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Hydrology of the coastal sabkhas of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water fluxes were estimated and a water budget developed for the land surface and a surficial 10-m-deep section of the coastal sabkhas that extend from the city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, west to the border with Saudi Arabia. The fluxes were estimated on the basis of water levels and hydraulic conductivities measured in wells and evaporation rates measured with a humidity chamber. In contrast with conceptual models proposed in earlier studies, groundwater inflow is estimated to be small, whereas the largest components of the water budget are recharge from rainfall and evaporation from the water table. Estimates within a rectilinear volume of sabkha, defined as 1 m wide by 10 km long by 10 m deep, indicate that about 1 m3/year of water enters and exits by lateral groundwater flow; 40–50 m3/year enters by upward leakage; and 640 m3/year enters by recharge from rainfall. Based on the water and solute fluxes estimated for the upward leakage into the sabkha, 7–8 pore volumes of brine have entered the sabkha from below since the time the sabkha became saturated (7,000 years ago) as a result of the last global sea-level rise.
Ward E. SanfordEmail:

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(7-8):169-178
The subsurface geology of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates is primarily composed of carbonate rocks. Such media are known to be highly heterogeneous. Very few studies have attempted to estimate attenuation in carbonate rocks. In Abu Dhabi no attenuation profile has been published. This study provides the first seismic wave attenuation profiles in Abu Dhabi using dense array of VSP data. We estimated three attenuation profiles: the apparent, the scattering, and the intrinsic attenuations. The apparent attenuation profile was computed using amplitude decay and spectral-ratio methods. The scattering attenuation profile was estimated using a generalized reflection–transmission matrix forward model. It is usually estimated from the sonic log, but to be more consistent with the apparent attenuation, we succeeded in this paper to estimate it from the VSP data. We subtracted the scattering attenuation from the apparent attenuation to deduce the intrinsic attenuation. The results of the study indicate that the scattering attenuation is significant compared to the published studies that are mainly based on clastic rocks. The high scattering attenuation can reach up to 0.02. It can be explained by the strong heterogeneity of the carbonate rocks. This study demonstrates that the Simsima and Rus Formations have considerable scattering and intrinsic attenuations. These formations are considered aquifers in Abu Dhabi; we therefore interpreted this high intrinsic attenuation zones to be due to the heterogeneity and to the fluids contained in these formations. The Umm-Er-Radhuma Formation is a more homogenous formation with limited aquifer potential. Hence, scattering and intrinsic attenuations of the Umm-Er-Radhuma Formation are low.  相似文献   

A microseismic experiment utilizing a single downhole array of eight 3-component receivers was conducted in an offshore oilfield in the emirate of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The Lower Cretaceous Thamama Group is the major carbonate reservoir in the field producing from six zones. Microseismic data was acquired in conjunction with gas injections that took place in the Thamama IV A and IV B reservoirs during 9 days of acquisition. The aim of the experiment was to monitor the microseismic activity arising in the carbonate reservoirs as a result of gas injection. A total of 103 microseismic events were detected from two of the receivers. For the majority of these events, there were no well-defined P wave arrivals, probably due to the presence of strong background noise and the very weak microseismic signals. The results from this experiment indicate that the detected events are probably related to the microseismic activities caused by the gas injection within the Thamama IV B reservoir. Therefore, downhole microseismic monitoring methods can potentially provide valuable information about the fracture systems within the carbonate reservoirs of Abu Dhabi's oilfields.  相似文献   

Microbial mediation is the only demonstrated mechanism to precipitate dolomite under Earth surface conditions. A link between microbial activity and dolomite formation in the sabkha of Abu Dhabi has, until now, not been evaluated, even though this environment is cited frequently as the type analogue for many ancient evaporitic sequences. Such an evaluation is the purpose of this study, which is based on a geochemical and petrographic investigation of three sites located on the coastal sabkha of Abu Dhabi, along a transect from the intertidal to the supratidal zone. This investigation revealed a close association between microbial mats and dolomite, suggesting that microbes are involved in the mineralization process. Observations using scanning electron microscopy equipped with a cryotransfer system indicate that authigenic dolomite precipitates within the exopolymeric substances constituting the microbial mats. In current models, microbial dolomite precipitation is linked to an active microbial activity that sustains high pH and alkalinity and decreased sulphate concentrations in pore waters. Such models can be applied to the sabkha environment to explain dolomite formation within microbial mats present at the surface of the intertidal zone. By contrast, these models cannot be applied to the supratidal zone, where abundant dolomite is present within buried mats that no longer show signs of intensive microbial activity. As no abiotic mechanism is known to form dolomite at Earth surface conditions, two different hypotheses can reconcile this result. In a first scenario, all of the dolomite present in the supratidal zone formed in the past, when the mats were active at the surface. In a second scenario, dolomite formation continues within the buried and inactive mats. In order to explain dolomite formation in the absence of active microbial metabolisms, a revised microbial model is proposed in which the mineral‐template properties of exopolymeric substances play a crucial role.  相似文献   

A simple, well-constrained simulation of solute increases in a downgradient direction was used in the shallow unconfined aquifer of eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate (United Arab Emirates). The simulation indicates that the observed exponential increase in solute concentrations results from a combination of upward transport of solutes from underlying mudstones and evaporites, and groundwater losses by evaporation. Groundwater recharge and discharge flux in unconfined regional aquifers in arid regions commonly are difficult to estimate because there are few constraints on the flux of water lost or gained from the system. Total dissolved solids (TDS) and deuterium isotopes (δ2H) in groundwater are used to constrain estimated fluxes to the shallow aquifer of eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate. Vertical upward transport of solutes from underlying mudstones and evaporites accounts for solute increases along approximately the first 80 km of the simulated flow path, but a combination of upward solute transport and evaporation is necessary to explain observed solute concentrations beyond 80 km. Mobilization and transport of solutes in the unsaturated zone by recharging precipitation is not a significant factor.
Résumé Une simulation simple et bien contrainte de l’augmentation des solutés dans la direction de l’écoulement a été réalisée sur l’aquifère phréatique et libre de l’Est de l’émirat d’Abu Dhabi (émirats Arabes Unis). La simulation indique que l’augmentation observée de solutés, de forme exponentielle, est le produit de la combinaison du transport ascendant de solutés provenant des mudstones et des évaporites sous-jacents, et de l’évaporation des eaux souterraines. La recharge des eaux souterraines et les flux de vidange dans les aquifères régionaux libres des régions arides sont habituellement difficiles à estimer du fait du peu de contraintes agissant sur la perte ou le gain d’eau dans le système. La charge dissoute totale (TDS, en anglais) et les isotopes deutérium (δ2H) des eaux souterraines sont utilisés pour contraindre l’estimation des flux en direction de l’aquifère phréatique de l’Est de l’émirat d’Abu Dhabi. Le transport vertical ascendant des solutés à partir des mudstones et des évaporites fait parti des processus qui concentrent les solutés approximativement le long des 80 premiers kilomètres du trajet des écoulements simulés, mais une combinaison du transport ascendant des solutés et de l’évaporation est nécessaire pour expliquer les concentrations observées en soluté au delà des 80 km. La mobilisation et le transport des solutés par les précipitations efficaces dans la zone non saturée ne représentent pas des facteurs significatifs.

Resumen Se utilizó una simulación simple y muy restringida, de incrementos de soluto en la dirección del flujo, en el acuífero libre poco profundo del Emirato oriental de Abu Dhabi, (Emiratos árabes Unidos). La simulación indica que el aumento exponencial observado en las concentraciones del soluto, resulta de una combinación de transporte ascendente de solutos desde las evaporitas y lodolitas subyacentes, y por pérdidas del agua subterránea por evaporación. Los flujos de recarga y descarga de agua subterránea, en los acuíferos libres regionales en regiones áridas, normalmente son difíciles estimar, porque hay algunas restricciones en el flujo de agua perdido o ganado por el sistema. Los sólidos disueltos totales (TDS) y los isótopos de deuterio (δ2H) en el agua subterránea, se usan para forzar los flujos estimados hacia el acuífero poco profundo del Emirato oriental de Abu Dhabi. El transporte ascendente vertical de solutos desde las lodolitas y evaporitas subyacentes, involucra los aumentos del soluto a lo largo de aproximadamente los primeros 80 Km. de la dirección de flujo simulada, pero es necesaria una combinación de transporte ascendente del soluto y la evaporación para explicar las concentraciones del soluto observadas más allá de 80 Km. La movilización y transporte de solutos en la zona no saturada, por recarga debida a precipitación, no es un factor significante.

Paleo-groundwaters of 6000?years BP from the Liwa water-table sand dune aquifer in the Rub al Khali and the Gachsaran artesian carbonate aquifer, on the coast of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (UAE), exhibit normal ??2H/??18O slopes, modest ??18O increases, and large negative deuterium excess ??d?? (Liwa aquifer: 2.19?? VSMOW and d?=??C15; Gachsaran aquifer: 3.16?? VSMOW and d?=??C28) compared to local Shamal precipitation (0.05?? VSMOW and d?=?7). This unusual isotopic signature is hypothesized to result from re-evaporation of continental runoff to the Red Sea catchment basin. It is postulated that this continental water flowed onto the surface of the Indian Ocean providing a moisture source for the monsoon that dominated precipitation during this, the last wet period in the area from 5000 to 9000 BP. Carbonate precipitation, forming speleothems, travertines, tufas, lacustrine, and capillary-zone deposits, subsequently record this ??18O isotopic signature. This rock record is thus dominated by the water source, rather than environmental conditions of deposition normally assumed to control the rock ??18O isotopic signature. As a consequence, re-evaluation of paleo-climate??18O data from the rock record may be necessary for this time period in southern Arabia.  相似文献   

阿拉伯联合酋长国卡里法市B城是一座新规划城市,位于中东海湾沙漠海滩区,由于经三系,第四系地导台含有大量的石膏等萨布哈(Subkha)蒸发盐岩类,大范围发育有大量地下溶洞,其埋藏深度一般为5 m-15m,严重影响了城市建设及工业区开发,在该区采用了高密度电阻率法,克服了地表接地电阻大和溶洞与围岩电性差异小的困难,查明了地下20m深度范围内地下溶洞分布情况,经阿方技术专家验证评价,该次勘查成果可靠,达到了预期目的。  相似文献   

As a contribution to a project on the role of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in the organic matter turnover within cyanobacterial mats, we investigated selected lipid classes of five morphologically different microbial mats from the intertidal area of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The mats thrive under extreme environmental conditions as they are exposed to salinity up to 200 and shadowless sunshine for nearly 12 h per day. The total extractable organic matter is characterised by heavy δ13C values of −17‰ to −10‰, suggesting CO2 limitation. The lipids reflect the biomass of the principal mat-building phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms. Moderate amounts of hydrocarbons, mainly cyanobacterial n-heptadecane, short chain monomethyl alkanes and diploptene were detected in all the mats. The ubiquitous n-hexadecanoic acid is dominant amongst the free and ester-bound phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), whereas the overall acid composition varies due to differences in the extreme environmental conditions. Additionally, the top layers of two of the five mats were analysed separately to compare their lipid compositions with those of the whole mats. As would be expected, the concentrations of cyanobacterial biomarkers exceed those found in the total mats. Noteworthy is the presence of n-heneicosadiene as predominant hydrocarbon in the top layer of the so called gelatinous mat, which thrives under the locally most extreme conditions. As the n-alkadiene was present to a much lesser extent in the intact mat, it may provide a new biomarker for a so far unknown important aerobic organism.  相似文献   

Most of the topsoils encountered in United Arab Emirates and in the Arabian Peninsula are granular soils with small percentages of silt and clay. Determination of the compaction characteristics of such soils is an essential task in preparing for construction work. The accumulating experience over many years of soil testing in our laboratories suggested that there exists an underlying trend that governs the compaction characteristics of such soils. As such, a study was undertaken to assess the compaction characteristics of such soils and to develop the governing predictive equations. For the purposes of this study, 311 soil samples were collected from various locations in the United Arab Emirates, and tested for various including grain-size distribution, liquid limit, plasticity index, specific gravity of soil solids, maximum dry density of compaction, and optimum moisture content following ASTM D 1557-91 standard procedure C. Following the development of the predictive equations, a new set of 43 soil samples were collected and their compaction results were used to test the validity of predictive model. The range of variables for these soils were as follows: percent retained on US sieve #4 (R#4): 0–68; Percent passing US sieve #200 (P#200): 1–26; Liquid limit: 0–56; Plasticity index: 0–28; Specific gravity of soil solids: 2.55–2.8. Based on the compaction tests results, multiple regression analyses were conducted to develop mathematical models and nomographic solutions to predict the compaction properties of soils. The results indicated that the nomographs could predict well the maximum dry density within ±5% confidence interval and the optimum moisture content within ±3%. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Throughout the United Arab Emirates, the sand differs in color and composition, depending on its source. This study reports the collection of 70 sediment samples from coastal district areas of seven emirates in the United Arab Emirates, namely, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al-Khaimah, and Fujairah for the purposes of spectroscopic characterization and color justification. The compositions of these naturally occurring sand samples obtained were tested using different spectroscopic techniques. The techniques included both destructive instrumentation as scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray powder diffraction and nondestructive instrumentation as confocal Raman microscopy. It was concluded that the sand can acquire various colors ranging from white to black due to the presence of certain chemical compounds.  相似文献   

Extrusive Carbonatites from the Uyaynah Area, United Arab Emirates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbonatites occur in the Uyaynah area, United Arab Emirates,within a tectonic window of oceanic metasediments beneath theSemail Ophiolite Complex at the northern end of the Oman Mountains.The carbonatites form conformable layers, pods, and lenses,up to 10 m thick, associated with deep-sea sediments that includeradiolarian cherts and pillow lavas. Although disrupted duringdeformation, the carbonatites are internally undeformed andcontain abundant lapilli, indicating an extrusive, subaerialorigin, probably on a small volcanic island. The lapilli comprisecalcite, abundant Sr-bearing apatite and iron oxides in a calcitematrix. Alkali amphiboles, biotite, chlorite, and allanite wereproduced as a result of metamorphism but otherwise the primaryigneous carbonatite mineralogy remains. One distinct group ofrocks also contains primary calcic amphibole and biotite. Niobiantitanite, strontian baryte, and albite are also present, andrare earth elements are held in abundant allanite-(Ce) and raremonazite-(Ce). Analyses of 26 rocks define two groups whichare distinguishable in the field. One group consists of silico-carbonatitescontaining primary calcic amphibole, biotite, and abundant allanite,and is chemically similar to average intrusive ferrocarbonatite.The other group corresponds chemically to average intrusivecalciocarbonatite. Unlike other extrusive carbonatites describedin the literature, the Uyaynah carbonatites have higher incompatibleelement abundances than average intrusive carbonatites and arenotably rich in rare earth elements (up to 2?6 wt.%) and P2O5(average > 7 wt.%). The two carbonatite groups are consideredto be related magmatically one to the other, and the presenceof rare ferroan chromian spinel is interpreted as evidence fora direct mantle origin.  相似文献   

The assemblage tephroite-hausmannitess-galaxitess has been found in a granulite-facies manganese ore body associated with metabasites and quartzrich lithologies. The metamorphic rocks are located in the Khawr Fakkan massif near the northern end of the Semail Ophiolite, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), metamorphosed at 800–850°C and 6.5–9 kbar. The galaxite shows approximately 35% solid solution of hausmannite, similar to that reported for jacobsite and franklinite whereas the solid solution of galaxite in hausmannite is maximally 7%. The assemblage of tephroite-hausmannite and hausmannite-galaxite indicates a restricted log fO2 of-9 to-11 which is outside the stability of braunite under similar physico-chemical conditions. The modal abundance of the minerals and bulk rock chemistry indicate that the present assemblage was formed from the breakdown of Fe-poor braunitess+hausmannitess.  相似文献   

Coastal uses and other human activities have inevitably impinged on the Gulf environment; therefore, these regions require continuous monitoring. The investigated area covered the maximum fragments of Dubai coastal region in the Arabian Gulf. The determination of major oxides and trace metal concentrations in Dubai sediments revealed three heavily and moderately contaminated regions. One is in the far northeastern part at Al-Hamriya Sts 1–3 and contaminated by Fe, Cu, Pb, and Zn; the second is in the mid-northeastern part at Dry Docks and contaminated by Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn; and finally, the third is in the near southwestern part at Dubal and contaminated by Fe, Mg, Cr, Ni, and Zn. Al-Hamriya St 3 represented the highest values of Cu, Pb, and Zn, whereas Dubal exhibited the maximum values of Fe, Mg, Ba, Cr, Mn, Ni, and V. The anthropogenic discharge and natural deposits are the main sources of contamination. In general, all trace and major elements showed the minimal levels at Jebel Ali Sanctuary (Sts 11, 12, 13) except for Sr and Ca, which showed their maximum values. The highest concentrations of Ca and Sr are mainly attributed to carbonate gravel sands and sands, which cover most stations. Each of V and Ni showed negative correlation with TPH, which may be indicated that the source of oil contamination in the region is not related to crude oil but mostly attributable to anthropogenic sources. The significant positive correlation, which was found between trace metals and TOC indicates that organic matter plays an important role in the accumulation of trace metals in case of Cu, Zn, and Pb.  相似文献   

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has experienced an unprecedented growth which is coupled with the increase in seismic activity in the surroundings. Previous studies presents significant variations in their results whereas some recent studies although very detailed focus on only few cities. This study reviews the results of previous studies and presents new findings for the whole of UAE based on the improved source model and use of next generation attenuation (NGA) equations. The peak ground accelerations, spectral accelerations and deaggregation of hazard for major cities are presented. Moreover, the breakdown of the range of mapped spectral accelerations (S 0.2 and S 1) is proposed to form the basis for the development of site amplification factors in subsequent studies. The results of this study indicate almost similar values of ground motion compared to some recently published studies and smaller values compared to some earlier studies.  相似文献   

Wyss  Max  Al-Homoud  Azm S. 《Natural Hazards》2004,32(3):375-393
We estimate the losses due to 10 scenario earthquakes in 150 settlements of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). For southern Iran, we use four source zones and the maximum magnitudes in them as determined by GSHAP (7.2 M 8.1). For six local scenario earthquakes, we use the range 5.5 M 6.5, place the sources mainly on mapped faults and vary the distance to major cities from 10 to 60 km. In the test case of the Masafi earthquake (M5, 11 March 2002), the method and data bank we use yield the correct results, suggesting that our approach to the problem is valid for the UAE. The sources in Iran are expected to cause only minor damage, except for an M8.1 earthquake in the Makran region. For such an event we expect some deaths, several hundred injured and a loss of 3–6% of the value to the building stock in the northeastern UAE, including Oman. The losses for local scenarios with epicenters in the unpopulated areas of the UAE and for scenarios with M < 5.8 are estimated to be minor. Because the two major mapped faults run through several of the large cities, scenarios with short epicentral distances from cities have to be considered. Scenarios with M6 near cities lead to estimates of about 1000 ± 500 deaths, and several thousand injured. Most buildings are expected to be damaged to a moderate degree and the loss to buildings is estimated around 1/4of their value. If the magnitude should reach 6.5, the losses to humans and to building value could be staggering. These estimates are approximate because: (1) there exists no local seismograph network that could map active faults by locating microseismicity; (2) there exist no historically old buildings that could serve as tests for effects due to strong ground motion in the past; (3) there exist no microzonation of the subsurface properties in this region of unconsolidated building ground; (4) there exist no detailed inventory of building fragility. Nevertheless, our conclusion that there exists a substantial seismic risk in the UAE is reliable, because our method yields accurate results in the cases of earthquakes with known losses during the last several decades in the Middle East.  相似文献   

The thermal behavior of selected limestones from representative localities of the United Arab Emirates is investigated for their suitability for soft-burnt lime production. The limestone samples were collected from the Ghalilah, Musandam, Shauiba, Muthaymimah, Dammam and Asmari formations. The samples were characterized for petrography, mineral and chemical composition, together with physico-mechanical characteristics. Investigative methods included transmitted light microscopy (TLM), cathodoluminescence (CLM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as X-ray micro-tomography (μ-CT), XRD, XRF and Archimedes method. The limestone samples were fired in an electrical muffle furnace for 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 hours at 800, 900, 1,000 and 1,100 °C. After firing the lime grains were tested to determine their hydration rate and microfabric. The Ghalilah and Musandam limes show the lowest and highest maximum hydration rates, respectively, due mainly to the impure nature of the former, and the smaller lime crystallites and dominance of post-calcination micro-cracks of the latter. The Dammam and Asmari limes preserve a “ghost” microfabric of the original limestone. Higher allochem contents impose lower activation energy requirements for calcination, which implies earlier calcination of the allochems. The Musandam, Shauiba and Muthaymimah limestones may be useful for the production of reactive soft-burnt lime under the applied firing conditions, however, the Dammam and Asmari limestones need more advanced calcination conditions than the applied ones. The Ghalilah limestone was found to be unsuitable for the production of lime.  相似文献   

Fifteen stations (st) were selected along Dubai coastal region to delineate the distribution and the source of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls. The concentrations of TPH fluctuated between 2 μg g −1 and 48018 μg g −1 and the values of TOC were in the range of 0.16–5.9 wt%, while TPAHs ranged from 0.09 μg g −1 to 161.72 μg g −1. On the other hand, TPCBs showed values between 0.8 μg kg−1 and 93.3 μg kg−1 and TKN values varied from 218 μg g−1 to 2457 μg g −1. Distribution of oil and organic compounds in Dubai sediments are safe compared with previous studies except for limited areas at the northeastern offshore. These readings are probably due to: (1) presence of commercial or industrial ports, dry docks and fishing harbours and (2) population centers mainly concentrated at the northern part of the study area. Results indicate that TOC can be used as indicator of oil pollution only in heavily oiled sediments. The highest values of TOC, TPH, TPAHs and TPCBs corresponded to the stations covered with fine sand, due to adsorption properties and larger surface area. The evaporation of low boiling point compounds from surface layers led to enrichment of sediments with the thick residual. Al-Hamriya St 3 exhibited the highest values of TPH, TOC, TPAHs and TPCBs and the second highest value of TKN.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of a laboratory experimental program performed on limestone rock samples, using both physical and mechanical methods. The studied rocks (Simsima Formation, Upper Cretaceous) can be classified as highly ferruginous and highly fossilliferous limestone. The lower part of the Simsima Formation contains common fauna such as Orbittoids, rhodolithic and rudists, whereas the upper part of the limestone is interbedded with conglomerates. Detailed geological, petrographic in addition to physical and mechanical tests were carried out on some representative samples from the Faiyah area, aiming at getting a better understanding of the important properties of these rocks. It is shown that the uniaxial unconfined compressive stress is the controlling factor of classification of the Faiyah limestone.  相似文献   

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