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离散事件系统不透明性是指外部观察者无法分辨系统的一系列行为是否为系统所发生的.而离散事件不透明性监督控制则是构建监督器控制系统行为,使系统满足不透明性的一种方法.离散事件系统不透明性与信息安全有着紧密的联系,并得到了广泛的应用.首先对离散事件系统做了简要的概述,然后介绍了不透明性监督控制算法的研究现状,最后进行了总结和展望.  相似文献   

离散事件系统的无死锁模块化状态反馈控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文讨论离散事件系统的无死锁模块化状态反馈问题。首先我们定义自动机的交与并运算,然后通过引入自动机对的D-不变关系,我们证明当控制目标是两个谓词的交时,模块化状态反馈控制器是无死锁的充要条件是各子控制器是无死锁的且相应的控制器满足D-不变关系。我们证明了一个给定的自动机对于另一自动机的D-不变子自动机类有最大元存大,并由此给出一个综合算法。  相似文献   

离散事件系统的监控器可以通过禁止可控事件来使系统满足安全性和活性规范。然而,监控器并不对允许发生的可控事件主动进行选择,所以存在同时允许多个可控事件发生的情况。但在实际应用中,如交通调度、机器人路径规划中,要求系统在每个状态下最多只允许一个可控事件的发生。针对上述问题,引入一种最优机制来量化控制成本,并提出一种离散事件系统最优监督控制算法,以确保系统的安全性和活性,并使事件执行累计的成本最小。首先,给定受控系统和行为约束的自动机模型,并基于Ramadge和Wonham的监督控制理论求解出无阻塞和行为最大许可的监控器;其次,通过定义的成本函数为监控器中每个事件的执行赋予相应成本;最后,利用动态规划思想迭代计算求解出最优定向监控器,从而实现每个状态下最多发生一个可控事件和事件执行累计的成本最小的目标。使用单向列车导轨案例和多轨道列车控制案例来验证所提算法的有效性和正确性。对于上述两个案例,所提算法求解的定向监控器到达目标状态所需的事件执行累计的成本分别为26.0和14.0,低于贪心算法的27.5和16.0,以及Q-learning算法的26.5和14.0。  相似文献   

介绍了一种以基于RW框架的离散事件系统监督控制理论为理论基础的计算和仿真平台,并通过实例验证了该平台的仿真效果和所包含的功能。该平台力求以完整的功能列表、友好的用户界面和强大的图形输出,帮助研究人员更好地应用该理论。  相似文献   

模糊离散事件系统监督控制理论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨文 《自动化学报》2008,34(4):460-465
为了将经典离散事件系统 (Discrete event systems, DES) 中的监控理论扩展到模糊离散事件系统 (Fuzzy discrete event systems, FDES) 中, 总结了目前 FDES 建模和监控理论方面的成果, 进一步讨论了 FDES 的能控性, 给出了非阻塞监控的条件. 对 FDES 的能控子语言与优化监控进行了分析, 得到了能控子语言的性质. 以模糊自动机作为监控的一种形式, 给出了监督控制具体的实现方法, 这对于进一步开展 FDES 的研究工作是有益的.  相似文献   

针对组件多工作模式下的离散事件系统,提出一种监督控制方法.利用Ramadge-Wonham监督控制架构,计算出组件各工作模式下对应的监督控制器.然后,利用所提的merge算法将组件各工作模式下对应的监督控制器合并,以生成融合监督控制器.再利用所提的事件选择函数得到在融合监督控制器各状态允许发生的事件,从而保证系统在融合监督控制器作用下的可控且非阻塞运行.最后,通过一个带反馈功能的制造系统演示本文所提方法的有效性,该系统中的检测单元将根据工件未通过检测的次数选择工作模式.相比于运用扩展有限状态机进行变量抽象的方法,本文所提方法更加直观简便,并能适应多个工件同时处于系统中时的情形.  相似文献   

本文在包含状态转移时间离散事件系统(DES)的自动机模型基础上,引入神经网络优化算法用以确定表征闭环系统最大允许逻辑行为的语言K的一个某项指标最优的子集Kept,并探讨了这种情况下用R-W理论设计监控DES的有关问题.  相似文献   

本文在离散事件动态系统混合状态建模的基础上,对系统的积分方程模型进行了数值求解,讨论了数据解法的稳定性与收敛性。最后给出一个数值计算的实例,并对数值结果进行了仿真验证。  相似文献   

本文研究了定义在状态-事件序列上的谓词的离散事件系统的状态反馈控制问题。离散事件系统的数学模型是自动机。状态反馈与闭环过程的关系及许多基本的几何性质得到了详细的阐明;在这些几何背景下,解决了离散事件系统状态反馈控制的拓广问题,包括关于简单谓词与一般谓词的问题。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate computational issues associated with the supervision of concurrent processes modeled as modular discrete-event systems. Here, modular discrete-event systems are sets of deterministic finite-state automata whose interaction is modeled by the parallel composition operation. Even with such a simple model process model, we show that in general many problems related to the supervision of these systems are PSPACE-complete. This shows that although there may be space-efficient methods for avoiding the state-explosion problem inherent to concurrent processes, there are most likely no time-efficient solutions that would aid in the study of such large-scale systems. We show our results using a reduction from a special class of automata intersection problem introduced here where behavior is assumed to be prefix-closed. We find that deciding if there exists a supervisor for a modular system to achieve a global specification is PSPACE-complete. We also show many verification problems for system supervision are PSPACE-complete, even for prefix-closed cases. Supervisor admissibility and online supervision operations are also discussed.*This research was supported in part by NSF grant CCR-0082784.  相似文献   

离散事件系统监控与状态反馈方法的等价性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文证明控制指标以谓词形式给出时,采用监控方法能使受控离散事件过程的可达状态与采用状态反馈逻辑的可达状态相同;控制指标以语言形式语言形式给出时,采用状态反馈逻辑也能使受控离散事件过程生成采用监控方法时生成的语言,因而从综合角度看,这两种方法等价。  相似文献   

The topic of this paper is the synthesis of discrete supervisory control for hybrid systems with discrete external signals. Such systems are in general neither l-complete nor can they be represented by finite state machines. Our solution to the control problem is as follows: we find the strongest l-complete approximation (abstraction) l for , represent it by a finite state machine, and investigate the control problem for the approximation. If a solution exists on the approximation level, we synthesize the maximally permissive supervisor for l . We show that it also solves the control problem for the underlying hybrid system . If no solution exists, approximation accuracy can be increased by computing the strongest k-complete abstraction k , k > l. The basic ideas regarding the approximation step are explained within the framework of Willems' behavioral systems theory. Implementation issues are treated in a state space framework, and the main results are interpreted from a traditional control engineering point of view.  相似文献   

针对地震中建筑物结构主动控制的问题,引入模糊控制规则。该方法采用分层结构,其中包括一个高层的控制器和多个为了降低层间位移的底层子控制器。模糊控制规则能够恰当地调节预先控制在每一时刻所估计的结构状态。改进的地震控制性能通过模糊调节过程将一个简单设计的静态增益转换为实时动态增益。本文在控制器的设计部分充分考虑作动器饱和的状态,并以三层剪切型建筑物结构模型来举例说明。最后模糊规则的运用和Matlab仿真证明这种控制策略的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach for functionally dealing with multiple tasks in the supervisory control of discrete-event systems (DES). The colored marking generator (CMG), a special type of Moore automaton, is introduced as a model that distinguishes classes of tasks in DES. The main results of supervisory control theory are extended to this model, allowing the synthesis of minimally restrictive supervisors, which respect the safety specifications and ensure coreachability of multiple control objectives. Reversibility is also investigated as an alternative way of ensuring liveness of multiple tasks. Two examples illustrate the convenience of this approach.  相似文献   

Modular Control and Coordination of Discrete-Event Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the supervisory control of discrete-event systems based on controllable languages, a standard way to handle state explosion in large systems is by modular supervision: either horizontal (decentralized) or vertical (hierarchical). However, unless all the relevant languages are prefix-closed, a well-known potential hazard with modularity is that of conflict. In decentralized control, modular supervisors that are individually nonblocking for the plant may nevertheless produce blocking, or even deadlock, when operating on-line concurrently. Similarly, a high-level hierarchical supervisor that predicts nonblocking at its aggregated level of abstraction may inadvertently admit blocking in a low-level implementation. In two previous papers, the authors showed that nonblocking hierarchical control can be guaranteed provided high-level aggregation is sufficiently fine; the appropriate conditions were formalized in terms of control structures and observers. In this paper we apply the same technique to decentralized control, when specifications are imposed on local models of the global process; in this way we remove the restriction in some earlier work that the plant and specification (marked) languages be prefix-closed. We then solve a more general problem of coordination: namely how to determine a high level coordinator that forestalls conflict in a decentralized architecture when it potentially arises, but is otherwise minimally intrusive on low-level control action. Coordination thus combines both vertical and horizontal modularity. The example of a simple production process is provided as a practical illustration. We conclude with an appraisal of the computational effort involved.  相似文献   

传统故障树分析算法存在诊断成本高和耗时长的问题,为此,在研究故障树结构中的特殊规律的基础上,采用深度优先最左遍历算法对故障树进行模块化分解,减小故障树分析的规模。结合if-then-else运算符,将最左底层模块子树转化为相应的二元决策图结构。运用深度优先最左遍历算法得到该二元决策图结构中的割集和最小割集,用相同故障概率的基本事件替代最左底层模块子树得到新故障树。采用自底向上、从左至右的递归综合分析思想,获得系统元件故障发生的概率,实现对故障树的分析。对故障实例的分析诊断结果表明,该方法可有效提高诊断速度,减少诊断成本。  相似文献   

采用流网络的完备最小割将Kumar提出的离散事件系统最优监控理论拓展到标识语言的情形,提出了在受控系统的可达状态集中优化某种指标的分层优化思想,给出了寻找可控最优子语言的算法。  相似文献   

基于Internet的NCS监控组态软件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍一种基于Internet的网络化控制系统监控组态软件的总体设计。阐述该软件所处的数据平台的总体架构和软件功能目标,设计软件的客户端,月艮务器结构,通过软件系统外部及内部的信息交互,给出客户端和服务器内部的功能模块,为服务器设计一个用户监控请求管理模块,以实现大量用户对系统并发监控请求的有效管理。  相似文献   

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