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《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1746-1764
The Nantianwan mafic–ultramafic complex is situated in the northwest part of the Panxi district, southwest China. It consists predominantly of gabbros, gabbronorites, and lherzolites. LA–ICP–MS U–Pb zircon dating of the gabbronorites yields an age of 259.7 ± 0.6 million years, consistent with the ages of other mafic–ultramafic intrusions in the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP). Gabbronorites and lherzolites host Cu–Ni sulphide ores. Cumulus texture is pronounced in these rocks, containing magnesium-rich olivine (up to 81.4% forsterite). SiO2 contents of the lherzolites range from 42.93 to 44.18 wt.%, whereas those of the gabbronorites vary between 44.89 and 52.76 wt.%. Analysed samples have low rare earth element (REE) contents (23.22–30.16 ppm for lherzolites and 25.21–61.05 ppm for gabbronorites). Both lherzolites and gabbronorites have similar chondrite-normalized REE patterns, suggesting that they are comagmatic. All samples are slightly enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e.g. Rb, Ba, and Sr) relative to high field strength elements (HFSEs, e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti), very similar to those of ocean island basalts (OIBs). The presence of cumulus textures and geochemical signatures indicates that fractional crystallization played an important role in the petrogenesis of these rocks. Initial (87Sr/86Sr) t (t?=?260 Ma) ratios and ?Nd(t) values of the mafic–ultramafic suite vary from 0.70542 to 0.70763, and??0.4 to 1.7, respectively. Compared to the Cu–Ni-bearing Baimazhai and Limahe intrusions in the ELIP, which were considerably contaminated by variable crustal materials, the Nantianwan complex exhibits much lower (87Sr/86Sr) t . Their ?Nd(t) versus (Th/Nb)PM ratios also indicate that the ore-bearing magmas did not undergo significant crustal contamination. In combination with (Tb/Yb)PM versus (Yb/Sm)PM modelling, we infer that the magmas originated from an incompatible elements-enriched spinel-facies lherzolite that itself formed by interaction between the Emeishan plume and the lithospheric mantle. Most plots of NiO versus Fo contents of olivine suggest that sulphides are separated from the parental magma by liquid immiscibility, which is also supported by bulk-rock Cu/Zr ratios of the lherzolites (7.04–102.67) and gabbronorites (0.88–5.56). We suggest that the gabbronorites and lherzolites experienced undersaturation to oversaturation of sulphur; the latter may be due to fractional crystallization in a high-level magma chamber, accounting for the sulphide segregation.  相似文献   

Nickel-, copper-, and platinum group element (PGE)-enriched sulphide mineralization in large igneous provinces has attracted numerous PGE studies. However, the distribution and behavior of PGEs as well as the history of sulphide saturation are less clear in oxide-dominated mineralization. Platinum group elements of oxide-bearing layered mafic intrusions from the Emeishan large igneous province are examined in this study. Samples collected from the Baima and Taihe oxide-bearing layered gabbroic intrusions reveal contrasting results. The samples from Baima gabbroic rocks have low total PGE abundances (ΣPGE < 4 ppb) whereas the Taihe gabbroic rocks, on average, have more than double the concentration but are variable ranging from ΣPGE < 2 ppb to ΣPGE ∼300 ppb. The Baima gabbro is platinum-subgroup PGE (PPGE = Rh, Pt and Pd) enriched and iridium-subgroup PGE (IPGE = Os, Ir and Ru) depleted, with a distinct positive Ru anomaly on a primitive mantle normalized multi-element plot. The Taihe gabbros are also PPGE enriched but with negative Ru and Pd anomalies on a primitive mantle normalized multi-element plot. The PGE concentrations of Baima rocks are indicative of fractionation of a relatively evolved, mafic, S-undersaturated parental magma that was affected by earlier sulphide segregation. In contrast, the Taihe rocks record evidence of both S-saturated and S-undersaturated conditions and that the parental magma was likely emplaced very close to S-saturation. Comparisons of the platinum group element contents in the Emeishan flood basalts and the Emeishan oxide-bearing intrusions suggest that the PGE budget in a magma is not controlled by magma series (high-Ti vs. low-Ti), but very much by crustal contamination. The unlikelihood of substantial crustal contamination in the Taihe magma allowed the magma to remain S-undersaturated for a longer duration. PGE and sulphide mineralization was not identified in the Taihe intrusion but the presence of one PGE-enriched sample (Pt + Pd = ∼300 ppb) suggests that the parental magma likely did not experience sulphide segregation and is a potential target for further prospecting.  相似文献   

The Emeishan continental flood basalt, which is widespread in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces of Southwest China, is the volcanic product of a Permian mantle plume, and native copper-chalcocite mineralization associated with the basalt is very common in the border area of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. The mineralization occurred in the tuff intercalation and terrestrial sedimentary rock intercalation which were formed during the main period of basalt eruption. The orebodies are controlled by the stratigraphic position and faults. Metal ore minerals in the ores are mainly native copper, chalcocite and tenorite, with small amounts of chalcopyrite, bomite, pyrite and malachite, and sometimes with large amounts of bitumen, carbon and plant debris. Several decades of ore deposits are distributed in the neighboring areas of the two provinces, while most of them are small-scale deposits or only ore occurrences. By comparing the lead isotopic composition of the ores with that of the wall-rocks, cover and basement rocks of various periods, the source of copper in this type of ore deposits was studied in this paper. The results showed that: (1) The Pb isotopic composition of the ores from ten deposits is absolutely different from that of sili-ceous-argillaceus rocks of the Upper Permian Xuanwei Formation, limestones of the Lower Permian Series and Carboniferous, Cambrian sandstone-shale and recta-sedimentary rock and dolomite from the upper part of the Meso-Proterozoic Kunyang Group, This indicates that ore lead was derived neither from the cover rock nor from the basement rocks; (2) Although the Neo-Proterozoic Siman dolomite and silicalite, and dolomite in the lower part of the Kunyang Group are similar in Pb isotopic composition to the ores, lead and copper contents in these rocks are very low and they have not made great contributions to copper mineralization; (3) The ores have the same Pb iso-topic composition as the basalt, the latter being enriched in copper. These facts indicate that lead and copper were derived from the basalt. According to the regional geological data and the geological-geochemical characteristics of the ore deposits, it is suggested that ore-forming materials were leached out from the basalt. The thickness and buried depth of the basalt and regional tectonic dynamics can affect the formation of large-scale copper deposits. Therefore, exploration for this type of ore deposits should be conducted in the areas from western Yunnan to western Sichuan, where there are developed basalts of great thickness, with extensive tectonic movement and magmatic activity.  相似文献   

The Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits in the Yangliuping area, SW China, are hosted in mafic–ultramafic sills. The four mineralized sills are located in the Yangliuping tectonic dome and intrude Devonian carbonaceous marble, graphitic schist. The sills are 200–300 m thick and 1,000–2,000 m in strike length and now consist chiefly of serpentinite, talc schist, tremolite schist, and meta-gabbro. Disseminated Ni–Cu sulfide mineralisation occurs in the serpentinite in the lower parts of the sills. Massive sulfide mineralisation is located in the base of the sills and in the footwall along fractures beneath the mineralized serpentinite. Although the sulfide ores have been modified by hydrothermal activity, there are relict cumulate textures in the disseminated sulfides indicating a magmatic origin for the ores. The Yangliuping Intrusions and the Dashibao Formation have similar primitive-mantle normalized trace element and platinum group element (PGE) patterns, indicating that they are derived from a common parental magma type. The positive correlation between Cu concentrations and Cu/Zr ratios of the Dashibao Formation basalts indicates that the chalcophile elements were removed before eruption. We propose that fractional crystallization of the Yangliuping magma accompanied by the introduction of S and CO2 from the wall rocks caused the magma to become S-saturated leading to the segregation of magmatic sulfides that became enriched in Ni–Cu–(PGE). The sills acted as conduits for the overlying Dashibao Formation basalts with the sulfide liquid, along with early crystallizing olivine and pyroxene, segregating from the magma as it passed through the conduits prior to eruption.Editorial handling: H.E. Frimmel  相似文献   

The Wajilitag igneous complex is part of the early Permian Tarim large igneous province in NW China, and is composed of a layered mafic–ultramafic intrusion and associated syenitic plutons. In order to better constrain its origin, and the conditions of associated Fe–Ti oxide mineralization, we carried out an integrated study of mineralogical, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic analyses on selected samples. The Wajilitag igneous rocks have an OIB-like compositional affinity, similar to the coeval mafic dykes in the Bachu region. The layered intrusion consists of olivine clinopyroxenite, coarse-grained clinopyroxenite, fine-grained clinopyroxenite and gabbro from the base upwards. Fe–Ti oxide ores are mainly hosted in fine-grained clinopyroxenite. Forsterite contents in olivines from the olivine clinopyroxenite range from 71 to 76 mol%, indicating crystallization from an evolved magma. Reconstructed composition of the parental magma of the layered intrusion is Fe–Ti-rich, similar to that of the Bachu mafic dykes. Syenite and quartz syenite plutons have εNd(t) values ranging from +1.4 to +2.9, identical to that for the layered intrusion. They may have formed by differentiation of underplated magmas at depth and subsequent fractional crystallization. Magnetites enclosed in olivines and clinopyroxenes have Cr2O3 contents higher than those interstitial to silicates in the layered intrusion. This suggests that the Cr-rich magnetite is an early crystallized phase, whereas interstitial magnetite may have accumulated from evolved Fe–Ti-rich melts that percolated through a crystal mush. Low V content in Cr-poor magnetite (<6600 ppm) is consistent with an estimate of oxygen fugacity of FMQ + 1.1 to FMQ + 3.5. We propose that accumulation of Fe–Ti oxides during the late stage of magmatic differentiation may have followed crystallization of Fe–Ti-melt under high fO2 and a volatile-rich condition.  相似文献   

The Cida complex is situated in the Panxi region and is predominantly composed of mafic-ultramafic and syenitic rock units; minor amounts of intermediate rocks occupy the contact zone between the two major rock types. The intermediate unit is mineralogically heterogeneous and typically exhibits a mottled structure. Laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb zircon dating shows that the mafic-ultramafic rocks and syenitic rocks formed almost coevally (243 ± 0.77 Ma and 240.5 ± 0.76 Ma, respectively). These ages may represent the end phase of the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP) magmatism. Most of these three rock types possess alkaline and metaluminous affinities. The mafic-ultramafic, syenitic, and intermediate units have K2O + Na2O contents of 1.85–5.16, 6.55–10.46, and 9.55–11.54 wt.%, and SiO2 contents of 40.06–46.70, 61.74–68.54, and 51.57–54.13 wt.%, respectively. The mafic-ultramafic unit displays ocean-island basalt (OIB)-like primitive-mantle-normalized incompatible element patterns, coupled with low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7048–0.7064), positive ?Nd(t) (0.32–2.23), and zircon ?Hf(t) (4.53–14.17) values, consistent with a mafic plume-head origin, whereas one exceptional sample with negative ?Nd(t) (–0.22) can be interpreted as due to the involvement of considerable amounts of enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The relatively low (La/Yb) N ratios (3.40–7.69) reflect a spinel-facies lherzolite source. The syenitic unit is characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, K, Pb) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), relative to high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, P, Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), respectively. These features, together with their metaluminous affinities, low SiO2 contents, lower initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7043), positive ?Nd(t) (0.18), and zircon ?Hf(t) (2.63–10.09) values as well as modelling of REEs, can be plausibly explained by crustal partial melting of juvenile basic materials beneath the Yangtze Block. In contrast, the field, petrographic observations, and geochemical signatures (e.g. the linear correlations between FeO* and MgO, K/Ba and Rb/Ba ratios) suggest that the intermediate unit may have resulted from magma mixing between the syenitic and basaltic magmas that in turn had evolved from a parental mafic-ultramafic liquid. Thus, the formation of the Cida complex can be attributed to the plume–lithosphere interaction plus partial melting of juvenile basic lower crust in response to heating of underplated plume-derived basaltic magma.  相似文献   

The ∼260 Ma Baimazhai mafic–ultramafic intrusion is considered to be part of the Emeishan large igneous province and consists of orthopyroxenite surrounded by websterite and gabbro. The intrusion is variably mineralized with a massive sulfide ore body (∼20 vol.%) in the core of the intrusion. Silicate rocks have Ni/Cu ratios ranging from 0.3 to 46 with majority less than 7 and are rich in LREE relative to HREE and show Nb and Ta anomalies in primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns, with low Nb/Th (1.0–4.5) and Nb/La (0.3–1.0) ratios. Their ɛ Nd(t) values range from −3.3 to −8.4. Uniform Pd/Pt (0.7–3.5) and Cu/Pd (100,000–400,000) ratios throughout the intrusion indicate that all the sulfides in the rocks were formed in a single sulfide-saturation event. Modeling suggests that the Baimazhai rocks were formed when an Mg-rich magma became crustally contaminated in a deep-seated staging chamber. Crustal contamination (up to ∼35%) drove the magma to S-saturation and forced orthopyroxene (Opx) onto the liquidus. The crystal-bearing magma forced out of the staging chamber was migrated by flow differentiation and consequently, the denser sulfide melt and the Opx crystals became centrally disposed in the flowing magma to form the Baimazhai intrusion.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

The ~1.74 Ga Damiao anorthosite complex, North China, is composed of anorthosite and leuconorite with subordinate melanorite, mangerite, oxide-apatite gabbronorite, perthite noritic (i.e., jotunitic) and ferrodioritic dykes. The complex hosts abundant vein-, pod- and lens-like Fe–Ti–P ores containing variable amounts of apatite (10–60 modal%) and Fe–Ti oxides. In addition to Fe–Ti–P ores, there are also abundant Fe–Ti ores which are closely associated with Fe–Ti–P ores in the deposit. Most of Fe–Ti–P ores are dominated by Fe–Ti oxides and apatite, devoid of silicate minerals, mineralogically similar to the common nelsonites elsewhere. In contrast, Fe–Ti ores are dominated by Fe–Ti oxides with minor apatite (<5 modal %). The parental magma of these ores, estimated from olivine and apatite compositions using mineral-melt partition coefficients, has composition similar to the ferrodioritic dykes. Fe–Ti–P ores have variable Fe–Ti oxides and apatite proportions, indicating that they are cumulates. Their simple assemblage of Fe–Ti oxides and apatite and local net-texture suggest that the Fe–Ti–P ores in Damiao have formed from nelsonitic melts immiscibly separated from the ferrodioritic magma during late-stage differentiation. Fe–Ti ores are also cumulates and have mineral compositions similar to Fe–Ti–P ores. The close association between Fe–Ti and Fe–Ti–P ores indicates that the Fe–Ti ores may have also formed from the nelsonitic melts. We proposed that differentiation of nelsonitic melts accompanied by gravity settling is responsible for the formation of Fe–Ti and Fe–Ti–P ores. Such a differentiation process in nelsonitic melts is well supported by variations of Sr, Y, Th, U, REE and Eu/Eu* of apatite in Fe–Ti–P ores. Using oxides/apatite ratio of 2:1 and compositions of apatite and calculated primary oxides, we estimate the composition of the nelsonitic melt as ~52.0 wt% Fe2O3t, ~18.5 wt% CaO, ~14.2 wt% P2O5, ~8.7 wt% TiO2, ~4.0 wt% Al2O3 and ~1.1 wt% MgO with minor SiO2, K2O, Na2O and F. Such a nelsonitic melt is suggested to be possibly conjugated with Si-rich melts compositionally similar to the Damiao jotunitic dykes (~50 wt% SiO2 and ~15 wt% Fe2O3t) which may subsequently evolve to mangeritic rocks in Damiao. Our modeling also indicates that the onset of immiscibility occurs at a time when the evolved melt has ~44 wt% SiO2, ~21 wt% Fe2O3t, ~3.0 wt% TiO2 and ~2.6 wt% P2O5. High oxygen fugacity and phosphorous content in magmas may play important roles in the immiscibility of nelsonitic magmas, including promoting iron enrichments and widening the two-liquid field.  相似文献   

Economic concentrations of Fe–Ti oxides occurring as massive layers in the middle and upper parts of the Hongge intrusion are different from other layered intrusions (Panzhihua and Baima) in the Emeishan large igneous province, SW China. This paper reports on the new mineral compositions of magnetite and ilmenite for selected cumulate rocks and clinopyroxene and plagioclase for basalts. We use these data to estimate the oxidation state of parental magmas and during ore formation to constrain the factors leading to the abundant accumulation of Fe–Ti oxides involved with the Hongge layered intrusion. The results show that the oxygen fugacities of parental magma are in the range of FMQ?1.56 to FMQ+0.14, and the oxygen fugacities during the ore formation of the Fe–Ti oxides located in the lower olivine clinopyroxenite zone (LOZ) and the middle clinopyroxenite zone (MCZ) of the Hongge intrusion are in the range of FMQ?1.29 to FMQ?0.2 and FMQ?0.49 to FMQ+0.82, respectively. The MELTS model demonstrates that, as the oxygen fugacity increases from the FMQ?1 to FMQ+1, the proportion of crystallization magnetite increases from 11 % to 16 % and the crystallization temperature of the Fe–Ti oxides advances from 1134 to 1164 °C. The moderate oxygen fugacities for the Hongge MCZ indicate that the oxygen fugacity was not the only factor affecting the crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides. We speculated that the initial anhydrous magma that arrived at the Hongge shallow magma chamber became hydrous by attracting the H2O of the strata. In combination with increasing oxygen fugacities from the LOZ (FMQ?1.29 to FMQ?0.2) to the MCZ (FMQ?0.49 to FMQ+0.82), these two factors probably account for the large-scale Fe–Ti oxide ore layers in the MCZ of the Hongge intrusion.  相似文献   

The Baima layered intrusion is located in the central part of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). The N–S striking intrusion is ~ 24 km long and ~ 2 km thick and dips to the west. Based on variations in modal proportions and cumulus mineral assemblages, the intrusion from the base to the top is simply subdivided into a lower zone (LZ) with most of the economic magnetite layers, and an upper zone (UZ) with apatite-bearing troctolite and gabbro. The rock textures suggest crystallization of the Fe–Ti oxide slightly later than plagioclase (An67-54) but relatively earlier than olivine (Fo74-55), followed by clinopyroxene and finally apatite.Relatively low olivine forsterite content and abundant ilmenite exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxene indicate that the Baima parental magma is a highly evolved Fe–Ti-rich magma. Via MELTS model, it demonstrates that under a closed oxygen system, extensive silicate mineral fractionation of a picritic magma might lead to Fe and Ti enrichment and oxygen fugacity elevation in the residual magma. When such Fe–Ti-rich magma ascends to the shallower Baima intrusion, the Fe–Ti oxides may become an early liquidus phase. Well-matched olivine and plagioclase microprobe data with the results of MELTS calculation, combined with relatively low CaO content in olivine (0.02–0.08 wt.%) indicate that wall-rock contamination probably plays a weak role on oxygen fugacity elevation and the early crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides. Several reversals in whole-rock chromium and plagioclase anorthite contents illustrate that multiple recharges of such Fe–Ti-rich magma mainly occurred along the lower part of the Baima magma chamber. Frequent Fe–Ti-rich magma replenishment and gravitational sorting and settling are crucial for the development of thick Fe–Ti oxide layers at the base of the Baima layered intrusion.  相似文献   

The picritic dykes occurring within fine-grained gabbro in the marginal zone and in the surrounding Proterozoic wall-rock marbles of the Panzhihua Fe–Ti oxide deposit closely correspond in bulk composition with the nearby Panzhihua intrusion. These dykes offer important constraints on the nature of the mantle source of the Panzhihua ore-bearing intrusion and its possible link to the Emeishan plume. U–Pb zircon dating of the picritic dyke yields a crystallization age of 261.4 ± 4.6 Ma, coeval with the timing of the main Panzhihua gabbroic intrusion and Late Permian Emeishan flood basalts. The Panzhihua picritic dykes contain 37.63–43.41 wt% SiO2, 1.15–1.56 wt% TiO2, 11.43–13.25 wt% TFe2O3, and 20.96–28.87 wt% MgO. Primitive-mantle-normalized patterns of the rocks are comparable to those of ocean island basalt. The rocks define a relatively small range of Os isotopic compositions and a low Os signature of ?0.13 to +2.76 for γOs (261 Ma). In combination with their Sr–Nd–Os isotopic compositions, we interpret that these rocks were derived from the Emeishan plume sources as well as the interactions of plume melts with the overlying lithosphere which had been extensively affected by eclogite-derived melts from the deep-subducted oceanic slab. Partial melting induced by an upwelling mantle plume that involved an eclogite or pyroxenite component in the lithospheric mantle could have produced the parental Fe-rich magma. Our study suggests that plume-lithosphere interaction might have played a key role in generating many world-class Fe–Ti oxide deposits clustered in the Panxi area.  相似文献   

The Limahe Ni–Cu sulfide deposit is hosted by a small mafic–ultramafic intrusion (800 × 200 × 300 m) that is temporally associated with the voluminous Permian flood basalts in SW China. The objective of this study is to better understand the origin of the deposit in the context of regional magmatism which is important for the ongoing mineral exploration in the region. The Limahe intrusion is a multiphase intrusion with an ultramafic unit at the base and a mafic unit at the top. The two rock units have intrusive contacts and exhibit similar mantle-normalized trace element patterns and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions but significantly different cumulus mineralogy and major element compositions. The similarities suggest that they are related to a common parental liquid, whereas the differences point to magma differentiation by olivine crystallization at depth. Sulfide mineralization is restricted to the ultramafic unit. The abundances of sulfides in the ultramafic unit generally increase towards the basal contacts with sedimentary footwall. The δ 34S values of sulfide minerals from the Limahe deposit are elevated, ranging from +2.4 to +5.4‰. These values suggest the involvement of external S with elevated δ 34S values. The mantle-normalized platinum-group element (PGE) patterns of bulk sulfide ores are similar to those of picrites associated with flood basalts in the region. The abundances of PGE in the sulfide ores, however, are significantly lower than that of sulfide liquid expected to segregate from undepleted picrite magma. Cr-spinel and olivine are present in the Limahe ultramafic rocks as well as in the picrites. Mantle-normalized trace element patterns of the Limahe intrusion generally resemble those of the picrites. However, negative Nb–Ta anomalies, common features of contamination with the lower or middle crust, are present in the intrusion but absent in the picrites. Sr–Nd isotopes suggest that the Limahe intrusion experienced higher degrees of contamination with the upper crust than did the picrites. The results of this study permit us to suggest that the parental magma of the Limahe intrusion was derived from picritic magma by olivine fractionation and contamination in a staging chamber at mid-crustal levels. Depletion of PGE in the sulfide ores in the Limahe intrusion is likely due to previous sulfide segregation of the parental magmas in the staging chamber. Sulfide mineralization in the Limahe intrusion is related to second-stage sulfide segregation after the fractionated magmas acquired external S from pyrite-bearing country rocks during magma ascent to the Limahe chamber. The abrupt change in mineralogical and chemical compositions between the ultramafic unit and the overlying unit suggests that at least two separate pulses of magma were involved in the development of the Limahe intrusion. We propose that the Limahe intrusion was once a wider part of a dynamic conduit that fed magma to the overlying subvolcanic dykes/sills or lavas. The ultramafic unit formed by the first, relatively more primitive magma, and the mafic unit formed by the second, relatively more fractionated magma. Immiscible sulfide droplets that segregated from the first magma settled down with olivine crystals to form the sulfide-bearing, olivine-rich rocks in the base of the intrusion. The overlying residual liquids were then pushed out of the chamber by the second magma. Critical factors for the formation of an economic Ni–Cu sulfide deposit in such a small intrusion include the dynamic petrologic processes involved and the availability of external sulfur. The Limahe deposit reminds us that small, multiphase, mafic–ultramafic intrusions in the region should not be overlooked for the potential of economic Ni–Cu sulfide deposits.  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotopic dating and Lu–Hf isotopic composition using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS)of the Wude basalt in Yunnan province from the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP)yielded timing of formation and post-eruption tectonothermal event.Holistic lithogeochemistry and elements mapping of basaltic rocks were further reevaluated to provide insights into crustal contamination and formation of the ELIP.A zircon U–Pb age of 251.3±2.0 Ma of the Wude basalt recorded the youngest volcanic eruption event and was consistent with the age span of 251-263 Ma for the emplacement of the ELIP.Such zircons hadεHf(t)values ranging from7.3 to+2.2,identical to those of magmatic zircons from the intrusive rocks of the ELIP,suggesting that crust-mantle interaction occurred during magmatic emplacement,or crust-mantle mixing existed in the deep source region prior to deep melting.The apatite U–Pb age at 53.6±3.4 Ma recorded an early Eocene magmatic superimposition of a regional tectonothermal event,corresponding to the Indian–Eurasian plate collision.Negative Nb,Ta,Ti and P anomalies of the Emeishan basalt may reflect crustal contamination.The uneven Nb/La and Th/Ta values distribution throughout the ELIP supported a mantle plume model origin.Therefore,the ELIP was formed as a result of a mantle plume which was later superimposed by a regional tectonothermal event attributed to the Indian–Eurasian plate collision during early Eocene.  相似文献   

Zircons from 71 diverse rocks from the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt in east-central China and, for comparison, eight from adjoining areas in the South China and North China blocks, have been analyzed for in situ 18O/16O ratio and/or U–Pb age to further constrain the spatial distribution and genesis of Neoproterozoic low-δ 18O magmas, that is, δ 18O(zircon) ≤4 ‰ VSMOW. In many metaigneous rock samples from Tongbai-Dabie-Sulu, including high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites and associated granitic orthogneisses, average δ 18O values for Neoproterozoic “igneous” zircon cores (i.e., 800–600 Ma) vary from ?0.9 to 6.9 ‰, and from ?9.9 to 6.8 ‰ for Triassic metamorphic rims (i.e., 245–200 Ma). The former extend to values lower than zircons in primitive magmas from the Earth’s mantle (ca. 5–6 ‰). The average Δ 18O (metamorphic zircon ? “igneous” zircon) values vary from ?11.6 to 0.9 ‰. The large volume of Neoproterozoic low-δ 18O igneous protoliths at Tongbai-Dabie-Sulu is matched only by the felsic volcanic rocks of the Snake River Plain hotspot track, which terminates at the Yellowstone Plateau. Hence, the low-δ 18O values at Tongbai-Dabie-Sulu are proposed to result from shallow subcaldera processes by comparison with Yellowstone, where repeated caldera-forming magmatism and hydrothermal alteration created similar low-δ 18O magmas. However, the possibility of involvement of meltwaters from local continental glaciations, rather than global Neoproterozoic glaciations, cannot be precluded. Our data indicate that Neoproterozoic low-δ 18O magmas that are either subduction- or rift-related are present locally along the western margin of the South China Block (e.g., Baoxing Complex). It appears that Neoproterozoic 18O-depletion events in the South China Block as the result of hydrothermal alteration and magmatism affected a much larger area than was previously recognized.  相似文献   

The Lengshuiqing area contains several small intrusions made up of peridotite ± quartz diorite ± granite spatially associated with the Gaojiacun pluton (gabbroids + peridotite + diorite). Ni–Cu sulfide ore occur at Lengshuiqing, hosted in peridotite. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating produced the ages of 803 ± 4.2 Ma (peridotite), 807 ± 2.6 Ma (oikocrystic hornblende gabbro), 809 ± 4.3 Ma (hornblende gabbronorites) for the Gaojiacun pluton and 807 ± 3.8 Ma (diorite, intrusion I), 817 ± 6.3 Ma (quartz diorite, intrusion II) and 817 ± 5 Ma (peridotite, intrusion 101) for Lengshuiqing. These ages suggest the emplacement of the Gaojiacun pluton later than the intrusions from Lengshuiqing. The olivine from Lengshuiqing does not contain sulfide inclusions and is relatively Ni-rich (1,150–1,550 ppm Ni), suggesting its crystallisation before the sulfide saturation that generated the Ni–Cu deposits. The olivine of the gabbros in the Gaojiacun pluton is Ni-poor (250–800 ppm), which indicates crystallisation from a severely metal-depleted magma after a sulfide saturation event. The olivine in the peridotites from the Gaojiacun pluton has 800–1,150 ppm Ni and contains sulfide inclusions. Moreover, geological evidence suggests the genesis of the peridotites from Gaojiacun in conduits that were ascending through the gabbroids. A sequence of at least three stages of magma emplacement is proposed: (1) Lengshuiqing; (2) gabbroids from Gaojiacun; (3) peridotites from Gaojiacun. Given the age differences, the intrusions at Lengshuiqing and the Gaojiacun pluton might have been produced by different magmatic events.  相似文献   

The Late Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP) is commonly regarded as being located in the western part of the Yangtze craton, SW China, with an asymmetrical shape and a small area. This area, however, is just a maximum estimation because some parts of the ELIP were not recognized or dismembered and destroyed during the Triassic to Cenozoic tectonism. In this paper, the chemostratigraphical data of the Zongza block, the Garze-Litang belt and the Songpan-Garze block suggest that the Late Permian basalts in these areas have remarkable similarities to the ELIP basalts in petrography and geochemistry. Flood basalts in the Sanjiangkou area are composed of the lower part of the low-Ti (LT) tholeiite and the upper part of the high-Ti (HT) tholeiite, which is the same as the flood basalts on the western margin of the Yangtze craton. Flood basalts in the Zongza and Songpan-Garze areas, which are far from the Yangtze craton, consist of HT tholeiite only. This is the same as the flood basalts within the Y  相似文献   

The ores of the Yata gold mine in China are rich in arsenic and antimony, so the exploitation of this mine may also lead to the release of As and Sb to adjacent environments, such as stream water, stream sediment, soil, plants, and crops. To understand the environmental impact of mine tailings, samples of water, sediment, soil, plant and crop were collected and analyzed. In summer of 2005, the tailings dump was seriously flushed by a heavy flood, and the mine waste was transported far away. Samples were collected in December of 2004 and January of 2006, respectively, and the impact of the flood on the release of toxic elements was evaluated. The result shows that the Yata creek, which drains the mining area, was severely contaminated by As and Sb. The dissolved As and Sb in water are 86-1140 μg/L and 65-370 μg/L, the particulate As and Sb are 38-2100 μg/L and 25-420 μg/L, whereas As and Sb in the sediment are 190-760 μg/g and 69-210 μg/g, respectively. In water environment, As and Sb show a similar feature to SO4^2- since As and Sb exist dominantly as anions--H2AsO4^-, HAsO4^2- and SbO3^-. In contrast to Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, which migrate mostly in particulate form, As and Sb tend to transport in dissolved form.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - This study presents new whole-rock elemental and isotopic data for the basalts from the Zhaotong area, located in the intermediate zone of the...  相似文献   

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