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Abstract– Northwest Africa (NWA) 869 consists of thousands of individual stones with an estimated total weight of about 7 metric tons. It is an L3–6 chondrite and probably represents the largest sample of the rare regolith breccias from the L–chondrite asteroid. It contains unequilibrated and equilibrated chondrite clasts, some of which display shock‐darkening. Impact melt rocks (IMRs), both clast‐free and clast‐poor, are strongly depleted in Fe,Ni metal, and sulfides. An unequilibrated microbreccia, two different light inclusions and two different SiO2‐bearing objects were found. Although the matrix of this breccia appears partly clastic, it is not a simple mixture of fine‐grained debris formed from the above lithologies, but mainly represents an additional specific lithology of low petrologic type. We speculate that this material stems from a region of the parent body that was only weakly consolidated. One IMR clast and one SiO2‐bearing object show Δ17O values similar to bulk NWA 869, suggesting that both are related to the host rock. In contrast, one light inclusion and one IMR clast appear to be unrelated to NWA 869, suggesting that the IMR clast is contaminated with impactor material. 40Ar‐39Ar analyses of a type 4 chondrite clast yield a plateau age of 4402 ± 7 Ma, which is interpreted to be the result of impact heating. Other impact events are recorded by an IMR clast at 1790 ± 36 Ma and a shock‐darkened clast at 2216 ± 40 Ma, demonstrating that NWA 869 escaped major reset in the course of the event at approximately 470 Ma that affected many L–chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— A stony meteorite fell at Itawa Bhopji, Rajasthan, India on 2000 May 30. This is the fifth recorded fall in a small area of Rajasthan during the past decade. The meteorite is an ordinary chondrite with light clasts in a dark matrix, consisting of a mixture of equilibrated (mainly type 5) and unequilibrated components. Olivine is Fa24–26 and pyroxene Fs20–22 but, within the unequilibrated components, olivine (Fa5–29) and low calcium pyroxene (Fs5–37) are highly variable. Based on petrographic studies and chemical analyses, it is classified as L(3–5) regolith breccia. Studies of various cosmogenic records, including several gamma‐emitting radionuclides varying in half‐life from 5.6 day 52Mn to 0.73 Ma 26Al, tracks and rare gases have been carried out. The exposure age of the meteorite is estimated from cosmogenic components of rare gases to be 19.6 Ma. The track density varies by a factor of ?3 (from 4 to 12 times 106/cm2) within the meteorite, indicating a preatmospheric body of ?9 cm radius (corresponding to a meteoroid mass of ?11 kg) and small ablation (1.5 to 3.6 cm). Trapped components in various rare gases are high and the solar component is present in the dark portion of the meteorite. Large excess of neutron‐produced 82Kr and 128Xe in both the light and the dark lithology but very low 60Co, indicating low neutron fluxes received by the meteoroid in the interplanetary space, are clear signatures of an additional irradiation on the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Northwest Africa (NWA) 428 is an L chondrite that was successively thermally metamorphosed to petrologic type‐6, shocked to stage S4–S5, brecciated, and annealed to approximately petrologic type‐4. Its thermal and shock history resembles that of the previously studied LL6 chondrite, Miller Range (MIL) 99301, which formed on a different asteroid. The petrologic type‐6 classification of NWA 428 is based on its highly recrystallized texture, coarse metal (150 ± 150 μm), troilite (100 ± 170 μm), and plagioclase (20–60 μm) grains, and relatively homogeneous olivine (Fa24.4 ± 0.6), low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs20.5 ± 0.4), and plagioclase (Ab84.2 ± 0.4) compositions. The petrographic criteria that indicate shock stage S4–S5 include the presence of chromite veinlets, chromite‐plagioclase assemblages, numerous occurrences of metallic Cu, irregular troilite grains within metallic Fe‐Ni, polycrystalline troilite, duplex plessite, metal and troilite veins, large troilite nodules, and low‐Ca clinopyroxene with polysynthetic twins. If the rock had been shocked before thermal metamorphism, low‐Ca clinopyroxene produced by the shock event would have transformed into orthopyroxene. Post‐shock brecciation is indicated by the presence of recrystallized clasts and highly shocked clasts that form sharp boundaries with the host. Post‐shock annealing is indicated by the sharp optical extinction of the olivine grains; during annealing, the damaged olivine crystal lattices healed. If temperatures exceeded those approximating petrologic type‐4 (?600–700°C) during annealing, the low‐Ca clinopyroxene would have transformed into orthopyroxene. The other shock indicators, likewise, survived the mild annealing. An impact event is the most plausible source of post‐metamorphic, post‐shock annealing because any 26Al that may have been present when the asteroid accreted would have decayed away by the time NWA 428 was annealed. The similar inferred histories of NWA 428 (L6) and MIL 99301 (LL6) indicate that impact heating affected more than 1 ordinary chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured cosmic‐ray products—noble gases, radionuclides, thermoluminescence, and nuclear tracks—and trace element contents and mineralogy of samples of three orthogonal and mutually intersecting cores (41–46 cm long) of a 101.6 kg Ghubara individual (1958,805) at The Natural History Museum, London. The xenoliths, like the host, have high concentrations of trapped solar gases and are heavily shocked. While contents of noble gases and degree of shock‐loading in this individual and three others differ somewhat, the data indicate that Ghubara is a two‐generation regolith breccia. Contents of cosmogenic 26Al and 10Be and low track densities indicate that the Ghubara individuals were located more than 15 cm below the surface of an 85 cm meteoroid. Because of its large size, Ghubara's cosmic‐ray exposure age is poorly defined to be 15–20 Ma from cosmogenic nuclides. Ghubara's terrestrial age, based on 14C data, is 2–3 ka. Not only is Ghubara the first known case of a two‐generation regolith breccia on the macroscale, it also has a complicated thermal and irradiation history.  相似文献   

Abstract— Adzhi-Bogdo is an ordinary chondrite regolith breccia (LL3–6) which fell on 1949 October 30 in Gobi Altay, Mongolia. The rock consists of submm- to cm-sized fragments embedded in a fine-grained clastic matrix. The polymict breccia contains various types of clasts, some of which must be of foreign origin. Components of the breccia include chondrules, melt rock clasts (some of which are K-rich), highly recrystallized rock fragments (“granulites”), breccia clasts, pyroxene-rich fragments with achondritic textures, and alkali-granitoids. The composition of olivine in most fragments is in the range of LL-chondrites. However, olivine in some components has significantly lower fayalite contents, characteristic of L-chondrites. The bulk meteorite is very weakly shocked (S2). Based on the bulk chemical composition, Adzhi-Bogdo is an ordinary chondrite. The concentrations of Fe and Ni are somewhat intermediate between L- and LL-chondrites. The contents of solar gases indicate that Adzhi-Bogdo is a regolith breccia. Most of the solar He and probably a part of the solar Ne of Adzhi-Bogdo has been lost. It is suggested that Adzhi-Bogdo experienced an (impact-induced) thermal event early in its history, because most of the radiogenic 40Ar is retained.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured the concentrations of the cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, and 41Ca in the stone and metal fractions of 15 fragments of the Gold Basin L4 chondrite shower, as well as noble gases in 18 Gold Basin fragments. A comparison of 10Be, 26Al, and 41Ca concentrations with calculated production rates from two different models indicates that the Gold Basin samples came from depths of about 10 cm to more than 150 cm in an object with a radius of 3–5 m. As was predicted by recent model calculations, the noble gases show a reversal of the 22Ne/21Ne ratio at very high shielding. The 21Ne/10Be and 21Ne/26Al ratios in most samples are constant and correspond to a 4π exposure age of 18 ± 2 Myr. However, three Gold Basin samples show a 30–120% excess of 21Ne implying that they were previously exposed close to the surface of the parent body, whereas the other samples were buried several meters deeper. Concentrations of neutron‐capture 36Ar in most samples are consistent with measured concentrations of neutron‐capture 36Cl and an exposure age of 18 Myr. Large excesses of neutron‐capture 36Ar were found in those samples with an excess of 21Ne, providing additional evidence of a first‐stage exposure on the parent body. The excess of spallation‐produced 21Ne and neutron‐capture‐produced 36Ar in these samples indicate a first‐stage exposure of 35–150 Myr on the parent body. The radiogenic 4He and 40Ar concentrations indicate a major impact on the parent body between 300 and 400 Myr ago, which must have preceded the impacts that brought the Gold Basin meteoroid to the surface of the parent body and then expelled it from the parent body 18 Myr ago.  相似文献   

NWA 8785 is a remarkable EL3 chondrite with a high abundance (~34 vol%) of an Fe-rich matrix. This is the highest matrix abundance known among enstatite chondrites (ECs) and more similar to the matrix abundances in some carbonaceous and Rumuruti chondrites. X-ray diffraction and TEM data indicate that the fine-grained portion of the NWA 8785 matrix consists of nanoscale magnetite mixed with a noncrystalline silicate material and submicron-sized enstatite and plagioclase grains. This is the first report of magnetite nanoparticles in an EL3. The Si content of the metal (0.7 wt%), presence of ferroan alabandite, and its O isotopic composition indicate NWA 8785 is EL3-related. Having more abundant matrix than in other ECs, and that the matrix is rich in magnetite nanoparticles, which are not present in any other EC, suggest classification as an EL3 anomalous. Although we cannot completely exclude any of the mechanisms or environments for formation of the magnetite, we find a secondary origin to be the most compelling. We suggest that the magnetite formed due to hydrothermal activity in the meteorite parent body. Although ECs are relatively dry and likely formed within the nebular snow line, ices may have drifted inward from just beyond the snow line to the region where the EL chondrites were accreting, or more likely the snow line migrated inward during the early evolution of the solar system. This may have resulted in the condensation of ices and provided an ice-rich region for accretion of the EL3 parent body. Thus, the EL3 parent body may have had hydrothermal activity and if Earth formed near the EC accretion zone, similar bodies may have contributed to the Earth's water supply. NWA 8785 greatly extends the range of known characteristics of ECs and EC parent body processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Zag is an H3‐6 chondrite regolith breccia within which we have studied 14 halite grains ≤3 mm. The purity of the associated NaCl‐H2O brine is implied by freezing characteristics of fluid inclusions in the halite and EPMA analyses together with a lack of other evaporite‐like phases in the Zag H3–6 component. This is inconsistent with multi‐stage evolution of the fluid involving scavenging of cations in the Zag region of the parent body. We suggest that the halite grains are clastic and did not crystallize in situ. Halite and water‐soluble extracts from Zag have light Cl isotopic compositions, δ37Cl = ?1.4 to ?2.8%. Previously reported bulk carbonaceous chondrite values are approximately δ37Cl = +3 to +4%. This difference is too great to be the result of fractionation during evaporation, and instead, we suggest that Cl isotopes in chondrites are fractionated between a light reservoir associated with fluids and a heavier reservoir associated with higher temperature phases such as phosphates and silicates. Extraterrestrial carbon released at 600 °C from the H3–4 matrix has δ13C = ?20%, consistent with poorly graphitized material being introduced into the matrix rather than indigenous carbonate derived from a brine. We have also examined 28 other H chondrite falls to ascertain how widespread halite or evaporite‐like mineral assemblages are in ordinary chondrites. We did not find any more to add to Zag (H3‐6) and Monahans (H5), which suggests that such highly soluble phases were not usually preserved on the parent bodies.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 5790 is the most recently discovered member of the nakhlite group. Its mineralogy differs from the other nakhlites with a high abundance mesostasis (38.1 ± 3.6 vol%) and scarcity of olivine (4.0 ± 2.2 vol%). Furthermore, zoning of augite phenocrysts, and other petrographic and chemical characteristics suggest that NWA 5790 samples the chilled margin of its parent lava flow/sill. NWA 5790 contains calcite and rare clay minerals that are evidence for its exposure to liquid water. The calcite forms a cement to coatings of dust on the outer surface of the find and extends into the interior of the meteorite within veins. The presence of microbial remains within the coating confirms that the dust and its carbonate cement are terrestrial in origin, consistent with the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the calcite. The clay minerals are finely crystalline and comprise ~0.003 vol% of the meteorite. δD values of the clay minerals range from ?212 ± 109‰ to ?96 ± 132‰, and cannot be used to distinguish between a terrestrial or Martian origin. As petrographic results are also not definitive, we conclude that secondary minerals produced by Martian groundwaters are at best very rare within NWA 5790. The meteorite has therefore sampled a region of the lava flow/sill with little or no exposure to the aqueous solutions that altered other nakhlites. This isolation could relate to the scarcity of olivine in NWA 5790 because dissolution of olivine in other nakhlites by Martian groundwaters enhanced their porosity and permeability, and provided solutes for secondary minerals.  相似文献   

Abstract— Chemical and mineral analysis of the Bhawad chondrite, which fell in Rajasthan in 2002, suggest that this stone belongs to LL6 group of chondrites. Based on helium, neon, and argon isotopes, it has a cosmic ray exposure age of 16.3 Ma. The track density in the olivines shows a narrow range of 1.7–6.8 times 106/cm2. The 22Na/26Al ratio of 1.13 is about 25% lower than the solar cycle average value of about 1.5, but is consistent with irradiation of the meteoroid to modulated galactic cosmic ray fluxes as expected for a fall around the solar maximum. The cosmogenic records indicate a pre‐atmospheric radius of about 7.5 cm. Based on U/Th‐4He and K‐40Ar, the gas retention ages are low (about 1.1 Ga), indicating a major thermal event or shock event that lead to the complete loss of radiogenic 4He and 40Ar and the partial loss of radiogenic 129Xe and fission Xe from 244Pu.  相似文献   

We analyzed He and Ne in chromite grains from the regolith breccia Ghubara (L5), to compare it with He and Ne in sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial chromite (SEC) grains from mid‐Ordovician sediments. These SEC grains arrived on Earth as micrometeorites in the aftermath of the L chondrite parent body (LCPB) breakup event, 470 Ma ago. A significant fraction of them show prolonged exposure to galactic cosmic rays for up to several 10 Ma. The majority of the cosmogenic noble gases in these grains were probably acquired in the regolith of the LCPB (Meier et al. 2010 ). Ghubara, an L chondritic regolith breccia with an Ar‐Ar shock age of 470 Ma, is a sample of that regolith. We find cosmic‐ray exposure ages of up to several 10 Ma in some Ghubara chromite grains, confirming for the first time that individual chromite grains with such high exposure ages indeed existed in the LCPB regolith, and that the >10 Ma cosmic‐ray exposure ages found in recent micrometeorites are thus not necessarily indicative of an origin in the Kuiper Belt. Some Ghubara chromite grains show much lower concentrations of cosmogenic He and Ne, indicating that the 4π (last‐stage) exposure age of the Ghubara meteoroid lasted only 4–6 Ma. This exposure age is considerably shorter than the 15–20 Ma suggested before from bulk analyses, indicating that bulk samples have seen regolith pre‐exposure as well. The shorter last‐stage exposure age probably links Ghubara to a small peak of 40Ar‐poor L5 chondrites of the same exposure age. Furthermore, and quite unexpectedly, we find a Ne component similar to presolar Ne‐HL in the chromite grains, perhaps indicating that some presolar Ne can be preserved even in meteorites of petrologic type 5.  相似文献   

Abstract– We measured the concentrations and isotopic ratios of the cosmogenic noble gases He, Ne, and Ar in the very large iron meteorite Xinjiang (IIIE). The 3He and 4He data indicate that a significant portion of the cosmogenic produced helium has been lost via diffusion or in a recent impact event. High 22Ne/21Ne ratios indicate that contributions to the cosmogenic 21Ne from sulfur and/or phosphorous are significant. By combining the measured nuclide concentrations with model calculations for iron meteorites we were able to determine the preatmospheric diameter of Xinjiang to 260–320 cm, which corresponds to a total mass of about 70–135 tons. The cosmic‐ray exposure age of Xinjiang is 62 ± 16 Ma, i.e., relatively short compared to most of the other iron meteorites. With the current database we cannot firmly determine whether Xinjiang experienced a complex irradiation history. The finding of 3He and 4He losses might argue for a recent impact event and therefore for a complex exposure.  相似文献   

A single piece of meteorite fell on Kamargaon village in the state of Assam in India on November 13, 2015. Based on mineralogical, chemical, and oxygen isotope data, Kamargaon is classified as an L‐chondrite. Homogeneous olivine (Fa: 25 ± 0.7) and low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs: 21 ± 0.4) compositions with percent mean deviation of <2, further suggest that Kamargaon is a coarsely equilibrated, petrologic type 6 chondrite. Kamargaon is thermally metamorphosed with an estimated peak metamorphic temperature of ~800 °C as determined by two‐pyroxene thermometry. Shock metamorphism studies suggest that this meteorite include portions of different shock stages, e.g., S3 and S4 (Stöffler et al. 1991 ); however, local presence of quenched metal‐sulfide melt within shock veins/pockets suggest disequilibrium melting and relatively higher shock stage of up to S5 (Bennett and McSween 1996 ). Based on noble gas isotopes, the cosmic‐ray exposure age is estimated as 7.03 ± 1.60 Ma and nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N = 18‰) also correspond well with the L‐chondrite group. The He‐U, Th, and K‐Ar yield younger ages (170 ± 25 Ma 684 ± 93, respectively) and are discordant. A loss of He during the resetting event is implied by the lower He‐U and Th age. Elemental ratios of trapped Ar, Kr, and Xe can be explained through the presence of a normal Q noble gas component. Relatively low activity of 26Al (39 dpm/kg) and the absence of 60Co activity suggest a likely low shielding depth and envisage a small preatmospheric size of the meteoroid (<10 cm in radius). The Kr isotopic ratios (82Kr/84Kr) further argue that the meteorite was derived from a shallow depth.  相似文献   

Abstract— We re‐evaluated the cosmic‐ray exposure history of the H3‐6 chondrite shower Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90174, which previously was reported to have a simple exposure history, an irradiation time of about 7 Ma, and a pre‐atmospheric radius of 80–100 cm (Welten et al. 2001). Here we measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in 8 aliquots of 6 additional fragments of this shower, and 10Be and 26Al in the stone fractions of seven fragments. The radionuclide concentrations in the stone fractions, combined with those in the metal fractions, confirm that all samples are fragments of the FRO 90174 shower. Four of the fragments contain solarwind‐implanted noble gases with a solar 20Ne/22Ne ratio of ?12.0, indicating that FRO 90174 is a regolith breccia. The concentrations of solar gases and cosmogenic 21Ne in the samples analyzed by us and by Welten et al. (2001) overlap with those of the FRO H‐chondrites from the 1984 season, suggesting that many of these samples are also part of the large FRO 90174 chondrite shower. The cosmogenic 21Ne concentrations in FRO 90174 show no simple correlation with 10Be and 26Al activities. We found 21Ne excesses between 0.3‐1.1 × 10?8cm3STP/g in 6 of the 17 samples. Since excess 21Ne and trapped solar gases are not homogeneously distributed, i.e., we found in one fragment aliquots with and without excess 21Ne and solar 20Ne, we conclude that excess 21Ne is due to GCR irradiation of the regolith before compaction of the FRO 90174 object. Therefore, the chondrite shower FRO 90174 did not simply experience an exposure history, but some material was already irradiated at the surface of an asteroid leading to excess 21Ne. This excess 21Ne is correlated to implanted solar gases, clearly indicating that both processes occurred on the regolith.  相似文献   

NWA 10214 is an LL3‐6 breccia containing ~8 vol% clasts including LL5, LL6, and shocked‐darkened LL fragments as well as matrix‐rich Clast 6 (a new kind of chondrite). This clast is a dark‐colored, subrounded, 6.1 × 7.0 mm inclusion, consisting of 60 vol% fine‐grained matrix, 32 vol% coarse silicate grains, and 8 vol% coarse opaque grains. The large chondrules and chondrule fragments are mainly Type IB; one small chondrule is Type IIA. Also present are one 450 × 600 μm spinel‐pyroxene‐olivine CAI and one 85 × 110 μm AOI. Clast 6 possesses a unique set of properties. (1) It resembles carbonaceous chondrites in having relatively abundant matrix, CAIs, and AOIs; the clast's matrix composition is close to that in CV3 Vigarano. (2) It resembles type‐3 OC in its olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene compositional distributions, and in the Fe/Mn ratio of ferroan olivine grains. Its mean chondrule size is within 1σ of that of H chondrites. The O‐isotopic compositions of the chondrules are in the ordinary‐ and R‐chondrite ranges. (3) It resembles type‐3 enstatite chondrites in the minor element concentrations in low‐Ca pyroxene grains and in having a high low‐Ca pyroxene/olivine ratio in chondrules. Clast 6 is a new variety of type‐3 OC, somewhat more reduced than H chondrites or chondritic clasts in the Netschaevo IIE iron; the clast formed in a nebular region where aerodynamic radial drift processes deposited a high abundance of matrix material and CAIs. A chunk of this chondrite was ejected from its parent asteroid and later impacted the LL body at low relative velocity.  相似文献   

Abstract— ‐We demonstrate the presence of solar flare as well as neutron capture effects in the isotopic composition of rare gases in the Fermo regolith breccia acquired on its parent body based on the measurements of tracks, rare gases and radionuclides. The track density along a 3.2 cm long core decreases by a factor of about 6 and by more than a factor of 13 within the meteorite, indicating small (2–9 cm) and asymmetrical ablation. Rare gases show a large trapped component; the isotopic ratios, particularly 20Ne/22Ne ? 11 and 20Ne/36Ar = 10 are indicative of a solar component. The galactic cosmic‐ray exposure age is determined to be 8.8 Ma. Activities of a dozen radionuclides ranging in half‐life from 16 day 48V to 0.73 Ma 26Al are consistent with their expected production rates. Track, rare gas and radionuclide data show that the meteoroid was a small body (≤ 120 kg) and had a simple, one‐stage exposure history to cosmic rays in the interplanetary space. However, 82Kr and 128Xe show an excess due to neutron irradiation on the parent body of the meteorite. The presence of solar gases and the neutron capture effects indicate several stages of irradiation on the parent asteroid. The chemical composition of Fermo confirms that it belongs to the H group of ordinary chondrites with lithic clasts having varying compositions. δ15N is found to be 8.3 ± 1.2%0, close to the typical values observed in H chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract Solar noble gases He, Ne, Ar and Kr implanted in the H3–6 meteorite regolith breccia Acfer 111 agree in their elemental composition with that in present-day solar wind and, except for a 25% deficit of 4He, also with adopted solar abundances. The presence of such unfractionated solar gases makes Acfer 111 unique (until now). Closed system stepped etching releases noble gases that can be explained as mixtures of two distinct types of He, Ne, and Kr of isotopic compositions as they have been derived previously from meteorites and lunar samples that contain heavily fractionated solar gases. Since the same putative end members, ascribed to the solar wind (SW) and supra-thermal solar energetic particles (SEP), are also present in Acfer 111, we argue that these end members represent two truly independent components. We discount the possibility that one isotopic composition derived from the other by diffusion of the gases within, or upon their release from, their host phases. The isotopic signatures of noble gases in Acfer 111 agree with those in a lunar ilmenite of young antiquity ?100 Ma) but are in disagreement with the noble gases in lunar ilmenite 79035 of 1–2 Ga antiquity. Systematic changes are discussed of the nuclide abundance ratios as etching proceeds; they are ascribed to differences in trapping efficiency and in penetration depth of the different noble gas ion species upon their implantation.  相似文献   

Based on the high abundance of fine‐grained material and its dark appearance, NWA 11024 was recognized as a CM chondrite, which is also confirmed by oxygen isotope measurements. But contrary to known CM chondrites, the typical phases indicating aqueous alteration (e.g., phyllosilicates, carbonates) are missing. Using multiple analytical techniques, this study reveals the differences and similarities to known CM chondrites and will discuss the possibility that NWA 11024 is the first type 3 CM chondrite. During the investigation, two texturally apparent tochilinite–cronstedtite intergrowths were identified within two thin sections. However, the former phyllosilicates were recrystallized to Fe‐rich olivine during a heating event without changing the textural appearance. A peak temperature of 400–600 °C is estimated, which is not high enough to destroy or recrystallize calcite grains. Thus, calcites were never constituents of the mineral paragenesis. Another remarkable feature of NWA 11024 is the occurrence of unknown clot‐like inclusions (UCLIs) within fine‐grained rims, which are unique in this clarity. Their density and S concentration are significantly higher than of the surrounding fine‐grained rim and UCLIs can be seen as primary objects that were not formed by secondary alteration processes inside the rims. Similarities to chondritic and cometary interplanetary dust particles suggest an ice‐rich first‐generation planetesimal for their origin. In the earliest evolution, NWA 11024 experienced the lowest degree of aqueous alteration of all known CM chondrites and subsequently, a heating event dehydrated the sample. We suggest to classify the meteorite NWA 11024 as the first type 3 CM chondrite similar to the classification of CV3 chondrites (like Allende) that could also have lost their matrix phyllosilicates by thermal dehydration.  相似文献   

We present noble gas data for 16 shergottites, 2 nakhlites (NWA 5790, NWA 10153), and 1 angrite (NWA 7812). Noble gas exposure ages of the shergottites fall in the 1–6 Ma range found in previous studies. Three depleted olivine‐phyric shergottites (Tissint, NWA 6162, NWA 7635) have exposure ages of ~1 Ma, in agreement with published data for similar specimens. The exposure age of NWA 10153 (~12.2 Ma) falls in the range of 9–13 Ma reported for other nakhlites. Our preferred age of ~7.3 Ma for NWA 5790 is lower than this range, and it is possible that NWA 5790 represents a distinct ejection event. A Tissint glass sample contains Xe from the Martian atmosphere. Several samples show a remarkably low (21Ne/22Ne)cos ratio < 0.80, as previously observed in a many shergottites and in various other rare achondrites. This was explained by solar cosmic ray‐produced Ne (SCR Ne) in addition to the commonly found galactic cosmic ray‐produced Ne, implying very low preatmospheric shielding and ablation loss. We revisit this by comparing measured (21Ne/22Ne)cos ratios with predictions by cosmogenic nuclide production models. Indeed, several shergottites, acalpulcoites/lodranites, angrites (including NWA 7812), and the Brachina‐like meteorite LEW 88763 likely contain SCR Ne, as previously postulated for many of them. The SCR contribution may influence the calculation of exposure ages. One likely reason that SCR nuclides are predominantly detected in meteorites from rare classes is because they usually are analyzed for cosmogenic nuclides even if they had a very small (preatmospheric) mass and hence low ablation loss.  相似文献   

Noble gases in the five angrites Northwest Africa (NWA) 1296, 2999, 4590, 4801, and 4931 were analyzed with total melting and stepwise heating methods. The noble gases consist of in situ components: spallogenic, radiogenic, nucleogenic, and fission. Cosmic-ray exposure ages of the angrites (including literature data) spread uniformly from <0.2 to 56 Ma, and coarse-grained angrites have longer exposure ages than fine-grained angrites. It is implied that the parent bodies from which the two subgroups of angrites were ejected are different and have distinct orbital elements. The 244Pu-136Xe relative ages of the angrites obtained by using 244Pu/150Nd ratios are as old as that of Angra dos Reis, reflecting their early formation. On the other hand, another method to obtain 244Pu-136Xe relative ages, using fission 136Xe, spallogenic 126Xe, and Ba/REE ratios, yields systematically older 244Pu-136Xe ages than those obtained by using 244Pu/150Nd ratios, which is explained by apparently high Ba/REE ratios caused by Ba contamination during terrestrial weathering. The 244Pu/238U ratio at 4.56 Ga of angrites is estimated as 0.0061 ± 0.0028, which is consistent with those for chondrules, chondrites, achondrites, and a terrestrial zircon. It is suggested that initial 244Pu/238U ratio has been spatially homogeneous at least in the inner part of the early solar system.  相似文献   

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