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We performed fluorescein and indocyanine green (ICG) angiographies in 56 patients with central serous chorioretinopathy, and studied the choroidal lesions. In the early phase, choroidal filling with ICG was delayed in 77% in the area including focal leakage. Hypofluorescent findings around the site of focal leakage persisted through the phase in 23%, and we think this finding was caused by filling defect of the choriocapillaris. In the late phase, choroidal tissue staining by ICG was present in 82% in the area including focal leakage. Multiple areas of choroidal staining were also present in unaffected areas in 43% and in 62% of fellow eyes. Choroidal tissue staining by ICG was revealed in 48% in the area of choroidal filling delay, and this finding persisted after focal leakage had disappeared following photocoagulation. We think this finding was caused by choroidal vascular hyperpermeability. These findings suggest that choroidal circulatory disturbance and choroidal vascular hyperpermeability play a causative role in damage to the retinal pigment epithelium in central serous chorioretinopathy.  相似文献   

On the short arm of the 17th chromosome is a peripheral myelin protein (PMP22) the duplication or point mutation of which causes the development of some congenital autosomal dominant hereditary demyelinization neuropathies: the most frequent variants of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT1A), some cases of Déjérine-Sottas disease and microdeletion of PMP22 and hereditary pressure neuropathies. The pericentric section of the long arm of chromosome 17 comprises a locus conditioning the development of the most frequent phacomatosis-neurofibromatosis 1. As to rarer neuromuscular diseases, genome mutations of chromosome 17 condition the development of some cases of autosomal recessive forms of severe muscular dystrophy (SCARMD), a clinical analogue of Duchenne's form of muscular dystrophy, metabolic storage myopathy of Pompe's type and some muscle diseases associated with impaired function of the ion channels (hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis, congenital paramyotonia, some cases of malignant hyperthermia). Aspartoacylase deficiency, conditioning Canavan's leucodystrophy was also located in the area of the short arm of chromosome 17.  相似文献   

In Leishmaniasis, as in many infectious diseases, clinical manifestations are determined by the interaction between the genetics of the host and of the parasite. Here we describe studies mapping two loci controlling resistance to murine cutaneous leishmaniasis. Mice infected with L. major show marked genetic differences in disease manifestations: BALB/c mice are susceptible, exhibiting enlarging lesions that progress to systemic disease and death, whereas C57BL/6 are resistant, developing small, self-healing lesions. F2 animals from a C57BL/6 X BALB/c cross showed a continuous distribution of lesion score. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been mapped after a non-parametric QTL analysis on a genome-wide scan on 199 animals. QTLs identified were confirmed in a second cross of 271 animals. Linkage was confirmed to a chromosome 9 locus (D9Mit67-D9Mit71) and to a region including the H2 locus on chromosome 17. These have been named Imr2 and Imr1, respectively.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-mediated approach for physical mapping of single-copy DNA sequences on microisolated chromosomes of barley, sequence-tagged sites of DNA probes that reveal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) localized on the linkage maps of rice chromosomes 5 and 10 were allocated to cytologically defined regions of barley chromosome 5 (1H). The rice map of linkage group 5, of about 135 cM in size, falls into two separate parts, which are related to the distal portions of both the short and long arms of the barley chromosome. The markers on the rice map of chromosome 5 were found to be located within regions of the barley chromosome which show high recombination rates. The map of rice chromosome 10, of about 75 cM in size, on the other hand, is related to an interstitial segment of the long arm of chromosome 5 (1H) which is highly suppressed in recombination activity. For positional cloning of genes of this homoeologous region from the barley genome, the small rice genome will probably prove to be a useful tool. No markers located on rice chromosomes were detected within the pericentric Giemsa-positive heterochromatin of the barley chromosome, indicating that these barley-specific sequences form a block which separates the linkage segments conserved in rice. By our estimate approximately half of the barley-specific sequences of chromosome 5 (1H) show a dispersed distribution, while the other half separates the conserved linkage segments.  相似文献   

The human PWP2 gene is the human homologue of the yeast periodic tryptophan protein 2 (PWP2) gene and is a member of the gene family that contains tryptophan-aspartate (WD) repeats. Genomic sequencing revealed that the human PWP2 gene consists of 21 exons spanning approximately 24 kb and locates just between the two genes EHOC-1 and KNP-I and distal to a NotI site of LJ104 (D21S1460) on chromosome 21q22.3. Analysis of the 5'-flanking DNA sequence revealed that the upstream region of the PWP2 gene is associated with a CpG island containing the NotI site of LJ104. Since PWP2 is considered to be a candidate for genetic disorders mapped in the 21q22.3 region, the information including nucleotide sequence and genomic organization of the PWP2 gene should be invaluable for the mutation analysis of the corresponding genetic disorders.  相似文献   

The psychopathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is varied and includes both behavioural and psychological symptoms. Behavioural and psychological symptoms are common and contribute to the difficulties experienced by carers. However, the mechanism whereby these symptoms occur in some individuals with AD is not understood. We hypothesized that common genetic polymorphisms in neurotransmitter systems are risk factors for these symptoms in the course of AD. A total of 211 subjects from a population-based prospective study of psychopathology within late-onset AD were genotyped for the 5-HT2A receptor polymorphism 102-T/C and the 5-HT2C receptor polymorphism Cys23Ser. Associations were found between the presence of the C102 allele and the presence of visual (Fisher's exact test, one-tailed, P = 0.003) and auditory hallucinations (Fisher's exact test, one-tailed, P = 0.004) and between the presence of the Ser23 allele and visual hallucinations (chi2 = 7.5, df = 1, P = 0.006) (P = 0.03, 0.04 and 0.06, respectively, after Bonferroni correction). In addition, there was an association between the Cys23Ser polymorphism and hyperphagia (chi2 = 6.7, df = 2, P = 0.03) (P = 0.3 after Bonferroni correction). We conclude that common 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C genetic polymorphisms previously showing only weak associations with psychotic illness are associated with psychotic symptoms in AD but are clinically silent until the onset of the neurodegenerative process.  相似文献   

A human artificial chromosome (HAC) vector was constructed from a 1-Mb yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) that was selected based on its size from among several YACs identified by screening a randomly chosen subset of the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) (Paris) YAC library with a degenerate alpha satellite probe. This YAC, which also included non-alpha satellite DNA, was modified to contain human telomeric DNA and a putative origin of replication from the human beta-globin locus. The resultant HAC vector was introduced into human cells by lipid-mediated DNA transfection, and HACs were identified that bound the active kinetochore protein CENP-E and were mitotically stable in the absence of selection for at least 100 generations. Microdissected HACs used as fluorescence in situ hybridization probes localized to the HAC itself and not to the arms of any endogenous human chromosomes, suggesting that the HAC was not formed by telomere fragmentation. Our ability to manipulate the HAC vector by recombinant genetic methods should allow us to further define the elements necessary for mammalian chromosome function.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the correspondence between human and porcine chromosome fragments using whole chromosome painting probes from both species in heterologous hybridization experiments (bidirectional heterologous chromosome painting). Bidirectional experiments allow the determination of segment-to-segment homologies between the chromosomes of these two species. Chromosome-specific painting probes from both species were, except one, obtained by DOP-PCR or PARM-PCR amplification of flow-sorted chromosomes. The probes labeled 95% of the total length of the porcine chromosomes with human painting probes and 60% of the human chromosomes in the reverse experiments. Syntenic relationships of chromosomal segments on the karyotype of both species were determined. There was close agreement between com- parative gene mapping data and the identified homologous segments; this comparison enabled orientation of the segments. We demonstrate that bidirectional heterologous chromosome painting is a highly efficient way of generating comparative cytogenetic maps.  相似文献   

The antiviral effect of acyclovir elaidate in the female guinea pig model of genital herpes was investigated in a series of experiments. The antiherpesvirus effects of this novel compound, 9-(2'-[trans-9"-octadecenoyloxyl]ethoxymethyl)guanine (code no. P-4010), were studied in both primary and recurrent genital herpes in the female guinea pig, following oral gavage or intraperitoneal injection, with different formulations of the compound, and in comparison with acyclovir (ACV) or penciclovir (PCV). The results indicate that compound P-4010 has a greater capability than either ACV or PCV in reducing the clinical symptoms of primary genital herpes induced following the inoculation of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) intravaginally into guinea pigs. In addition, the administration of P-4010 twice daily over a 10-day period by the intraperitoneal route (15 to 40 mg/kg of body weight/day) or by oral gavage (50 to 200 mg/kg/day), commencing 4 h subsequent to intravaginal HSV-2 infection, resulted in a degree of reduction in the incidence and severity of spontaneous, recurrent genital herpes in these animals. The findings are discussed in the light of the value and relevance of the female guinea pig model of genital herpes for the assessment of anti-herpes simplex virus compounds.  相似文献   

The erm family of 23S rRNA adenine-N6-methyltransferases confers resistance to all macrolide-lincosamide-streptograminB (MLS) antibiotics, but not all MLS antibiotics induce synthesis of Erm methyltransferase with equal efficiency in a given organism. The induction efficiency of a test panel of MLS antibiotics was studied by using two translational attenuator-lac reporter gene fusion constructs, one based on ermSV from Streptomyces viridochromogenes NRRL 2860 and the other based on ermC from Staphylococcus aureus RN2442. Four types of responses which were correlated with the macrolide ring size were seen, as follows: group 1, both ermSV and ermC were induced by the 14-membered-ring macrolides erythromycin, lankamycin, and matromycin, as well as by the lincosamide celesticetin; group 2, neither ermSV nor ermC was induced by the 12-membered-ring macrolide methymycin or by the lincosamide lincomycin or the streptogramin type B antibiotic ostreogrycin B; group 3, ermSV was selectively induced over ermC by the 16-membered-ring macrolides carbomycin, chalcomycin, cirramycin, kitasamycin, maridomycin, and tylosin; and group 4, ermC was selectively induced over ermSV by the 14-membered-ring macrolide megalomicin. These data suggest that the leader peptide determines the specificity of induction by different classes of MLS antibiotics and that for a given attenuator, a major factor which determines whether a given macrolide induces resistance is its size.  相似文献   

A 61-year-old man underwent wedge excision of a 3-cm right renal metanephric adenoma. This recently recognized tumor has been considered benign, although no genetic studies have been reported. Metaphase analysis demonstrated a 47,X,-Y,+7,+17 karyotype. These results are consistent with a clonal neoplastic disorder.  相似文献   

Multiple chromosome 17 loci may be involved in ovarian carcinogenesis. Fifty-seven sporadic ovarian epithelial tumors were examined for loss of heterozygosity at 15 loci on chromosomes 17p. Eighty % (39 of 49) of informative tumors had allelic loss in 17p13.3 at D17S30, D17S28, or both loci within this region, including 3 of 7 tumors of low malignant potential and 4 of 5 nonmetastatic carcinomas. The smallest region of overlapping deletions extends from D17S28 to D17S30, a distance of 15 kb. Furthermore, several tumors have breakpoints within the region detected by the D17S30 probe. Chromosome 17p13.3 genes with potential tumor suppressor function include HIC-1, DPH2L (N. J. Phillips et al. Isolation of a human diphthamide biosynthesis gene on chromosome 17p13.3, submitted for publication)/OVCA1, PEDF, and CRK. The HIC-1 coding sequence lies i kb centromeric to the D17S28-S17S30 region of deletion (M. Makos Wales et al., Nat. Med., 1:570-577, 1995) but remains a candidate because 5'-regulatory elements may lie within the critical region. Portions of the DPH2L/OVCA1 coding sequence lie within the D17S28-D17S30 interval. Somatic cell hybrid analysis places PEDF in an interval including D17S28, D17S30, and D17S54, whereas CRK is excluded from this interval. Chromosome 17p13.3 loss precedes TP53 and BRCA1 region deletions because the latter changes are see only in high-stage carcinomas. Microsatellite instability plays only a minor role in sporadic ovarian carcinogenesis because only 1 of 57 tumors showed this finding.  相似文献   

Y chromosome degeneration is characterized by structural changes in the chromosome architecture and expansion of genetic inertness along the Y chromosome. It is generally assumed that the heteromorphic sex chromosome pair has developed from a pair of homologues. Several models have been suggested. We use the unique situation of the secondary sex chromosome pair, neo-Y and neo-X (X2), in Drosophila miranda to analyze molecular mechanisms involved in the evolutionary processes of Y chromosome degeneration. Due to the fusion of one of the autosomes to the Y chromosome (about 2 Mya), a neo-Y chromosome and a neo-X chromosome, designated X2, were formed. Thus, formerly autosomal genes are inherited now on a pair of sex chromosomes in D. miranda. Analyzing DNA sequences from the X2 and neo-Y region, we observed a massive accumulation of DNA insertions on the neo-Y chromosome. From the analysis of several insertion elements, we present compelling evidence that the first step in Y chromosome degeneration is driven by the accumulation of transposable elements, especially retrotransposons. An enrichment of these elements along an evolving Y chromosome could account for the switch from a euchromatic into a heterochromatic chromatin structure.  相似文献   

PTFE-e patches were used in nasal augmentation in 14 patients with a four-year follow-up. This material was chosen because it is inert and biologically compatible with human tissue. None of the patients in which this material was used had intolerance reaction, skin changes, material extrusion, or signs of infection. A review of the world literature showed no cases of poor results with PTFE-e. It is concluded that the best material for nasal augmentation is autologous material, but if not available or difficult to obtain, PTFE-e is the most acceptable synthetic material and produces good results.  相似文献   

Analysis of homologous recombination in eukaryotes has shown that some meiotic crossing-over occurs preferentially at specific genomic sites of limited physical distance called recombinational hotspots. In the mouse, recombinational hotspots have only been defined in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome (Chr) 17. In an attempt to examine whether hotspots are unique to the MHC or are present throughout the genome, high-resolution linkage maps of Chr 17 based on five backcrosses involving different inbred strains have been generated. These maps separate many markers that were previously shown at the same map position and allow a detailed analysis of recombination patterns across Chr 17. Corresponding recombination intervals in these maps have been compared for the identification of intervals with very little or no recombination in certain genetic crosses and considerable recombination in other genetic crosses. This approach has been termed Recombination Interval Analysis. Possible haplotype-dependent non-MHC hotspots, as well as previously identified MHC hotspots, have been detected by interval analysis.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the somatostatin receptor subtype designated as SSTR5 was mapped to human chromosome 20p11.2 by using fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization using a probe for SSTR5 in combination with probes for neuroendocrine convertase-2 (NEC2), thrombomodulin (THBD), and brain glycogen phosphorylase (PYGB) established a physical order for these loci of 20pter-NEC2-SSTR5-THBD-PYGB-cen.  相似文献   

We have initiated a study of ancient male migrations from Siberia to the Americas using Y chromosome polymorphisms. The first polymorphism examined, a C-->T transition at nucleotide position 181 of the DYS199 locus, was previously reported only in Native American populations. To investigate the origin of this DYS199 polymorphism, we screened Y chromosomes from a number of Siberian, Asian, and Native American populations for this and other markers. This survey detected the T allele in all five Native American populations studied at an average frequency of 61%, and in two of nine native Siberian populations, the Siberian Eskimo (21%) and the Chukchi (17%). This finding suggested that the DYS199 T allele may have originated in Beringia and was then spread throughout the New World by the founding populations of the major subgroups of modern Native Americans. We further characterized Native American Y chromosome variation by analyzing two additional Y chromosome polymorphisms, the DYS287 Y Alu polymorphic (YAP) element insertion and a YAP-associated A-->G transition at DYS271, both commonly found in Africans. We found neither African allele associated with the DYS199 T allele in any of the Native American or native Siberian populations. However, we did find DYS287 YAP+ individuals who harbored the DYS199 C allele in one Native American population, the Mixe, and in one Asian group, the Tibetans. A correlation of these Y chromosome alleles in Native Americans with those of the DYS1 locus, as detected by the p49a/p49f (p49a,f) probes on TaqI-digested genomic DNA, revealed a complete association of DYS1 alleles (p49a,f haplotypes) 13, 18, 66, 67 and 69 with the DYS199 T allele, while DYS1 alleles 8 and 63 were associated with both the DYS199 C and T allele.  相似文献   

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