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陈浩  陆林  郑嬗婷 《地理科学进展》2023,(11):2198-2212
乡村性既是乡村宏大叙事的认识论,也是引领乡村发展实践的方法论,旅游要素的注入使得旅游语境下的乡村性具有区别于普通乡村的特性。论文基于传统乡村、快速城市化到城乡融合的乡村发展历程,从乡村区域功能、政治经济学、乡村整体建构等视角回顾了国内外乡村性相关研究。基于“要素构成—基本属性—重要特征”的概念分析逻辑,对旅游语境下的乡村性进行解析,论文提出:旅游语境下的乡村性是旅游影响乡村重构过程中“人—地”关系的地方意义所在,从需求主体角度体现为旅游者对乡村的认知与情感,从乡村发展角度体现为多元主体在特定乡村地域空间情境下持续开展的乡村旅游发展实践的结果表征,具有经济、社会文化、自然及景观等基本属性和空间维度的地域性、时间维度的动态性、价值维度的体验性等主要特征,需置于“我者”与“他者”、城市性与乡村性、现代性与传统性、商业性与真实性的关系中加以理解。论文构建了旅游语境下的乡村性概念分析框架,从研究内容和方法层面对未来研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

Urban renewal is an inevitable requirement for adapting to the new situation of urban development and promoting the high-quality development of cities. As an integral part of the city, the redevelopment of the urban waterfront has increasingly become an important way to promote urban renewal and participate in global competition. In order to comprehensively understand the status of waterfront redevelopment, this article summarized the relevant progress of urban waterfront redevelopment in China and abroad from the aspects of waterfront concept, waterfront redevelopment concept, spatial process, evolution path, organizational model, and driving mechanism, and examined the research prospects. The findings are as follows: 1) The evolution trend of the spatial process of waterfront redevelopment changes from production to service-economy, and from a single land use type to a multiple land use types. 2) From the evolution of the spatial process, it can be concluded that waterfront areas are mainly redeveloped in four different temporal and spatial evolution paths: material space improvement, high-quality economic development, shared vision of leisure and entertainment, and historical and cultural protection. 3) The organizational model of waterfront redevelopment is mainly divided into three types: government led, private, and public-private partnership. Stakeholders participate in forming the organizational model of waterfront redevelopment, interacting with the social-environmental systems composed of port, environment, economy, politics, culture, and so on and jointly acting on waterfront redevelopment. 4) In the future, the research on urban waterfront redevelopment should focus on the innovation of analytical systems and theoretical research frameworks, pay attention to the research on the dynamic evolution path of waterfront redevelopment, further analyze waterfront redevelopment mechanism and mechanism of influence, strengthen the systematic analysis of the multiple performances of waterfront redevelopment, and establish a waterfront redevelopment management and control method library to promote urban renewal. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Global-local interaction is an important research topic in economic geography. In recent years, the rapid development of digitalization in various countries and regions has profoundly affected the global production and trade networks. However, there is a lack of systematic theoretical discussion on digitalization and global-local interaction studies. The objective of this study is to conceptually rethink the role of digitalization in reshaping global-local interactions from a dynamic and relational perspective. To do this, the study first systematically reviewed the digital turn in economic geography and discussed the rethinking of digitalization. It is found that the understanding of digitalization is gradually moving beyond the limits of isolated, static, and passive technocentric approaches and towards a more dynamic, relational, and open perspective. Second, the study combined the digital turn with the relational turn in relational economic geography, which constructs theoretical bridges between digitalization and global-local studies. Third, this study provided a basic understanding for sorting out the evolution of the research frameworks, that is, from the global value chain (GVC) to the global production network (GPN) and then to the digital ecosystem (DE). We argued that digitalization has been deeply involved in shaping the global economic landscape, restructuring global-local production relations, and reconstructing regional development. Based on this recognition, we discussed the primary performance of digitalization on the restructuring of global-local interaction from three aspects: enterprise relationship, spatial effect and interaction mechanism. Finally, grounded in the practice of China's urban and regional digital economy development, the possible theoretical innovations and prospects for future research on digitalization and global-local interaction in the Chinese context were proposed. The study pointed out that we can integrate the regional practices of China's digital development with more in-depth research from the perspectives of the platform ecosystems, spatial effects, location analysis, local development models, and so on in future research. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

普惠金融对降低贫困和促进发展成果分享具有重要意义,是国际金融地理学的重要研究议题。论文基于2005—2021年中国知网CNKI数据库3421篇核心期刊论文,利用知识图谱可视化技术分析了中国普惠金融研究的基本特征和热点演化,结果表明:(1)学术成果经历缓慢增长、快速增长、加速增长3个阶段,研究热点经由金融排斥、普惠金融到数字普惠金融的演化,其中农村、区域差异、空间格局及发展效应是各阶段的共同关注;(2)国内普惠金融研究具有学科交叉性、包容性、开放性,多学科的参与推动着普惠金融研究的蓬勃发展,在学科交叉融合过程中,不同学科又有各自的关注点;(3)基于金融地理学视角,提出普惠金融发展的空间过程、地方普惠金融发展的文化经济因素与关系网络、普惠金融的发展效应、金融科技的空间性及其潜在影响等未来研究议题。  相似文献   

人才是乡村地域空间发展的基础,鼓励在外务工人员回流就业是推进乡村振兴的重要举措,也是实现共同富裕的保证。论文采用多变量交互作用的模糊集定性比较分析方法,以乡村旅游地居民回流就业意愿为结果变量,构建地方参与、地方情感、感知获益、风险承受能力、政府信任、支持度为前因变量的研究模型,探索居民回流就业的驱动机制与多元影响路径。研究结果表明:(1)所有单项因素均不构成乡村旅游地居民回流就业的必要条件;(2)满足条件的组合路径共7条,总体一致性为0.876,总体覆盖率为0.862;(3)在所有路径组合中,支持度和政府信任出现的频率最高,包含地方情感的路径覆盖率较高;(4)7条路径构成了情感主导路径、信任主导路径、支持主导路径,以及知—情—意—行综合路径4大类路径模式;(5)当同时包含情感、信任、支持和参与因素时,路径具有最高解释力;(6)不同类型的乡村旅游地在回流就业影响路径上显示出差异。研究结论可为鼓励和吸引乡村旅游地在外务工人员回乡参与旅游发展提供参考,也可为更广泛的乡村地区鼓励人才回流提供理论依据。  相似文献   

王兆峰  罗瑶 《地理科学》2015,(11):1397-1403
构建旅游驱动下的张家界交通运输响应模型,提出交通运输通过增加投资响应旅游业发展,并引入旅游交通响应强度的概念,利用张家界1998~2011年相关统计数据,从静态和动态分析了张家界旅游交通响应强度的影响机制。结果发现:1998~2011年张家界旅游交通响应系数总体上呈上升趋势。这种上升趋势主要来源于区域经济发展水平、交通建设基础、旅游资源开发的空间结构、旅游产业地位4个主要因素的影响共同作用所生成地交通运输对旅游业发展的响应机制。  相似文献   

Urban-rural integration (URI) is a new idea to guide the urban-rural transformation in China, and exploring the spatio-temporal characteristics and driving mechanism of URI in China is an urgent need to overcome the dilemmas of insufficient rural development and unbalanced urban and rural development. Based on the process framework of "foundation-motivation-result" of URI, an evaluation indicator system was constructed. The improved entropy evaluation model and the kernel density estimation method were used to quantitatively measure the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of URI level of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in China's mainland from 2000 to 2020. This study further used the Geodetector to explore the heterogeneous evolution of driving factors for URI level in different regions of China. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) From 2000 to 2020, the URI level in China decreased first and then increased, showing a √-shaped trend, and its spatial differences narrowed. 2) The URI level in China presented a spatial pattern of high in the east and low in the west, divided by the Hu Huanyong Line. The high-value centers showed prominent polarization characteristics and presented a zonal aggregation trend. The medium-value areas were clustered but weakened,and showed a spreading trend from the eastern to the central and western parts. 3) At the national scale, the core influencing factors of URI level were population mobility, economic development level, urban-rural income gap, and educational supports, potential factors were the optimization of industrial structure and the opening-up level, and threshold effect existed in investment benefit and government intervention. At the regional scale, the core driving forces of URI level in China showed obvious spatial heterogeneity, and in 2020 they were economic development level, investment benefit, and government intervention in the eastern region, investment benefit, opening-up level, and urban-rural income gap in the central region, are educational supports, government intervention, and the optimization of industrial structure in the western region. The interaction of driving factors had far more influence on URI level in China than individual factors, and the interaction between traffic accessibility and other socioeconomic factors had been significantly enhanced. Research on the spatio-temporal evolution and mechanism of URI in China can provide theoretical basis for rural revitalization and high-quality urban and rural development. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

New infrastructure has become an important support for China's economic transformation and high-quality development in the new era. In order to investigate the temporal and spatial evolution of China's new infrastructure development and its driving factors, this study first constructed a comprehensive evaluation index of the development level of new infrastructure based on the provincial panel data from 2013 to 2020. Then, it used the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) entropy method and spatial econometric model to measure the development level of new infrastructure and analyze its driving factors. The results show that: 1) The development level of China's new infrastructure has increased year by year, and there is a trend of balanced development among provinces. 2) There is great spatial heterogeneity in the development level of China's new infrastructure. The new infrastructure development level is much higher in the eastern region than the central, western, and northeastern regions. The overall temporal and spatial evolution pattern showed an east-west expansion trend, and the center of gravity continued to move to the southwest. 3) The development level of new infrastructure is affected by many factors, among which the economic development level, financial development level, innovation foundation, urbanization process, and population size are the key driving factors. By examining the evolution of the spatial pattern of China's new infrastructure development level and its influencing factors, this article may provide a decision-making reference for its optimal layout and development. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

旅游城镇化已成为区域经济由高速发展向高质发展转型升级的重要途径,在实现区域绿色发展、协调发展等方面具有重要意义。该文基于2007-2019年面板数据定量评估京津冀城市群旅游城镇化发展进程,通过绘制折线图、雷达图和箱线图表征其时序演进特征,借助标准差椭圆、立体趋势面和核密度估计方法辨析其空间分布格局,并结合灰色关联分析探寻其关键影响因素。结论如下:2007-2019年京津冀城市群旅游城镇化指数整体呈上升趋势,虽偶有起伏但较多城市向中高水平集聚,空间上大体呈不均衡分布态势、差异较显著,最终形成西北强势、南部次之、中部弱势的分布格局;京津冀城市群各市旅游城镇化的关键影响因素存在较大差异。最后基于发展战略协同性、差异性和前瞻性原则,为京津冀城市群旅游城镇化出谋划策。  相似文献   

《极地研究》是集中反映南北极多学科考察研究成果的综合性学术刊物。它是极地科学工作者发表最新研究成果的园地,也是进行国际国内极地考察研究学术交流的窗口。本刊主要刊登以极地为研究对象或以极地为探测平台的基础研究、应用研究和高技术研究成果,反映该领域的新发现、新创造、新理论和新方法。  相似文献   

生态福利绩效是提升人类福祉的生态效率,分析生态福利绩效的时空格局与驱动效应有助于揭示中国人类福祉提升的生态效率地区差异及其原因。论文基于主客观综合福祉视角,对中国生态福利绩效的时空格局演变进行分析,运用对数平均迪氏指数法(LMDI)和随机前沿分析法(SFA)深入揭示中国生态福利绩效变化的驱动效应以及经济增长效应的决定因素。结果表明:(1) 2006—2018年中国生态福利绩效变化主要依赖经济增长效应驱动,但由于环境福祉效应与社会福祉效应的掣肘,中国生态福利绩效整体上从3.052降至2.641。在经济增长效应的决定因素中,技术进步发挥着最主要的促进作用。(2)中国南方省份与北方省份生态福利绩效的平均值差距由2006年的0.762扩大至2018年的1.005,表现出“南高北低”的空间分异特征。南方地区的经济增长效应值远高于北方地区,是中国生态福利绩效南北差异扩大的主要原因。(3)中国生态福利绩效变化整体显现为经济增长驱动模式,仅北京、天津、上海为“经济增长+环境福祉改善”驱动模式。南北区域及东中西三大区域经济增长效应的决定因素存在明显的区域异质性。研究结果可为推进中国生态福利绩效区域协调发展提供参考建议。  相似文献   

小城镇在城乡聚落体系中占据着重要位置。自20世纪中叶以来,小城镇分化发展逐渐成为世界范围内的普遍现象。随着城乡互动与全球流动的不断加剧,小城镇受区域、国家乃至全球尺度的影响愈加显著。因此,论文将尺度概念和尺度重组理论与小城镇相结合,对国外相关研究开展综述,以期对发达国家小城镇的转型发展提供合理解释。研究指出,小城镇具有多尺度性,可以用梯形尺度、嵌套尺度、网络尺度等隐喻进行具象化表达。小城镇的转型发展蕴含了尺度生产与再生产的过程,并且可进一步分为经济、社会、文化、政策等4个维度。研究认为,在全球化和城市化背景下,小城镇原有的“核心—边缘”结构发生重构,正在经历一个跨尺度的网络化的尺度重组过程。有些小城镇在此过程中走向衰落,有些则能够成为全球网络尺度中的节点,在梯形尺度方面实现了发展跃迁,在嵌套尺度方面则扩大了腹地范围。最后,研究认为基于尺度重组理论开展中国小城镇转型发展研究有利于突破就小城镇论小城镇的研究禁锢,但需要注意不同语境下的差异性。  相似文献   

新型城镇化作为健全区域协调发展体制机制的重要举措,对破解城乡及地区间发展不平衡问题、促进经济高质量发展有重要意义。论文以四川省为研究对象,运用空间自相关分析方法、空间计量模型、门限面板模型,分析2009—2019年新型城镇化和城乡收入差距的时空演化情况,揭示二者的关联关系,检验分析城乡收入差距的其他影响因素。结果显示:(1) 2009—2019年,四川省新型城镇化水平逐年上升,城乡收入差距逐年缩小,各年度城乡收入差距均具有显著的空间关联性,其低值区域主要集聚在成渝经济走廊上,其高值区域主要集聚在川西及东北部秦巴山区。(2)新型城镇化对城乡收入差距存在非线性影响,呈倒“U”型关系,主要原因是新型城镇化与农业现代化的不协调、不同步,当农业现代化水平跨越门槛值后,新型城镇化才会由扩大转为抑制城乡收入差距。(3)地区经济不平衡程度、科技创新水平和人力资本水平也是城乡收入差距的显著影响因素。研究结果可为积极稳妥推动新型城镇化、有效缩小城乡收入差距提供理论依据。  相似文献   

郑鹏 《地理科学》2015,(9):1148-1155
以旅居者为研究对象,在Hofstede文化维度分类的基础上,运用Arc GIS空间分析、独立样本T检验、单因素方差分析、Pearson相关分析和集中指数法等方法对旅居者城市旅游空间行为进行实证研究。结果显示,权力距离、不确定性规避、个人主义/集体主义和男性化/女性化等4个文化维度对"在本市内的旅游方式"、"到研究区的交通方式"、"研究区内景点之间的运动方式"、"探索景点之外的区域"、"旅游有无计划性"、"运动顺逆时针方向性"、"每次旅游景点数"、"探索景点之内的大部分区域"等旅游空间行为都有着显著差异影响。  相似文献   

土壤风蚀中的粉尘释放问题是国际风沙研究的核心课题之一,近年来研究进展很快,但对研究进展的介绍还不够系统和全面。基于此,对国内外土壤风蚀中粉尘释放问题的研究历史进行了较为全面的梳理,首次进行了阶段划分,提炼了各阶段的主要研究成果,介绍了当前对粉尘释放机制的一些新认识;在对粉尘释放模型重新分类的基础上,介绍了各类模型的建模过程、优缺点及其在全球粉尘模型和区域粉尘模型中的应用。本文还提出了当前粉尘释放研究的一些热点和难点问题,希望能为相关学者开展该领域研究工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

科学诊断资源型城市空间冲突等级,厘清空间冲突变化与土地利用间的复杂关系,对城市转型发展、区域资源合理利用具有重要意义。论文基于山东省新泰市资源型城市特征,以生态系统服务价值和土地利用为视角,从空间压力、空间暴露性和空间风险响应维度构建空间冲突测度模型,并运用地理加权回归模型探讨了空间冲突的变化与土地利用调整间的关系。结果表明:(1)2009—2020年,新泰市空间冲突指数保持稳定,变化量仅为0.0018,且不同冲突等级的变化趋势不同;空间冲突格局呈圈层分布,由中心向四周等级逐渐减弱。(2)2009—2020年,新泰市平均土地利用动态度为23.14%,空间布局差异性显著,土地利用特征以耕地林化、土地整治、建设用地及生态用地扩张为主。(3)地理加权回归模型分析显示,土地利用动态度与空间冲突指数变化呈显著相关(P<0.01,R^(2)=0.8517),平均系数值为0.1381,且以正相关为主,表明新泰市土地利用调整对空间冲突的抑制产生了积极影响。研究可为区域土地合理利用、空间冲突治理及空间结构优化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Chen Y.  Yu P.  Wang L.  Chen Y. 《地理科学进展》2023,(11):2084-2098
Administrative division adjustment as an institutional support for spatial governance is an important measure to optimize resource allocation, and it has profound effects on promoting balanced regional development. Based on the panel data of 272 cities in China from 2013 to 2021, this study used the spatial difference-in-differences method to explore the impact of district-level administrative restructuring, a special type of administrative division adjustment, on balanced regional development, and further analyzed the mediation mechanism of urban morphological polycentricity. The results show that district-level administrative restructuring is not only beneficial to promoting balanced regional development in local regions, but also has positive spatial spillover effects on neighboring regions. Mechanism analysis show that under the background of administrative division adjustment, urban form is an important driving factor for balanced regional development. Specifically, district-level administrative restructuring can reduce regional development inequality by improving the level of urban morphological polycentricity. Heterogeneity analysis show that the impact of district-level administrative restructuring on balanced regional development varies across regions. Compared to the western region, the positive effects of such restructuring on balanced regional development are more significant in the eastern and central regions. The restructuring has significant promotional effects in large cities and medium-sized cities, while the effects in mega-cities, super-large cities, and small cities are not significant. In the future, we should prudently carry out administrative division adjustment and urban spatial transformation according to the development conditions of different cities, and promote the construction of urban polycentricity by district-level administrative restructuring according to local conditions, in order to promote balanced regional development. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

以广东文化和旅游厅发布的650个乡村休闲旅游地为研究对象,借助GIS空间分析及数理统计分析,探讨了广东省乡村休闲旅游地的空间分布格局及影响因素。研究表明:1)广东省乡村休闲旅游地在空间上呈现显著的集聚特征,整体表现为“两条轴带,多个增长极”的分布模式,且各邻域乡村休闲旅游地之间具有明显的空间依赖性。2)整体乡村休闲旅游地特征空间尺度为118.36 km,各类型乡村休闲旅游地特征空间尺度表现出一定差异,具有明显的尺度依赖性,其中历史遗存类区位布局的空间范围最大;其次是民俗文化类和聚落建筑类,两者较为接近,但前者的集聚强度高于后者;自然景观类和产业融合类受自身数量及资源禀赋等因素制约,空间分布的范围相对较小。同时,随着空间距离的增大,各类型乡村休闲旅游地集聚程度均表现为“先增大后减小”的趋势。3)资源禀赋、交通可达、景区辐射作为供给因素,是广东省乡村休闲旅游地布局发展的基础;人口经济、客源市场作为需求因素,是影响布局的关键;政策支持、发展规划是管理因素,为布局发展提供重要保障;创新因素驱动乡村休闲旅游的转型与升级。供给、需求、管理、创新4个维度共同调节,影响乡村休闲旅游空间格局的形成。  相似文献   

放牧家畜与食草野生动物争草(畜兽冲突)是人兽冲突在草原放牧业中的具体体现,其涉及面广,对牧民生计影响明显。畜兽冲突强度研究对完善野生动物损害补偿制度、促进人与自然和谐共生具有重要意义。论文通过地面调查与模型模拟,考虑草地牧草产量、家畜存栏量和食草野生动物种群数量,提出了放牧家畜与食草野生动物争草冲突强度量化方法,评价了三江源国家公园玛多县牧草地畜兽争草强度。结果表明:(1)据2022年样线调查和随机森林模型估计,玛多县藏野驴(Equus kiang)、藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)种群密度分别为0.2157头/km2、0.1655只/km2,种群数量分别为5307头、4073只,折合23264羊单位(SU),2018年末各类家畜存栏量34.2万SU,畜兽争草相对强度为1/14.7。(2)玛多县高寒草甸、高寒草原的可食牧草产量分别为118.7 g/m2、88.3 g/m2,可承载密度分别为0.2710 SU/hm2、0.1532 SU/hm2,理论承载力52.85万SU。家畜承载率、食草野生动物承载率、家畜+食草野生动物承载率分别为64.7%、4.4%和69.1%。(3)国家公园内的乡镇,草地承载力盈余,家畜承载率低、野生动物承载率高,但畜兽争草相对强度较大,建议完善移民搬迁、野生动物损害补偿制度,强化国家公园体制建设;国家公园外的乡镇,草地超载严重,家畜承载率高,畜兽争草强度不高,建议减畜增效、绿色发展。  相似文献   

以池州市为例,构建了城市旅游经济系统与交通系统综合发展评价指标体系,运用耦合协调度模型对2002~2012年池州市旅游经济系统和交通系统耦合协调状况进行了实证分析。分析结果表明,从2002年以来池州市旅游经济系统和交通系统综合发展水平稳步提升,两系统耦合协调度值由0上升到0.678,目前处于初级协调发展阶段。要促进两者向优良协调发展,需要更好地发挥交通对旅游经济发展的促进作用,逐步提升池州市航空和铁路交通发展水平,并加快旅游转型升级。  相似文献   

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