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东南沿海晚白垩世火山岩浆活动特征及其构造背景   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
东南沿海晚白垩世火山岩浆活动微弱,研究程度不高,但构造意义重要。对浙闽沿海晚白垩世小雄组和石牛山组火山岩及其共生侵入岩类进行了较系统研究。测得小雄破火山中央侵入相正长斑岩和石牛山破火山中央侵入相正长花岗斑岩的锆石年龄分别为87.9±1.2Ma和93.8±1.3Ma;岩石学和地球化学特征表明,小雄组和石牛山组火山岩及其共生侵入岩类均属后造山A型花岗质岩类,它们是在东南沿海巨型白垩纪A型花岗岩带主体形成之后、岩石圈进一步强烈伸展的背景下形成的,是区域中生代最晚期的酸性火山岩浆活动产物,标志着燕山造山过程最终结束于约90Ma。  相似文献   

华南东部中生代岩浆作用的动力学背景及其与铀成矿关系   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
陈培荣 《铀矿地质》2004,20(5):266-270
中国东南大陆在中生代岩浆作用十分强烈 ,形成了大批稀有和有色金属矿床。发生在早中生代 (T)的印支运动和晚中生代 (J K)的燕山运动是发动该区岩浆作用和成矿作用的动力条件。印支运动在区域挤压框架下导致华南大陆发生板内伸展作用 ,形成印支期花岗岩。燕山运动是相对于印支运动的后造山地质事件 ,以岩石圈发生强烈裂解为特征 ,诱发了大规模岩浆活动 ,并形成了丰富的矿产资源。受燕山期构造 岩浆热事件叠加的印支期花岗岩与铀成矿关系密切 ,可能是铀源体。因此 ,在华南的铀矿找矿工作应加强对印支期花岗岩分布格局和成矿因素的研究  相似文献   

North-eastern China and surrounding regions host some of the best examples of Phanerozoic juvenile crust on the globe. However, the Mesozoic tectonic setting and geodynamic processes in this region remain debated. Here we attempt a systematic analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of ore deposits in NE China and surrounding regions to constrain the geodynamic milieu. From an evaluation of the available geochronological data, we identify five distinct stages of ore formation: 240–205 Ma, 190–165 Ma, 155–145 Ma, 140–120 Ma, and 115–100 Ma. The Triassic (240–205 Ma) magmatism and associated mineralisation occurred during in a post-collisional tectonic setting involving the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The Early-Mid Jurassic (190–165 Ma) events are related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean in the eastern Asian continental margin, whereas in the Erguna block, these are associated with the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. From 155 to 120 Ma, large-scale continental extension occurred in NE China and surrounding regions. However, the Late Jurassic magmatism and mineralisation events in these areas evolved in a post-orogenic extensional environment of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean subduction system. The early stage of the Early Cretaceous events occurred under the combined effects of the closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean and the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean. The widespread extension ceased during the late phase of Early Cretaceous (115–100 Ma), following the rapid tectonic changes resulting from the Paleo-Pacific Oceanic plate reconfiguration.  相似文献   

司晓博  冯艳芳  苏尚国  张波 《地质通报》2020,39(7):1085-1103
为探究华东南地区花岗岩型铌-钽矿床区域成矿地质背景,给华东南地区花岗岩型铌-钽矿区域成矿规律总结和资源潜力评价提供地质构造依据,收集整理15个典型花岗岩型铌-钽矿床的资料,结合其矿床特征、成矿时代、成矿岩体及岩石地球化学研究,认为矿床形成时代集中于124~185 Ma,属燕山期。地球化学特征显示,P2O5含量在不同成矿花岗岩中富集程度不同,既有高P,也有低P,A/CNK=0.97~1.99(绝大部分大于1.1),具有过铝质特征;微量元素富集Rb和Nb、Ta、Th、Zr、Hf等,亏损Sr、Ti、Ba,稀土元素含量总体呈现出较低的趋势,具有明显的负Eu异常;Zr/Hf=3.13~23.31,Nb/Ta=0.28~7.67,结合其矿物特征,认为含矿岩体均为高分异花岗岩。成矿岩体底部到顶部,除部分隐伏岩体显示出顶上带的特征外,其余成矿岩体都显示出明显的相带特征,且特征矿物云母的变化较明显,向浅色云母及富锂方向演化;成矿岩体为黑云母花岗岩、二云母花岗岩和白云母花岗岩的共生或过渡组合,成矿花岗岩既有S型高分异的花岗岩,也有黄玉A型花岗岩,黄玉A型花岗岩与S型花岗岩共生且由S型花岗岩熔融作用形成。结合区域研究资料,认为矿床形成于洋-陆汇聚背景下的俯冲增生造山过程,即古太平洋板块向西俯冲,诱导扬子陆块东南缘发生陆内俯冲,导致东南沿海侵入(岩)弧的西北缘推覆至扬子陆块东南缘上方,形成众多碰撞型花岗岩型铌-钽矿床。  相似文献   

Evolution of Circum-Pacific Basins andVolcanic Belts in East China andTheir Geodynamic Background¥LiSitian(FacultyofEarthReso...  相似文献   

硼及其同位素能够有效地反映由于俯冲板片脱水引起的湿地幔楔部分熔融过程在火山岩中存留的地球化学信息。本次研究中使用同位素稀释法对华南中生代玄武岩进行了硼含量的测定,结合稀土与微量元素分析结果对玄武岩成因及构造背景进行探讨。玄武岩的硼含量主要集中在(1~5)×10-6,只有几个样品具有较高的含量(最高可达19×10-6),按时代和空间位置划分出的3组样品在硼含量上没有明显差别。在B/Ce, Nb/Be的协变图解上,中侏罗世玄武岩表现出OIB特征。最临近太平洋板块的白坚世东区玄武岩富集LILE,并出现Nb-Ta亏损,具有岛弧火山岩特征,但硼没有富集。进行系统的B-Li-O同位素分析能有效地揭示华南中生代玄武岩的形成过程及该区的构造演化。  相似文献   

燕山陆内造山作用的深部制约因素   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
中生代燕山陆内造山带是在克拉通软弱带上发育起来的。陆内造山作用受到深部条件的制约是与陆缘造山的主要区别。深部制约表现在:(1)继承性的构造活动;(2)断块的差异升降;(3)主动裂谷盆地演化;(4)岩石圈剧烈的构造变动。其中,岩石圈剧烈的构造变动和主动裂谷盆地演化直接受制于上地幔的影响,而断块差异升降是深部作用的间接反映。继承性的构造活动贯穿于燕山运动各个时期,其表现形式可以不同。这些深部影响因素随着时间是有变化的,存在交叉叠置,但是构造-岩浆活动的深度总的来说趋于越来越浅。与其他陆缘、陆间造山带对比,可以看到深部热体制调整在燕山陆内造山作用中是最重要的因素。陆内造山作用是上部地壳对岩石圈不同深度层次剧烈变动的响应,地壳以及岩石圈的加厚和随后的变薄是其实质性的构造过程,不仅导致岩石的变形,而且也引起了山脉的隆升。  相似文献   

The origin and geodynamic setting of the Maden Complex, which is situated in the Bitlis-Zagros Suture Zone in the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt, is still controversial due to lack of systematic geological and geochemical data. Here we present new whole rock major-trace-rare earth element and Sre Nd isotope data from the Middle Eocene volcanic rocks exposed in Maden Complex and discuss their origin in the light of new and old data. The volcanic lithologies are represented mainly by basalt and andesite, and minor dacite that vary from low-K tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline, and shoshonitic in composition. They exhibit enrichments in large ion lithophile and light rare earth elements, with depletions in high field strength elements. Basaltic rocks have uniform Sr and Nd isotope ratios with high εNd(t) values varying from t5.5 to t6.7, in contrast to, andesitic rocks are characterized by low εNd(t) values ranging from à1.6 to à10. These geochemical and isotopic characteristics indicate that two end-members, a subduction-related mantle source and a continental crust, were involved in the magma genesis. Considering all geological and geochemical data, we suggest that the Eocene Maden magmatism occurred as a post-collisional product by asthenospheric upwelling owing to convective removal of the lithosphere during an extensional collapse of the Southeast Anatolian ranges.  相似文献   

中国东南大陆中生代火山岩带研究进展和方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了目前东南大陆中生代火山岩带研究的主要成果、存在问题及其基本原因 ,提出了今后应进一步研究的方向 ,并且指出新一轮国土资源大调查为深化前人成果、把该火山岩带的研究水平提高到新的阶段提供了难得的机遇。  相似文献   

中国东南部晚中生代构造作用   总被引:119,自引:6,他引:119  
舒良树  周新民 《地质论评》2002,48(3):249-260
濒太平洋西缘,位居东亚陆缘南段的中国东南部,是在EW向古亚洲构造域基底之上发育起来的。研究表明,该区在早、中侏罗世经历了一次从EW向古亚洲构造域向NE向西太平洋构造域的体制转换,其转换位置之一是在南岭一带,其地质标志是侏罗纪盆地内近东西走向的灰色沉积岩层、同位素年龄值为180 Ma左右的双峰式火山岩和中侏罗世A型花岗岩等。到早白垩世,本区已基本完成古亚洲域向西太平洋构造域的体制转换。中国东南部晚中生代火成岩的成因机制基本上可用古太平洋岩石圈消减作用、玄武岩浆底侵作用和地壳深熔作用相结合的模式来解释。日本中央构造线—台湾纵谷带—菲律宾民都洛-巴拉望带是晚中生代古太平洋板块向东亚陆缘的消减带。晚中生代古太平洋板块(伊泽奈琦和库拉板块)低角度(<30°)、快速率(>10cm/a)的俯冲,是西太平洋陆缘区能形成宽阔火山岩带的重要动力学原因。宽阔的火山—侵入杂岩区和6条区域断裂构成了中国东南部晚中生代的基本构造框架。台湾纵谷带为古太平洋板块的俯冲-缝合带,而发育在大陆内部的5条区域断裂则具不同构造属性:长乐—南澳带是晚中生代大陆内部的左旋走滑带,上虞—政和—大埔断裂是古基底隆升区与晚中生代火山—沉积盆地区的分界带,绍兴—江山—东乡—萍乡断裂是晚白垩世—古近纪红  相似文献   

中国东南部中生代发育有拗陷型、断裂型、断陷型3种不同类型的盆地,其中前者发育于晚三叠世-早侏罗世,其内多为含煤建造;次者发育于中侏罗世-早白垩世,主要为火山岩建造;后者发育于白垩纪-古近纪,主要为陆相红岩建造。研究结果表明,盆地构造类型的演化与该区中生代壳内岩浆层的演化密切相关。与联合古陆解体相伴随的古太平洋板块俯冲使得东亚陆缘岩石圈的内能逐渐升高,其结果是壳内岩浆层的形成和增厚以及其上盖层岩石的弯曲变形,导致中生代早期众多拗陷盆地的形成;燕山早期的构造运动使印支期已强烈变形的地壳进一步破裂,为壳内岩浆层的物质溢出或喷发提供了通道条件,从而在重熔界面(岩浆层上界面)埋深较浅的本区东部形成众多火山岩盆地;系统内能在晚侏罗世后逐渐下降,地壳冷却收缩使得断块的重力调整逐渐占主导位置,形成众多由正断层控制的断陷盆地。  相似文献   

冀北印支期碱性岩浆活动及其地球动力学意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
冀北印支期碱性岩浆活动及其地球动力学意义张招崇(中国地质科学院地质研究所,北京100037)王永强(中国地质科学院西安地质矿产研究所,西安710054)关键词碱性岩浆印支期冀北地球动力学燕山地区是否存在印支期的构造、岩浆活动一直存在着争论。过去多数人...  相似文献   

中国东南海域中生代地处欧亚板块东南缘, 夹持于欧亚板块、太平洋板块与印度澳大利亚板块之间。以往对于该区域的油气勘探多集中于新生代。笔者在前人研究的基础之上, 结合新近获得的地震资料, 开展了中国东南海域及周缘油气地质条件研究。结果表明:中国东南海域中生界分布广, 东海南部、台湾岛以及台西南盆地发育中生界深海相硅质岩, 可能与冲绳缝合带和菲律宾巴拉望缝合带形成有关;南海北部及周缘陆区发育上三叠统下侏罗统海相和海陆交互相碎屑岩及上侏罗统白垩系陆相碎屑岩, 可能与印支期缝合带的形成有关。从海域钻井及周缘陆区沉积层序资料推断, 中国东南海域有两套发育良好的烃源岩, 具有较强的生烃潜力:上三叠统下侏罗统海相泥页岩, 有机碳质量分数为0.28%~14.96%, 干酪根类型主要以Ⅱ2型和Ⅲ型为主;下白垩统海相泥页岩, 有机碳质量分数为0.60%~2.00%, 干酪根类型以偏Ⅱ2Ⅲ型为主。该海域发育两套生储盖组合:一套以上三叠统下侏罗统泥页岩为烃源岩, 中、上侏罗统砂岩为储层, 下白垩统泥页岩为盖层;另一套以下白垩统泥页岩为烃源岩, 白垩系砂岩为储层, 上白垩统泥页岩为盖层。它们相互可以形成"古生新储"、"自生自储"油气藏组合。因此, 中国东南海域中生界是值得关注的油气勘探新领域。  相似文献   

The magma sources, origins and precise forming ages of the miarolite from Qishan and Kuiqi intrusions are still uncertain. New results reveal that, miarolites from the Qishan and Kuiqi intrusions yield crystallization ages of ~101 and ~98 Ma, and they have a high formation temperature (~910°C) and low oxygen fugacity value, indicating crystallization condition at low pressure in the upper crust with temperature of 678°C. The Qishan and Kuiqi miarolites are characterized by enrichment in SiO2 and high-K alkali, depletion in Ca and Mg, and belong to the high-K weak peraluminous rock series. The samples are enriched in HFSEs (i.e., Ta, Zr and Hf) and LILEs (i.e., Ba, P and Sr), depleted in Ba and Sr with the negative anomaly of Eu. In the primitive mantle normalized trace element spider diagram, the samples show a right-inclined ''seagull-type'' pattern, combined the ratios of (La/Yb)N, 10000 × Al/Ga, Rb/Nb and Nb/Ta etc., they were proved to be alkaline A-type granite. Combined the characterize of the trace elements, they were derived from clay-rich source accompanied pelite melting, and subjected to K-feldspar crystallization fractional. The values of εHf(t) and tDM2 are distributed in the range of ?2.8 to 3.3 with ~1.2 Ga, and ?6.0 to 4.0 with ~1.2 Ga, revealing that they were generated from the Mesoproterozoic Cathaysia basement rocks. The comprehensive research reveals the Kuiqi and Qishan intrusions derived from crust-mantle mixing and partial melting of the crust, respectively, resulting from lithospheric extension generated by the Paleo-Pacific Plate subducted into the European–Asian Plate.  相似文献   

华北是全球古老克拉通遭受破坏最明显和最典型的地区,其去克拉通化作用的时间、范围和机制等重要科学问题是国内外研究的热点。大规模岩浆作用是去克拉通化作用的地质表现之一,通过对华北地区侵入岩侵位时代、源区、成岩过程的研究,可有效反演其去克拉通化作用的时空范围、过程及可能的动力学机制。华北东部广泛发育大面积的中生代侵入岩,本文在作者近十年研究的基础上,通过总结华北东部中生代侵入岩的锆石U-Pb年代学资料,厘定了华北东部中生代岩浆活动主要分为三叠纪、侏罗纪和早白垩世三期;通过岩浆源区、岩石成因研究,探讨不同时期岩石圈(地幔和大陆地壳)性质和厚度的转变及破坏的空间范围;在此基础上,结合区域地质特征初步探讨了华北去克拉通化的地球动力学机制。  相似文献   


The Mesozoic igneous rocks from the External Zones of the Betic Cordilleras extend for some 300 km along the Subbetic Zone. They are poorly differentiated basic rocks which, altogether, correspond to a transitional series containing tholeiitic and sodium-alkaline terms. They crop out as small ophite stocks and dykes intruded into middle- and upper-Triassic rocks, or as submarine flows and sills interlayered with Jurassic materials.

Geological and radiometric evidence points to an upper-Triassic-Liassic age for the ophite-generating magmatism, while the fissure volcanism began locally in the early-Liassic and extended throughout the Dogger. It reached its climax in the Tithonian and ceased abruptly in the lowermost Cretaceous.

The magmas that generated the two groups of rocks originated within the mantle. During the ascent through a continental crust they were contaminated by deep-crust granitoid rocks and by the assimilation of pelites from the basement. The chemical composition and fractional-crystallization differentiation trends of the ophites belong to the tholeiitic series, while those of the middle-uppermost Jurassic magmas to the sodic-alkaline series. This magmatic evolution may be attributed to a geodynamic change from distensive in the Triassic to transtensive from the middle-Jurassic onwards.  相似文献   

重点讨论了中国东南部和日本中、新生代火成岩的时空分布及其构造环境,总结了两者的异同性。印支期和燕山早期(190~170Ma)中国东南部和日本具有不同的岩浆活动演化史。在165~150Ma期间,中国东南部广泛分布有过铝和弱过铝的S型花岗岩,而170~130Ma则为日本岩浆活动沉寂期。燕山晚期,中国东南部和日本都发生大规模的火山-侵入活动,同是库拉-太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲-碰撞及其后伸展-裂解的产物,日本开始时代晚(130Ma),并一直持续到始新世(45Ma)。进入喜马拉雅期,在日本海打开之前(>15Ma),中国东南部和日本同处于大陆伸展构造环境,在日本海打开之后(<15Ma),中国东南部和日本进入完全不同的构造演化阶段。  相似文献   

中国东南部与日本中—新生代构造-岩浆作用对比研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
重点讨论了中国东南部和日本中、新生代火成岩的时空分布及其构造环境,总结了两者的异同性。印支期和燕山早期(190~170Ma)中国东南部和日本具有不同的岩浆活动演化史。在165~150Ma期间,中国东南部广泛分布有过铝和弱过铝的S型花岗岩,而170~130Ma则为日本岩浆活动沉寂期。燕山晚期,中国东南部和日本都发生大规模的火山-侵入活动,同是库拉-太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲-碰撞及其后伸展-裂解的产物,日本开始时代晚(130Ma),并一直持续到始新世(45Ma)。进入喜马拉雅期,在日本海打开之前(>15Ma),中国东南部和日本同处于大陆伸展构造环境,在日本海打开之后(<15Ma),中国东南部和日本进入完全不同的构造演化阶段。  相似文献   

华北中生代构造体制转折始于 15 0~ 14 0Ma ,终于 110~ 10 0Ma ,峰期是 12 0~ 110Ma ,总体上是由挤压构造体制转化为伸展构造体制 ,由EW向转变为NNE向的盆岭构造格局。但是转折过程有复杂的细节和多次挤压与伸展的转变 ,边缘与克拉通内部、北缘与南 (东 )缘之间在时间和空间上也有一定的变化。南 (东 )缘的挤压构造以 2 30~ 2 10Ma为主 ,然后在 130~ 110Ma期间达到构造转折的剧变期。北缘则似乎表现出 2 30~ 2 10Ma和 180 ( 170 )~ 16 0 ( 15 0 )Ma两期挤压构造 ,130~ 110Ma是构造转折的峰期。盆地的演化有多样性 ,燕山地区前晚侏罗世时期呈现出北东东向褶皱逆冲带与挤压挠曲盆地带相邻并存的盆山结构 ;而后晚侏罗世时期呈现出北北东向裂谷盆地与断隆相间的盆岭结构 ;晚侏罗世后时期则呈现出北东—北北东向盆地与“活动”断隆相间 ,并受北东东向褶皱逆冲带控制的盆山结构。大别山南北隆升历史完全不同。深部结构的研究表明 ,华北东部的岩石圈在古生代末期已有减薄表现 ,在中生代急剧减薄 ,地幔和下地壳发生大规模置换 ,至 130~ 110Ma到达顶峰。新生代以来又有加厚的趋势。中生代构造转折不具典型造山带特征 ,可能与周围块体夹击引发的区域性大规模地幔隆起有关  相似文献   

Western China locates in the eastern section of the Tethys domain, granitic rocks in this region with variable formation ages and geochemistry record key information about the crust-mantle structure and thermal evolution during the convergent process of Tethys. In this study, we focus on some crucial granitic magmatism in the western Yangtze, Qinling orogen, and western Sanjiang tectonic belt, where magma sequence in the convergent orogenic belt can provide important information about the crust-mantle structure, thermal condition and melting regime that related to the evolution processes from Pre- to Neo-Tethys. At first, we show some features of Pre-Tethyan magmatism, such as Neoproterozoic magmatism (ca. 870–740 Ma) in the western margin of the Yangtze Block were induced by the assembly and breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. The complication of voluminous Neoproterozoic igneous rocks indicated that the western Yangtze Block underwent the thermodynamic evolution from hot mantle-cold crust stage (ca. 870–850 Ma) to hot mantle and crust stage (ca. 850–740 Ma). The Neoproterozoic mantle sources beneath the western Yangtze Block were progressively metasomatized by subduction-related compositions from slab fluids (initial at ca. 870 Ma), sediment melts (initial at ca. 850 Ma), to oceanic slab melts (initial at ca. 825–820 Ma) during the persistent subduction process. Secondly, the early Paleozoic magmatism can be well related to three distinctive stages (variable interaction of mantle-crust to crustal melting to variable sources) from an Andeans-type continental margin to collision to extension in response to the evolution of Proto-Tethys and final assembly of Gondwana continent. Thirdly, the Paleo-Tethys magmatism, Triassic granites in the Qinling orogenic display identical formation ages and Lu-Hf isotopic compositions with the related mafic enclaves, indicate a coeval melting event of lower continental crust and mantle lithosphere in the Triassic convergent process and a continued hot mantle and crust thermal condition through the interaction of subducted continental crust and upwelling asthenosphere. Finally, the Meso- and Neo-Tethyan magmatism: Early Cretaceous magmatism in the Tengchong Block are well responding to the subduction and closure of Bangong-Nujiang Meso-Tethys, recycled sediments metasomatized mantle by subduction since 130 Ma and subsequently upwelling asthenosphere since ca. 122 Ma that causes melting of heterogeneous continental crust until the final convergence, this process well recorded the changing thermal condition from hot mantle-cold crust to hot mantle and crust; The Late Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic magmatism well recorded the processes from Neo-Tethyan ocean slab flat subduction, steep subduction, to initial collision of India-Asia, it resulted in a series of continental arc magmatism with enriched mantle to crustal materials at Late Cretaceous, increasing depleted and/or juvenile materials at the beginning of early Cenozoic, and increasing evolved crustal materials in the final stage, implying a continued hot mantle and crust condition during that time. Then we can better understand the magmatic processes and variable melting from the mantle to crust during the evolution of Tethys, from Pre-, Paleo-, Meso-, to Neo-, both they show notably intensive interaction of crust-mantle and extensive melting of the heterogeneous continent during the final closure of Tethys and convergence of blocks, and thermal perturbation by a dynamic process in the depth could be the first mechanism to control the thermal condition of mantle and crust and associated composition of magmatism.  相似文献   

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