and the L-kurtosis criterion, the three-parameter lognormal distribution is identified as the most appropriate distribution for the homogeneous study region. The regional low-flow estimates for each return period are obtained using the index flood procedure. Examination of the observed and simulated low flows by regional frequency analysis shows a good agreement in general, and the results may satisfy practical application. Furthermore, the regional low-flow relationship between mean annual 7-day low flows and basin area is developed using linear regression, providing a simple and effective method for estimation of low flows of desired return periods for ungauged catchments.  相似文献   

Jun Xiao  Fei Zhang  Zhangdong Jin 《水文研究》2016,30(25):4855-4869
Hydrochemistry methods were used to decipher the weathering and geochemical processes controlling solute acquisition of river waters in the dry season in the middle Loess Plateau (MLP), one of the most severely eroded areas and turbid riverine systems in the world. River waters were neutral to slightly alkaline with pH varying from 7.6 to 9.6. The total dissolved solids decreased from northwest to southeast with a mean value of 804 mg/l, much higher than the global average and other large rivers in China. Ternary diagram showed that river waters were dominated by Na+, HCO3?, and Cl? with the main water‐type of HCO3?–Cl?–Na+. Saturation index values, Mg2+, Ca2+, and HCO3? analyses indicated the preferential Ca2+ removal by calcite precipitation. Gibbs plots and stoichiometry plots indicated that the dissolved solutes were mainly derived from rock weathering with minor anthropogenic and atmospheric inputs. Samples in the northwestern basin are also influenced by evaporation. A forward model of mass budget calculation showed that, owing to high soluble characteristics, evaporite dissolution was a major feature of river waters and contributed 41% to the total dissolved cations on average, while carbonate and silicate weathering contributed 28%,and 25% on average, respectively. Besides evaporite dissolution, cation exchange is also responsible for the high concentrations of Na+ in river water. Spatial variations showed that evaporite dissolution and silicate weathering were higher in the northern basin, whereas carbonate weathering was higher in the southern basin. Different from most rivers in the world, the physical erosion rates (varying from 117.7 to 4116.6 t/km2y) are much higher than the chemical weathering rates (varying from 3.54 to 6.76 t/km2y) in the MLP because of the loose structure of loess and poor vegetation in the basin. In the future, studies on comparison of water geochemistry in different seasons and on influence of different types of land use and soil salinization on water geochemistry, denudation rates, and water quality should be strengthened in the MLP. These results shed some lights on processes responsible for modern loess weathering and also indicate the importance of time‐series sampling strategy for river water chemistry. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄土高原地震作用下黄土滑坡滑距预测方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为评估黄土高原地区地震滑坡致灾区域,提出一种基于模糊信息优化处理的地震滑坡滑距预测方法。在野外调查、室内试验和分析的基础上,对黄土高原的地震滑坡类型、性质和影响因素进行分析。以摩根斯坦-普莱斯法计算黄土边坡的稳定性,建立边坡最小安全系数与影响因素的关系,其影响因素主要包括地震烈度、比高、坡角、容重、内黏聚力、内摩擦角等,并在此基础上得到纯黄土地震滑坡滑距的影响关系。将黄土高原地区数次大震中采集到的93个样本数据进行归纳分析,建立模糊信息优化处理模型。所得的计算结果通过误差校验和与其他滑坡滑距预测方法进行对比,来证明本模型有较高的准确性。最后对天水市22个潜在滑坡的边坡进行滑距预测。  相似文献   

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