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Japan developed large areas of coniferous plantations for timber production between the 1950s and 1970s; however, forestry practices such as thinning, pruning, and harvesting in most of the plantations have declined since the 1980s. Researchers speculated that reduced forestry practices could reduce run‐off and therefore available water resources. As a countermeasure to this potential risk, many local governments have introduced local taxes to stimulate forestry practices in the plantations. However, no studies have presented evidence for decreased annual run‐off and/or low flow in watersheds where forestry practices have declined. As a starting point for assessing this risk, this study examined potential changes in the annual run‐off and low flow in the Terauchi watershed. A large area of this watershed was covered with coniferous plantations. We first surveyed the annual investment in forestry operations and the number of forest owners in the city of Amagi. (Note that Amagi includes the Terauchi watershed.) Both decreased during the period 1979–2007, indicating reduced forestry practices. The frequency distribution of plantation tree ages in the watershed also suggested reduced forestry practices. After excluding the effect of precipitation, we examined potential changes in the annual run‐off and low flow during the period 1979–2007. We did not observe significant decreases in the annual run‐off and low flow during the period. Thus, the risk of decreased water resources might be less than expected, and countermeasures to the risk should be reconsidered. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates critical run‐off and sediment production sources in a forested Kasilian watershed located in northern Iran. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) watershed model was set up to simulate the run‐off and sediment yields. WEPP was calibrated and validated against measured rainfall–run‐off–sediment data. Results showed that simulated run‐off and sediment yields of the watershed were in agreement with the measured data for the calibration and validation periods. While low and medium values of run‐off and sediment yields were adequately simulated by the WEPP model, high run‐off and sediment yield values were underestimated. Performance of the model was evaluated as very good and satisfactory during the calibration and validation stages, respectively. Total soil erosion and sediment load of the study watershed during the study period were determined to be 10 108 t yr?1 and 8735 t yr?1, respectively. The northern areas of the watershed with dry farming were identified as the critical erosion prone zones. To prioritize the subwatersheds based on their contribution to the run‐off and sediment production at the watershed's main outlet, unit response approach (URA) was applied. In this regard, subwatersheds close to the main outlet were found to have the highest contribution to sediment yield of the whole watershed. Results indicated that depending on the objective of land and water conservation practices, particularly, for controlling sediment yield at the main outlet, critical areas for implementing the best management practices may be identified through conjunctive application of WEPP and URA. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stone covers on loessial slopes can increase the time of infiltration by slowing the velocity of the overland flow, which reduces the transport of solutes, but few mechanistic models have been tested under water‐scouring conditions. We carried out field experiments to test a previously proposed, physically based model of water and solute transport. The area of soil infiltration was calculated from the uncovered surface area, and Richards' equation and the kinematic wave equation were used to describe water infiltration and flow along slopes with stone covers. The transport of chemicals into the run‐off from the surface soil, presumably by diffusion, and their movement in the soil profile could be described by the convection–diffusion equations of the model. The simulated and measured data correlated well. The stones on the soil surface reduced the area available for infiltration but increased the Manning coefficient, eventually leading to increased water infiltration and decreased solute loss with run‐off. Our results indicated that the traditional model of water movement and solute migration could be used to simulate water transport and solute migration for stone‐covered soil on loessial slopes.  相似文献   

Surface hydrological behaviour is important in drylands because it affects the distribution of soil moisture and vegetation and the hydrological functioning of slopes and catchments. Microplot scale run‐off can be relatively easily measured, i.e. by rainfall simulations. However, slope or catchment run‐off cannot be deduced from microplots, requiring long‐time monitoring, because run‐off coefficients decrease with increasing drainage area. Therefore, to determine the slope length covered by run‐off (run‐off length) is crucial to connect scales. Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are good model systems, and their hydrology at slope scale is insufficiently known. This study provides run‐off lengths from BSCs, by field factorial experiments using rainfall simulation, including two BSC types, three rain types, three antecedent soil moistures and four plot lengths. Data were analysed by generalized linear modelling, including vascular plant cover as covariates. Results were the following: (i) the real contributing area is almost always much smaller than the topographical contributing area; (ii) the BSC type is key to controlling run‐off; run‐off length reached 3 m on cyanobacterial crust, but hardly over 1 m on lichen crust; this pattern remained through rain type or soil moisture; (iii) run‐off decreased with BSC development because soil sealing disappears; porosity, biomass and roughness increase and some changes occur in the uppermost soil layer; and (iv) run‐off flow increased with both rain type and soil moisture but run‐off coefficient only with soil moisture (as larger rains increased both run‐off and infiltration); vascular plant cover had a slight effect on run‐off because it was low and random. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated rainfall, run‐off, and sediment transport dynamics (414 run‐off events and 231 events with sediment information) of a humid mountain badland area—the Araguás catchment (Central Pyrenees, Spain)—from October 2005 to September 2016. Use of this long‐term database allows characterization of the hydrological response, which consist of low‐magnitude/high‐frequency events and high‐magnitude/low‐frequency events, and identification of seasonal dynamics and rainfall‐run‐off thresholds. Our results indicate that the Araguás catchment, similarly to other humid badlands, had high hydrological responsiveness (mean annual run‐off coefficient: 0.52), a non‐linear relationship of rainfall with run‐off (common in Mediterranean environments), and seasonal hydrological and sedimentological dynamics. We created and validated a multivariate regression model to characterize the hydrological variables (stormflow and peak discharge) and sedimentological variables (mean and maximum suspended sediment concentrations and total suspended sediment load). In summer and at the beginning of autumn, the response was mainly related to rainfall intensity, suggesting a predomination of Hortonian flows. In contrast, in spring and winter, the responses were mainly related to the antecedent conditions (previous rainfall and baseflow), suggesting the occurrence of saturated excess flow processes, and the contribution of neighbouring vegetated areas. The multivariate analysis also showed that total sediment load is better predicted by a multivariate regression model that integrates pre‐event, rainfall, and run‐off variables. In general, our models provided more accurate predictions of small‐magnitude/high‐frequency events than high‐magnitude/low‐frequency events. This study highlights the high inter‐ and intra‐annual variability response in humid badland areas and that long‐term records are needed to reduce the uncertainty of hydrological and sedimentological responses in Mediterranean badland areas.  相似文献   

The understanding of the hydrology of plain basins may be improved by the combined analysis of rainfall–run‐off records and remote sensed surface moisture data. Our work evaluates the surface moisture area (SMA) produced during rainfall–run‐off events in a plain watershed of the Argentine Pampas Region, and studies which hydrological variables are related to the generated SMA. The study area is located in the upper and middle basins of the Del Azul stream, characterized by the presence of small gently hilly areas surrounded by flat landscapes. Data from 9 rainfall–run‐off events were analysed. MODIS surface reflectance data were processed to calculate SMA subsequent to the peak discharge (post‐SMA), and previous to the rainfall events (prev‐SMA), to consider the antecedent wetness. Rainfall–run‐off data included total precipitation depth (P), maximum intensity of rainfall over 6 hr (I6max), surface run‐off registered between the beginning of the event and the day previous to the analysed MODIS scene (R), peak flow (Qp), and flood intensity (IF). In contrast with other works, post‐SMA showed a negative relationship with the R. Three groups of cases were identified: (a) Events of low I6max, high prev‐SMA, and low R were associated with slow and weakly channelized flow over plain areas, leading to saturated overland flow (SOF), with large SMA; (b) events of high I6max, low prev‐SMA, and medium to high R were rapidly transported along the gentle slopes of the basin, related to Hortonian overland flow (HOF) and low post‐SMA; and (c) events of medium to high I6max and prev‐SMA with medium R were related to heterogeneous input‐antecedent‐run‐off conditions combined: Local spatial conditions may have produced HOF or SOF, leading to an averaged response with medium SMA. The interactions between the geomorphology of the basin, the characteristics of the events, and the antecedent conditions may explain the obtained results. This analysis is relevant for the general knowledge of the hydrology of large plains, whose functioning studies are still in their early stages.  相似文献   

Soil surface microtopography produces non‐uniform surface run‐off, in which narrow threads of relatively deep and fast ?ow move within broader, shallower, slower‐moving regions. This kind of ?ow is probably widespread, given that microtopography is itself common. Methods used to record the properties of surface run‐off include grid‐ or transect‐based depth observations, with a single mean ?ow speed derived by calculation from V = Q/WD, and the use of dye timing to estimate velocity, with an effective mean depth calculated from D = Q/WV. Because these methods allow only single, ?ow‐?eld mean values to be derived for V or D, neither is well suited to non‐uniform ?ows. The use of depth data to derive a ?ow‐?eld mean V furthermore implicitly applies area weighting to the depth data; likewise, the use of dye speeds for V inherently overestimates mean V because dye dominantly follows the faster ?ow threads. The associated errors in derived parameters such as friction coef?cients are not readily quanti?ed and appear not to have been addressed previously. New ?eld experiments made on untilled soil surfaces in arid western NSW, Australia, explore these circumstances and the implications for deriving meaningful measures of ?ow properties, including friction coef?cients. On surfaces deliberately chosen for their very subtle microtopography, average thread velocities are shown to be commonly 2·5 times greater than the ?ow‐?eld mean, and locally 6–7 times greater. On the other hand, non‐thread ?ow speeds lie below the ?ow‐?eld mean, on average reaching only 84 per cent of this value, and often considerably less. Flow‐?eld means conceal the existence of regions of the ?ow ?eld whose properties are statistically distinct. Results con?rm that a reliance on ?ow‐?eld average depths yields estimates of friction coef?cients that are biased toward the shallower, high‐roughness parts of the ?ow, while if dye speeds are relied upon the results are biased toward the deeper, smoother threads of ?ow. A new approach to the evaluation of friction coef?cients in non‐uniform ?ows is advanced, involving the determination of separate coef?cients for threads and non‐thread zones of the ?ow ?eld. In contrast, ?ow‐?eld friction coef?cients as they are customarily derived in run‐off plot experiments subsume these distinct coef?cients in proportions that are generally unknown. The value of such coef?cients is therefore questionable. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gang Liu  Fuguo Tong  Bin Tian 《水文研究》2019,33(26):3378-3390
This work introduces water–air two‐phase flow into integrated surface–subsurface flow by simulating rainfall infiltration and run‐off production on a soil slope with the finite element method. The numerical model is formulated by partial differential equations for hydrostatic shallow flow and water–air two‐phase flow in the shallow subsurface. Finite element computing formats and solution strategies are presented to obtain a numerical solution for the coupled model. An unsaturated seepage flow process is first simulated by water–air two‐phase flow under the atmospheric pressure boundary condition to obtain the rainfall infiltration rate. Then, the rainfall infiltration rate is used as an input parameter to solve the surface run‐off equations and determine the value of the surface run‐off depth. In the next iteration, the pressure boundary condition of unsaturated seepage flow is adjusted by the surface run‐off depth. The coupling process is achieved by updating the rainfall infiltration rate and surface run‐off depth sequentially until the convergence criteria are reached in a time step. A well‐conducted surface run‐off experiment and traditional surface–subsurface model are used to validate the new model. Comparisons with the traditional surface–subsurface model show that the initiation time of surface run‐off calculated by the proposed model is earlier and that the water depth is larger, thus providing values that are closer to the experimental results.  相似文献   

Glacier meltwater change in the north‐eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau is greatly important for the projection of the impact of future climate change on local water resource management. Although the glaciated area is only approximately 4% of the Upper Reach of the Shule River Basin (URSRB), the average glacier meltwater contribution to river run‐off was approximately 23.6% during the periods 1971/1972 to 2012/2013. A new glacier melting module coupled with the macroscale hydrologic Variable Infiltration Capacity model (VIC‐CAS) was adopted to simulate and project changes in the glacier meltwater and river run‐off of the URSRB forced by downscaled output of the BCC‐CSM1.1(m), CANESM2, GFDL‐CM3, and IPSL‐CM5A‐MR models. Comparisons between the observed and simulated river run‐offs and glacier area changes during the periods 2000/2001, 2004/2006, 2008/2009, and 2012/2013 suggest that the simulation is reasonable. Due to increases in precipitation, the annual total run‐off is projected to increase by approximately 2.58–2.73 × 108 m3 in the 2050s and 0.28–1.87 × 108 m3 in the 2100s compared with run‐off in the 2010s based on the RCP2.6 (low greenhouse gas emission) and RCP4.5 (moderate greenhouse gas emission) scenarios, respectively. The contribution of glacier meltwater to river run‐off will more likely decrease to approximately 10% and less than 5% during the 2050s and 2100s, respectively.  相似文献   

Hydrological regimes in the Yellow River have changed significantly because of climate change and intensive human interventions. These changes present severe challenges to water resource utilization and ecological development. Variation of run‐off, suspended sediment load (SSL), and eight precipitation indices (P1: 0–12 mm·day?1, P12: 12–25 mm·day?1, P25: 25–50 mm·day?1, P50: P ≥ 50 mm·day?1 and corresponding rainfall day: Pd1, Pd12, Pd25, Pd50 day year?1) in three critical parts of the Yellow River basin (source region: SRYRB, upper reaches: URYRB, middle reaches: MRYRB) were investigated for the period from 1960 to 2015. The results show that run‐off and SSL significantly decreased (P < 0.01) in the URYRB and the MRYRB, whereas their decline in the SRYRB was insignificant (P > 0.05). Moreover, run‐off in the URYRB had one change point in 1987, and SSL in the URYRB as well as run‐off and SSL in the MRYRB had two change points (in the 1970s and the 1990s). Over the same period, only Pd1 and Pd12 in the SRYRB showed significant increasing trends, and an abrupt change appeared in 1981. The optimal precipitation indices for assessing the effects of precipitation on run‐off and SSL in the URYRB and MRYRB were Pd50 and P12, respectively. A double‐mass curve analysis showed that precipitation and human activities contributed to approximately 20% and 80% of the reduction in run‐off, respectively, for both the SRYRB and the MRYRB. However, the contribution rate of precipitation and human activities on SSL reduction was approximately 40% and 60% in the URYRB and 5% and 95% in the MRYRB, respectively. Human activities, primarily soil and water conservation measures and water extraction (diversion), were the main factors (>50%) that reduced the run‐off. However, the dominant driving factors for SSL reduction were soil and water conservation measures and reservoir interception, for which the contribution rate was higher than 70% in the MRYRB. This work strengthens the understanding of hydrological responses to precipitation change and provides a useful reference for regional water resource utilization.  相似文献   

Uncontrolled overland flow drives flooding, erosion, and contaminant transport, with the severity of these outcomes often amplified in urban areas. In pervious media such as urban soils, overland flow is initiated via either infiltration‐excess (where precipitation rate exceeds infiltration capacity) or saturation‐excess (when precipitation volume exceeds soil profile storage) mechanisms. These processes call for different management strategies, making it important for municipalities to discern between them. In this study, we derived a generalized one‐dimensional model that distinguishes between infiltration‐excess overland flow (IEOF) and saturation‐excess overland flow (SEOF) using Green–Ampt infiltration concepts. Next, we applied this model to estimate overland flow generation from pervious areas in 11 U.S. cities. We used rainfall forcing that represented low‐ and high‐intensity events and compared responses among measured urban versus predevelopment reference soil hydraulic properties. The derivation showed that the propensity for IEOF versus SEOF is related to the equivalence between two nondimensional ratios: (a) precipitation rate to depth‐weighted hydraulic conductivity and (b) depth of soil profile restrictive layer to soil capillary potential. Across all cities, reference soil profiles were associated with greater IEOF for the high‐intensity set of storms, and urbanized soil profiles tended towards production of SEOF during the lower intensity set of storms. Urban soils produced more cumulative overland flow as a fraction of cumulative precipitation than did reference soils, particularly under conditions associated with SEOF. These results will assist cities in identifying the type and extent of interventions needed to manage storm water produced from pervious areas.  相似文献   

The formation of baseflow and stormflow was examined in the 1.18 km2 part of the headwater catchment Uhlí?ská, Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic, over the period 2007–2011, by means of run‐off data and environmental tracers 18O and SiO2. The baseflow, computed using the digital filter approach BFLOW, contributes 67% to total streamflow and has a mean residence time of 12.3 months. It is formed by groundwater discharge from the valley deluviofluvial granitic sediments, in combination with soil water in weathered layers on hillslopes during rainfall and snowmelt periods. The prevailing source of the groundwater is the infiltration of snowmelt water. Analysis of 20 run‐off events and their hysteretic patterns demonstrated that the stormflow water has a residence time of about 4 months and is generated by preferential flow on hillslopes combined by soil matrix drainage. Because of slower flow in the soil matrix, the enrichment of pore water in SiO2 is more pronounced. The stormflow and snowmelt water flowing via preferential pathways of upslope minerals soils pushes the pre‐event groundwater through the pathways in wetlands to the stream, and the wetland can be therefore considered as groundwater supplied. This mechanism has been found to be typical for the groundwater‐supplied headwater catchments of the Jizera Mountains and can be also assumed in other mountainous headwaters of the granitic massif in Central Europe. The main methodological contribution of this study are the residence time calculations stratified by baseflow and event flow, identifying run‐off components of different travel times to streams and linking them with geochemical run‐off sources. This achievement was possible because of a comprehensive dataset on hydrology, stable isotopes and silica hydrochemistry in all relevant run‐off generation components. This concept indicates that a possible long‐term change in snowmelt may affect the run‐off regime of headwater catchments to climate or land‐use changes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Separating impacts of human activities and climate change on hydrology is essential for watershed and ecosystem management. Many previous studies have focused on the impacts on total streamflow, however, with little attentions paid to its components (i.e., baseflow and surface run‐off). This study distinguished the contributions of climate change and human activities to the variations in streamflow, baseflow, and surface run‐off in the upstream area of the Heihe River Basin, a typical inland river basin in northwest China, by using eight different forms of time‐trend methods. The isolated contributions to streamflow variation were also compared with those obtained by two Budyko‐based approaches. Our results showed that the time‐trend methods consistently estimated positive contributions of climate variability and human activities to the increases in streamflow and its components but with obviously varying magnitudes. With regard to streamflow, the time‐trend method double‐mass‐curve–Wei, with a physical basis, produced a reasonable smaller contribution of human activities than climate changes, inconsistent with the Budyko‐based approaches. However, all the other time‐trend methods led to contrary results. The contributions to baseflow variation diverged more significantly than those to streamflow and surface run‐off, ranging from 24% to 92% for human activities and from 8% to 76% for climate variability. In terms of surface run‐off, most of the time‐trend approaches produced smaller contributions of human activities (ranging from 21% to 49%) than climate change. The uncertainties associated with the various time‐trend approaches and the baseflow separation algorithm were revealed and discussed, along with some recommendations for future work.  相似文献   

How rock is weathered physically and chemically into transportable material is a fundamental question in critical‐zone science. In addition, the distribution of weathered material (soil and intact regolith) across upland landscapes exerts a first‐order control on the hydrology of watersheds. In this paper we present the results of six shallow seismic‐refraction surveys in the Redondo Mountain region of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico. The P‐wave velocities corresponding to soil (≤ 0.6 km s?1) were inferred from a seventh seismic survey where soil‐thickness data were determined by pit excavation. Using multivariable regression, we quantified the relationships among slope gradient, aspect, and topographic wetness index (TWI) on soil and regolith (soil plus intact regolith) thicknesses. Our results show that both soil and regolith thicknesses vary inversely with TWI in all six survey areas while varying directly with slope aspect (i.e. thicker beneath north‐facing slopes) and inversely with slope gradient (i.e. thinner beneath steep slopes) in the majority of the survey areas. An empirical model based on power‐law relationships between regolith thickness and its correlative variables can fit our inferred thicknesses with R2 ‐values up to 0.880 for soil and 0.831 for regolith in areas with significant topographic variations. These results further demonstrate the efficacy of shallow seismic refraction for mapping and determining how soil and regolith variations correlate with topography across upland landscapes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High‐elevation mountain catchments are often subject to large climatic and topographic gradients. Therefore, high‐density hydrogeochemical observations are needed to understand water sources to streamflow and the temporal and spatial behaviour of flow paths. These sources and flow paths vary seasonally, which dictates short‐term storage and the flux of water in the critical zone (CZ) and affect long‐term CZ evolution. This study utilizes multiyear observations of chemical compositions and water residence times from the Santa Catalina Mountains Critical Zone Observatory, Tucson, Arizona to develop and evaluate competing conceptual models of seasonal streamflow generation. These models were tested using endmember mixing analysis, baseflow recession analysis, and tritium model “ages” of various catchment water sources. A conceptual model involving four endmembers (precipitation, soil water, shallow, and deep groundwater) provided the best match to observations. On average, precipitation contributes 39–69% (55 ± 16%), soil water contributes 25–56% (41 ± 16%), shallow groundwater contributes 1–5% (3 ± 2%), and deep groundwater contributes ~0–3% (1 ± 1%) towards annual streamflow. The mixing space comprised two principal planes formed by (a) precipitation‐soil water‐deep groundwater (dry and summer monsoon season samples) and (b) precipitation‐soil water‐shallow groundwater (winter season samples). Groundwater contribution was most important during the wet winter season. During periods of high dynamic groundwater storage and increased hydrologic connectivity (i.e., spring snowmelt), stream water was more geochemically heterogeneous, that is, geochemical heterogeneity of stream water is storage‐dependent. Endmember mixing analysis and 3H model age results indicate that only 1.4 ± 0.3% of the long‐term annual precipitation becomes deep CZ groundwater flux that influences long‐term deep CZ development through both intercatchment and intracatchment deep groundwater flows.  相似文献   

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