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目的 了解上海市65~74岁老年人失牙状况分布特征,并分析失牙相关危险因素及其与牙周状况的关系,为今后开展口腔卫生保健工作提供依据。方法 按照第4次全国口腔健康流行病学调查要求,采取随机抽样方法,于2015年对上海市776名65~74岁年龄段老年人进行问卷调查和口腔检查。所得数据采用SPSS 21.0软件包进行非参数检验,对危险因素进行单因素分析,并通过Logistic回归模型进行独立危险因素分析。结果 上海市65~74岁年龄组老年人平均失牙数为5.94,平均缺失磨牙数为2.59。有牙周袋的老年人占42.3%,附着丧失≥4 mm的检出率为83.0%。男性失牙数和缺失磨牙数显著高于女性(P<0.05)。吸烟是非功能牙列的危险因素,吸烟量≥6支/d时,无法维持功能牙列的危险度是不吸烟人群的1.881倍(95%CI为1.231~2.872,P<0.01)。受教育年限≤6年及从事重体力劳动也是牙缺失的重要危险因素。结论 性别、口腔卫生习惯、吸烟、受教育程度、职业等因素是影响上海市65~74岁年龄组老年人牙缺失状况的重要因素。  相似文献   

老年人牙缺失临床修复治疗的分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的了解老年修复患者的口腔情况及修复特点。方法对1 166例60岁以上老年人牙缺失患者作修复治疗,分析缺牙及修复情况。结果1 166例患者平均缺牙10.25颗。牙缺失数上领>下领,磨牙>双尖牙>切牙>尖牙。1 166例患者中1 120例作可摘义齿修复,其中游离端缺失约占58%0 46例作固定义齿修复。结论老年修复患者具有缺牙数目多,游离端缺失多,余牙磨耗严重,食物嵌塞多,余留牙松动及残根多等特点;修复以可摘义齿为主,可适当行固定义齿修复。修复治疗时尽量发挥尖牙、已治疗的残根及健康第三磨牙的作用。  相似文献   

厦门市370名老年人缺牙和牙体磨损情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨厦门地区部分老年人牙磨损的特点及相关因素。方法:调查厦门地区370名离退休老干部缺牙和磨损的情况,并进行比较分析。结果:老年人牙体磨损率70.2%,Ⅱ°磨损率占52.6%;Ⅲ°占25.3%;磨损牙位分布,前牙磨损率为45.4%。结论:牙体磨损亦是损害老年口腔健康的常见病,临床医生应重视查找和消除牙磨损的潜在因素,并采取积极广泛的牙体修复治疗和提高对老年人口腔保健的宣传。  相似文献   

老年人牙缺失后的组织特点及修复设计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
老年人由于本身的生理特点以及缺牙的时间较长、缺牙的数目较多等诸因素 ,通常表现为更复杂的牙齿排列及咬合状况。这就决定了修复不仅仅是单纯的缺牙“镶补”,而应该十分重视修复前的口腔检查、资料分析及术前处理 ,合理的设计和适度的恢复咀嚼功能。这样 ,可促进和维持口腔组织健康 ,至少不造成口腔组织的长远性损伤。1 老年人牙缺失后口腔组织临床特征的有关几个问题老年人随着年龄的增长 ,体内各种组织器官相对处于逐渐退化状态 ,表现为肌力减弱、皮肤粘膜弹性降低 ,腺体分泌减少等 ,除此之外 ,口腔内牙列与咬合也存在一定的特点。1.1…  相似文献   

武汉市785例老年人缺牙及修复情况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

遵义市老年人失牙及修复现状与对策遵义医学院(563003)舒文碧,傅贞功,宋黔英维护老年人的健康是解决老龄社会问题的重要内容,而口腔保健则是重要的组成部分,为给老人口腔保健提供有价值的资料,作者对遵义市老年人失牙及修复进行现况调查。对象与方法本次调查...  相似文献   

目的:以Eichner分类法代表牙缺失状况,研究上海市老年人牙缺失、修复情况及口腔健康相关生命质量的现状,同时探讨生命质量与牙缺失、义齿修复与否的相关性。方法:以65~74岁年龄组为研究对象,采用多阶段分层抽样方法抽取747名受试者纳入研究。使用第四次全国口腔流行病学调查的检查方法及问卷,收集受试者的缺牙状况、生命质量等数据。采用SPSS 19.0软件包进行非参数检验、二元logistic回归分析等。结果:79.1%的受试者存在牙缺失,35%的受试者未曾接受义齿修复。Eichner分组后,仅A1、A2和C3组受试者的老年口腔健康评价指数(general oral health assessment index,GOHAI)得分高于平均分,B组得分最低。GOHAI得分与受试者修复与否,全身健康状况及Eichner分组有显著相关性(P<0.05)。Eichner分组中,除C2组因样本量原因出现偏差外,其余Eichner组中,未修复受试者的GOHAI得分均低于已修复受试者。而在有缺牙未修复的人群中,81.2%的受试者认为自己牙没有问题或牙病不重。结论:上海市65~74岁老年人中牙缺失问题严重,但进行义齿修复的老人少。老年人的口腔健康相关生命质量与牙缺失状况、义齿修复与否及全身健康相关。应加强对缺牙老年人的口腔健康宣教,及时修复缺失牙,提高老年人的生命质量。  相似文献   

1999年对重庆市南岸区南坪珊瑚社区 1872名老人进行口腔检查 ,现将结果报道如下 :材料和方法1.调查对象 对南坪珊瑚社区 7个居委会居住的 60岁以上老年人进行逐户调查 ,共检查 1872人。2 .调查项目 失牙原因、牙缺失患者职业与失牙及修复关系 ,牙缺失者文化程度与牙缺失及修复关系等。3 .调查方法 实行 1人 1卡。所有参检人员均为我院口腔科临床医生。检查时按照WHO统一标准 ,记录建档 ,调查结束后随机抽取 5 %的受检者进行复查 ,各项复查数据的符合率在90 %以上。结  果本组 1872名受检者中 1663人失牙 ,占 88.8% ;共缺牙1772 3个 …  相似文献   

目的:根据老年人的口腔特点,探讨老年人牙齿缺失缺损后如何进行口腔修复,方法:笔者采用了保留残根残冠的修复方法,即全冠、桩冠、桩核冠等并利用残根残冠治疗后做基牙、修复缺失的牙齿。结果:通过6年对732颗牙齿的临床观察,695件义齿中,优672件,良14件,差9件,总有效率达96%以上,结论:此方法优越性大,不拔牙,易被患者所接受,是一种切实可行的修复方法。  相似文献   

老年人牙齿缺失及牙体大部分缺损保留修复的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的根据老年人的口腔特点,探讨老年人牙齿缺失缺损后如何进行口腔修复。方法笔者采用了保留残根残冠的修复方法,即全冠、桩冠、桩核冠等并利用残根残冠治疗后做基牙、修复缺失的牙齿。结果通过6年对732颗牙齿的临床观察,695件义齿中,优672件,良14件,差9件,总有效率达96%以上。结论此方法优越性大,不拔牙,易被患者所接受,是一种切实可行的修复方法。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市静安区社区老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况。方法:采用问卷调查和口腔检查方法,抽样调查了上海市静安区973例社区65岁以上的老年人的牙齿缺失及修复情况。结果:在抽样调查的973例样本中,发现缺牙者888例,缺牙率为91.3%,人均缺牙数为10.34颗,缺牙修复率51.9%。在888例缺牙者中,牙列缺损者占78.1%,修复率为41.0%;牙列缺失者占21.9%,修复率为90.8%。男女老年人缺牙及修复状况均无显著差异。年龄高的老年人群缺牙比例高,而修复比例无显著差异。文化程度低的老年人群缺牙比例高。经济状况好的老年人群牙列缺损修复比例高。结论:社区老年人缺牙率高,修复率低。应加强关注老年人缺牙问题,采取相关措施提高修复率,从而提高老年人生活质量。  相似文献   

Abstract –In this cross-sectional study of Floridians aged 65 yr or older, 600 persons were interviewed to identify the characteristics of individuals who survived into old age with an intact or nearly intact dentition. Persons with total or partial tooth loss reported less frequent dental care, less ability to pay dental care fees, less frequent dental hygiene, and were more likely to have been smokers or diabetic. Persons with tooth loss also had less positive attitudes toward dentists and dental care. These cross-sectional findings are consistent with tooth loss being the result of disease-, behavior-, and attitude-related causes, and/or their interactions. Tobacco use, diabetes, and infrequent oral hygiene and dental care may increase risk for dental disease; decreased ability to pay for dental treatment may impair utilization of non-extraction treatment options, and negative attitudes toward dental treatment may influence the desire for non-extraction treatment options. Research targeted toward modifying attitudes toward dental treatment may be useful in preventing or delaying tooth loss, and measurement of attitudes may be a useful way to identify individuals at the greatest risk for tooth loss for intervention studies.  相似文献   

门诊986例老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况调查分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的调查老年人牙齿缺失、修复状况、义齿质量和基牙情况。方法由固定的2位医生,统一标准,对门诊986例老年患者进行问卷调查。结果缺牙率为93.5%。女性组缺牙率(95.6%)与男性组(92.0%)有显著性差异(P<0.05)。缺牙修复率为60.3%。修复率与年龄成正相关。覆盖义齿的根面龋、牙龈炎发病率分别为27.3%和38.4%。结论应提高老年人口腔卫生与保健意识,修复设计应符合老年人缺牙特点。  相似文献   

Abstract Data concerning tooth loss in developing countries may indicate the dental health status in young people and serve as baseline data for evaluation of future dental health programs. The study population consisted of 304 schoolchildren (145 males, 159 females) from Belo Horizonte, M.G. Brazil. The mean age was 14.5, ranging from 13 to 16 yr. The number of teeth already lost and teeth indicated for extraction were assessed from two posterior bitewing radiographs and one frontal color photo which were obtained from all participants. The results showed that 2/3 of the studied population had lost one or more permanent teeth. The average number of missing teeth was 1.8 in both males and females. Of the various teeth, the mandibular first molars had most frequently been lost. Differences between the sexes concerning amount and pattern of lost teeth were small.  相似文献   

Five-year incidence of tooth loss in lowans aged 65 and older   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prevalence of missing teeth has been described for US adults, but little is known about the incidence of tooth loss in any segment of the population. This study investigated the 5-yr incidence of tooth loss in a random sample of Iowans aged 65 yr and older residing in two rural counties. These people had an average of 20 teeth at baseline and approximately 40% lost at least one tooth in the subsequent 5 yr. The incidence of tooth loss was highest for mandibular molars and lowest for mandibular canines. Men were more likely than women to lose teeth. Although we were able to identify a number of statistically significant potential risk factors for tooth loss, the multivariate models that incorporated all these factors were not good predictors of which people were at highest risk for tooth loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In South American older adults the association between tooth loss and demographic, predisposing and enabling factors has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between partial and complete tooth loss and demographic, predisposing, enabling and need factors, and quality of life variables in the Brazilian older adults. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 5349 subjects aged 65-74 years were evaluated using conglomerate random sampling. Data collection included dental examinations and questionnaires evaluating demographic, predisposing, enabling and need factors, and quality of life variables. Multinomial logistic regression was carried out to evaluate correlates of tooth loss. The number of teeth was set as the outcome and categorized as: edentulous, subjects with 1-19 teeth, and subjects with 20 or more teeth. RESULTS: Predisposing factors including age, female gender and schooling were independently associated with edentulism. Female gender was associated with partial tooth loss. The only enabling factor associated with edentulism was car ownership. Need factors were associated with edentulism and partial tooth loss. Edentulous subjects perceived the need for dental treatment less frequently. Quality of life factors were associated with partial tooth loss and edentulism. Subjects with 1-19 teeth and edentulous subjects were more likely to rate their chewing ability as not good. Edentulous subjects were more likely to rate their speech ability and their dental appearance as good. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that tooth loss and edentulism were complex phenomena, with intricate predisposing, demographic, enabling and need factors playing a role.  相似文献   

Aim: The aim of the present study was to estimate the incidence and identify risk factors for tooth loss during a 5‐year period in a randomly selected Danish population. Material and Methods: In 1997 and 2003, 473 randomly selected adults received a full‐mouth radiographic examination. The total number of teeth was 12,444. For each tooth, the following information was recorded from the radiographs: marginal bone level, filling, crown, root canal post, root filling, apicectomy, periapical status and caries lesion. Unconditional and conditional logistic regression analyses were used to identify risk factors for tooth loss. Results: During the study period, 107 teeth in 60 individuals were lost. On the individual level, reduced marginal bone level and apical periodontitis (AP) were highly associated with tooth loss. On the tooth level, a reduced marginal bone level, AP and apicectomy were strongly associated with tooth loss. Canines were not lost often, whereas tooth loss was more frequently observed in molars and premolars than in incisors. Conclusions: A reduced marginal bone level and AP were associated with tooth loss over time. Furthermore, there was a higher risk of tooth loss in the posterior regions than in the anterior region.  相似文献   

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