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Chemical data are used to clarify the hydrogeological regime in the Merdja area in Tébessa, as well as to determine the status of water quality in this area. Groundwater from the aquifer in the Merdja area can be divided into two major groups according to geographical locations and chemical compositions. Water in the center part of the area of study is characterized by the dominance of chloride, sulfate, sodium, and potassium; whereas waters in the limestone aquifers in the west are dominated by the same cations but have higher concentrations of bicarbonate. Stable isotopes show that the Tébessa aquifers contain a single water type, which originated in a distinct climatic regime. This water type deviates from the Global Meteoric Water Line (MWL), as well as from the Mediterranean meteoric water line. The water is poor in tritium, and thus can be considered generally older than 50 years. Piezometric map suggests that water is moving from the west towards the center of the studied area, and from east towards center. Degradation of water quality can be attributed to agricultural fertilizers in most cases, although the wadi El Kebir River is a contributor to pollution in the middle part of the studied area.  相似文献   

Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta,China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta, China is an important issue related not only to nitrate dispersion and health concerns but also to mass transport and interactions of groundwater, sea, and river waters in the coastal area. The spatial distribution of nitrate, nitrate sources, and nitrogen transformation processes were investigated by field surveys and geochemical methods. Nitrate occurred mainly in shallow layers and had a spatial distribution coinciding with geomorphology and land/water use. Irrigation water from the Yellow River and anthropogenic waste are two main nitrogen sources of nitrate in the delta, and both denitrification and mixing processes could take place according to characteristics identified by ionic and isotopic data.  相似文献   

陈慧川 《地下水》2010,32(6):85-87
自从50年代石油化工大规模发展以来,水体中的有机污染物对人类健康的危害日益加剧。从地下水质量与污染源两方面对顺德-民众地段地下水进行了有机污染来源分析。  相似文献   

A buried valley incised into a sequence of pre-Quaternary sediments is shown to seriously affect the vulnerability of groundwater. Often the existence of buried valleys is not known or is not described explicitly in a hydrogeological model. In the present study, two numerical groundwater models, representing two alternative conceptual models, were produced to help quantify the effect of the valley on groundwater vulnerability. One model included the buried valley and the other did not. Both models were subjected to calibration and were found to describe hydraulic head and river discharge equally well. Even though the two models showed similar calibration statistics; fluxes, travel paths and travel times were affected by the inclusion of the buried valley. The recharge area and the groundwater age of potential abstraction wells placed in the pre-Quaternary deep aquifers surrounding the buried valley were different for the two models, with significantly higher vulnerability when the valley was included in the model. Based on the results of the present study, it is concluded that a buried valley may not always be detectable when calibrating a wrong conceptual model. If reliable results should be obtained a good geological model has to be constructed.  相似文献   

阿尔及利亚B区块位于Oued Mya盆地东部,自奥陶纪以后该盆地多次发生隆升剥蚀,加里东运动造成志留纪和盆纪地层不同程度的缺失。海西期基底隆升,造成石炭纪和二叠纪地层的完全缺失,并在晚三叠世早期开始发育辫状河沉积。B区块晚三叠世沉积具有从早期的辫状河向中期的曲流河和晚期的盐湖演化特点,其过程较为复杂。在晚三叠世早中期发生强烈的火山喷发作用,在研究区内堆积了厚度巨大的火山岩,使研究砂体的时空展布和演化规律变得更为复杂。通过高分辨率层序分析,建立了B区块晚三叠世的等时地层格架,为恢复研究区等时条件下的古地理特征奠定了基础,并明确了层序对储层的控制规律,为该区进一步的油气勘探和开发提供了依据。  相似文献   

Daqing Oilfield is located in the northeast of Songnen Plain in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, which is a petrochemical industry gathering place based on petroleum refining, chemical industry, chemical fiber and fertilizer. In recent years, the quantity demand of petroleum and petrochemical production for groundwater in Daqing Oilfield is growing, and it’s of great significance to analyze and study the quality and pollution degree of groundwater for groundwater exploitation, utilization and protection. In this paper, groundwater quality of Daqing Oilfield evaluated by Nemerow Index is poor, and most points are Class IV groundwater; When evaluating groundwater pollution by hierarchical ladder method, the results show that the severe and extremely severe pollution points account for 34.48% in shallow phreatic water and 20% in deep confined water, showing that shallow groundwater is more seriously polluted than the deep. The main components influencing the quality of groundwater in the study area are total hardness, total dissolved solids, Cl-, SO42- and so on, which are affected by both the native environment and human activities; The main pollution components in groundwater are nitrite and nitrate nitrogen which are affected by human activities. Daqing Oilfield groundwater pollution is characterized by inorganic pollution, while organic components related to human activities contribute less to the groundwater pollution currently.  相似文献   

Based on the dynamic analysis and research of pollution risk of groundwater sources, this paper creates the dynamic assessment method of pollution risk of groundwater source area under the theory of “source-pathway-receptor”, and applies this method to one typical fissure karst groundwater source area in northern China. Following the 30-year petroleum pollutant migration simulation and pollution risk assessment of groundwater source area, this study finds that the very high risk zone is mainly located in Q Petrochemical Company and the surrounding area and the area adjacent to River Z. Within this period of thirty years, the pollution risk of groundwater source area has showed a dynamic trend that features an inverted “V” shape. The ratio of very high risk zone to the total area will be 18.1%, 17.47% and 16.62% during the tenth year, the twentieth year and the thirtieth year separately, and will reach the highest level of 19.45% during the fifteenth year. Meanwhile, the vertical migration distance of pollutant centre concentration changed from the surface soil at the outset to the deepest point of about 250 meters underground during the tenth year. The results of this risk assessment indicate the dynamic feature of pollution risk. The dilution, degradation and migration of petroleum pollutants in groundwater system contribute to an ultimate decline in pollution risk.  相似文献   

泥盆系是富含油气的阿尔及利亚韦德迈阿次盆地西北部438B区块重要的含油层位之一,可划分出2个三级层序,仅下部的SQ1层序保存较完整;泥盆系属于快速海侵缓慢海退的沉积旋回,由海侵、早期高位和晚期高位3个体系域叠加组成。在SQ1层序中相当体系域级别的地层单元在区域上具有良好的等时性,仅在研究区东、南部外侧构造隆起区明显变薄或局部缺失海侵体系域地层。各体系域中,早期高位体系域的障壁砂坝在纵向上具有更好的可比性,反映该体系域障壁砂坝砂体的发育层位和沉积厚度更稳定,砂体连通性和储集性更好,但上部的SQ2为仅保存部分海侵体系域沉积记录的残余层序。选择SQ1层序各体系域为等时地层单元编制层序-岩相古地理图,编图结果表明:438B区块泥盆纪具备向南东方向弧突的,由浅海陆棚、障壁岛、潟湖、潮坪组成的海湾地貌和分带性沉积格局;在各体系域继承性发展演化的分带性沉积格局中,以早期高位系域中的障壁砂坝和冲溢扇为最有利储层发育的层位、相带和部位。  相似文献   

阿尔及利亚438 区块位于阿尔及利亚Oued Mya 盆地北部。利用石油地质理论和测试、测井解释资料,解析阿尔及利亚438 区块古生代地层和油藏特征。分析表明,438 区块所属的Oued Mya 盆地古生代属于克拉通盆地,沉积了奥陶系、志留系和泥盆系多套海相地层,发育有志留系泥页岩和奥陶系页岩两套烃源岩,具备良好的生储盖条件。根据NGS-P1 井的实探资料,裂缝在奥陶系的Hamra 石英砂岩的成藏中起主导作用,应为裂缝型圈闭; 构造和岩性在Dale de M'Kratta 砂岩和泥盆系砂岩的成藏中起主导作用,应为构造--岩性圈闭,推断本区古生代油气成藏模式为断层输导型。  相似文献   

Prediction and evaluation of pollution of the subsurface environment and planning remedial actions at existing sites may be useful for siting and designing new land-based waste treatment or disposal facilities. Most models used to make such predictions assume that the system behaves deterministically. A variety of factors, however, introduce uncertainty into the model predictions. The factors include model and pollution transport parameters and geometric uncertainty. The Monte Carlo technique is applied to evaluate the uncertainty, as illustrated by applying three analytical groundwater pollution transport models. The uncertainty analysis provides estimates of statistical reliability in model outputs of pollution concentration and arrival time. Examples are provided that demonstrate: (a) confidence limits around predicted values of concentration and arrival time can be obtained, (b) the selection of probability distributions for input parameters affects the output variables, and (c) the probability distribution of the output variables can be different from that of the input variables, even when all input parameters have the same probability distribution  相似文献   

杨磊  黄敬军  陆徐荣 《江苏地质》2014,38(2):298-301
以某地区地下水污染调查成果为基础,基于地下水资源的自然属性和社会属性,建立了由1个目标层、2个属性层、3个准则层、6个约束层和12项指标构成的地下水污染防治区划指标体系。利用层次分析法确定指标权重,采用加权平均综合指数模型计算区划指数,并借助MapGIS技术进行相关数据处理和区划结果可视化表达。区划结果符合地下水污染预防为主与分区防治的原则。  相似文献   

Implemented on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT), a model is developed to trace the nutrient flow of nitrate in the soil and the groundwater on a supraregional scale. Research work is intended to indicate regionally differentiated hazardous potentials and thereby provide a basis for recommending comprehensive measures to protect groundwater in Germany. The adaption of the model to the hydrogeological and agricultural conditions of other states is possible in principle. This article focuses on the hydrogeological model parts. A high nitrate pollution of groundwater can be expected in all regions with intensive agricultural use of the topsoil. In particular, groundwater in solid rock areas is susceptible to nitrate pollution. There a rapid groundwater turnover and thus a short residence time for the groundwater in the aquifer is typical. Oxidizing aquifer conditions usually prevail in solid rock aquifers, preventing nitrate degradation. In many loose rock areas, in contrast, the groundwater has a low flow velocity and a long residence time in the aquifer. Because of a lack of free oxygen, a complete degradation of nitrate can occur, as long as iron sulfide compounds and/or organic carbon are available in the aquifer. A more detailed presentation of the whole research work is given in Wendland et al. (1993).  相似文献   

Mediterranean Spain is a region with intensive agricultural production combined with an important seasonal water demand for water supply. High application rates of inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, input of plant protection products and intensive irrigation, sometimes with treated wastewater, is a common practice. As a result, most aquifers show nitrate contamination problems of agricultural origin. Data on pesticide residues is scarce, as systematic monitoring is not currently done. In Majorca Island, values up to 700 mg/l of nitrate in groundwater have been observed. To analyse the current situation derived from non-point pollution, several actions have been taken at different scales: declaration of a nitrate vulnerable zone, field experiments to evaluate nitrogen transport to the aquifer and the development of a GIS-simulation model to generate nitrate risk maps.  相似文献   

As nitrate pollution in groundwater has become increasingly serious in recent years, nitrogen isotope was adopted in this paper to define its sources in a typical agricultural area of Dong'e hydrogeological unit. The results show that: Higher content of NO_3~- detected in shallow groundwater is 27.77 mg/L on average and δ15 N content ranges from 7.8‰ to 12 ‰, indicating that shallow groundwater is mainly contaminated by sewage or feces. In contrast, less NO_3~- in deep groundwater(karst water) has an average value of 12.81 mg/L and δ15 N content is between 7.2‰ and 14.3‰, which is closely related to human disturbance as mentioned above. In addition, considering relatively low groundwater quality at some monitoring sites, reasonable fertilization is a better choice in the study area to reduce nitrate source in groundwater.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis can be useful tools in risk assessment of groundwater pollution. The approach is applied to a study area in Hungary with several known groundwater pollution sources and nearby drinking water production wells. The main concern is whether the contamination sources threaten the drinking water wells of the area. A groundwater flow and transport model is set up to answer this question. Due to limited data availability, the results of this model are associated with large uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis are applied to estimate this uncertainty and build confidence in the model results.  相似文献   

阿尔及利亚在区域上由两大单元组成,北部为撒哈拉阿特拉斯褶皱带,南部为撒哈拉地台。油气田主要分布在撒哈拉地台的三叠盆地和伊利兹盆地。在三叠盆地内已发现50多个油田和37个气田,石油地质储量达23×108t,天然气地质储量达4×1012m3。油气田中以超巨型的哈西迈萨乌德油田和哈西勒迈勒凝析气田最为著名。三叠盆地的烃源岩主要为下志留统Graptolitic组黑色页岩;韦德迈阿次盆地的烃源岩主要为志留系Fegaguria组深灰色—黑色富有机质泥岩。三叠盆地与韦德迈阿次盆地的储盖条件都比较优越,但油藏的埋深较大,且位于沙漠地区,在勘探上应注意“西气东油”的油气分布特征和坚持“立体勘探”的方法。  相似文献   

The importance of groundwater for potable supply, and the many sources of anthropogenic contamination, has led to the development of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability mapping. An Analysis of Co-Variance and Analysis of Variance are used to validate the extensively applied UK methodology, based upon nitrate concentrations from 1,108 boreholes throughout England and Wales. These largely confirm the current aquifer and soil leaching potential classifications and demonstrate the benefits of combining soil and low permeability drift information. European legislation such as the Water Framework Directive will require more dynamic assessments of pollutant risk to groundwater. These results demonstrate that a number of improvements are required to future intrinsic groundwater vulnerability methodologies. The vertical succession of geological units must be included, so that non-aquifers can be zoned in the same way as aquifers for water supply purposes, while at the same time recognising their role in influencing the quality of groundwater in deeper aquifers. Classifications within intrinsic vulnerability methodologies should be based upon defined diagnostic properties rather than expert judgement. Finally the incorporation into groundwater vulnerability methodologies of preferential flow in relation to geological deposits, soil type and land management practices represents a significant, but important, future challenge.
Resumen La importancia de las aguas subterráneas en el abastecimiento de agua potable, y las muchas fuentes de contaminación antropogénica, ha llevado al desarrollo del mapeo de vulnerabilidad a la contaminación intrínseca de aguas subterráneas. Se han utilizado un análisis de co-varianza y análisis de varianza para validar la metodología que se ha aplicado extensamente en UK basada en concentraciones de nitrato de 1108 pozos a través de Inglaterra y Gales. Se confirma ampliamente las clasificaciones actuales de acuíferos y potencial de lixiviación del suelo y se demuestra los beneficios de combinar la información de suelos y derrubios de baja permeabilidad. La legislación europea tal como el Marco Directivo del Agua requerirá evaluaciones más dinámicas del riesgo a la contaminación de agua subterránea. Estos resultados demuestran que se requieren varias mejoras en las metodologías futuras de vulnerabilidad intrínseca a la contaminación de agua subterránea. Tiene que incluirse la secuencia vertical de las unidades geológicas de modo que las unidades que no son acuíferos puedan zonificarse de la misma manera que los acuíferos con fines de abastecimiento de agua, mientras que al mismo tiempo se reconozca el papel que tienen en la influencia de la calidad de agua subterránea en acuíferos profundos. Las clasificaciones de las metodologías de vulnerabilidad intrínseca deberían basarse en las propiedades diagnósticas características más que en el juicio experto. Finalmente la incorporación de flujo preferencial en las metodologías de vulnerabilidad de agua subterránea en relación a las formaciones geológicas, tipo de suelo y prácticas de manejo de la tierra representa un desafío futuro no solo significativo sino que importante.

Résumé Limportance des eaux-souterraines pour lalimentation en eau potable, et les multiples sources de contaminations anthropiques, ont conduit au développement de cartes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque des eaux souterraines aux pollutions. Une analyse de la co-variance et lanalyse de la variance sont utilisées pour valider la méthodologie extensive utilisée en UK, basée sur les concentration en nitrates de 1108 forages en Angleterre et en Ecosse. Ceci confirme les classifications courantes basées sur la nature des aquifères et le potentiel de lessivage des sols, et démontre le bénéfice que lon peut tirer à combiner linformation dérivant des sols et des faibles perméabilités. La législation européenne telle la Directive Cadre Européenne demandera des évaluations plus dynamiques des risques de pollution affectant les eaux souterraines. Ces résultats démontrent quun certain nombre daméliorations sont nécessaires aux futures méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque des eaux souterraines. La succession verticale dunités géologiques doit être pris en compte, de telle manière que les parties non-aquifères puissent être zonées de la même manière que les aquifères pour lapprovisionnement en eaux potables, et reconnaître par la même occasion leur influence sur la qualité des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères profonds. Les classifications utilisées dans les méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque devraient être basées sur les propriétés dun diagnostique défini plutôt que sur un jugement expert. Finalement lincorporation, dans les méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque, des écoulements préférentiels en relation avec les formations géologiques, les types de sol et les pratiques daménagement du territoire représentent un challenge futur significatif et ortant.

Jordan Valley is one of the important areas in Jordan that involves dense agricultural activities, which depend on groundwater resources. The groundwater is exploited from an unconfined shallow aquifer which is mainly composed of alluvial deposits. In the vicinity of the Kafrein and South Shunah, the shallow aquifer shows signs of contamination from a wide variety of non-point sources. In this study, a vulnerability map was created as a tool to determine areas where groundwater is most vulnerable to contamination. One of the most widely used groundwater vulnerability mapping methods is SINTACS, which is a point count system model for the assessment of groundwater pollution hazards. SINTACS model is an adaptation for Mediterranean conditions of the well-known DRASTIC model. The model takes into account several environmental factors: these include topography, hydrology, geology, hydrogeology, and pedology. Spatial knowledge of all these factors and their mutual relationships is needed in order to properly model aquifer vulnerability using this model. Geographic information system was used to express each of SINTACS parameters as a spatial thematic layer with a specific weight and score. The final SINTACS thematic layer (intrinsic vulnerability index) was produced by taking the summation of each score parameter multiplied by its specific weight. The resultant SINTACS vulnerability map of the study area indicates that the highest potential sites for contamination are along the area between Er Ramah and Kafrein area. To the north of the study area there is a small, circular area which shows fairly high potential. Elsewhere, very low to low SINTACS index values are observed, indicating areas of low vulnerability potential.  相似文献   

Industrial wastewater is characterised by the presence of a great quantity of metallic micro-pollutants, among which chromium by its mobility, contaminates the surface and groundwater. The study of different aquifers within the area of Annaba (Algeria) shows extremely variable chromium concentrations in the unconfined aquifer (0–0.22 mg l−1), which becomes practically null in dry period; on the other hand, they remain relatively constant in the deep confined aquifer (about 0.04 mg l−1). To specify the mechanisms of chromium migration in the aquifer system, a study of space–time evolution of chromium concentrations in unconfined aquifer was undertaken, while considering the kinetics of diffusion in the deeper aquifer. Chromium, indirectly reduced microbiologically by sulphate-reducer bacteria in the upper aquifer, is likely to anticipate the auto-depuration capacity of the ground and to reduce the quality of groundwater.  相似文献   

This work present results of the hydrochemical and isotopic studies on groundwater samples from the study area. Chemical and environmental isotope data are presented and discussed in terms of the origin of dissolved species and of groundwater. All of the investigated groundwater are categorized into two chemical types: low and relatively high mineralized waters type. Interpretation of chemical data, based on both thermodynamic calculations and stability diagrams, suggests that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water-rock interactions. Interpretation of 18O and 2H suggests that the recharge of the investigated groundwater may result from differents mechanisms  相似文献   

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