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The spatial and temporal variations in the concentrations of nutrients (NH4+, NO2, PO43−, SiO4) and chlorophyll a were monitored simultaneously in a slow-flowing watercourse (Saricay Stream, Turkey), which runs in a rural–urban gradient. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged between 0.044 μg l-1 and 206.15 μg l-1 and, in general, the higher concentrations of chlorophyll a and ammonium were measured downstream of the raw sewage outfalls. Nitrate was by far the most abundant form of inorganic nitrogen, and its concentration ranged between 411.71 μM and 87.25 μM. Silicates and phosphates were always potentially limiting to biomass relative to nitrogen. Agricultural run-off and point discharges from urban sources greatly affected the chemical composition of the water in the Saricay Stream and drove the system towards eutrophication.  相似文献   

Semifluorinated n-alkanes (SFAs) with carbon chain lengths of 22 to approximately 36 atoms are present in fluorinated ski waxes to reduce the friction between ski base and snow, resulting in a better glide. Semifluorinated n-alkenes (SFAenes) are byproducts in the production process of SFAs and are also found in ski waxes. Snow and soil samples from a ski area in Sweden were taken after a large skiing competition and after snowmelt, respectively, and analyzed for SFAs and SFAenes. Single analyte concentrations in snow (analyzed as melt water) ranged from a few ng L−1 up to 300 μg L−1. ∑SFA concentrations decreased significantly from the start to the finish of the ski trail. Single analyte concentrations in soil ranged up to 9 ng g−1 dw. ∑SFA concentrations in soil did not show a trend along the ski trail. This may be due to the fact that concentrations in soil, although strongly influenced by the competition, reflect inputs during the whole skiing season. The chemical inventory in snow was greater than the inventory in soil for shorter chain SFAs (C22C28) and for all SFAenes. Additionally, a significant change in SFA patterns between snow and soil samples was found. These observations suggested volatilization of shorter chain SFAs and of SFAenes during snowmelt. Evidence for long-term accumulation of SFAs in surface soil over several skiing seasons was not found.  相似文献   

The experiment was carried out on a short rotation coppice culture of poplars (POP-EUROFACE, Central Italy), growing in a free air carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere (FACE). The specific objective of this work was to study whether elevated CO(2) and fertilization (two CO(2) treatments, elevated CO(2) and control, two N fertilization treatments, fertilized and unfertilized), as well as the interaction between treatments caused an unbalanced nutritional status of leaves in three poplar species (P. x euramericana, P. nigra and P. alba). Finally, we discuss the ecological implications of a possible change in foliar nutrients concentration. CO(2) enrichment reduced foliar nitrogen and increased the concentration of magnesium; whereas nitrogen fertilization had opposite effects on leaf nitrogen and magnesium concentrations. Moreover, the interaction between elevated CO(2) and N fertilization amplified some element unbalances such as the K/N-ratio.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Studies on urea transformation reactions in blackwater are limited as urea rapidly hydrolyses under anaerobic condition. Since ammonium content of...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Potiguar Basin has oil and gas production fields offshore and onshore. All treated produced water (PW) from these fields is discharged through...  相似文献   

Chaves A  Shea D  Cope WG 《Chemosphere》2007,69(7):1166-1174
The environmental fate of chlorothalonil (CHT) and its metabolites were studied under field-variable conditions in a commercial banana plantation in Costa Rica. Weather conditions were representative of a tropical environment and the fungicide applications were typical of those in banana production. The test plots were treated with Bravo 720 at 1.2 l ha(-1) of formulated product. Field persistence of CHT in soil and on banana leaves was measured during five consecutive months and after three aerial applications of the fungicide. Residues were analyzed in soil, sediment, water, banana leaves and drift cards by gas and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. In soil and on the surface of banana leaves, CHT dissipated rapidly with half-lives of 2.2 and 3.9 d, respectively. Soil residues persisted and were detected 85 d after application. The main metabolite found in soil, 4-hydroxy-chlorothalonil, accounted for approximately 65% of residues detected and was measured up to 6d after application.  相似文献   

基于江苏启东邻近海域2019年4月 、10月海水的调查数据,探讨该海域溶解无机氮(DIN)、溶解无机磷(DIP)的分布特征及成因,分析氮磷营养盐的构成特点,评价该海域的营养水平,通过DIN、DIP与环境因子的相关性分析,探讨影响DIN和DIP的主要环境因素.结果表明,春季各监测站位DIN、DIP平均质量浓度分别为0.3...  相似文献   

Pesticide transport models commonly assume first-order pesticide degradation kinetics for describing reactive transport in soil. This assumption was assessed in mini-column studies with associated batch degradation tests. Soil mini-columns were irrigated with atrazine in two intermittent steps of about 30 days separated by 161 days application of artificial rain water. Atrazine concentration in the effluent peaked to that of the influent concentration after initial break-through but sharply decreased while influx was sustained, suggesting a degradation lag phase. The same pattern was displayed in the second step but peak height and percentage of atrazine recovered in the effluent were lower. A Monod model with biomass decay was successfully calibrated to this data. The model was successfully evaluated against batch degradation data and mini-column experiments at lower flow rate. The study suggested that first-order degradation models may underestimate risk of pesticide leaching if the pesticide degradation potential needs amplification during degradation.  相似文献   

Canopy leaching of nutrients and metals in a mountain spruce forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Precipitation and throughfall fluxes of major ions, nutrients (C, N, P), and metals (Al, Fe, Mn), and the chemical composition of litter fall and living plant tissue in Norway spruce stands (the Bohemian Forest; Czech Republic), were used to evaluate how microbial processes and decay of plant tissue in canopies influence canopy leaching (CL) of elements. Proton exchange for Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+ in decaying biomass and co-transport of Ca2+ and K+ out of plant cells with organic acid anions were the most likely processes contributing to CL of base cations. The CL of total P and N (and also NO3?) was minor. Important proportions of the N and P mineral forms were transformed to organic forms by microbial processes (primary and bacterial production), with the respective CL of ?13.9 and 16.4 mmol m?2 yr?1 for NH4+ and organic N, and ?0.33 and 0.22 mmol m?2 yr?1 for dissolved reactive P (DRP) and organic P. Most of particulate P and N in throughfall (~90%) originated from microbial DRP and NH4+ transformations, but particulate C mostly came from the fragmentation of plant tissue (58%). Among metals, CL was not observed for Al, was small for Fe (0.3 mmol m?2 yr?1), and greatest for Mn (0.9 mmol m?2 yr?1) due to leaching from decaying tissue by acidic precipitation.  相似文献   

Due to the higher stability of the spent nuclear fuel (mainly composed of UO2) under reducing conditions, and in order to enhance the retention/retardation of some key radionuclides, the olivine rock from the Lovasj?rvi intrusion has been proposed as a potential redox-active backfill-additive in deep high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) repositories. In this work, two different approaches have been undertaken in order to establish the redox buffer capacity of olivine rock: (1) The capacity of the rock to respond to changes in pH or pe has been demonstrated and the final (pH, pe) coordinates agree with the control exerted by the system Fe(II)/Fe(III). (2) The rate of consumption of oxygen has been determined at different pH values. These rates are higher than the ones reported in the literature for other solids, what would point to the possibility of using this rock as an additive to the backfill material in a HLNW.  相似文献   

The distribution and metabolic fate of several rice paddy pesticides were evaluated in a modified model ecosystem. Among the three BHC isomers, beta-isomer was the most stable and bioconcentrated in all of the organisms. Alpha- and gamma-isomers were moderately persistent and degraded to some extent during the 33 day period. Disulfoton was relatively persistent due to the transformation to its oxidation products. Pyridaphenthion was fairly biodegradable. N-Phenyl maleic hydrazide derived from the hydrolysis of pyridaphenthion was not detected in the organisms though it was found in the aquarium water after 33 days. Cartap and edifenphos were considerably biodegradable, and the ratio of the conversion to water soluble metabolites was very high. There was a distinct difference in the persistence of Kitazin P and edifenphos in the aquarium water. It appeared that the hydrolysis rate of the pesticides affected their fate in the organisms. PCP appeared to be moderately biodegradable. CNP was considerably stable and stored in the organisms though the concentration in the aquarium water was relatively low. The persistence and distribution of the pesticides in the model ecosystem were dependent on their chemical structures. In spite of the limitation derived from short experimental period, the model ecosystem may be applicable for predicting the environmental fate of pesticides.  相似文献   

Atrazine sorption and fate in a Ultisol from humid tropical Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study combined laboratory based microcosm systems as well as field experiments to evaluate the mobility of atrazine on a Ultisol under humid tropical conditions in Brazil. Results from sorption experiments fit to the Freundlich isotherm model [K(f) 0.99 mg kg(-1)/(mg l(-1))(1/n)], and indicate a low sorption capacity for atrazine in this soil and consequently large potential for movement by leaching and runoff. Microcosm systems using (14)C-atrazine to trace the fate of the applied herbicide, showed that 0.33% of the atrazine was volatilized, 0.25% mineralized and 6.89% was recorded in the leachate. After 60 d in the microcosms, 75% of the (14)C remained in the upper 5 cm soil layer indicating atrazine or its metabolites remained close to the soil surface. In field experiments, after 60 d, only 5% of the atrazine applied was recovered in the upper soil layers. In the field experiments atrazine was detected at a depth of 50 cm indicating leaching. Simulating tropical rain in field experiments resulted in 2.1% loss of atrazine in runoff of which 0.5% was adsorbed onto transported soil particles and 1.6% was in solution. Atrazine runoff was greatest two days after herbicide application and decreased 10 fold after 15 d. The use of atrazine on Ultisols, in the humid tropics, constitutes a threat to water quality, causing surface water and ground water pollution.  相似文献   

The major cations, anions, and detergents in a plume of contaminated groundwater at Otis Air Base on Cape Cod (Mass., U.S.A.) have moved approximately 3.5 km down gradient from the disposal beds. We hypothesize that the detergents form two distinct plumes, which consist of alkyl benzene sulfonates (ABS) detergents and linear alkyl sulfonates (LAS) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaLS) detergents. The ABS detergents were deposited from approximately 1940 through 1965, when ABS detergents were banned. From 1965 to the present, LAS and NaLS detergents were in the sewage. The ABS detergents appear to be transported in the aquifer at the same rate as the specific conductance (major cations and anions) and boron, which are currently used as conservative tracers of the plume of contaminated groundwater. There appears to be little or no biological degradation of the ABS detergents in the aquifer, based on their concentration in the plume. On the other hand, the LAS and NaLS detergents have degraded rapidly and have been detected only 0.6 km down gradient. The roleof the detergents in the transport of other organic compounds in the plume is nuclear. There is a separation of the ABS detergent plume and the volatile organic compound plume; however, the time of entry of the detergents and the volatile organic compounds is unknown. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude on the interaction of these two classes of compounds.  相似文献   

Expected urban air concentrations of the gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) were calculated using volatile emissions estimates and screening transport models, and these predictions were compared with Boston, MA, area urban air measurements. The total volatile flux of MTBE into the Boston primary metropolitan statistical area (PMSA) airshed was calculated based on estimated automobile nontailpipe emissions and the Universal Quasi-Chemical Functional-Group Activity Coefficient computed abundance of MTBE in gasoline vapor. The fate of MTBE in the Boston PMSA was assessed using both the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances, which is a steady-state multimedia box model, and a simple airshed box model. Both models were parameterized based on the meteorological conditions observed during air sampling in the Boston area. Measured average urban air concentrations of 0.1 and 1 microg/m3 MTBE during February and September of 2000, respectively, were comparable to corresponding model predictions of 0.3 and 1 microg/m3 and could be essentially explained from estimated temperature-dependent volatile emissions rates, observed average wind speed (the airshed flushing rate), and reaction with ambient tropospheric hydroxyl radical (*OH), within model uncertainty. These findings support the proposition that one can estimate gasoline component source fluxes and use simple multimedia models to screen the potential impact of future proposed gasoline additives on urban airsheds.  相似文献   

The transport and fate of mercury (Hg) was studied in two forest wetlands; a riparian peatland and an abandoned beaver meadow. The proportion of total mercury (THg) that was methyl mercury (% MeHg) increased from 2% to 6% from the upland inlets to the outlet of the wetlands. During the growing season, MeHg concentrations were approximately three times higher (0.27ng/L) than values during the non-growing season (0.10ng/L). Transport of Hg species was facilitated by DOC production as indicated by significant positive relations with THg and MeHg. Elevated concentrations of MeHg and % MeHg (as high as 70%) were found in pore waters of the riparian and beaver meadow wetlands. Groundwater interaction with the stream was limited at the riparian peatland due to the low hydraulic conductivity of the peat. The annual fluxes of THg and MeHg at the outlet of the watershed were 2.3 and 0.092microg/m2-year respectively.  相似文献   

Böttcher T  Schroll R 《Chemosphere》2007,66(4):684-689
Degradation, bioaccumulation and volatile loss of the 14C-labeled phenylurea herbicide isoproturon (IPU) was examined in a freshwater microcosm with the free floating macrophyte species Lemna minor during a 21-day exposure time. Isoproturon volatilisation was very low with 0.13+/-0.01% of the initially applied herbicide. Only a minor amount of the herbicide was completely metabolised, presumably by rhizosphere microorganisms and released as 14CO2. In total, about 9% isoproturon was removed from the aquatic medium during 21 days. The major portion of the pesticide was removed by bioaccumulation of Lemna minor (5.0+/-0.8%) and the bioconcentration factor (BCF) based on freshweight was 15.8+/-0.2. However, this study indicated a high persistence of IPU in freshwater ecosystems and a potential hazard due to bioaccumulation in non-target species. The novel experimental system of this study, developed for easy use and multiple sampling abilities, enabled quantitatively studying the fate of isoproturon and showed high reproducibility with a mean average (14)C-recovery rate of 97.1+/-0.7%.  相似文献   

In the pioneer days, the main driving forces for research of organics in drinking water treatment (DWT) were human health risks and optimisation of technology. The focus was on natural organic matter (NOM) structure, disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation, NOM removal by means of coagulation, adsorption, and oxidation, and development of the most efficient water treatment trains. Surprisingly, after decades of research, rapid development of analytical techniques and progress in risk assessment, the same driving forces are still in the limelight — although the topics have changed slightly. The attention switched from trihalomethanes to a new generation of DBPs. The definition of hydrophilic/hydrophobic NOM depends on the technique used for characterisation. It has become evident that numerous organic compounds can threaten water supply sources. Some of them had been ignored or overlooked in the past, but have recently been detected by advanced analytical tools even in drinking water. Prioritisation becomes priority per se. As far as processes are concerned, mainstream research has been following three lines: fouling mechanisms, application of hybrid processes and interactions between synthetic organic chemicals, other water constituents and materials used in DWT. Significant development has been made in membrane technology. This paper presents a broad overview of the recent organics research. Although the state-of-the-art technologies seem to have an answer to each and every question raised, it is still necessary to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis mainly due to the unique nature of NOM and different xenobiotics that may appear in various types of waters. In the end, human health risk, which derives from the presence/absence of organics, is only the tip of the iceberg — underneath lies a whole new universe — the socio-economic aspect of water treatment and quality that deserves much more attention.  相似文献   

The performance of a narrow buffer strip in abating dissolved P, electrical conductivity and herbicides (terbuthylazine, alachlor, nicosulfuron, pendimethalin, linuron) in subsurface water coming from cropland was tested in an experiment carried out on the low plains of the Veneto Region (NE Italy). The experiment lasted from December 1997 to June 1999, monitoring subsurface water quality entering and exiting a buffer composed of a grass strip (5 m wide) and 1 m wide row of trees. Dissolved phosphorus concentrations were reduced by almost 100% passing through the buffer and in most cases exiting water satisfied the limit for avoiding eutrophication. A positive effect was also detected on ECW (reduced by 20%), while pH was not significantly altered. Herbicide concentration abatement varied between 60 and 90%, depending on the chemical and the time elapsed since application.  相似文献   

Zhu L  Ma B  Zhang L  Zhang L 《Chemosphere》2007,69(10):1579-1585
In November 2005, an explosion occurred at a petrochemical plant of the Jilin Petrochemical Corporation in Jilin Province, China. A nearby water body was seriously polluted with a large spill of toxic substances made up of a mixture of benzene, aniline, and nitrobenzene (NB). To understand the long term impact of NB on public health and ecosystem around the Songhua River, it was necessary to investigate its fate in the environment. In this study, a microcosm was used to mimic the polluted water system and to study the transport and fate of NB in the river water body. The volatility and biodegradation of NB was investigated and a Markov model was applied to predict the fate of NB in the environment. The simulated results matched very well with the results obtained from the microcosm experiment. The model indicated that at room temperature and after around 500 h, there was only residual NB in the water and sediment. Most of the NB (around 82%) evaporated into the air and 18% was degraded by microorganisms.  相似文献   

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